The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, October 04, 1894, Image 8

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All Precincts Heard From and THE [jUMldim COMPACT IS STILL IN THE LEM WITH THEIfI COT BITE SHE, TKCEI Jtew York Store. ■INEWJFB.EB 3STOW Q3ST, OBDBBB F BOMPTT.T FTT ,T .^77 IVHLLIAiERY, OPENING DAYS THURSDAY, October 4, 1804, FRIDAY, October sth, also FRIDAY EVENING from 8 to 10o’clock. We have left no stone unturned in seek ing for the best things, the newest things out this season. Miss Annie Jackson s three weeks stay in New 1 ork enabled her to secure for your inspection on our opening day an array ol Ladie’s Hats in style and value that we are sure will be appreciated. Here are a few* of the new shapes for this season : French Pattern Hats, German, Engs ush and American Shapes in Toques, Turbans Walking Hats, etc., etc. etc. Mrs. C. R. Gresham will be found in our Millinery room and will appreciate the favors shown her by her many friends throughout this sectiou. Miss Clyde Streeter has accepted a posi tion with us In our millinery department where she can be found by her friends ready and willing to serve them. In this department we carry all Ladie’s furnishings, such as Corsets, Cfader wear, etc. Our ribbon stock is replete with all the new style goods, beautiful line Ladie’s back hair pins in unique shapes in shell, silver, ivory and other grader. Give this department a call on our opening day, and you will find that we are up to date on all our lines of .Millinery. Handkerchiefs. Handsome assortment of Ladie->, Gents and Children’s Handkerchiefs at 5, 10,15, 25c, and on up—Plain and Embroidered, scolh ped edges, etc. Crepe Moire, Handsome Patterns, silk effect, worth every where 20c. a yard we are go ing to run them at 10c. a yai and. See them. TRUNKS—Atacks of trunks at correct prices. Bags and Valises at Manufae turer’s prices. (pfiaf §>t©@6 ©f Qfefflißg. Eight Thousand Strong is Still the topic of the season , and is headquarters for P n &\ High Class Clothing , as it has been in the past and will he for time to come. Bought with the tariff off and by a man who makes Clothing his Study and is well up as to what goods are, and what the people need. He has purchased the most Complete Stock ever shown in Middle Georgia. Our Boy's 2 piece suit worth $1.26, now 74c; they WILL MOT BE HERE LONG at that price , We offer one for 99c worth $1.50 LA GOLD. People are seizing these opportuni ties in great Hawte. Boy’s Suits. See that Suit for $1.25. A better one foi $1.50, Our boys Brown and Black Cheviots are beauties. We have a beautiful worsted in blues and black, bound and unbound, a stylish made garment. Prices right on these | &n< l many others t®o numeroas to men tion. Come and satisfy youiself. DRESS GOODS. A collection of up to date fabrics now ready for inspection by the ladies tljul want the bes; things out in Amer ican and European production. We ha\e (hem and the prices are correct. Beautiful assortment of Twills, Di agonal:-, Brocade, Tricots, Covert Cloth, Angora Suit, Scotch and En glish Mixtuies, Tai lan Plaids all at Tariff Prices. On account of great Tariff reduction in all lines of Dress Fabrics. Our buyer tickled by the immense reduc tions, bought largely and the result is that wo are over stocked as we have ouly 90 days in which to un load this mammoth pile of merchan dise. We have determined to put the prices where our would be competitors will have to follow or take down their sign. We are the people, and it you want to deal with live people, who are ready and willing to take caic of your interest. Come to headquarters for bargains in al! lines of Merchandise. \\ e will talk with j 7 ou about prices on line of goods you are