The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, October 04, 1894, Image 7

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THE ARQHS. DIXIE INTERSTATE FAIR. The D.xi* Interstate Fair, under the auspices of the State Agricul tural society and Macon Exposition Company, will be held at the Cen tral City Park, Macon, Ga , from Octobei23 to November 8 1894 S4O - in cash are offered as premiums. New budding* have been erected, Giving us hail* fur exhibition pur poses 1 200x00 feet The race track has been improved, and everything done that is necessary to open Tne Dixie Interstate Fair on October 23 rd on such a broad and liberal scale as wilt afford a lull and ample illus tration of the resouices and possi bility s. not. only of the State of Georgia but ot the entire South. Attractions, grand and varied in character, have been provided for the entertainment and amusement or the sight-seers who will visit this great Interstate Exibition. The celebrated “Midway Plai sanee v that delighted the thousands who visited Chicago at the Colum bian Exposition will he with us, embracing the German village, Persian Theatre, New England Home, Irish Village, Street ot Cairo, Libby Glass Works, Glass Weavers Japenese village, The Blarney Cas tle, Egyptian Hail of London, The Moorish Pplace, The Turkish The atre, Palace ot Illusion, Ihe Ferris Wheel. Achilles Phi ton, the marvelous equilibrist on the spiral tower, will give 2 exhibitions daily. The eel ebrated Montana Silves Statue, 9ft. high; $91,800 pure silver in the statue and $224,000 in the base. The Sandiord Sisters and hosts of other attractions. The fair will be open night and day. The park grounds will he as bright as day with 50arc lights and 500 incandescent lights. All will be pleased who attend A C. Knapp, sec. DUTY AND LA ,Y. Occasionally one finds some news paper which is inclined to find fault with Governor Northteri’ for doing his duty as governor of the state of Georgia; some paper which, wheth ei intentionally or not, misjudges the governor tor his recent action in the Valdosta lynching. Of course lhe commission of such a crime as that of Goosby excited only a feel ing of horror detestation and a desire for a swift punishment of the c riminal'—such as a desire to kill a mad dog, and at the same time the despest sympathy for the untortu nate victim of such a crime, and the governor of the state of Georgia unquestionably feels as we all do as to these matters. But the greater tne provocation for the violation of the law, the greater the necessity on his part lor an effort for its enforce ment* Disagreeable as such du‘y must he to him, he has no option. He has sworn to enforce the laws and if these laws are not adequate to the prompt punishment of crimi nals it is the duty of the prass and people to demand of the legislature their improvement. The decision to locate the big Massachusetts cotton loctory in Georgia in preferance to some other states has been made, not more from the superiority of the laws of Georgia than the superiority of their enforcement, Gov. Nor then is a brave and honest man. In some instances he has been placed in trying positions and in his efforts to do what he unquestionably regarded as his duty, he deserves the sympathy, not the advrsee criti cism of the press. In Goo-by* case the court had called a special session and the trial of the fiend would have taken place •-within for.y eight hours from the time when the lynching took place. If Soi>6by nad then gotten out on >! • technicality, there would have been more of an excuse for the lynchers to take the law in their own hands. The speedy trials of such devils as soon as court can be convened alter the commission of the crime, and their hanging by process of law without much time for prayers, is what the intelligence of the peo ple ought to demand ; but thithing of newspapers, whose editors would resent being call anarchists, abusing a governor for his efforts to uphold law and order, according to his oath to enforce the laws of the