The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, August 02, 1894, Image 4

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STARK. Messrs Editori:—A few weeks Ai;o I replied to a letter written by Mr. Stub* from County Line, and in your next issue I was assailed in a dif ferent dir-clion, an.l by a different name. This time it being a whale in s’ead of a Stubs. I remember an old adage which says: “It is needless for the tadpoles to but against the whales.” Rut as I am neither a tad pole nor a whale, but simply a com mon si/e IGb, 1 will make a short re ply. Mr. Whaley sa\s that I seem to he eutlutsed over the government ownership of railroads, and also re ferred to ether countries who have government ownership of taProads audopert'e them successfully. Mi. Whaley informed this ignorant writer that we had declared out independ ence of other countries long ago. Now, Mr. Whaley, if you had told me about this matter about one hundred years ago, I would have agreed with you Rut when you sav we, I guess you mean the democrats. If yen think \on have declared your inde pendence, just get tip vourdemocraiic platform and see if you still declare your independence. I think not. Your platform declares that you cannot have any more silver coined until you can have an agreement with other coun tries. Your president told yon the sune thing. He told you again when he vetoed the seigniorage bill that your hanks were all run at the dicta tion of England. England by her money and influence controls the amount.ot youreuereiicy. Silver was demonolized in iSTff by her command. Now, Mr. Whaley, it you declare in dependence of England and other countries, why don’t you join a party whose platform declares it ? The people’s party platform declares it, but the democratic platform does not. It says you cannot pass certain laws without an international agree ment. Now is it possible you have declared such independence? Mr. Whaley, let's see about the ra'droad question. You say there is as much reason in the government owning our lands and mules as there is in owning the railroads. Did you know that railroads were public highways and that lands and mules wero private property, and that railroads should be run in the interest of all the people and not a few? Thomas Jefferson said that public highways should never belong to iudividitalsor corpor ations, but to the public. No man would think about allowing individu als or corporations to own the Savau nah or the Mississippi rivers. Sup pose a good many years ago, before our public roads were surveyed or laid off', some set of men should have come through Georgia and obtained a charter to Open roads through the state, and all the public dirt roads should |elong to those men. How would that please you ? 1 suppose, it would he alright if it was called de mocracy, hut we should see farther than Cleveland democracy. If those public dirt roads were owned by in dividuals, every time you weut to town, to church or to mill, you would be required to pay toll to those road bosses, and if you did not have any money you could not go at all on the highways. You could not walk in the roads, because you could not pay the toll and you could not go through the fields, because that would be trespassing. The great strikes on the railroads have caused the farmers to lose several millions of dollars, under government ownership there would be uo more strikes in rail reads than in postoffices, because when you take away the causes the strikes will cease, and they would not be run in order to build up the big cities and break down the smaller ones. In regard to the Geor gia road, lam not surprised at the road getting in that condition, because ! it was to the interest of the other roads that were operated by corporations to run their roads so as to break down the State road. The syndicates would see if that road was run successfully there would be other roads of like nature and other states would - see that Georgia roads were successful, and they would try the same plan. The railroad men seeing this, it was to their interest to operate so as to breakdown the State read. We have never wanted state or county ownership of railroads, but gov* rn ment ownership. There are 44 states that are included iu this government instead of one. When the government owns them all there will be no com petition to break them dewu. They would be run as smooth as the post offices are run. You ask, “upon what basis are we anticipating the issue of more money,” and you say, “suppose the government coins all the silver bullion in the vaults of New York that it would take all of the silver cer tifiicafes and there would still be no more money in circulation. That was the first I knew of silver bullion be ing in the vaults ot