The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, July 26, 1894, Image 1

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'ALL home print. VOL XXII Ordinary—J. F. Carmichael, yherifl— J. O. Beauchamp, Deputy—J. W. Crawford. Surveyor—B. J. Jinks. Treasurer—T. L. Williams. Tax Collector—T. J. Cole. Tax Receiver--C. K. Carter. Coroner—Simon Hardy. Clerk Superior Court—Joe Jolly ; court 3rd Mondays in February and August. Road Commissioners— 615 G. M. J. L, Barkley, H. G. Asbury, T. O, Woodward ; 013 G # M., J, M. Ball. J, E. Hale, J. W, Fletcher; 009 G. M., J. W. Minter, J. L. Pye, S. K. Smith; Gl4 G. M., J. W. Holoway, J. H. Cole, J. Van Wright; 552 G. M., D. B, Moore, K. M. Harper, F. M. Maddox; 012 G. M. p W. O. Crawley, Cornelius McCluare, T. H. Noluh ; 010 G, M., T # P. Bell, It. M. Fletcher, J. G. Coldwell; 010 Q. M., J. 11. Maddox, J. J. WiUon, J. C. Barnes. Board of Educa(ion--W. M. Mal let, A. G. Hitchens, J. T. Goodman, D. N. Carmichael, J. M. McMichael. E. E. Pound C, S. C. Ollice in court house. Jury Commissioners--!!. N. By ars, T. L. Williams, W. B. Dozier, L. J. Ball, T. P. Ball, Alex Atki nson. Justices Court-015 Diet., It. A, Woodward, J. P.; J. G, Kimbell. N. P. 013 Dist. H. L. Brown, j. P.; H. C. Thaxton, N, P, 009 I)ist., ’V. A. Waldrup, J. P,; Steye Moo e, N. P. 552 Diet, lames Jolly, J. P.; J. M. Maudox N. P, 012 Diet., Howard Ham, J. P.; F. Z. Curry, N. P. 010 Dist., T. J. Collins, J. I\; T. P.,8e11, N. P. 010 Dist., O. B. Knowles, J, P,; J. L. Barnet, N. P. 014 Dist., A. 11. Oglelree, J. P.; W. F. Douglas, N. P. city Directory. Mayor E. E. Pound. Conncilinen —T. J. Lane, J. W. Car michael, B. I*. Bailey, T. M. Furlow. CIIUKCUEB. Methodist — Rev. T. \V. Bell, pastor. Services every {Sunday at 11 a.n., 7 p.m. Prayer meeting every Wednes day night. Baptist -Rev. G. W. Gardner, pas tor. Services every Sunday at 11 a. in. and 7 p.m. Prayer meeting every Thursday night. Presbyterian—Rev. Mr. Pharr, pas tor. {Services every 3rd {Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., and every Ist {Sunday at 7 p.m. SECRET SOCIETIES. F. & A. M.—Chapter meets 2nd and 4tli Monday nights. Blue I.OUge, Ist and 3rd Monday nights. Red men—2nd and 4th Tuesday nights in each month.. PItOIEIiSIUNAI, ( IKOS. W W.Anderson. Frank Z. Curry. ANDERSON & CURRY, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Negotiates loans on real estate. Office up stairs over the Yellow store, Jackson, Georgia. M. M. MILLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in court house, Jackson, Georgia. M. V. M KIBBEN, Attorney at Law, JACKSON, GEORGIA. Dr.O.H. Cantrell. DENTIST, JACKSON, GEORGIA. CLEVELAND HOUSE. JACKSON, - - - - GA. The only brick Hotel between Atlan* i. Board |2.00 per day. Miss Jennie Wallace Piop. decl4-12m DEMPSEY HOUSE. SOUTHEAST CORNER PUBLIC SQUARE, JACKSON, GA. Strictly first-class in all respects. Give it a trial when you come to Jack ton. Terms moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed. MRS. A. M. JESTER, Prop. decl4-Sm STOP AT THE Morrison House. E YE R Y THING WE TT ARDFIRSI-CLASS. Ctnveniently Located. Free Hack to Depot C. R. Gresham, Propriet- r ggggggggggggggggggggg VESTED IS SCANDAL Prominent Young People of Co lumbus Wrapped In Disgraoe. PASSED FOR MARRIED AT AMERiCIS. The Couple in the Court Kocm, W hile the Young- Wonjttu Weep* at Her Erring Way*—-The Affair Sadly and Terribly Mixed. Amkricitb, <Ja., July 26.—Amerieus was treated to a sensational ease of scan dal yesterday. On Saturday a well dressed couple arrived in the city and registered at the Aden house as R. G. Lester and wife. Atlanta. Ga. Nothing came of their appearance here until yesterday, when it seems, the action of the couple had created suspicion in the mind of a young Amerieus man. At anv rate the woman was handed a note from the young man by a negro boy. She was very much outraged, went to the 3 r oung man's place of business and made dire threats of telling her hus band. A short time afterward the hus band appeared upon the scene armed, making threats of vengeance against the indiscreet young man. who in the meantime had retired to other quarters. The police were at this juncture asked to take a hand, and upon investigation found the couple were unmarried and were registered under assumed names ; that they were none other than Earnest Patterson and Miss Irene Patrick of Co lumbus. A warrant was sworn out against Patterson and the woman and they were tried in the city court yesterday afternoon. Patterson was also charged with betraying