state aa he finds them, is little business on the part of such papers, to say the least. It is a fortunate thiag for the rep utation ot Georgia that the people have not placed some popularity seeking, clamor-joining, duty-to the-dogs politician *> the guterna torial chair. POPB THREATEN TO KILL. At the recent general election the popu lisis of Nevada county, Arkansas, elected all their candidates on the county ticket except the candidate f<fr countv clerk, & man by the name of Vaughn. O R. Me Daniel, the democratic nomi nee, im ahead of his ticket and was de clared elected by ihe election commision ers and was given his certificate of election. Vaughn served notice on JADaniel that lie intended to contest the election and ar rangements were made to take depositions A few.’ days ago McDaniel received a ■°te. wiitten upon a sheet of the paper that was used by the populist during the campaign informing him that if he didn’t surrender his claim to the clerkship he would be kdled aDd his home would be burned. ]>e democrats of JVevada county are very much wrought up over the threat, and every night three or four citizens are d.ta led to guard the house. Ihe tibove shows how dangerous it is to let fanatics make any headway in poli tics. Wb have heard people stand up and brag about being called cranks. We had as soon be called a fool or a scoundrel as for the better element to consider us cranks, for it means one or the other, or both. FOR SALE CHEAP. A lot situated in the heart of town, containing one acre with a good live loom dwelling, and two tenant house, two good wells ot water. Splendid home for one wishing to live near church and school. For sale cheap. For terms call on or address J. M. Finley, or D. J. Spencer. Jackson, Ga., Aug. 23,1894. lm Better Cure © THAN CONCEAL. t A Fair Skin, PIMPLES, BOILS, Blotches, RASH, Or any other defect, originating in IMPURE BLOOD Is Secured by Using AVER’S Sarsaparilla Has Cured Others, Will Cure You REAL ESTATE. 100 acres of good land in sight of Worthville, level und well watered, with 10 acres of bottom lai\d worth SSO per s.3re, for sale cheap. 400 acres of the be land in Butts Cos, improved and most all in cultivation. Two and three fourth miles south of J ‘rson. Improvements on place including nice residence. Good farm for sale two miles north of Jenkinsburg, contain ing one hundred eleven and a half acres, with two sets of build ings, all in a high state of culti vation. Three payments allow ed. Come to see us whether you want this place or not anu we will fit you up We have a splendid farm for sale with anew five room house upon it, within 11-2 miles of Jackson. This is a good paying investment for someone to make money. There is a nice stable and barn on the premises, and the ground is well adapted to growing any cereals or fruits. We’ll sell it for about half its value. Call on Harmon and McDonald for further particu lars. Good small farm for sale near Stark in Butts county. Good five room dwelling in the beautiful town of Flovilla—lot containing one and one-half acres, out houses, fencing and water perfect —we will trade this property tor property in Jackson or Jackson Banking Cos. stock. We will also sell good farming land in close reach of the proper ty if desired. Five room dwelling, well fur nished inside and out, pleasantly situated, good well ot water, plenty of out buildings, garden, yard and lot all under good fence. Four hundred yards from court house. .Jb or sale for less than you could build the house. Call and see us if you want a good home in the best town in the state. The lot of laud upon which the above property is sit uated has 95 feet front running back 210 feet. n Apply to Harmon & McDonald. We are tb * men from whom to buy a Dome. Sf'P paying rent ard come and buy a home oi us on good terms. Harmon & McDonald. ritOFESSIOtAL CARDS. W W.Anderson. Fbaxk 2. Ccrrt. ANDERSON & CURRY. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Negotiates loans on real estate. Office up stairs over the Yellow store, Jackson. Georgia. M. M MILLS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in court hou-e, Jackson,Georgia, M. V. M KIBBEN. Attorney at Law, JACKSON, GEORGIA. - STOP AT THE Morrison House. EVERYTHING NEW AN HEIR ST- CLA SS. Conveniently Located. * Free Sack to Depot, C. W. Buchanan, Propriet r Dr.O H. Cantrell. DENTIST, JACKSON, GEORGIA. | THE ©TAfO&RD, | ! DURANG’S ii iitaiTic Remedy! P ♦ p ITus sustained its reputation for 18 years as being tne standard remedy for tbe e ♦ quick an 1 permanent cure of Rlu tiiua- 4 P tisiu, Guut. Sciatica, etc., in all its forms. £ V It is endorse 1 by thousands of i’hysi-' $ chins. Publishers and Patients it is # p purely vegetable and builds up from tbe ♦ ♦ lirst dose It never fails to cure. ♦ #• Price is one dollar a bottle, or six * ♦ bottles for five dollars. Our 10 page Pam- <*> <s> pidet s. ut Free by Mail. Addles.?. P | Darang's Rheumatic Rsnistly Go. | I 1316 L Street,Washington, D. C. £ ▼ Dttr.y n-}‘s hirer !‘Ws the best on f X earth. Tory act with an east that makes V X them a bons.diol I b! v :m. A FRIC2 £5 CT3. FE >. BOX, or 5 E?rr * ~3'\ ft £ I FOB SALE BY * —FOR THE HKAUXH OF THE NATIONS— S If Botanic Blood Balm I || \ THE GKEAT SOUTHERN REMEDY FOR S |wl ftl! Skin and Blood Diseases 1 .lt purifies, builds up and enriches 2 ;Sj the blood, and never fails* to cure the most inveterate £ I*: I BLOOD AND SKIN DIS-i £ i 9 1 EASES, if directions are fol-jS I* |!>| lowed. Thousands of grate-S | i —-J ful people sound its praises* | and attest its virtues. { COWRITE for Book of Won- | derful Cures, sent free on ap- § plication. If not kept by your local druggist, ft send si.oo for large bottle, or $5.00# for six bottles, and medicine will be jj| sent, freight paid, by BLOOD BALtI CO., Atlanta, Ga. 1 mmmmw (Begular Graduate*) Are th„ leading and most successful specialists ana will give you help. Young and rnld die aged men. JMgMM _ j Remarkable re aeSsaßap \ suits have follow- EdSiß \ ed our treatment -.ta Many year a o BWWBtSp varied and succeea ful exptriem T In the use of cur* Hwei tive methods that wc alone own and control for all dla- orders of men who .■.■t'ojfr*.*-- ■PjaßHßßHß[r,Vagg*have weak. und or dlo ■■cMSafli*. organs, or \ JgggMSjggtwh o are suflerin* HWaff- -W*. in errors of outh and excel* HwES&yijf 1 ' y Who are nervous flKSHrrft**! 1 1 1 Impotent, 1 i 1 r a WlfT ag?fe>la Fora of thslr 1 I ! figSraHSspfallows and tbs contempt of their friends and com panlons, lands nr to cuitranto* to all patients. If they can possibly be restore*, our own exclusive treatmea will ajfbrd a cure. WOMEN! Don’t you want to get cured of th* weakseu with a treatment that you can use a home without instruments? Our wonderful trap’ ment has cured other*. Why not you ? Try It. CATARRH, and disease* of the Skin, Blood Heart, Liver and Kidneys. •TPHXX.IM— The most rxpld, safe and effect!vs remedy. A complete Cure Snarasteed. MRI7T 9IBXA9EB of all kinds cured whe-e many other* have failed. DU ATTRAL DISCHARGE* promptly cured in a few dart. Quick, sure and safe. Thu includes Sleet and fionorhesa. TRUTH AND PACTS. We have cured cases of Chronic Diseases the; have tailed to get cured at the hands of other special lets and medical institutes. _ is— T'T’Tlirir that there is hope for You. Consult no other, os you may waste valuable time. Obtain our treatment at once. Beware of free and cheap treatments. Ws give the best and most scientific treatment at moderate prices—as low as can be done for safe and skillful treatment. FREE consultation at the office or by mail. Thorough examination and carefnl diag nosis. A home treatment can be given in a majority of cases. Send for Symptom Blank No. 1 for Men; No. 8 for Women; No. 8 for Skin Diseases. All oorre ipondence answered promptly. Business strictly con fidential. Entire treatment sent free from observa tion. Refer to our patients, bonks and business men. Address or call on DR. HATHAWAY & CO., as i-a South Brood Street, ATLANTA, QA sirnnii, (A Depanmdiit of the University of Georgia.) Kill