The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 28, 1894, Image 4

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1119 POSITION. Col. Hay was asked by the Aubtis to say whether he was or was not a populist. He sal I: “I claim to be a better democrat than Cleveland, but a lose will srii'dl as sweet by any other name. 1 vote an open ticket, and the people will see how I vote. I have expected relief through the democratic party for twenty years and they have gone in power only to disappoint me. I will make a speech here in the near fit litre and slate my position. v We think lie will in the l'utmo affliate with the populists COUNTY LINK. Mr. Editor: You vviii l ave to iook over toe foi delay m venting i <i\i -ee there >ire so ilA o 3 car.di jato s? and they sre 50 frierdiy and they love to tail: an 1 you baye to listen to th r. or pure cUj cid ib?n ioa; \ h• ;rm ar.d keep up the corner: ther. 1 s -,oi much i:n.( kit to .v.iiu Put then we tuiu h * otti fr.ur.ds t.i <j..iZic to see 1 * * ifcit mcj hii*l tx lal i 1 1 a;t 1 tiureday night and a good laif* Jacl fiigbit e<> *v c aio bleat. Uuj giOUiid is too Wet to p]o VS I,'uj £j Je beginning to look like make bread Mrs. Stubs wen* to Griffin Saturday and came back yesterday and reports dry weather in Griffin, i hoard one man say thin morning that Tom Watson was the best speaker in the world. Some think that the third party will “*ho’ get therethis time but I expect to live long enough to vote tor government ownership cf rail roads, 1 think that is the weakest thing I ever neurd smart men get up. It is as much my privilege to take stock in railroads as it is in land or rnule9. Some man will ride into office on that horse. The idea is to get there and whtn they get there they say they will turn this government right side out, hut I think 11 will take a long time for them to get there. It seems that our country is in a bad fix, but who put it there? we done it ourselves the old cotton done it, it looks like no will have to jot t hog or die poor. This country can he inde pendent in five years if they would. We can raise everything that we need il we would, every tnan can’t get into office every man can run but somebody will be left. If not who will plow? somebody must till the soil, that's what feeds the world. Well, it just keeps raining. The grass is showing itself everywhere, the farmer will have to work the crop until August hut if we can get a good crop it will he all r ; ght and then get a fair price for cotton we can live. June 25,1894. Stubs. THE A, H, C OF FINANCE. In a recent discussion of financial affairs with two prominent business men of Jackson, I was met with the frank confession that they did not and could not understand the money ques tion. Now, my dear sir, believing that this feeling is akin to that feeling cf despair :ha* overcomes the school boy not yet cut of arithmetic, when he happens to open a book on trigo nometry and beholds that array cf figures headed table of Logarithms. rather than t o any inherent difficulty of the subject and that this feeling is largely by that disposition on the part of cur high priests of fi nance, to cloths thesubjectin uuinteli gible jargon, which was so humorcnsly desciibed recently by Mr. Norwood in hi? criti isin of the democratic sil ver plank, and that there is a further movement recently put on foot by the assoc’ated banks to take the matter entirely out of the hands of the people by referring it to a committee of bankers, half democrats and half re publicans. lam impelled to make an effort to strip this question of the technicalities and absurdities thrown around It so that only what is know n as common sense shall be needed to understand it. Then the common people understanding the question will resist any attempts on the part ot the high priests to take the man agement out of their hands. I assert, Mr. Editors, that the masses in the present state of civilization are only concerned about two functions of money. (I purposely avoid the use of the word qualities as this latter im plies inherent or intrinsic character istics.) These functions are its pur chasing