New York. I was un.ler the impression that it was in the city of Washington, and there is only enough there to coin $54,000,000, New as to the silver certificates, there are no certificates issued against silver bullion. The silver is coined and theu certificates issued against the coins. You read the silver certificate and see if lam not correct. You seem to think there is no way of getting money into circulation only by selling bonds. Where do you suppose the money comes from to buy these bonds ? It was coined aiul issued by the gov ernment, and that is tlie source fro n which we expect move. You accuse the people's party of tin idleness of the South. You arc the first man who has had the audacity to make snch a declaration. The demo crats cut down silver, n fused you state banks and extravagantly spent your tax money, and yet you condemn the people’s party for it. If thive peo ple’s party senators and ninecongress men can have such power over a democratic majority and a democratic president, your law makers area sorry set. lam not gifted with perioration language, as in your last sentece : •‘Clear a* the beautiful morn when the mists have cleared awav,” but will say to yon : Go see what I have seen, Go feel what I have felt: Walk in the lawn at early dawn, And imell what 1 have smelt. Chas. L. Redman. Tit/: IYdIN T PLACE 6. of the female attire, a charm ng little blossom of beautiful femininity informed us the other day that gathered waists would be much worn the coming summer. Asa matter of news this inter esting information comes to us like a flash of lightning from the clear sky, for we would have you know gentle reader, that is our long suit—we mean gatheriag waists. Theie isn’t more than one man in a hundred who knows how to gather a waist and gather it right. A meat many go at it the same as they at washing sheep or sawing wood, which is, indeed, entirely wrong. A waist should be gathered as a general thing with the right arm, although we are pleased to be able to state that our long practice has enabled us to work whli the right or left with equal celerity. It should be handled about as you would a dozen of eggs done up in a funnel-shaped paper at a grocery store, uutil you are sure you have it all gathered and well in hand or arm, and then, right then, the amount of firm and steady pressure that a little frail looking waist will stand is enough to make a man wish for the hug ging qualifications of a polar bear. We have been there and know whereof we ■peak.—Havre (A/ont,) Herald. REAL ESTATE. We have a splendid farm for sale with anew five room house upon it, within 11-2 miles of Jackson. This is a good paying investment for someone to make money. There is a nice stable and barn on the premises, and the ground is well adapted to growing any cereals or fruits. We’ll sell it for about half its value. Call on Harmon and McDonald for further particu lars. Good small farm for sale near Stark in Butts county. Good five room dwelling in the beautiful town of Flovilla—lot containing one and one-half acres, out houses, fencing and water perfect—we will trade this property for property in Jackson or Jackson Banking Cos. stock. We will also sell good farming land in close reach of the proper ty if desired. Five room dwelling, well fur nished inside and out, pleasantly situated, good well of water, plenty of out buildings, garden, yard and lot all under good fence. Four hundred yards from court house. For sale for less than you could build the house. Call and see us if you waiot a good home in the best town in the state. The lot of land upon which the above property is sit uated has 95 feet front running back 210 feet. Apply to Harmon & McDonald. AN OLD DOCTOR’S FAVORITE. Dr. L. //, Gillarn, who practiced med icine over forty years, originated, used and claimed that .Botanic Blood Balm, which has now been in use for about fifty - five years, was the best tonic and blood purifier ever given to the world. It never fails to cure the most malignant ulcers, sores, rheumatism, catarrh and all akiu and blood diseases. Price perlarge bot tle SI.OO. For sale by all druggist NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC- This is to notify the public that I have never sold the Chattanooga Sled. Cos., any right to make a medicine and call it “Thedfords Black Draught,’’ ©r “M a 2hedford & 00-’s Liver Medicine or Black Draught,” and it has been so decided oy the United States circuit court, Northern district, Georgia, in the case which was tried between the ch&ttanooga Med. co., and M a Thedford, et al. The Chattan ooga Med co, had no right to use the name of M a Mhedford & co, in connection with a medicine advertised as “M a Thedford & go’s original and only genuine Liver Medicine or Black Draught*” Therefore, all