The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, July 19, 1894, Image 2

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THE ARBUS. M. J. HAIino.H A J . ii. Hit-DONALD, Editors and Publishers. /-.ntered at the Postoffice ut\Jackson as second class mail mutter. H'ET.ISHED EVERY THURSDAY. lackftoii, <iu., July l, 18|. ONK i)Oi.LAR PER ANNUM. TUBA, 11, C OF FI .VANCE. My dear Columbia, your sssump tion that I had oveilooked the law of supply and demand as a factor regulating the purchasing power of money arises only born the fact that you failed to take in the fail meaning jf my financial axiom, that quantity is the sole factor reg ulating purchasing power, which I will maintain. All quantity is rel ative. We speak of a large or small man and the idea is made clear by having the average man as a stand ard of comparison. Now if the average standard of size should he raised, the largeness of the man for merly considered large would be di minished. If the average remained unchanged, tlie large man by sick ness could 1 e made smaller. Thus you see N-ize has beer, changed in two ways, first by changing the standaid to wh ; ch all men are rela ted, second by an absolute change in the man himself. So in speak ing of the quantity of money it is always with reference to the busi ness needs. That is the standard by which we judge ot its largeness or smallness. When large prices are inflated, when small they are repressed, and when normal prices are maintained at a steady level and aslsupfosed this so well under stood, 1 did not deem it neccessary to elaborate it, especially as all the authorities quoted by me allude to it, However, lam glad you made the point, as it serves to emphasize and bring out more clearly the po sition J take Now take the case you cite when the large cotton crop is raised what realy happens? Not that the demand is lessened, and therefore the price decreased, (for there has never been enough cotton toßUpply the demand) hut the quantity of money in proportion to the needs of business has been de creased and therefore the price di minished. It the volume ol money had been absolutely increased as business demanded, the price would be maintained instead of declining. If t,he money had been absolutely increased beyond business needs, prices would have been inflated in spite ol the larger supply of cotton. So from any point of view you see quantity is the controlling factor. Now as to your contention for the intrinsic yalue theory you must ex cuse me if I say you have not made out your case, until you offset the authorities quoted in support of my position by equally good ones, and until you explain the case of the Bank of Venice, 1 shall consid er your assertion that the theory is true because the practices of the world have been regulated by it from the time of Abraham down, as cnly on a par with the assertion made in ancient times that the world was flat because the practices of the world’s history had been reg uted by that theory. Yours lor truth, America. 8188 FOR BARTLETT. Bibb county democracy, in mass meeting assembled at noon yestciday, unanimously and unequivocally en dorsed Hon. Charles L. Bartlett to represent the Sixth congressional dis trict in the next congress of the United States. It was a large and enthusiastic meeting, composed of representative democrats, who met for the purpose of conferring a deserved compliment on Bibb’s gifted, brilliant and patri otic son in whom are embodied all the principles of truth and sound De mocracy and iu whose courage, inte grity and ability to fight for his con victions with great success aDd lastiug good the Democratic party they have tt.e most unfaltering confidence. The unanimous action ot the meet ing was nothing more than was ex pected, as Hon. Charles L. Bartlett is not only the choice of' Bibb county but ©f the people af the Sixth congres sional district, It was a spontaneous uprising of the people, and such a hearty endorsement of his home peo ple cannot fail to have good efleets on the people of the other counties of the district. The meeeting was called to order by Judge Gcroge W. Gustin, chairman ot the Democratic executn e committee of Bibb county, who said the first business before the meeting was the election of a chairman. By a unani mous vote lion. W. 11. Felton was elected, and on taking tlie staud Mr. Felton stated the object of the meeting. Judge A. L. Miller arose and intro duced the following