power, and its debt paying power. Its exchangeability, and by that term I mean those methods by which domestic is converted into for eign money and a profit made upon the operation,is and has been chiefly the interest ami province of the money changers, and the high priests from the time of Christ to the preseut day, with this definition I shall discuss this latter phase of the subject and confine mr attention to tlie two first mentioned functions in which the great common peojle are most vitally interested. Now desiring as Ido to influence the minds of serious and candid men, and conscious that no weight can he given to this argument by my own unsupported dictum, I prefer not only to withhold my own name from the public, which would be influential only in a narrow circle, hut to let the argument depend for its influence entirely upon its sincer ity and truth, as well as upon the weight ot recognized authority that I may be able to bring to bear in sup port of it. Returning to the question I further assart that tbe purchasing power of money is controlled solely by the quantity in circulation and that the material of is made, or its quality has nothing to do with its purchasing power. In support of this I offer you the following authori ties with this explanation that where ever they use the term “value’* or “exchange value” they mean its purchasing power, and designate thereby a function and not a quality. The small capitals arc mine: “If you increase or lessen the qjan tity of money current in traffic in any place then the alteration of value is in the money.”—John Locke. “It is not difficult to perceive that it is the total quantity of money in circulation in any country which de termines what portion of that quanti ty shall exchange for a certain por tion of the goods or commodities of that country.”— David Hume, theHis toi iau “1 1 ibe quantity of pur chat ea lie si lkies increase wkiie the cuai-rviirof money remains the same tr.e value of the mecey increases it: tie earr.e rad. —FrcHTr “lit- value of money cibei tk'ugs the same v a ties tcvcisciy as its e / t*. iv, 'ihU'tase'C-i xiit mwtuiug ike aiiibiiiiU every ua (.trrilDC lai-ilig it ill U ioitO equivalent ’ —John Stcaki Mil t. 1 lie Vane of money in any .oun~ tiy is determined by the amoun 1 ex isting. Thai commodities will rise or fall in proportion tot..e increase or diminution of money, I assume as a fact that is incontrovertible.”—llica hdo. “Even in f he case of inetalic cu rrency, the immediate agency in determining ts value is its quantity.” —John Stuart Util. “The value of mouev is in the in verse ratio of its quantity ibe supply of commodities remaining the same.” —Sir James Graham. “If the value of all other commodi ties in relation to gold ri-es and falls as their quantities increase or di minish the value of gold in relation to commodities must lise and fall as its quantity is diminished or increased.” —Torrcn’s work on Political Economy. “The exchange value of any partic ular coin will vary in exactly inverse ratio ',O the variations in quantity of the aggregate.” —Prof. Sidgwick, of Cambridge University. As these articles will be continued. Mr. Editors, until either the subject or jour patience is ex ;austed, I will conclude for the present. America. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This medicine is beeomingso popu lar and well known as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise.—A purer mediciued does not exist and it is guarantee to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Boils, Pimples, Salt Rheum and other affections caus ed by impure blood. —Wifi drive Ma laria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial Fevers—For cure of Headache, Constipation, and Indigestion try Electric Bitters -rEn iire talisfactiou guaranteed, or money refunded. —Price 50c and $1 a bottle at Pv. G Bryans & Co's. Drug Store. PLATiTUDINOUS PONDEROSITY In promulgating ycur esthetic cog itation? or articulating ycur super ficial sentimentalities and amicable philosophical orphysiologicai observa tions beware of platitudinous pon derosity. your conversational communications