persons are hereby notified not to buy, sell or handle any medicine having my nam* thereon, except that winch is made by the M a Thedford Medicine Cos, of Home. Ga., and called *‘M a 7'hedford’s Liver Medicine,” which has my likeness and signature on the front of each wrap per. M. a. 7hedkoed. Home, G&., July 20, 1894. A lady can drive the wildest horse, in perfect safety, with one of those safety bits. Call on A. G. Hitchins and see them. THE LADIES' FRIEND- Ao woman can be beautiful without a good complexion, and no complexion can be gf>c*t without good health and pure blood. Fotanie Blood Balm will beauti fy your complexion by purifying and en riching your blood. Try it f< r all skin and blood diseases. It never fails to cure the most inveterate eases after eminent physicians have failed. Piice SI.OU per large bott’e. For sale by druggist. Nee adverdseiuenl elsewhere. Fob f JACostiveness dyspepsia / POy m \ Sick or UauvmcM i 4&fjr \TcaSEchc. BILIOUSHESS\ JgglgSV jj A UNDICE Sourness m/L oss of Stomach Appet/tc Nome Genuine Without The Likeness And Signature ofM.A.Thedford on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med.<§ < Rome. G a , A HOUSEHOLD TREASURE. D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y-, says that he always keeps Dr. King’s New Discovery in the house and his family has always found the very best results follow' its use; that he would not be without it, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, druggist, Catskillc, N. Y, says that Dr. King’s iVew Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough remdey; that he has used it in his family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that is claimed for it. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested? Tiial bottles free at R. G- Bryans’ drug store. Regular size 50c, and sl. FAIR M)TICF. There is no possible chance for adveitisements to get in this paper unless they are brought in by Tuesday, and that is all there is about it. This does not apply to local reading notices.—Eds. We have opened a real estate agency at this office, and if you have any land to rent or houses to rent, or buy any property of any kind, we will advertise it for you on terms to suit you. Your name need not be known to any one. Bring along your property and we will treat you right about it. Harmon & McDonald. JACKSON * * INSTITUTE, Jackson, : : : Georgia. Fall Ten Btiiis Turin, Meier till, 1894, Each years work of this school completely Justifies its claims to being oie of the best in the state. A healthful climate, a pure, moral atmosphere, and excelent social influences commends the school to pupils of all parts of the State, The president is now in Massachusetts studying the Science of teaching the finest Summer Normal School in the United States. Several ot the other teachers are availing themselves of the ad vantages of other Summer Normal Schools, ail with a view to making the work of the school more thorough and perfect than ever before, Tuition in First Three Grades $4.50 Fall Term. Tuition in Other Grades : $6,50 Fall Term Music, Instrumental or Yocal, $3.00 per Monta. Art : : : : : $3.00 per Month. For further information send for Catalogue, or address J. C. BLASINGAME. President of Jackson Institute, We aie Still at Ilia Bottom. Don t Forget the Place ! R, G. BRYANS & CO. Iron Tonic. 40 & 60c. Regular Price 75 & 100. Castoria 25c. “ 3o Cough Syrup 12. “ 25 Wine Cardui 06. “ 1.00 Kendal-s Spavin Cure 66. 100 Simmons Liver Regulator 15. “ 2o Black Draught 15. “ 25 S. S. S. 67- & 1.16 1 00 * 1*75 Mother’s Friend 1.05. 1.50 I‘. &W. Morphine 30. “ 50 Sarsaparilla 71. “ 1 00 Pierces Golden Med., Dis , 71 “ 1.00 “ Favorite Prescnptions69. “100 “ Pel left’s 15. “ 75 Bradfiekls Female Regulator 69“ 100 Aletris Cordial .69 “ 1-00 Peruua .71 “ 100 Pills .15 ** -25 Ciiticura Soap .18 “ -25 *• Salve .40 _ “ -50 Browns Iron Bitters .71 I.OU Soothing Syrup .18 “ 25 Bradycrotfne .35 'SO Brewers Lung Restorer .66 “ 1.00 McGiU’s Orange Blossom, our price 65cents, regular price SI.OO. Dr.Miles’ Nervine 65c reg. price $1 Dr. Miles’ Blood Purifier, 650, regular price, $1 00. R. G. BRYANS & CO. mrnßt Opens Sep. 19. ,8 94- BrJck buildings, electric lights, water-works, baths, gymnasium. COH* aervatorv advantages in music. .Elegant i>iDe organ. Art and 'voice culture, spe cialties. B Elocution fine. Bookkeeping and har monvfree. Sight-singing daily. Dressmaking, typewriting, stenography Economical Health unsurpassed. Best #OCial roundings. Pupils board with Faculty i College Home. *********4 EULER B. SMITH, Sec. RUFUS W. SMITH, PMC. PENSIONS. BEING located near the government department are able to give your claims better attention than attorneys located elsewhere. Special attention given to difficult and rejected