the girl, but to evade this charge he intimated that it was his intention to marry the woman. The guilty pair gave bond to appear here on Saturday, when the case will be continued. The affair is much mixed and it is difficult to predict the outcome. Miss Patrick is seventeen years old. She wept continuously during the trial, en treating Patterson not to desert her. The courthouse was packed during the trial, as it had gotten out that the couple would be married. Miss Patrick returned to Columbus last night, where she has respectable connections. Pat terson may remain here until after the trial. BRAVE FIREMEN LAID TO REST. Funeral of the Thro® Men Who Loot Tholr Lives In Washington’* Big Hlazo. Washington, July 26. —The great fire of yesterday is the sensation of the city today. The funeral of the three fire men will take place this afternoon and will be attended by all the lire compan ies of Washington in a body. The heads of the company and other city departments will be the honorary j>nll hoaxers. * The die which consumed the mam moth four story stables and'warehouse, situated at the northwast corner of 2nd and B. streets, belonging to the George .W. Knox, express company, broke out at a few minutes before 2 o'clock yes terday morning and by the end of two hours, there was nothing left of the home of Thomas Bigbee but a pile of charred brick and timber. The loss cannot be stated accurately, but it will go over half a million. The storage rooms were packed with the furniture, pianos, pictures, etc., of the families who had left the city for the summer, and many were not insured. The stor age was at the owners risk. The books of the concern are in the safe and that is at the bottom of the wreck. Six firemen carried their hose into the burning warehouse through one of the large rear doors. This door was held up bv weighted ropes and the men had just entered the building when the ropes burned through and the heavy wooden door fell, penning them in. The work of cutting through the door was immediately begun and was all but finished when the floors above fell with a crash. The immense weight burst out the door and crushed three of the firemen to death. Three others were with difficulty dragged out alive. Mr. Knox's loss as near as can be es timated is $125,000, insurance $75,000. Qver a hundred horses were burned to death in the stables. THE ILLINOIS REPUBLICANS. State Ticket Put in the Field—Cullom for the United State* Senate. Springfield, 111., July 26. — For trea surer of state, Henry Wolff, of Chicago: for superintendent of public instruction S. M. lnglis. of Carbondale: for trustees of the state university, Mrs. J. M. Flower, of Chicago; S. A. Bullard of Springfield and Alexander McLean of Malcomb. This was the ticket placed in nomination yesterday by the repub lican state convention. For awhile it was one of the most tumultuous and ex citing gatherings of the republican party in the history of the state. The proposition to follow the example of the democratic convention and nominate a candidate for United States senator was the bone of contention and the feeling manifested by the colierents of Cullom and Mason was so intense that at one time it looked as though the convention would break up in disorder. Cullom had the votes, however, as the result proved. Indiana Republican Nominee*. Df.s Moines, la., July 26.—Republican •tate convention met here yesterday. Secretary of State W. H. McFarland, Auditor C. G. McCarthy and Supreme Court Judges C. T. Granger and H. E. Deerner. were renominated by acclama tion. The first contested nomination made was the treasurer of the state. There were three candidates—W. W. Morrow of Afton, D. B. Davidson of Boone, and John, Herriott of Stuart The latter was nominated. The Duel Declared Off. Paris, July 26. — The seconds selected respectively by the deputy Denoix and Jean Drauit of the socialist journal La Liore Parole, have agreed that there is no ground for a duel between the two geatlemen. JACKSON, GA. THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1894. GOES BACK TO CONFERENCE. Tariff Matter bent Back Without Instruc tions Victory for the Senate BUI. Washington, July 26.