resolutions: In times of political unrest and un easiness the people instinctively look for a leader in whose courage and wis dom they can confide. The Democrat ic parly of Georgia has doue well her partiu putting forward many of her bravest and wisest sons to shape the course of the Union along Democrtic lines. And today, as well as in the future, the Democratic party should summon to the front evert where fin* bravest and best, to face the foe, to win the tight for coustitufioual liberty and local self government, and at last to establish supremacy of Democratic doctrine in the American Uuion, net tor a single brief period, but for gen erations to come. The Democrats of the county ot Bibb, ever loyal to their party, tireless in their energy to per petuate the piosperity of their state and district, offer to the Democrats of the Sixth congiessional distiict, the name of a man for their leader in con gress, near and dear to every patriot in Georgia: one whom by birth and education is in strong, close and unal terable sympathy with the people, and who, knowing their rights, has at once the intelligence and undaunted courage everywhere to maintain them. His long legal training and his legis lative and judicial career have fur nished him with every weapon neces sary for legislative and forensic war fare: and an intelligent and close study f nat oual affairs, inspired by an ardent and sincere attachment for his people, has made him fit to shape legislation for his people’s prosperity. The Democrats or Bibb county, never faltering in their a’.leeianee standing for right, full oflove for their party, loyal to its interest, who have shown that they can make a sacrifice with she same devoted spirit with which they have rolled up then tre mendous Democratic majorities, offer the Democrats of the Sixth congres sional district their loved and honored son, Charles L. Bartlett as a candidate for Congress. Therefore resolved. the fol lowing gentlemen he appointed as del egates from the county ot Bibb t<< ti e ay proaching congressional convention to be held for the purpose of nominat ing a Democratic candidate for con gress from the Sixth congressional district, namely : Judge Clifford Anderson, C. B. Wil lingham, Dupont Guerry, W. H. Gor don, W. H. Felton, A. M. Woilhin, Washington Dessau, F. H. McGee, Ben L. Jones, Morris flapp, W. H. Lathrop, A. L Miller, L. B. Rhodes, Roland Ellis. P. J. Duffy, A. W. Lane, A. E Barnes, John Noon, R. V. H irde man, ami Dr. R. B. Bairon. And the said delegates are hereby Instructed to use all fair and honora ble means within their power to se cure the nomination of the Hon. Charles L. Bartlett. Resolved futher, that each of said delegates is authorized to appoint and alternate in the event he should be from any cause prevented from at tending said convention in person. After the reading of the resolution Judge Miller paid the] following high tribute to Judge Barllet: In moving the adoption of the res olution Judge miller spoke as fol lows : “Mi Chairman and Fellow umo crats: The old county of Bibb, througout the length and breadth of the state is recognized as the stronghold of (he Democracy in Georgia. From 1808 down to the present day the Demo crats of Bibb have faced the enemy with unbroken front. No . matter Vjhat enemy it has been that confront ed them, whether Republican or third party, that partyhas gone down in in glorious defeat before the heroe3 of the Bibb Democracy. I do not wish to unden alue the labors of the rank and file of the party in this county, but I will say that the party lias been well led , and for the past twenty years, standing in the very front rank of his party has been the man whose name has been presented to tins meeting today. HU name, his mere name, has been a rallying cry for the Democracy of this county—the name of Charles L. Bartlett is synouomou® with Democratic victory in Bibb county. He has with unshrinking courage, taken the lead, bared his breast and gives to the service of his party flic best of his talent and of his prosperity. He is an out spoken, able unshrinking man. He makes ene mies some times —all such men an— and on the other hand he makes friends who will never desert him. He is as a man a born leader of men ; frail and feeble in body, but with a heart like a lion; always ready to If a 1 and never called on io follow. He is a man that the Democracy of Bibb county can unite on. He is today the recognized leader of