claims. If yonr present attorney not suit you and is slow write us. Bobbers who have lo*t their discharges can obtain new ones. Charges of desertion removed. No lee unless you get a pension. Jdvice free. Soldiers pensioned at les than twelve (sl2) dollars per month and suffering from disability in additon to that named in their pension certifica'es may obtain in crease under the new law. Pensions for widows and children without regard to cause of soldiers death; for mothers and fathers who are not dependent, whether they were dependent upon soldier when he died or not. Pensions obtained or services rendered in A/exic&n and Indian wars, Mexican pen>ious can now be increased to sl2 a month. Suspended pensions res tored. PATENTS. Caveats Trade Marks, Designs, Copyrights and all Patent business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and ad vice to inventors without charge Address, THE NORMAN CLAIM AGENCY, Box 167, ILashingtou, D. C*. MM ill A. Callup, (A Department of the University of Georgia,) Will begin its 15th year September U. Best Equipped College in Georgia for Boys, Full Literary and Scientific Course, Thorough Business and Com mercial Course. Unequaied Military and Physical Corse, All cadets board in barracks un der military discipline day and night. Board $9.50 per month. Tu ition free. For Catalogue address, J, C, WOODWARD, Pies't,, Milledgeville, Ga. Mustang Liniment 18 36 & 71 for merly .25.50 & 1.00 Best Ahoe Polish .7 .17 18. “ 10.25 Felonias Cordial .61 1.00 Royal Germature .70 “ 1.00 Sulphur Salts & Copperas sc. Davis Pain Killer .19 “ .25 Lemon Elixir .39 & .69 **’ .50 &1 00 Best XXX Envelopes 5 “ .10 Huckleberry Cordial .19 “ .25 Electric Bitter* 41 “ 75 4oz Vaseline 5 “ 10 St Jacobs Oil 26 Household Ammonia 10 “ 25 Allcocks Porous Plasters 9 “ 25 Strengthening Plasters 8 “ 25 Belladonna “ 8 “ 25 Capsicum “ 8 “ 25 Parkers Hair Balsam 35 “ 50 Teetbiua 18 “ 50 Rad ways Relief 36 “ 50 Syrup Figs 36 &69 “ 50 a 1.00 Raw Linseed Oil 60 Boiled 63 Dr. Miles’ New Cure for Heart, 65c, regular price SI.OO Dr. Miles’ Restorative Tonic, 65c, regular price SLOO Dr. Miles’ Pills, 15c. BLOSSOM Is as safe and harmless as a flas seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom" is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of si. Dr. J.A. McGill & Cos. 4 Panorama Place, Chicago, 111. Sold by DR. VV. L. CARMICHEAL. yom | -BOTANIC- * ] BLOOD BALM. ! I A household remedy for all Blood and R H Skin diseases. Cures without fail, Scrof- ft K ula,Ulcers, Rheumatism, Catarrh, Salt Rheum ft I and every form of Blood Disease from the m simplest pimple to the foulest Ulcer. Fifty w years’ use with unvarying success, dent- m onstrates its paramount healing, purify- ft ing and building up virtues. One bottle ft has more curative virtue than a dozen of X any other kind. It builds up the health ft and strength from the first dose. * li-r iftit TE for ~Book of iron-§ aerful Cures, sent free on appli - ft cation. ft If not kept by your local druggist, send ■ $1 00 for a large bottle, or 85.00 for six bot- S ties, and medicine will be sent, freight 2 paid, by I: BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, fia.i SAILED 38 YEARS. One of His Experiences. For thirty-eight years Capt. Loud followed the sea, most of that time as master of a ves sel, and upon retiring from the w’ater was ap pointed by t,se Secretary of tlie United States Treasury to superintend the seal fisheries in Alaska, which poaiioii lie he and five years. He relates one experience as follows: “For several years 1 had been troubled with general nervousness and pain in the region of my heart. My greatest : miction w:as sleeplessness; it tvas : Imost impossible at any time to obtain rest ands eep. Having seen J)r. Miles’ remedies ad.cnised 1 began using Nervine. Afier Hiking a small quantity the benefit received was r o great that 1 was posi tively alarmod, thinking the remedy con tained opiates v, hh-h would finally be Injuri ous to me; but on being a: surtd by the drug gist that it- v. a ; perfectly harmless, I contin ued it together with tlie Heart Cure. Today lean conscientiously say that Hr. Miles’ Re storative Nervine and Now Heart Cure did more for me ;hun any thing 1 had ever taken. I had been treated by eminent physicians in New Fork and Han Francisco without ben ch‘. I owe my present good health to the jud: -ions use of t he.;e most valuable remedies* and he.uaily recommend them to all afflicted .as I was.” ( apt. A. I*. Loud, Hampden, Me. l)r. Miles’ Restorative Nervine and New Cure are sold by all druggists ori a positive guaran tee. or by Hr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, IniL. on receipt of price, 81 per bottle, or six bottles for 85, express prepaid. They arc free from all opiates and