—1f the action of yesterday’s democratic caucus is obeyed today, it will witness an end of the debate on the conference report on the tariff bill and that measure will go back to the conference without instruc tions. After a debate running over three hours Tuesday and upwards of that time yesterday, Mr. Jarvis’ reso lution that the bill be sent back with out instructions was agreed to by unan imous consent, although at no time did Vilas give the assurance to the caucus that he would not press his motion to strike out the differential duty on re fined sugar. The caucus met promptly at 3 o’clock and the first speech was that of Senator Gordon who counselled unity of action and said he hoped that the result of the meeting would be that all proposed mo tions looking to instructions to the con ferees would be -withdrawn and the bill be sent back with a simple insistence of the senate upon its amendments. Sev eral other speeches were made in this strain by Senators Gray, Jarvis, Lind say and Walsh. The First Step. The first step in this direction, neces sitated the ascertainment of what Sena tor Vilas intended to do in regard to his motion to strike out the differential duty placed upon refined sugar. Much of the discussion consisting of interrogatories between Senator Vilas and other senators, the bent of all be ing to get the Wisconsin senator to agree to withdraw his motion, which was looked upon as putting the whole bill in jeopardy. In one of these cross fires, Senator Smith recalled to Senator Vilas a speech he formerly made in the caucus in which he pleaded for unity and harmony, and insisted that the democrats get together upon some sort of a bill so that the party could keep its pledges. Senator Smith is said to have reminded Senator Vilas that he was one of the most persistent senators in asking senators to pledge themselves to stand by the bill that was agreed upon. Vila* Partly Yield*. Finally as the hour of 5 o'clock ap proached and Senator Vilas was con tinually pushed for an answer to the one question that was on the minds of the democrats present, he said that he had become possessed of a good deal of information that was news to him. He did not want to defeat the bill, he said, he was earnestly in favor of passing a bill as soon as posssble and ending the trouble and giving the country rest and quiet. He said that he would take the matter under careful advisement and would decide it in his own mind today. A senator who described the situation said that Senator Vilas’ man ner and the way he spoke indicated that he was impressed with the state ments that had been made and knew that if he pressed his motioa he was opening the door for defeat. This sen ator said that the impression that the rest of the caucus got was that Senator Vilas would confer with the president and be guided by what he advised. Then by unanimous consent the reso lution that the bill be sent back to con ferenee without instructions was agreed to and the caucus adjourned. It is the program to have this done today. A prominent senator who took an active part in the caucus, said that the result meant the senate bill. ALLIANCE AGAINST TILLMAN. Probability of a New Candidate la the Field for United State* Senator. Columbus, S. C., July 26. —The state alliance at Aiken yesterday passed a resolution that the alliance could support only candidates for the legislature who would pledge them selves to the demands of the Ocala platform and would themselves vote only for men who accepted the Ocala platform. As Governor Tillman oppos ed the sub-treasury plan and the gov ernment control of railways, this is construed to mean that anew candi date will be entered in the race for the United States senate. Feeling among the alliance men is said to be strong against Governor Tillman. WEDS AN ITALIAN COUNT. Marriage of a Prominent Planters Daugh ter to Count Paoli Casein. Vicksburg, Miss., July 26.— The nup tials of Miss Mary Pearce Phelps and Count R. Paoli Caselli, late secretary of the Italian World's fair commission, was celebrated yesterday afternoon at the plantation residence of the brides fa ther, Dr. A. J. Phelps, near the little station of Nitta Yuma, according to the rites of the Roman Catholic church. The ceremony was private, vice-consul N. Piazza, of this city being one of the few invited guests. Count Paoli Caselli and bride, will leave for Italy via New York in a few days. COMMISSIONERS APPOINTED. President Cleveland Name* the Committee to Investigate the Labor Trouble*. Executive Mansion, Washington, July 26. —The president has announced the commissioners to investigate the controversies between certain railroads and their employes connected with the recent strike as foUows: Carroll D. Wright, who is designated by statute as one of the commissioners, John D. Ker nan of New Y’ork and Nicholas B. Worthington of Peoria, Illinois, selec ted by the president. Under the law he was obliged to appoint a citizen of Illinois as one of the commissioners. Won by a Son of a Gun. Liverpool, July 26. —At the Liver pool July meeting the Liverpool cup of 1200 sovereigns one mile and three fur longs was won by F. A. Alexanders Son of a Gun. 4 years old. J. H. Holds worth’s Busy Park. 5 years, was second, and Mr. Buchanan's New Court. 