possess a clarified conciseness, a compact comprehensi bleuess; a coalescent consistency and a concatenated cogency. Eschew all conglomerations of flatulent garrulity jejune bablcment and assine affection. Let your extemporaneous descantlngs and unpremeditated expectations have inteligibility and veracious vivacity, without rodomontade and or thrason ical bombast. Seduously avoid all polysillabic profundity, sitacious ba cinity, ventriloquil verbosity, and yc niliquent rapidity. Shun double in tendrous pestiferious profanity ; ob scurant or apparent. In other woids talk plainly, briefly, sensibly, natu rally, truthfully, purely; keep from slang; don’t put on airs; say what you mean ; mean what you say and don’t use big words. JULY FOURTH RATES. Agents of the East Tennessee, Vir ginia & Georgia Railway will sell tiskets at one and one third the regular fare for the round trip on account of Fourth of July. Tickets will he sold on July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th good to return on the 7th. Call on nearest railroad agent for fur ther information, or write to C. A. DeSanssure, D. P. A., Memphis, Tenn. J. J. Farnsworth, I). P. A., Atlanta, Ga. L. A. Bell, D. P. A., Selma, Ala. J. H. Sutton, D. P. A. Chatteuooga, Tenn. B. W. Wrenn, G. P. A., Knoxville, Tenn. TWO LIVES SAVED. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, HI., was told by her doctors she had Consumption and there was no hopes tor her, but two bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Tlios. Eggars, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold approaching consump tion, tried without result everything else then bought one bottle of Dr. King’s New Discoveiv and he was cured in two weeks. He is naturally thankful. It is such results, of which these are samples that prove the won derful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottius at E G Bryansk Co’s Drag Store Regular size 50c and ft. PUBIIC SPEAKING- Robert Whttneld, democratic caniidata foi the nomination for con gress, w:d speak at the court house on I Saturday next, at 2 o'clock p. m. THE WHALING CLUB. On Monday morniug, June 18th, 1894, the day looked forward to with such pleasurable anticipation by the young people, there might have b-e 1 seen wending their way along the road be tween Jackson and Lamar’s Mill thejol liest crowd of boys and girls to be found in Middle Georgia. After the numerous little mishaps attendant upon a fishing excursion, and a great deal of fun deriv ed from bantering remarks made o a certain young couple, we as rived in safe ty at the riyer where camp life begin in earnest. The first thing that occupied the at tention of the young men was the pitch ing of ihe two large tents white the girls were ruralizing ar,d poet.zing cn ma picturesque scenery cf the Ocmaigee riv er. This they ii i until the beys, whose superhuman exertions 0: tb v.t morning had developed in them appetites that startled 21 1 . ~*ina:.t, manifested much uneasiness &s to the lorth . Tu rn: Then, tut attention of ihe girl? -as at is acre a towards tne iunJa baskets and they began to oßt tne tabic with Jure and, dispatch taking advantage ci So favorable an oppcitrinity to show what excellent house-keeper* they might some day prove themselves to he. Alter partaking of the sumptuous repast spread by their dainty hands, the even ing was spent in ways characteristic of the various individuals oomjofing the party. Of the next few days it is impossible to give a graphic description. The time being spent in rowing, hunting bathing and fishing, while a decided inteiest in Bertha Clay was developed in both sexes. Mr. Bib Lyons endeavoring to play the agreeable, distinguished himself by the number of engagements hecontriv ed to have on hand at onetime. But Mr. Farid was the one to he depended upon for he was on hand in every emer gency. About twilight while resting ourselves from the active sports of the day, the mellodious soprano voice 01 Miss Lilly Hightower might nave been heard borne on the still evening air to the distance of a mile up the river, charming our wear ied senses with her expressive render ing of “Sinner Done Sinned and I Feel Like a Feather in tne Air,” If it would be asked who was the ju venile member of the party, the reply Hitching, whose gallan try put even Mr. Farill to shame. If any of us had entertained any fears of drowning we would have soon discov ered them tc be groundless, under the protection of Miss Carrie McCall um and Rose Bud Hitching, whose proficiency in swimming put the professionals to NOTICE!! NOTICE! NOTICE! Tbese are Some of tie Prices -YOU CAN BUY DRUGS OF w, L. Carmichael Gaii and get prices of other goods. S- S. !i. snaii per bottle 680, oict price fi uO. 6. 