begin its 15th year September 3d. Best Equipped College in Georgia for Boys, Full Literary and Scientific Course, Thorough Business and Com mercial Course. Unequaled Military and Physical Corse, All cadets board in barracks un der military discipline day and night. Board $9.50 per month. Tu ition free. For Catalogue address, J, C, WOODWARD, Pies't,, Milledgevilie, Ga. OCTOBER SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA —Butts County. Will be sold before the court house door in said county, on the first 2uesday in October next, 1894, within legal hours of sale, for cash, the following described proyerfy, to wit: One tract or parcel of land, situated, King and being in the county of Z?utts, state of Oeorgia, contain ing fifty seven acres of land and bounded as follows: On the north by lauds of J/oward Vickers, south by lands of Mrs. Julia Lindsey, east by lands of Mrs. Norsworthy, west by lands of Posey and Alfred Dodeon. Levied on as the prop erty of S. S. Lindsey by virtue and to satisfy one mortgage execution issued from the superior court of said count}*, in favor of J. W. Terrell against S. <5. Lindsey. Property pointed out in mort gage execution, Defendant in execution given wiitten notice. This, September oth, 1894. J, O. Beauchamp Shell If B. C. GEORGIA—Butt county. To all whom it may concern: J. R. McCord and T. IP. J/cCord, ex ecutors of J. W. J/cCord, sr., deceased, have in due form applied to tbe under signed for leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said deceased, and said application will be heard on tbe first Moh day in Cctober next. ?bis, the 27tb day of August; 1894. J. F, Carmichael, Ordinary. LIBEL FOR DIVORFE. CEORGIA—Butts county. Lula B. Rhodes) Libel for Divorce vs in Butts <Sup. court JosEiui W. Rhodes) August term, 1894. Tbe defendant, Joseph W. Rhodes, is hereby required personally, or by attor ney, to be and appear at the next Superior Court to be held in and for said county, on tbe 3rd Monday in Febi uary next then and there to answer the plaintiffs com plaint for “Tribe! for Divorce,” in default thereof the court will proceed as to justice shall appertain ‘ Witness the Honorable Jno. J. Hunt, .Tudge of said court, this, 3rd day of /September, 1894. Joseph Jolly, Clerk 8. O ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. State of Georgia, Butts countv. By virtue fron. an order from the court of Ordinary of Betts county, will be sold, on the" first Tuesday in Novem ber, 1894, at the court House door in said ccunty, between the legal sale hours, tlietract of land in said county belonging to the estate of Mary J, Bear den adjoining lands of Miss Mollie Bear den C. A. Garr and Amos estate lands, containing fifty acres also twenty-five acres adjoining Mists s Mollie Bearden on the east, north by lands of Catharine Arnos, west by J. N. ! rownlee and south by Amos place. Sold as the property of Mary J Bearden, deceased, to pay the debts of said deceased and for distri bution. Terms cash. Oct 2nd 1891. Joseph oily, Adm’r. of M. J Bearden. W il! be sold on first Tuesday in No vember next within the legal hours of sale for cash, at the court house in the town of Jackson in the county of Butts state of Georgia, One hundred acres of land, more or less, bounded as follows. On the east by the estate of A Me Watkins deceased On the north and west and south dv the estate of B. F. Watkins. Ten acres ot original woodland, one tenant house. Place well watered by running stream. Sold as the property of B. H. Darden, si. deceased for distribution among heirs and to pay debt. B. F- Watkins, Admr. EXECUTOR’S SALE, GEORGIA—Butts county. Will be sold before the court house door in said county, on the first Tuesday in November next 1894, within legal sale hours for cash the following decribedprop e ty towit: one house and lot, the dwellir g is two story and has six rooms with good dining and stove rooms attached, all the above is as good as new, conveniently lo cated is one of the best wells of water in the state. The lot