6 years, third. Building and Loan Men Meet. Chattanooga. Tenn., July 26. —The fifth annual meeting of the Southern building and loan association is in ses sion at Lookout Inn. The association is composed of building and loan asso ciations from Galveston to Richmond. About fifty delegates are present. ATTACKS THE COURT Another Sensation in the Chicago Contempt Proceedings. MR. ERWIN S RIGID DENUNCIATION. Charged That the Railroad* Entered a Con spiracy to Sustain Pullman in His Fight With His Employes. M ueh Excitement. Chicago, July 26.—Attorney W. W. Erwin, counsel for the American rail way union, caused a sensation in the contempt proceedings yesterday by vio lently assailing the goevrnment officers and indirectly attacking the court. During his speech, which wus delivered immediately after the adverse decision of the court on the defendants motion to quash the information against Debs and the other prisoners, Judge Woods was visibly excited, and although re taining control of his anger, showed his suppressed excitement by his trembling hands and agitated expression. Erwin asserted that in cases of injustice the power of the people back of the govern ment reverts back to the people, and as he spoke his tall frame quivered with excitement, his gestui’es were wild and his voice rose almost to a shriek. Be ginning his speech with a review of the troubles leading up to the strike, Erwin declared that the railroads had entered into a conspiracy to sustain the Pull man companj’ in the latter's fight with their employes. The court must decide the supreme question, he said, whether the men were not justified in resenting such a conspiracy when the courts were silent regarding it. Such a con spiracy did exist, lie said, and the courts and officers of the government gave no redress. The question is whether the people are sovereign or whether they have delegated all their powers to combinations of wicked men and to representatives who are asleep. Had not the men a right to resist this conspiracy of railroads to sustain Pull man in his inhumanity and illegal acts? ' MARCH OF THE ARMED. Coke Striker* Again Assuming the Attitude of Desperate Warrior*. Uniontown, Pa., July 26. —The strik ers of the southern end of Coke region were marching again yesterday; an armed body passed Cool Springs, en route to Scottdale where a mass meet ing was held in the afternoon. The number of armed strikers in the region is increasing daily and the fact is cre ating much alarm. At daylight sever al bodies of men assembled at Cool Spring where armed companies have been drilling for several weeks. After a drill all left for the meeting. The strikers assert that they have the right to bear arms. Complaints against Sher iff Wilhelm have been filed with the governor by the Frick and McClure coke companies to the effect that the proclamation is being defied and that Sheriff Wilhelm is making no effort to stop it. The sheriff yesterday received a communication from the governor concerning his ability to cope with the trouble. He now says he will organize bodies of deputies and require the dis arming of the strikers. THIRTY NIHILISTS ARRESTED. Uctloni Rioting in Russia Growing Out of the Prevalence of Cholera. St. Petersburg, July 26. —The au thorities have made thirty-eight addi tional arrests of nihilists within the last twenty-four hours. Serious riots have occurred at Scharnow in the province of Radom, growing out of the preva lence of cholera. Yesterday a mob pre vented the burial in the cemetary of the town of the bodies of a number of persons who died from cholera, and compelled the bodies to be taken else where. They then made an attack on the hospital and carried a number of sick persons out into the surrounding grounds. The police had hitherto been powerless, but they were reinforced by a detachment of gendarmes who fired into the crowd wounding many persons. The ring leaders of the mob were ar rested. NO CHANGE IN EMPLOYES. AH Officials of the East Tennessee Will be Retained Unless by Resignation. . Chattanooga, July 26. —Vice Presi dent Baldwin, of the Southern railway in an interview here says that none