5- S- large per bettie Jjd..lS, “ “ fi 75. Rocs Lner Neuralgia and nheutnatic cure small 85c, cid price 50 c Rocs’ Liver Neuralgia and Rheumatic cure large 68c, “ “ SI.OO. School Crayons per box sc. ola price IGe Note psper, good, per quire 5c “ “ iOe. Envelopes per packedge sc, “ “ 10c. Green’s August Flower, good for dyspepsia, 45c, old price 75c. Boschee’s German Sirup for croup 45c, old price 75c. Lawrence’s Liver Midicine large 35c, old price 50c. Lawrence’s Liver Medicine small 13c, “ “ 25e. Porous Plasters 10c, old price 25c. Pills per box 15c, old price 25c. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial small 350, old price 50c. McLean’s Strengthening Cordial large 68c, old price SI.OO. Sarsaparilla per bottle 65e, old price SI.OO. Sarsaparilla “ “ 50c “ “ 75m McLeuu’s Livec and Kidney Balm 681*, old price SI.OO. White Oil Liniment 33c, old price 50c. Iron Tonic 67c, old price $1 00. Certain Catarrh Cure always on hand. W. L. CARMICHAEL. We aie Still at Ihe Bottom. Don t Forget the Place ! R. G. BRYANS & CO. head lira Gash Prims ait lata for Enfmcs. Iron Tonic. 40 & 60c. Regular Price 75 & 100. Castoria 25e. “ 35 Cough Syrup 12. “ 25 Wine Cardui 66. “ 1.00 Kenduhs Spavin Cure 66. “ 100 Simmona Liver Regulator 15. “ 25 Black Draught 15. “ 25 S. S. S. 67- & 1.16 1.00 & 1*75 Mother’s Friend 1.05 “ 1.50 P. &W. Morphine 30. “ 50 Sarsaparilla 71. “ 100 Pierces Golden Med., Dis , 71 “ 1.00 “ Favorite Prescnptions69. “100 “ Pellett’s 15. “ 75 Bradfields Female Regu!ator69 “ 100 Aletris Cordial 69 “ 1.00 Peruna .71 “ 100 Pills .15 “ - .25 Cotieuia Soap .18 “ 25 “ "Salved “ 50 Browns Iren Bitters .7i 1 00 Soothing Syrup .18 “ 2-5 Bradyorotine .55 ‘ -30 ; Brewers Lung Restorer-60 *• iOO E. 0. BRYANS & CO- shams, and we thought it safer to risk drowning than to be within distunceof a shot from a gun in the hands of Miss Nellie Higgins or Miss l enie Kendrick The interest manisested in hunting by these young ladies was wcndeiful to be* hold. Another source of wonder to us was tGe persistency with which Misses Myi tice Peaw and Carrie Ilitchius haunted the mill with the vain hope each time they weighed that they had gained another poind. The many visitors to our camp were charmed with the dignity and grace that characterized Miss Rivers in her role as hostess. \Yt could but tee! grateful to Messrs, Nutt aud strange who as the ushermc-n, kept us vreii supplied v.xth the one thing i.eeuiui—fish — , Miss Asn:s Nutt might- be seen re- I mining : r. a hammock, her attention con ccntrated in - rccct inf nesting novel. 0; all the arras&tneuta '-iisse? Fuhie Beii and Ciy: e McGuiiuni .veemed to de rive the most pleisure from coat riding. But Air Higgins contributed most o oar pleasure in the form of ginger-snaps, chewing gum, stick candy and oilier delicacies so palatable to aha fair sex. i L.\st but not least comes Mr. Billie Wi.iaut to whom we all paid tribute due, for liis great skill in eulin ry matters, i could be proven by tlie sight of boys ana I girls rushing from all parts of the island at Ihe sound of the dinner horn. These who participated in the pleas ures both as members of the immortal Whaling Club and as visiters were : Misses May Rivers, Lillie Hight ower, Clyde McCallum, Nellie Higgins, Carrie Hitchins, Cariie McCallum, Myrtis Peavy, Fenie Kendrick, Annie Nutt, Sadie Bell, Rose Bud Hitchins. Messrs, a. G. Hitchins, W. H. Hig gins, C. I). Farill, J. R. Lyons. CAN YOU WRITE? 