the Democracy of (his county. “We have had our differences ;u the party in the past, differences as to men as well as measures,but today we can come together on this one man. ‘ But a few weeks ago there were wide differences in tho gubernatorial canvass ; friend agai nst friend, father against son, brother against brother in that sharp short struggle. But today we cau lay all that aside and come to gether with united hearts on Charles L. Bartlet. There are differences among us now', both on the great econ omic questions and others. Men may differ as to what is best to be done to biiugback business and prosperity, but ou that one man, around that one name, we may bury our differences, because we cau feel confident he has the wisdom, intelligence and patriot ism to select that course of actiou if we send him to the next congress, to the best interests and good of the peo ple. “More than all that, and only one word more, with Bartlett as the standard-bearer of the party in the coming cougressional election, we can all honor him,- confident that in his leadership the Democratic party will lead to certain victory in 1894 “Mr. Chairman. I move for the unanimous passage of these resolu tions.” Hon. Hugh V. Wasingtou then arose and in a brilliant -ycech seconded th * resolutions. Mr. Washington’s speech was one charrcterist c of this eloquent gentleman and the high tr’buute he paid to Judge Bartlet was heartily in dorsed by those present. A motion was tjien made to substi tute the name of Judge A. L. Miller in the list of delegates for t hat of Mr. J. 11. Hall. The motion was car ried. Hon. N. E. Harris moved that a committee be appointed to notify Judge Bartlett of the action of the meeting and the chair appointed a committee consisting of N. E. Harris, Robert Hodges and Dupont Guerry to notify Judge Bartlett aud escort him into the court room. The committee retired and on tiuding Judge Bartlett escorted him in the coirl room amid the tumultuous applause of those assembled. After the long continued applause had subsided Chairman Felton slated that Judge Bartlet need ed no introduction to the audience, whereupon Judge Bartlet arose, and in the eloquent graceful and forcible manner of which he is noted. ANNOaNGEMENTS. All announcements are $5.00 payable in advance, and under no circumstances will we publish a candidate's announce ment until the fee is paid. So please do not ask it, but bring the money with your announcement. —Eds. For Congress. 7’he fiiends of Charlie Bartlett hereby announce him as a candidate for congress subject to the action of the Democratic party of the 6th Congressional District. For (representative. To the voters of Butts county: Upon the solicitations of many voteisfrom all parts of the county, I have consented to become a candidate for representative in the General Assembly of Georgia, subject to democratic nomination. Respectfully, J. A. MeJ/iehael. I hereby announce myself as a caadi dale for re-election to the (General Assem bly of Georgia from .Butts county, sub ject to the action of the Democratic party. 1 hanking the people of my county for their liberal support iu the past, 1 am, Four obedient servant, T. .1. DBA/PSE Y. For Sheriff and Deputy. We hereby anr,ounce ourselves as can didates, for Sheriff and Deputy Sheriff of Butts county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. J. H. ZAND, for I. It. J/ADDOX, for Tioput). jre are authorized to announce the name of J. O. Beauchamp as a candidate for sheriff with J. M. Crawford as deputy, subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held on the Ist day of Aug. Tax Collector. We are authorized to announce the name of O. E. Harmon as a suitable person for the democratic party t© nominate for the office of tax collector. His name is sub ject to the action of the democratic party. We are authorized to announce the same of Mr. isomer C. Clark as a candidate for the office of tax collector, subject to the action of the democratic party. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF BUTTS COUNTY. This is the first time I have ever asked the people to give me an office and my reasons tor placing myself before the pub lic for their suffrage are these: First, I am a poor man and a great por tion of the time I am not able to do farm work. I own no land and am compelled to eke out a scanty living for a wife and six small children as a renter. Second, I have suffered many hardships and misfortunes, among which was the loss of two wives and three children, and have recently had a great deal of sickness in my family, lam an old confederate soldier and while in the defense of my country contracted lheumatism from which lam a daily sufferer. I ask for the offiee of 2hx Collector and will be thankful for any favors extended to me by my friends. Respectfully, W. W. THAXTCLY Tax Receiver. We are authorized to auuounce the name of Mr. T. G. Preston as a candi date for the office of Tax Receiver subject to the action of the primary to be held August Ist 1894, to name a democratic candidate for that office. We are authorized to announce the name of Alex Saunders, jr,, for the office of lax Receiver, subject to tha action of the democratic primary to be held August Ist, 1894. We are authorized to announce the name of J. H. flam for the office of tax receiver, subject to the action of the dem ocratic party. We are authorized to announce the name of Mr. F. W. Gilmore as a candi date for the office of tax receiver subjeet to the action of the democratic party. Mr. Gilmore is a crippled ex confederate sol dier. We are authorized to announce the Dame of Mr. S. D. Thurston as a canda d&te for tax receiver subject to the action of the democratic party, H ; e are authorized to announce the name of M. M. Mills, sr., for the offiee of tax receiver, subject to the action of the demociatic party. Mr. Mills has been blind for several years, though he can see to write now. Mr. Mills served m the war between the states and in the Mexican war, but has never diawn any pension like others of both wars have done. B e are authorized to announce the name of W. A Mangham as a candidate for the office of tax receiver, subject to the ruiings of the democracy of Butts county. For Clerk. 1 berby announce myself as a candi date for clerk ot the Superior court ©f Butts county subject to the action of the democratic primary to be held Aug. Ist 1894. B. P. BAILEY. I hereby announce myself as a candi date for clerk of the Super or court of Butts county I am not drawn o t so much by the “solicitation of friends, as is so common among candidates, as 1 am by the necessity of a large family of chil dren aud a sickly wife to support. I place myself in the hands of the democratic party and will abide by the result of the primary election. David J. Thaxton. I hereby announce myßelf as a candi date foi Clerk Superior couit ot Butts county, having been solicited by many friends to do so, aud as I am an old vet eran of the late war and draw' no pension nor have ever applied for one, I would take it as a great favor if the democracy of the county through their action would favor me with the nomination. John (ZReak. far County Treasurer, i hertoy announce myself as a candidates for the re election to the office of county treasurer of Butts coumy subject to the action of the democratic party. T. L. WILLIAMS. We are authorized to announce the name of Unde Alex Wilkinson as a candidate for treasurer of Butts county subject to the action of the democratic party. We art authorized to announce the name of A. J. Roberts as a candidate tor the office of county Treasurer, subject to the action of the democratic primary ©n August Ist. FOR LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION GEORGIA —Butts County. 1 o all whom it may concern: Prudie L. Plymale having in proper foim applied to me for permanent letters of administiation on the estate ofR. B. Plymale, late of said county, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of R. B. Plymale to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why permanent administration should not begianted to Prudie L. Plymale on R. B, Plymale’s estate. Witness my hand and official signature, this, Ist day of June, 1894. J. F. CARMICHAEL, Ordinary. FOR GUARDIANSHIP. GEORGIA —Butts County. Whereas, J. M. Crawford, administra tor, cum testament© annexo, of A. M. Haikness, repiesents to the court in his petition, duly filed, that he has fully ad ministered A. Af, Harkness’s estate, this is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged from bis administration, and receive letters of dismission on the Ist il/onday in August, 1894. This, 26th of April, 1894- J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary. Jackson Buggies! -A. on ZEEancL During the last few weeks in which farmers have been \ so busily engaged on their farms, I have accu mulated an ample stock of IAOXBOH : J3F&&XSB. to supply any Reasonable demand from my Numerous Customers. So it you want an Extension Leather Top Phaeton or Surrey Canopy Top Phaeton or Buggy, In fact, if you want any kind of a vehicle tanging in price from $35.00 to $250.00, call on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FATORY and be j supplied. Respectfully, J. R. Carmichael. HP JIT|J To the desire for Mor- UkH I II fhine, Opium, Whis ky or Tobacco, Proof free. $5 to cure morphine or whisky habits ; $2 for curing tobaccs habit. Address. B, WILSON, Fleming, Texas. GUM ELASTIC ROOFINC Costs only $2.00 per 100 square fee*. Makes a good roof for years, and any one can put it on. Local Agents Wanted. Gum-Elastie Paint only GOe per galon inbbl. lots, or $4 50 for 5-gallon tubs. Color dark red. btops leaks in shingles, tin or iron roots, and lasts /or years Will ship at once cn receipt of price. Try it. Send stamp ior samples and full particulars. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING CO. <k 41 West Broadway, - New York. Fr Leave to Sell. G'A'ORGIA —Butt* county. To all whom it may concern: B F. B atkins administrator of Bed ford H. Darden, Jr. in his petitiou duly filed and entered on record, asks leave to sell the lands belongiag to the es-late of Bedford H. Darden, Jr. deceased, I will pass upon said application at my office in the town of Jackson, on the first Monday in August 1894. J F. Carmichael, This 30, Jane 1894. Ordinary. GEORGIA —Butt# county. To all whom it may concern: J. R. Carmichael administrator of li. C. Kinard, late of said county, deceased, in his petition duly filed and entered on rec ord, asks for leave to sell the lands be longing to the estate of B. C. Kinard, de ceased, this is to cite all and singular the creditors and heirs of B C. Kinard, to be and appear at my office at the .August term of the court of ordinary of said county and show cause if any they can, why an order should not be passed grant ing leave to sell the lands of said deceased as prayed for. Witness my official signature this the 2nd day of July 1894, J. F, Carmichael, Ordinary. FOR T ELVE SUPPORT. GEORGIA —Butts County. To all whom it may concern: It appearing to the court that the ap praisers appointed to set apart twelve month’s allowance for Pnulie L. Ply male, widow of It % B. Plymale, and her minor child, have set apart the same within thirty days from the date of the application and filed the same in ny office according to law, this is to cite all persons interested to show cause, if any they can, within the time prescribed by law, why such allow ance should not be confirmed. J. F. Carmichael, Ordinary. GEORGIA—Butts County. To all whom it may concern: 2he appraisers appointed to set apart to the minor children of Rebecce Harris, late of said county, deceased, have made and filed their returns in terms of law. This is to cite all persons concerned to show cause why said allowauce for twelve month’s support should not be granted to said minors on the Ist Monday in August, 1894. J. F Carmichael, Ordinary LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA —Butts County. Wheieas F. S. Etheridge, administrator of Columbus Burferd, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and entered on record, that he has fully administered Columbus Burford’s estate, this is, there> fore, to cite all persons concerned, heirs and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator shouldnot be discharged from the administration and receive letters of dismission on the first A/onday in September, 1894. This, June Ist 1894. J. F. Carmichael, 3-m Ordinary. Tfe* Ijqul RNiU . L OTMIEks in lbs Snutk. PRICE TO ALL . . MACON, . . L ] . . ATLANTA, . . W2-5i4 Cketry Street. , 39*41 Whitehall— i. W//&- Wait ]lot > be 8 I lie slork. Buy,,* F~ WATCHES. JEWELS! ER - - plrQnn (tA linOUII v J Ul South of Dempsey House —}j AC KSO NGA SHOES. We keep Shoes to fit everybody’s foot, fancy and pocKet book. Work shoes, Sunday shoes and holiday shoes, all for prices that cannot be duplicated. DRY MODS. Our line of Dry Goods is composed ot all the latest and most fashionable shades, and of qualities the best the markets of the world can aftbid. Come and see our beautiful line and be convinced that what we say is true. MILLINERY. We are the leading Milliners in Jackson, for the reason that we have a long and diversified experience. We have all kinds of hats in the very latest stvles, combining French and American prize designs. FANCY GROCERIES. Our line of shelf Groceries cannot be surpassed in piice and quality. Our Tobacco is so cheap that the people are surprised at the quality ot goods tvhn tried. We keep all kinds of snuff. Come to see us ami we will treat you right. L.R.CASON, Prop, ot THE .VARIETY STORE. dggfc TWO DAILY SOLID VESTIBULE TWAINS WIFM Pm&MBJV S&MM&MBS Georgia Florida. Leave Cincinnati by Q& C 7:00 P. M. 9:00 A. M. Arrive Atlanta, by E. T. V. & Ga., 11:10 A. M. 1:80 A. M. Arrive Macon “ “ 1:84 P. M. 4:48 A. M. Arrive Jacksonville, S. F. &W. Ry. .10:80 P. M. 1:18 P. M. Arrive Brunswick, E. T. V. &Ga ~. 