dangerous drugs. For Sale by W. L. CARMICHAEL and R. G, BRYANS & CO. THE SEASHORE. Cumberland & St. Simons Island Hotel Will be open May ISth under new m&n&gemen Excursion tickets on sale at low rates. Take the East Tennessee Seashore Expres B. W. WRENN, Qen’l Passs’r Agt., B. T. V. A C Kxoxvilli, Tknn. THE STANDARD, DURANG’S Rheumatic Remedy Has sustained its reputation for 18 years as being the standard remedy for tbe quick and permanent cure of Rheuma tism, Gout, Sciatica, etc., in all its forms. It is endorsed by thousands of Physi cians, Publishers and Patients. It is purely vegetable and builds up from the first dose. It never fails to cure. Price is one dollar a bottle, or six bottles for live dollars. Our 40-pagc Pam phlet sent Free by Mail. Address, Drag's Rheumatic Remedy Cos. 1316 L Street,Washington, D. C. Durang's Liver Pills are tlie best on earth. They act with an case that makes them a household blessing. PRICE 20 CTB. PER BOX. or S BOXES FOR $1 FOR SALS BY DRCG6IETS. tWhat Nerve Berries have done for others OF MEN Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored, soth day. A positive cure for all Weaknesses, Nervousness, Debility, and ail their train of evils resulting from early errors anti later excesses; the result of overworn, sicknes*. worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and streucth to the sexual or- Sana. Steps unnatural lotuses or nightly emission* caused by youthful errors or ex cessive use of tobacco. opium and liquor, which lead to consumption and insanity. Their use shows immediate improvement. Accept no imitation. Insist upon having the genuine NhPVO Dorpiac no other. C'onven ■ *C DCI I ient to carry in vest pocket. Price, $l.OO per box, six boxes, one full treatment,s6.oo. finaraateed to cure ant ease. If not kept by your drnggist we will send them by mail, upon receipt of price, in plain wrap per. Pamphlet free. Address ail mail orders to AHEBICAN BEDICAL CO„ Cincinnati, O. For sale by Dr ff L Carmiehael King of all AbsoluiJJjj Light Weight and Superior Hater;, 1 Rigidity. Every Ma- and SciontifiTygß chinefullywarranted man-hip Highest Honors at H World’s Send two-cent stamp for our 24-page Catalogue-A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom. 380 Wabash Ave. Lake anil Halsted Sts., CHICAGO I MALLARY BROTHERS At IMlacoxL, Gfeozcgia.l REMEMBER WE ARE STILL HEADQUARTERS FOR Eigius, Boilers, Saw Mills, Cotta Eta, m AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Please do not be persuaded into buying anything in our line before \v for prices. MALLARY BROS. & CO, MACON. GAI FANCY GROCERIES! I E. G. GILMORE & HEN E LY, I May’s Block, Next Door to Livery Stable on 3d Streefl Everything kept fresh, neat and clemi. and tlte ladiesa:H especially invited to call on us. We keep country raised potatoes and onions, in fact, all kinthoß country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly filled ifl a business-like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of all kinds on hand at all times Pure coacocolaon hand all the summer, as good as can be found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trad and we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8. 1894 MEPHISTO RING 25c New and most astonishing op tical illusion and a BEAUTIFUL Fi ft ok it Blfttl. Made of two twisted bands of Rolled Goid and Silver. Turn it—the bands appear to parti Lay it down— they seem to fall apart! f inspect it—you nave a per fect ringlil All tne rage; over 1,000,000 sold in two months at 75c. We send sample with large catalogue, for 25cents postpaid. 1 Dozen *2.00. INSURANCE WATCH CO., 136 B. Hoisted Street, Chicago, Ilk 18 KARAT <t*l nn golo plate vpi*yy ffiUffimM CUT THIS OFT and send It Willi HKf 40 “* y°“ r full name and address and we will you WjfL examination. A guarantee for * years sent with it and if you everywhere at $4.00 to $B.OO and tar better than ever advertised \ before and the grandest bargain nfij" *"***_ ***eTth * , '® 9l “ ld **P*rets J^ r '”* C< |djL moveEn * :n * | movements and erarranted the watch. Write*to-day. This IHb’viMHn /sx mm ‘* r ‘'insurance watch Hslste, Street, - run ou these prii„-!,,1e. CONTUACTORS NOTICE. Any person wanting first-class work, by a workman of 20 years experience in stone or brit-k, such as dams buiit, blasting, where dyna~ mite is used, or in all such work as ock houses or piers. Call on G. W. Watkins, | Decl-lyr Jackaon, Ga. ..THE.. ELDREDGE “B” A strictly high-grade Family Sawing Machine, possessing all modern improvements. Guaranteed Equal to the Best Frlcea very reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer and make comparisons. ELDRED6E MANUFACTURING CO. BELVIDERE, ILL Harp sells fresh meals of all kinds. You can get NICE SUNDAA PANTS at 75c up to $5.00 at COHEN’S.