7f you can we will give you a FOUNTAIN PEN FEEE. Carried in pocket. Always ready for use. The holder is of hard rubber perfectly formed and fiui-hed; The Feed is of the most approved pattern, (the same used in a pen costing $2 00,) insuring an even tiow and no leakage. The point will write and last, nearly as long as gold. Each pen Is fiilled with the best ink and tried before sent, out. NOW FOR THE PLAN. •Send us 25c in lc and 2c stamps or silvei, for a half year’s subscription to Virginia, a beautifully illustrated , 24 page monthly magazine, with excellent infor mationtor the office parlor, bedroom, din ingroom, kitchen, faun and garden, with just wit and humor enough to drive away ihe blues. /bon’t put it off hut write today and you will have both the pen and magazine promptly. Mddress. VIRGINIA PUBLISHING CO., RICHMOND, VA. Mustang Liniment 18 36 &71 for merly .25.50 & 1.00 Best Ahoe Pollish .7 .17 18. “ 10.25 Felonias Cordial .61 “ 1.00 Royal Germature .70 “ 1.00 Sulphur Salts & Copperas sc. Davis Pain Killer .19 “ .25 Lemon Elixir .39 & .69 “ .50 & 1.00 Best XXX Envelopes .5 “ .10 Huckleberry Cordial .19 “ .25 Electric Bitters 41 “ 75 4oz Vaseline 5 “ 10 St Jacobs Oil 26 Household Ammonia 10 “ 25 Allcocks Porous Plasters 9 “ 25 Strengthening Plasters 8 “ 25 Belladonna “ 8 “ 25 Capsicum “ 8 “ 25 Parkers Hair Balsam 35 “ 50 Teethina 13 “ 50 Radways Relief 36 “ 50 S/rap Fig* 36 -k 69 “ 50 i i.OO Rsw Linseed Q‘‘* SO Belied els Is as safe and harmless as a flas seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice* drawing out fever and pain, and curing sli pfcuiisi "Grange Blossom" ;* a 'die, essil 7 used at any time? it Is applied eight to the _ parts. Every lady can treat hers *ls Truh it, biailcd to any t'**- i3r ; j it. jwicGili i&CGc psncrsrna tdaci** ~CiniP**igQ # _eWt Sold by I)R. W- L. CARMICHEAL- ~*OE nil. HEALING Of The NATIONS— j IBOUlMMgalllli JOs\ THE GREAT SOUTHERN REMEDY FOR < w) All Skin and Blood Diseases] r,lt purifies, builds up and enriches j the blood, and never fails Wxl to cure the most inveterate 5} BLOOD AND SKIN DIS &l EASES, if directions are fol j§ lowed. Thousands of grate ful people sound - its praises and attest its virtues. for Book of Won derful Cures, sent free on ap plication. If not kept by your local druggist, ] send si.oo for large bottle, or $5.00 ; for six bottles, and medicine will be ] sent, freight paid, by BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. ] 4Ki A VETERAN’S VERDICT. The War is Ove.\ A Well-known Sol dier, Correspondent and Journal ist Mai es a Disclosure. Indiana contributed her thousands of brave soldiers to the wa ?, and no state bears a bet ter record in that respect than it does. In literature it is rapidly acquiring an enviable place. In war and literature -oiornon Yewell, well known as a writer as So! has won an honorable position. Dur ing the late war he was a member of Cos. M, •?ci. .n Y- Cavalry ana of the l-3th Indiana In aniry Volunteers. Regarding an important rirourcstance he writes as follows: ‘ Several of us old veterans here are using Df._Mjles‘ Nervine. Heart Curs mci ii'sr”-? ano l iver Pills, all of them giving spier did sat it* ction In fact, we have never vsi remedies that compare with them.. Of the- Ailis v _ roost say they are the best com bination -of the qualities required in a prep on ; nor. of their nature we have evei known ~'e fcav- none cut words of praise lor them, i’hey arc the outgrowth of anew principle in medicine and tone tip the system wonder fuiiy VTe say to aii. try these remedies- 1 ' —Solomon Ycweii. Marion. Ind . Dec- 5,1893. Xnoss tcmeaies are sola by airdruggists on a posiiive guarantee; or sent direct by the Dr Aires Medical Cos, Elkhart, Ina. : on re of price §i per bottle, six bottles $5, ex pr:,s-- prepaid t hey positively contain neither opiates not dangerous drags. For Sale by W. L. CARMICHAEL and R. G, BRYANS & CO. Fojfy f \foSTIVERESS dyspepsia I Mjmmm \ S/cm or tND/GESTJON WSMW \ N urYnKrue Biliousness \ Jaundice Sourness fmL ass of Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness And Signature qfM.A.Thedford on FliontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedforp Med.