of the officials of the East Tennessee, Vir ginia and Georgia railroad will go un less they resign. Mr. Baldwin stated that the western division would be offi cered and run separate from the east ern division; both sets of officers hav ing equal authority and both to report to the general office in Washington. With regard to the rumor that the Southern would take in the Florida Central and Peninsular road, Mr. Bald win said that such a thing was far fetched and very unlikely. CLEVELAND WILL RESENT. The President to Publicly Refute Mr. Gor man's Aspersions. Washington, July 26. —1 tis a safe in ference that the tariff crisis engaged the lion's share of attention at yester day’s deliberations between the presi dent and his cabinet, and also that most of the talking was done by the presi dent and Secretary Carlisle. It is not known exactly how the president will reply to the serious issues raised by Sen ator Gorman in his speech in the senate Monday, but there is a general impres sion that he will take sosne means of publiely refuting the aspersions cast upon his integrity by the Senator from Maryland. l.ouU Holder on the Scaffold. Fort Smith. Ark., July 26. —Louis Holder was hanged in the jail yard here yesterday. Holder killed Geo. W. Brockford in the Indian territory while on a hunting and trapping trip. Tennessee Murderer Executed. Memphis, Tenn., July 26. Henry Ben net, colored, was hanged here yes terday for the murder of his wife, May 1893. He cut her almost to pieces with a pocket knife. SHE DECLINES TO PAY. Mr*. Leland Stanford Reject* the Govern ment's Claim of 515.000.000. Ban Francisco, July 26. —Mi’s. Leland Stanford, by her attorneys, Wilson and Wilson, has notified the government, through United States district attorney Charles A. Carter, that its claims for $15,000,000 against the estate have been rejected. This means that it will be paid, if ever, only at the end of long litigation. District Attorney Carter has notified the department of justice that he has received formal notice of the re jection of the claim by Mrs. Stanford, the executrix of the estate, and no fur ther action will be taken by him unless instructed to do so by the Attorney Gen eral. On January 6, 1895. there will be due the United States for aid rendered the Central pacific company the sum of $25,862,000. It is alleged that the Stan ford estate must pay a large proportion of that indebtedness. Between Jan uary 16th and March 18th, of the next year, the government must bring suit in the superior court of this state against the estate or its claim will be forever barred. It can not commence any suit prior to the first date mention ed. It is understood that Mrs. Stan ford will not undertake to pay any of the beneficiaries and the legacies under the will until the legality of the gov ernment's claim has been fully deter mined. STATUES TO BE ERECTED. Those of Hancock, Logan and Sheridan Now Under Construction. Washington, July 26.—The next statues to be erected in the public parks of Washington are those of Gene ral Winfield Scott Hancock, General John A. Logan and General Philip H. Sheridan. The statue of Hancock, which will be the first one completed, will be located on the reservation on the north side of Pennsylvania avenue between 7th and Bth streets. The artist and contractor for this statue is Henry J. Ellicott of this city. It is to be com pleted in two years, and will represent General Hancock mounted, as at Gettys burg. The figure will be nine feet in in height and the horse and all else in proportion. The statue of General Lo gan will be located in lowa Circle, and is to be completed in five years. Mr. Franklin Simmons, the celebrated American artist, designed this statue, and has received the contract for its construction and erection. The statue of General Sheridan will be promptly displayed in the triangular reservation on Pennsylvania avenue between 13th and streets, in front of the new National theater. No appropriation has yet been made for this statue, and con sequently arrangements for its con struction have not been completed. DEBTS OF THE PAcTfTc ROADS. Minority Report Recommending Foreclos ure and Government Ownership. Washington, July 26.