acquainted ith Cashmeres that were 15c. go atße. Cashmeres that were 20c. go at 12 1-2. Cashmeres Double Fold that were 18c, Henriettas 40 inch wide sold at other stores at 35c. we offer them at 24c. Henriettta worth 05c. the Tariff price is 48c. W q have all the latest shades in these Cashmeres and Henriettas. Ladies ICoth at Tariff Prise 75c. the $1 00 quality l ’, at Tariff price 95c. the $1.25 quality, at Tariff price $1*331-3 the $1.75 qual ity. Double Fold Tricot worth 30*. our Tariff Piice 20c. Grey Blankets 75 cents per pair worth $1.25. Large as sortment all wool blankets at tariff prices. Boys Knee Pants Boy's Knee Pants, Large. Boy’s Knee Pants, Small. Boy’s Knee Pants, Long. Boy’s Knee Pants, Shor t. Boy's Knee Pants, Good. Boj’s Knee Pants, Cheap. We have a lot suit of to give way at $3.50, never known to be cheaper than $4.00 and $5.00, DRESS GOODS. Slack Goods Department Silk Warp Henrietta were $1.25, our tariff price 95c. Princetta Cloth was $1 75, our ta-iff price $1.20. Silk Finish Henrietta was SI.OO, our tariff price 75c. All W 00l Henrietta was 75c, our tar iff price 48c. Black Wool Henrietta was 50c, our tariff* price 33c. Black Wool Henrietta was 35c, our tai iff price 24c. Black Henrietta was 20c, our tariff*price 10e. Beautiful Quality of Mohair Brillean teen sold everywhere at 75c, our tariff price 4Sc. Colored Dress Goods* AH Wool Silk Warp Henriettas was $1.25, our tariff price 95c. All Wool Silk Tinish Henrietta was $1 00, our tariff price 75c All Wool Silk Finish Henrietta was 75c, our tariff’ pri< e 48c. Colored Wool Henrietta was 50 •, our tariff price 330- Colored Wool Henrietta was 35c, our tariff price 24c. Colored Wool Henrietta was 20c, our tariff price 10c. Pine Dress Trimmings. In passamentries, Fancy Silks, Mories, Fail Francais Velvets, Carnitines, Braids, in fact, the lates in all Dress Trimmings, only to be found at the old reliable New York Store at tar iff prices. Gloves and hosiery, lu this Department we are better able to please, because we carry all the best grades. Our SI.OO Kid Glove can’t be matched elsewhere for less than $1 25. Ladies' Fast Black Cashmere Jersey Cloves worth 35c anywhere our tar iff price 20c. Better qualities have suffered the same tariff reduction. See them! Pins 1 emit Paper, Men’s Suits. Xow offering a suit that you always paid $5.00 and $6.00 to’. reduced bv tariff to $4.00. We have an elegant Square Cut Suit in long -tack, siugle breasted, well made perfect fitting, for $4.93. You want to see it: worth $6.00. We have 36 suits; 12 each, brown, black and grev; will sell for the next 30 days at $6.00, worth $7.50. You want to see them ! See them ! UfMDERWEAi?. Ladle’s Wool Underwear. Ladie’s White J/eiino Jersey -/fibbed Vests at 49 cents, worth 75 cents. Audio’s Union Jersey /fibbed Vests at 20 cents, worth 35 cents. Ladie’s Lamb’s TFool Vest at $1.25 worth before the tariff reduction $1.75. Our assortment is complete in this de pannent and we can save you money. EIDERDOWN FLANNELS A beautiful assortment of Co'lars, pinks, baby blues, chocolates, etc. We offer our leader at 35c, worth 50c, our 75 cent quality reduced to 5u cents. Embroidered Flannel for infants’ long clothes. Outing Flannels, suitable for Ladie’s house diesses, boys shirts, A/en’s neg ligee shuts, worth 15c,, our price 10c. FANCY GOODS DEPT: Oorticelli Wash Silk, Whip Coni, Penny spool embroidery. Waste silk in ounce packages lor chain stitching, briar stitching, etc. Carpets. New designs in Ingrain and Tapestry Brussels TFool Ingrain worth 75c, our tariff price 40 cents. Zxtra Superb TFool Ingrain worth 75c, our tariff price 57 1-2 cents. All wool 3 ply carpet vvoith $!.10 our tariff price 85 cents, RUGS! RUGS! Large assoitment of /fiigs