®* THE STANDARD. DURANG’S Rheumatic Remedy Has sustained its reputation for 18 years as being the standard remedy for the quick and permanent cure of Rheuma tism, Gout, Sciatica, etc., inall its forms. It is endorsed by thousands of Physi cians, Publishers and Patients. It is purely vegetable and builds up from the first dose. It never fails to cure. Price is one dollar a bottle, or six bottles for five dollars. Our 40-page Pam phlet sent Free by Mail. Address, tag's Rheumatic Remedy Cos. 1316 L Street, Wastilngton, D. C. Dvrang's Liver Lilia are the best on earth. They act with an ease that makes them a household blessing. mot 25 CTS. PER BOX, or 5 BOXES FOR 91- FOR BALI BT DRUGGISTS. tWhat Nerve Berries have done for others OF MEN Quickly and Permanently Restored, soth day. A positive cure for ail Weaknesses, Nervousness Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors and iatsr excesses; the result of ere. nSrfc, ilckseta rvarary, ate- Develops and s*ve3 tezre end strcmtrtfe to the sexual or- SE—3- . tsr:r.r:iui-ai lessee or nifiilly Ue v C'TITCZ'S CT OH' —vT" t e c ‘ tccecce, c-ic3 and li^ecr _*.nicn igcu to ocr;-r- end iraseiaiSy. *ce’.r jicwsimmcmatoimprovement. Accept ro Imitation. Insist uper having the gtnoirre otter. Convcn -11 Crl *t i i lent to entry in vest pocket Price. fhCO per box. tis boxes, one full *ari3nrcTiiood* ctsrc gd7 21 ho: kept fcj* 7CHT drorglat vrs sen* then: by mail, upon receipt os price. In plain wreo- Addrost ell mat: orders to A2RSBIICAIf TU.. 'JfirefnnrvoS, O Itr sale l>y Us- W L Cares*efcasT* King: of all j! Light Weight and L. Superior .' . j Rigidity. Every Ma- \u and Sclcnlific Work- |j chine fuiiy warranted ? • rja?i f hip. _ '! ..Mt k wIPW# -■- ■. StyfeS V y fljfittvl RiiilitlO UI til v rt el Id o L* iilmmili ; *ll t > j--.,. IlL.t monarch , Rsti-h Saissmsa. *£■; v, aca.,h -r. c Lifc.t sr.a liiil-ri .il U- < ilhl.idti. it i. MALLARY BROTHERS & CD, Macon, G-eorgia, REMEMBER WE ARE STILL HEADQUARTERS FOR Engines, Mere, Em Mills, Hiss fa ton, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Please do not be persuaded into buying anything in our line before writing us for prices. MALLARY BROS. & Cos, MACON, GA. FANCY GROCERIES! E. G. GILMORE & HENGELY, May's Sleek- Ifeni iisnr t© iiirsry Stable 6x Street- Everything kept fresh, ne&t .and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to cull onus. W* keep country raised potatoes ana unions, in fact-, ii kinds of country raised Vegetables We deliver aii goods free, and orders are promptly filled in a business like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of ell kinds on hand at all times Pure coacocolaon hand all the summer, as good as can be found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade and we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8. 1894 MEPHISTO RING 25c New and most astonisbinK op tical illusion and a BKACTIrtL VUKKR RING. Hade of two twisted bands of Rolled Gold and Silrer. Turn It—the bands appear to parti Lay It down— they seem to fall apart If Inspect It—you nave a per fect rlngrlll All the rage; over 1,000,000 sold in two months at 75c. We send sample with large catalogue, for 25cents postpaid. 1 Dozen $2.00. INSURANCE WATCH CO., 186 8. Belated Street, Chicago, 111. §lB KARAT <£l QQ GOLD PLATE CUT THIS OCT and lend It to oa with your full Dame and audr*A ami we will send yon examination. A fnairantee for find U equal to watcbe* sold lar better than ever advertised dre*s Insurance wat ch 126 Haisted stree *> run on Ltiesc 1,.. c - CONTRACTORS NOTICE. An>’ prison wanting first-class work, hv a workman of 20 years experi?,uC3 in stone or bri k, such as dams built, blast ins: where dytia mite is used, or in ail suck work as ook houses or piers, Call on G. W. Watkins, Decl-lyr Jack?™, Ga. ..THE.. ELDREDGE “B” A strictly high-grade Family Sewing Machine, possessing all modern improvements. Guaranteed Equal to the Best Prices very reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer and make comparisons. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURES CO. REi-ViPERE? ii-D --— ....... . -wyrng- Harp sells fresn meats of ail kinds, You can get NICE SUNDAY PANTS at Toe up to $5.00 at COHEN'S.