—The minority of the house committee on the Pacific railways, who voted against the Reilly bill for adjusting the debts of the Cen tral and Union Pacific, are drawing a report on the subject, which will be presented this week. Three or more members will contribute their views, making the report a composite affair. Mr. Boatner, of Louisiana, is drawing that part of the document which is in tended to point out the defects of the Reilly bill from the standpoint of the opposition, while Mr. Harris, of Kansas, and perhaps others will contribute sup plementary views. They will stand on common ground in their opposition to the bill reported, holding that it is in advisable for the government to grant any extension of time for the railroads to settle their debts ; will contend that the plan, if it becomes enacted into law, will have the legal effect of quash ing the suit brought by Attorner Gene ral Olney against the Stanford estate, and make an indictment against the projectors and directors of the road for what they will call irregularities in the management of the funds. THE INFANTA EULALIE. The Princes* is Not Living in Obscurity or in London. London, July 26. —A London dispatch cabled back from America represented the Infanta Eulalie of Spain as living in obscurity in London. She is living neither in obscurity or in London. The princess paid a visit to London less than a fortnight ago, and while here was the guest of the Duke and Douebess of Teck, whom she accompanied to garden parties at the residence of the Countess of Ilchester, Holland House, and else where. She was also a guest at several aristocratic fetes, and Baron de Worms gave a special dinner in her honor, at which the Spanish, French and Turkish ambassadors, the Swedish minister and several Spanish dignitaries were pre sent. JOYNER AS A MURDERER. R. T. Branham Dies in the Columbia Hos pital-Attempt to Lynch the Prisoner. Columbia. S. C., July 26.—Mr. R. T. Branham, who was shot at the Eastover meeting in this county last Saturday by a young man named Joyner, died at the hospital here yesterday. The peo ple in the neighborhood became so in dignant that they organized a crowd to come to Columbia last night to storm the jail and lynch Joyner. Governor Till man was notified and had the prisoner removed to the penitentiary after dark for safe keeping. Cotton's Slight Rally. New York. July 26. —The Sun's cot ton report says: Unexpected bullish advices from Liverpool, rather unfavor able crop news from South Carolina, Mississippi, Louisiana and Georgia, a steady spot demand, less pressure to sell August and more demand to eover shorts, as well as some new buying for long account caused an advance here. The trading was on a larger scale. Some think that the time has come for at least a temporary rally. Secretary Herbert Will be in Alabama. Washington. July 26.— Secretary Her bert will go to Alabama the latter part of next week to spend a few days. He will return after the Alabama election of August 6th. WILL SEVER THE TIES Caffery’s Threats if the Sugar Interest is Not Protected. VIRGINIA SENATORS ON THE FLOOR. The Coufereuce Report ou au Appropria tion Bill Presented and Agreed to. The Invalid Pension Matter in the I.ower Branch. Washington, July 26. —Yesterday’s debate in the senate on the question of agreeing- to the request of the house of representatives fora further conference on the tariff bill, was not so exciting or interesting in character as was the de bate on the first three days and there was not an allusion made, except a very remote one to the president's famous letter to Wilson. There were three speeches made, the longest by Senator Caffery, of Louisiana, and two short ones by Senators Daniel and Htinton. Senator Caffery's speech was in advance of his motion to have a modified sugar bounty paid for 1894, and iu favor of a fair revenue duty on sugar. Failing in getting such protection for the sugar interests of Louisiana, Senator Caffery declared more in sorrow than in anger, that himself and colleague would be forced to antagonize the bill and part the ties which now bound them to the democratic party. Senator Daniel Speaks. The speeches of Senators Daniel and Hunton were called out by a desire to correct an error in the report of Sena tor Gorman's speech of Monday last which represented them, with senators from four or five other states, as being so inimical to the house bill that they would have voted against it. Senator Daniel declared that lie had named no conditions to command his vote, and that, whether the bill as it would he finally fixed in conference suited him or not, would have his support. A motion was made by Senator Quay, republican of Pennsylvania to the motions of Sen ators Vilas and Gray as to put sugar on the free list. The whole matter then went over till today without action. Routine Business