all sizes and pi ices. STANDARD PATTERNS. October plates now ready, call and got one. AWING M A CHINA’S—The old reli able “New Home” easy running—try one tiiey are guaranteed for live years. BLEACHING—Yard wide Fruit Loom Bleaching 7e. mum pb Given Country Merchants IS ALL 103 DEPARTMENTS. M USE TO GO TO MACON 03 ATLANTA TO BUY -a* We Buy in Large Quantities, and Can m will save yea money. Suits - Overcoats. See that all wool suit at $5 00 We bought a Job Lot o 45 suits, ail wool serge and silk lined, worth SIO.OO will sell at $7.50. That Middlesex suit in heavy or light weight, round or square, always sold for $12.50, our ] rice now $lO. Ask to see our all wool Imported Clay Worsted suit in blue or black bound or unbound, round or .-quare cut, long sack, for.slo, old price $11.50. Spice will not admit of mentioning in detail every line of Clothing we carry, for we carry the iargest and loveliest line of Worsted s*oges, Irieots, Thibet®, Flannels, Cheviots and Casstmeres, that yon should core to see. STAPLES. 38G0yds. Dress Ginghams 8". quality in plaids and stripes our price only sc. 2915 yds. Standard Prints New Styles tor fall and winte: our price sc. 2080 yds. Indigo Blue Oil Reds Bon ne’; Checks. 7c. quality our price 00. I case Shirting Prints to go at 33-4 c. 1 case New Fall and Winter Standard Frints Fancy Patterns 4c. limited quantity to each customer. Extra Heavy Cu tou Qhecks worth live will sell 3e, A better lot of checks to go at 4c. worth Gc. Yard wide WayemanviUe extra Ilea vy Sheeting to go at sc. Extra Heavy Sheeting will lead the Van at 3 l-2c. Yard wide Sea Island worth 7c. one price sc. Yard Wide good quality Bicaching cheap at 7c cut to sc. An Extra Heavy Quality Canton Fiannel worth Bc. to go at 6c. An extra ileav', Quality of Drills the 7c quality sc. Wool Flannels. R (i and While While Wool Flannel very wide 20c. quality before the Tariff reduction, our price 12 I-20. White Wool I Linnet Splendid quality cant be matched for less Ilian 25c. our price 1G730. Our better Qualities equally red need Red Twill Flannel the 20 '. quality to go at 14 cents. Heavy i \vi 1 Red t iaunei aP wool was 35e. our Tariff Price 25c. We have a large assortment of both Red and White Plain and Twill 1 lanneN at Tariff reduction o . COLLARS and CUFFS —Men’s Cel lars at 10c. Men’s Cuffs at 3 prs tor 25c. Ladies Fast Black Hose 10c. Ladies’Colored Hose sc. As long as they last, redue al for 1113 sale. Job lot of LidieU and Cnildren’s Hose a! 10, 15, and 20c, worth double tbe money. Ro©m. ** The acknowledged Leader and Controller of Low prices in this section is now filled with everything necessary to complete a first-class stock of family and heavy Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, etc. Crockery. In this line we have no equal between Macon and Aba da. Ju-1 received a large imported order, v Inch w:>s given six months ago. Iron Stone’ China in all new shapes, sl\les, etc. Ironstone China cups and saucerssoc. 6 inch Iron stone China Pi >tes 45e. A 1 other shapes at prices accordingly, see our line of decorated good*, t be\ certainly are up to date. Full set’s for very small price. / C. (.. Hare, no handle cups and sau cers, at 25c set. Handle cups and saucers at 45 •. Glassware, Lamps. Lamp Chimneys, etc., cheap. SHOES, SHOES. Our Shoe Department is too well known to waste space in eulogising our buyer a .and his long experience, we prefer to mention qualities and prices. Men’s Brogans G to 11 Solid Leather Home made worth 1.25 our price 85c. Men’s Buff Bals worth 1.25 on r price sl. “ “ “ “ 1.75 “ “ 1.25. “ “ “ “ 2.00 “ “ 1.50 ‘‘ Satin Calf “ 250 “ “ 2 00. “*‘ “ 3.00 “ “ 2.50. “ Goodyear welt “ 300 “ 2.50. Women Polkas 3 to 8 Regular 1.00 kind our price 75c. Job