contains six acres more or less and everything cons dered makes it one of the most desirable places in the town of Jackson. Also 1-2 individual interest in grist mill situated 2 miles north east from Jackson on yellow water cieek and known as the ilcCord mill. This is one of the best paying mills in this section, having a patronage amount ing to 5,000 bushels yearly with grind ing capacity for a much larger amount. The house is 2 story and comparatively new and is large enough to r ccommodate another set of runners. Sold for distri bution among heirs. This Oct. Ist 1894 J. R McCord, T. W. McCord. Executors of the estate of J. W. Me Cord Sr. deceased. MACHINIST. Mr. E. H. Brannen, a practical machinist from Chattanooga is now located in Butts county and will fix any kind of machinery for you reasonably, that can be fixed outside of a factory. Call or ad dress E H Brannen, Jenkinshurgh Ga. 1 m. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. The Best m the *orld tor Outs, Oruises, Sores, Ulcere, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Rands, Chil blains, Coras, and all Skin i?ru lions, and positively cures Piles, or no piy requiied. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Ptice 25 cents per box. For sale by R. G Bryans. “notice “7~ If you do not settle what you owe us by Oet Ist your notes and accounts will be found in the hands of an officer for collection. J. M, Bankston <fe Cos. Jenkinsburg Ga. Br-r-f-r-r! Call around and see my stock of new Watches and see how cheap they are. * Hanes, the Jeweler. sep-13-lm J. J. Thornton. STOCK DEALER— FEED, SALE AND LIVERF STABLES. Fine Turnouts at All Times. Jaekson, .- ; Georgii. rl Billsilfii Is as safe and harmless as a flat seed poultice. It acts like a poul tice, drawing out fever and pain, and curing all diseases peculiar to ladies. “Orange Blossom” is a pas tile, easily used at any time; it is applied right to the parts. Every lady can treat herself with it. Mailed to any address upon re ceipt of si. Dr. J oA. McGill & Cos, 4 Panorama Place? Chicago, 111. Sold by DR. W. L. CARMIGHEAL. tWhat Nerve Berries have done for others SVfi E N Easily, Quickly and Permanently Restored. s°th day. A positive cure for all nesses, Nervousness, Debility, and all their of evils resulting from early errors and l,uer excesses; the result of overwork, siekne worry, etc. Develops and gives tone and sirer.slh to the sexual or- Bans. Stops nnnatoiai losses or nightly emissions caused by errors or ex cessive use of tobacco, opium and liquor, which lead to cessainpUan and Insanity. Their use shows immediate improvement. Accept no imitation. Insist upon having the genuine fsCkS*l*t£ke3 n0 other. Conven ■ v uCJ i lv. ient to carry in vest pocket. Price, SI.OO per box, sK boxes, one full treatment. *6.00. Uuurantccd to cure any case. If not kept by your druggist we will send them by mail, npon receipt of price, in plain wrap per. Pamphlet tree. Address all mail orders to AHEBICAN HEUICAL CO., Cincinnati, O. F sale by Dr W L Carmichael, The Human Electrical Forces! How They Control the Organs of the Body. The electrical force of the human body, as the nerve fluid may bo termed, is an espe cially attractive department of science, as it exerts so marked an influence on the health of tiie organs of the body. Nerve force is produced by the brain and conveyed by means of the nerves to the various organs of the body, thus supplying the latter with the in generally fail to recognize, the importance of this fact, but treat the organ i seif instead of the cause of the trouble tiie no .*J specialist, Franklin Miles, M. D., LL. 15., has sr iven the greater part of his life to t he s; udy of this subject, and the principal a: overics concerning it aredae to his efforts. 