Transacted. During the morning hour there were ten bills taken from the calendar and passed ; the conference report on the legislative executive and judicial ap propriation bill was presented and agreed to and a resolution was offered by Senator Allen and went over till today calling for copies of all telegrams and correspondence of the department of justice with the representatives of rail road companies and with the United States district attorney of Chicago on the subject of “the recent industrial troubles in that city.” In the continued absence of the Vice- President, the chair was filled by Sena tor Harris, who submitted a communi cation from the state department with a report of the proceedings in the French legislature on the presentations of res olutions of the American senate and house on the occasion of the assassina tion of president Carnot. They were ordered to be published in the congres sional record. In the House. Yesterday was set apart by the house committee on rules for the considera tion of measures reported from the committee on invalid pensions, and Chairman Martin succeeded in having passed three bills of a general nature. These were house bills to amend the act of June 27, 1890, by providing pro visions for widows and orphans of sol diers who died or were killed in the discharge of duty and who did not therefore receive discharges from the service ; authorizing fourth-class post masters to administer oaths to pension ers ; te extend during the terms of their natural lives the pensions granted to insane, idiotic or otherwise perma nently helpless orphan children of a deceased soldier. Appropriation Bill Agreed To. The senate bill to pension Frances Corse, widow of the late General John M. Corse, at the rate of SIOO a month, was also passed. The conference report on the legisla tive, executive and judicial appropria tion bill was submitted by Mr. Dockery democrat of Missouri, and after an hours desultory debate, was agreed to. The bill carries a total appropriation of $21,308,296, being a decrease of $557,507 from the bill for the year ending June 30, 1894. KILLED FATHER AND SISTER. Tbe Fatal Terminus of a Family Hunt for Thieves and Burglars. Birmingham, Ala., July 26.—John Col lins, a gardener, residing in the out skirts of Cunningham, thought he heard thieves in his garden early yesterday morning and with his daughter, Mag gie, sixteen years old, arose and went out to investigate. The closing of the door awoke Mrs. Collins who aroused her son Willie, telling him burglars were trying to get in. The boy got a Winchester and going out mistook his father and sister for burglars, in the darkness, shot them both. The father was killed instantly ; the daughter will die. New Issue lu North Carolina Politics. Raleigh, N. C., July 26. — 1 t now ap pears that the Baptists in this state are determined to make a political issue of the question of state aid to the univers ity and to the normal and industrial schools for girls. On high authority it may be stated that there are powerful forces behind this movement. There is no telling what will be the result, but it will be a strain upon the democrats in a year when they need all their strength. It is a totally new issue in North Carolina politics. Generally Fair and Warmer. Washington, July 26.—Forecast: For Georgia, generally fair, south winds. For Alabama, generally fair, south winds. For Tennessee, fair, warmer in eastern portion, south winds. The Approaching Holiday*. Liverpool, July 26.— August 4th, 6th, and 7th will be observed as holidays on the cotton exchange. OFFICIAL ORGAN. NO 30 DEBS AT THE OLD STAND. The Labor Leaders Free Again and Active iu Their Strike Plans. Chicago. July 26. Debs, Howard, Keliher and Rogers of the American railway union, are at liberty under bail pending the hearing of the various cases against them. They were re quired to give $7,000 bonds Covering five new indictments in addition to the contempt eases brought by the govern ment and the Santa Fe railroad. The hearing of the contempt cases Was continued until September sth, and it is the purpose of the defendant's attor neys to force a hearing on tlie indict ments before the contempt cases are called. At yesterday's session of the U nited States circuit court the judge entered a formal ruling denying the defendant's motion to quash. He held the railway union guilty of committing unlawful acts in interfering with in terstate commerce, and lie proposes to find out what connection the defend ants had with it. The defendants all