lot Women’s Glove Grain Polish worth 1.00 to 1 50 our price 50c. Women’s Kid But 3 to 8 worth 1.25 our price 90c. Women’s Kid But. 3 to 8 worth 1.50 our price 1.15. Women’s Kid But. 3 to 8 .worth 1.75 our price 1.40. Women's Kid But. Opr. Too Pat. Tip 3 to S worth 1.50 our price 1 25. Women’s Kid Lint. Opera Toe Pat Tip Regular prico 1 75. our price 1 50. Women’s Kid But. Opera Toe Pat Tip the 2 00 kind our price 1 75. Women's Kid Bu. Opera Toe Pal Tip worth 2.50 our price 2.00. The 3.00 kind our piice 2.50. Children's C >pperTip 9 to 13 at 50e. School Slid s oil grain Stoll 05c Misses “ “ Oil grain 11 to 2 75c. “ “ “ Spring Heel Button 12 to 2 for 1 00. Misses Kid But. Boots Spring Heel Pal Tip 1 25. Bel ief quality 1.50. Our 2 00 Kind Button Pat. Tip Spr ng Heel for Misses reduced to 1.75. See Our lino Men’s, Ladies’ and Misses’ Ru bber Shoe-, Piece Goods. Jeanes and Cassi meres. Jeaucs Special quality at IGM All shades 9 ox Jcaiie- In avy Quality at 2u •. < an’t be matched for less t L 1 j ‘) / 'J’) •> . I All Wuo! tilled 90/.J -anes l<#goat 30 Jeane; Pauls al 75c. ami 1.00. Large assortment of French and American made C .ssiim res, liepi i - U aterpro ds e <;. At prices that u ill a torn-h you. Stoves, ! • i Large lot received at the low rate of | freight, enables us to sell them at u fiat the yoods cost otlu;r mer chant.-. :• o’s a hummer: Laura Lee, No. 70, with complete set- < ! cooking titen-ib and piping, $6.50. No. 7 with complete list, worth $lO, our price $7.50. No. 8, Laura Lee, worth $12.50 with complete list,we sell it at $8.50 These are all heavy stoves with ail the latest improvements, attach ments, etc. We also have a nice line of fine stoves at low figures. QUILTS. Marseilles Quilts. We flit* noiv on ‘lie ground floor with Maiveil les Q u i 1 ts—ll 4a t 50. Laige assortment or better grades. Lace Curtains the same old price, 50c a pair, limited number of pairs to each customer. TOWELS—Large Long Towels at 5, 10 and 12 1-2 c. TABLE DAMASK.— Extra wide 54 inch at 20c. worth 35c. Another number at 35c. worth 50c. Vvhite Gatin Damask 60 inch wide at ooc. worth 50c. Turkey Red Table Damask at 65c. worth 85c. 5 pound Packages of 8 and 10 Factory Thread at 80ce worth 1.00. Assortment of Stocking Yarns in all colors. TICKING—Good Mattress Ticking at Go. worth Sc. Extra heavy Mattress Ticking at, 10c. ( ant he matched for lees than 121 2. Heavy Feather ticking Amoskeao AC \ G Bails Sewing Thread tor sc. Gents Furnishing, Genuine Guyott and Al wood Su-pen <ier at 50c. Also an imitation for 2oe. Job lot Suspenders at 5, 10. 15 and 24c. Men’s Uiilaumltied Shirts reinforced back ami trout 50c. all over the world except here, our price 25c. Men’s and Boy’s working Shirts as sorted colors i\ ml sizes 19c Men’s Laundried Negligee Shirts 75c kind at G 5. 1.00 grade for 75c. 1.20 kind for 100 2o Doz Men's and Bovs fad Black hose at 9e pair. Neckwear. Haudsome assortment of Four-in Hand, Tecl< and Z?ows. /It prices that will knock out competition. IPe carry the famous E. & \V. Collars and Gulfs in new styles. Tfatslfe Gaps. Caps at 20, 25. 30, 35 and 50c , A'pirn; Hat. worth 1 50 our orioe 1 00 Brand 2.50 New Stock of o min I>. >totsoil l 4 all Flour, Etc. Our sunset tip-top Baking Flour— -52.65 a barrel. Jersey L : liy, a half patent, a dandy at $2.1*0. The old original sweet Water Valley Patent at $3.00 a barrel. Beware of other imitations that are sold as sweet Ham, Valley patent. That is a giade under put up by the sweet Water Mil! Cos. Full Cream Cheese at 12 l-2c a pound. Arrow Ties 80c a bunch. 1 3-41 b Ludlow Bagging 7 l-4c a yard. Extra heavy star Bagging 8c yard. Hub—2l-41 b full weight Bagging at 8 1 4c a vard. R. J. 11. Tobacco at 45c a pound, special prices in box lots.