1’" jibes’ Restorative Nervine, the unTi "rvied .brain and nerve food. Is prepared on the ‘ririjip e that all nervous and many other originate from disorders of the • ec e renters. Its wonderful success incuring - uisorfi'ersds tegtided to by thousands ia gvesypart of the land. bo iterative Nervine cures sleeplessness, nervous prostration, dizziness, hysteria, sex -1 i nenuiiy, St. \ itus dance, epilepsy, etc. It ’ i fr?o from opiates or dangerous drugs. It ; sol J on a positive guarantee hy all drug - s s. er 5-cnt direct by the Dr. Mile3 Medical - - barr. Id., on receipt of price, 51 per ; ■■■■i Lotties for £5, express prepaid. For Sale by W. L. CARMICHAEL and R. G-, BRYANS & CO. female's LfiblifirfuL aai i rpp LAG/M,VGE. 04, Opens Sep. 19, ißg<. Brick buildings, electric lights, water-works, baths, gymnasium. Con- Sefvatory advantages in music. Elegant pipe organ. Art and voice colttare, spe cialties. Elocution fine. Bookkeeping and har mony free. Sight-singing daily. Dressmaking, typewriting, stenography. Economical uniform. Health unsurpassed. Beat social sur roundings. Pupils board with Faculty ia College Home. Stiltsttt EULER B. SMITH. See. RUFUS W. SMITH, Pres. |p|s a w"W Wait not > be " ise “ the stork. Buy your P lIHIvX WATCHES. JEWELS! ETC J* yoar r -5. Miller, JBfch I “Jackson Ga I South \>f Jmpsey fiouae Repairing 1 MULBERRY ST. Capital Female College. ATLANTA, - GA-, Far iijl#r ELiiilin 0( Bids Ail Tran Lais. Fyery department complete. Beet selected faculty iu state. Broad corriculura in classics, mathematics, English and Science. Uusurpasted advantages in elocution, ait, French and (German Exclusively conservatory methods ia music, —Piano, Vo cal Violin and other stringed instruments. Pieparatory department also perfectly equipped and thorough. Boarding department select and limited. Rate—s2lo.oo a year for all necessary expenses. Correspondence invited. For catalogue and other particulars, Address, A/iss Leonora Beck, President. FANCY GROCERIES! E. G. GILMORE & HENCELY, Third Street, Black Front, at Hanes, the Jeweler’s. Everything kept fresh, neat and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to call on us. We' keep country raised potatoes and onions, in fact, all kinds of country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly filled in a business-like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of all kinds on hand at all times Pure coacocolaon hand all the summer, as good as can be found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade and we guarantee to please them. • GILMORE & HENCELY. Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8. 1894 Jackson Buggies! FOR THE FALL TRADE, to supplv any Reasonable demand from my Numerous Customers. So if you want an Extension Leather Top Phaeton or Surrey Canopy Top Phaeton or Buggy, In fact, if you want any kind of a vehicle ranging in price from $35.00 to $250.00, call on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FATORY and be supplied. Just received, a large shipment of Old Hickory and Tennessee Two-Horse wagons. Respectfully, J. R. Carmichael. NORTH GEORGIA Agricultural College, DEPARTMENT Of THE UNIVERSITY, At Dahlonega, Georgia. Spring term begins first Monday in February. Fall term begins first Monday in September. FULL LITERARY COURBEB. TUITION FREE With ample corps of teachers. THROUGH MILITARY TRAINING under a XT. S. Army Officer detailed b> Secretary of war. Departments of Business, Short hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Music and Art. Under competent and thorough instructors. v OUI Q LADIES have equal advantages. CHEAPEST CPU FRE in the SOUTH For catalogues and full information ad dress Secretary or Treasurer of Board Trustees. fa ft ( dyspepsia f I Sick os ("DIGESTION \ mjM& r^FAnUruY Biliousness \ Jja undice Sourness MmLo ss or Stomach Appetite None Genuine Without The Likeness Ano Signature ofM.A.Theoford on FrontOf Each Wrapper. M.A.Thedford Med.<§' ■ Roms. Ga. W. L. Douglas eiiAP 19 THE BEST., Wl# Onwb NOBQUCAKINO. And other specialties for Gentlemen, Ladles. Boys - jL and Misses are the Best in the World. I See descriptive advertise meat which appears in this paper. Take no Substitute. WEmik insist on having W. L. DOUGLAS’ SHOES. With name and price on bottom. Sold by - DR. J. W. CRUM.