8:80 P. M. 11 .89 A. M. Arrive Savannah,S. F. & W 9:47 P. M. 1Y:42 A. M. , B. W. WRENN, General Passenger Agenq DR. HATHAWAY & GO. _^SPECIALISTS^ (Begaiar Oraasatas ) _Ara tcu ieaiisg and most aaccsisful specialists sea "111 give you fce.p- CwClg CCJ mint' - die aged cr.cs. Remarkable ra \ suits have follow A and our treatmeat ÜBtttt iirflri tff iiaj ysaro ■9K; fui sxprieu H in the use of curs u,e lnet bod thar we “ IOK * own and control for ail dla ■•i.vv orUerbofman who weak. unde or dli “ ■jgSgSirlsSCMed organa, or MHHKgBWbo are guffcrln* j’ errors of SsEgMfcL- and exoeu ¥ ’aKSWBHBdior -&arc .■ . I£hHh|HS| * Imp. taut, IWKfaSßßafsa 1 * HHMBif.;!.* mwra of tl.oli 1 1 I cliowi and the i contempt of their friend, and eons panlon., lsads tu to guarantee to all patient*. If they can poaalblr be reitered, oar ovro oxelulve troateea will afford .t cm-., WOMKJf! Don’t you Want to get cured of tha j weakneu withs treatment that you can use a home without iaetrumentsf Our wonderful tree' ment has eured others, why not you? Try it CATABBH, and diseases of the gkln, Blood Heart, Liver and Kidneys, •TPHILIi-The most rapid, safe and effective remedy. A complete Cure Qaaraat.ed. axnr DISEASES of all kinds eured wfce- I many others have failed. inniATTHL BIBCHARe£S promptly enred In a few days. Quick, sure and safe. This Includes Gleet and Gonorhma. TRUTH AND FACTS. We have cured eases of Chrott'c Diseases the have faded to get cured at the hands of other spec.’** Ists and medleal Institutes. . MwaBEMEMHEB that there Is hope for You. Consult no other, as you may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at onoe. Beware of free and cheap treatments. We give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate prices—as low as can be done for safe and skillful treatment. FREE consultation at the office or by mall. Thorough examination and careful diag nosis. A home treatment can be given in a majority of cases. Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men; No. $ tor Women; No. 8 for Skin Diseases. All corre spondence answered promptly. Business strictly con fidential. Entire treatment sent free from observe tlon. Refer to our patients, banks and business men. Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO.. sa i-ff South Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA Go to Harp’s meat market for fretjh meats ofa 1 kinds. CAN YOU WRITE? Zf you can we will give you a FOUNTAIN PEN FREE. Carried in pocket. Always ready for use. The holder is of hard rubber perfectly formed and fini-hed; The Feed is of the most approved pattern, (the same used in * pen costing $2 00,*) insuring an even flow and no leakage. The point will write and last nearly as long as gold. Each pen Is fiilled with the be9t ink and tried before sent out. NOW FOR TflE PLAN, •bend us 25c in Ic and 2c stamps or silvei, for a half year’s subscription to Virginia, a beautifully illustrated, 24 paye monthly magazine , with excellent infor mationlor the office parlor, bedroom, din ingroom, kitchen, fa>m and garden, with just wit and humor enough to drive away the blues. -Z>on’t put it off but write today and you will have both the pen and magazine promptly. dddress. VIRGINIA PUBLISHING CO., RICHMOND, VA. W. L. Douglas CD CUAr 18 THE BEST. 9 fIVE. NO SQUEAKING, gjfc. And other speclaltle* for Gentlemen, Ladle*, Boy* 'Th and Misses are the Best in the World. See descriptive advertise- Hy-S —jL \ I ment which appears in this Taka no Substitute. Insist on having W. L. DOUGLAS’ SHOES, with name and price stamped on bottom. Sold by DR. J. W. CRUM. MLN, WOBKJi, Cau make tueuef rapidly doing a HO\s GIRLS few hours work. . _ each week at home. No can vasal it , nothing dif ficult or unpleasant. l*lan entirely new and original. Write us encles* ‘"EJtamp. THE AhLllll O HOME JOIRtAI,, 358 Dearborn Street. Chicago.