declare themselves ready for work. A meeting of the board of directors is to be held today, after which Debs will decide on his future course. He is desirous of going to his home in Indiana for a short stay and will probably leave for there this afternoon. Ile refuses to say what he intends to do until lie can look around and get his bearings after being locked up for a week. He claims that his or ganization is increasing} in strength daily and talks as if he would be doing business at the old stand within a few hours. DISGUSTED WITH POLITICS. The CongreMioual Nominee in a .Maryland District Decline* the Honor. - akhisth rg, Md., July 26. —Rev. Dr. J. W. Santee, who was nominated for congress in the sixth congressional dis trict of Maryland by the prohibition convention, lias-sent in his declination. He has addressed an explanatory letter to the officers of the convention giving his reason for declining. He says, while lie is iu strong sympathy with the cause of prohibition, he is no poli tician. Politics, as they are found to day, he wrote, are underhand, full of disguises, concealments, etc., with which he did not care about forming any alliance. Dr. Santee was pastor of Christ's reformed church, Cavetown, for forty-two years. Several years ago he resigned and was succeeded by his son, Rev. Charles A. Santee. DID JAPAN FIGHT KOREA? Stories of an Kncounter Between Japanese and Korean Troops Probably a Fake. London, July 26.—in the foreign of fice the absence of information that hostilities have begun in Korea is re garded as ground for hope that the gravity of the reported collisions there has been exaggerated. The members of the Chinese legation profess to be lieve that the reported encounter be tween Japanese soldiers and the Korean guards was merely an isolated street fight and not a part of au important movement. Doth the Japanese and Chinese ministers affirm their reticence is due to the fact that they have received no advices, but it is known that volum inous cablegrams had been coming to both throughout the day. THE KNIGHTS Tn POLITICS. Effort to Defeat All CougrnMnien Who Oppose the K. of L. Demands. Omaha, Neb., July 26.—The general executive board of the knights of labor has completed arrangements for can vassing Nebraska in the interests of the populist party and State Workman D’Allemand was sent out to confer with the populist central committee and fix dates for twenty-four rallies during the fall campaign. The general secretary was instructed to carefully prepare a list of all congressmen who have op posed the demands of the knights of labor and extra efforts will be made to defeat them, Copies of the list were ordered sent to all local assemblies in the United States. “TOM” REED RENOMINATED, jj Named by Acclamation by the Republican* of the First Maine District. Biddefobd, Me., July 26.—The re publicans of the first congressional dis- ' trict yesterday afternoon renominated Hon. Thomas B. Reed by acclamation. Among the delegates were Governor Cleaves and ex-Attorney General Little field. Horace H. Burbank, of Saco, presided. He predicted that Mr. Reed would be speaker of the next house and the next president. Consecration of Bishop Thomas 8. Byrne. Nashville, Tenn., July 26.—At St. Joseph's church yesterday, Right Rev. Thomas S. Byrne, the newly appointed Roman Catholic bishop of the diocese of Nashville, was consecrated with very impressive ceremonies. Archbishop Elder, of Cincinnati, conducted the service, and Bishop Rademacher, of Fort Wayne, preached the consecration sermon. Woolen Mills Indefinitely Close. Lawrence, Mass., July 26.— 1 t is an nounced that the large woolen mills of Phillips & Kunhardt, employing several hundred persons, will close indefinitely next Saturday, because of dull times. Equalization of Kates in London. London, July 26.—1n the house of commons yesterday the bill providing for the equalization of rates in London passednts second reading without a di vision. NEWS ITEMS BY WIRE. i Haverhill, Mass., shoemakers are threatening a big strike w-hen business picks up. Tbe Cherokee payment for the Cana dian district began Wednesday at Illi nois, I. TANARUS., 5,000 people being present. John McGill of New- York, was fatally injured at Saratoga, N. Y., in a trolley collision. The Tonawand police have been asked to arrest Joseph L. Eyles, an insurance agent, on the charge of murdering his wife. The estate of the late W. S. Ladd, of Portland, Ore., has been sued for sl,- 000.000 by Mrs, Sarah F. Hiller, a niece, of San Francisco.