The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, October 18, 1894, Image 7

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p. p. p. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes iViai velnus Hnrflfi in Blood Pnisnn Rheumatism and Scrofula tin; ' 'aLLio biooil. build* up 'irpnjttb (n **"*. 9®bllitati-(l, civi' ? ik o " cl, ,H:r , vos - -i LT--'!!f!Y’ 1 ' 1 lfls -it’idn Mlt prevail"/ BVDh r ih* ri f , . a r ry i . 8 5* ,, 0ry and ternary pjimiiis, Tor bloml poisoning merni r - !n -ry° *y Biiv. without f „r,‘,f contrwliction. i haf I*. J*. p. is the he-t Pur,,lcr !" w "rl‘l. and makes pTIYeUeT 7 aud P crmu,l “ nt cures La Ole aed v.noao blood in in an Impure con_i tinn, duo to menstrual Irrocularltlcs, nro poculiarly benefited by the won derful tonic nnd blood cloahsinir proD ortiesof p. p. p. -Prickly Ash, Po£o Loot and Potassium. Springfield, Mo., Aug. 14th. 1893. —I can speak in the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affected with heart disoaso, pleurisy and rheumatism for 3 > years, was treated by the vory best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. p., and can choerfully say it has done me more good than anything I have overtaken. 1 can recommend your medicine to all sufferers of the abovo diseases. MRS. M. M. YF.ARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. l’or Rule bv W. L. Carmichael, Jackson, Ga. j \\ijfp Wait not, be wise as mm the stork. Buy your mtms wTctits ' mm etc ' A ' ,d - bring y° ur re ill T 7 ) 1 I JcbkSOn South uf Jmpsey Souse f Repairing MULBERRY ST. t^-^ijACKSONGA R- S. GRtiTCHER. T. J. FfIMBRO. R. S. CRUTCHER & CO., Furniture. - - - - Furniture. Everything at “Cnt Prices/’ J’.ntl Room, Parlor, Dining Room, Library, Office and Hall Furniture Prieeig’ 01© \\o. Write for our illustrated catalogue or ca/1 to see us when in the city. 53 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga, | King of nil Absolutely Bicycles. the es ** Light Weight and Superior Haterial Rigidity. Every Ma- and Scientific Work chinefullywarranted —l-lf manship. Highest Honors at the Word’s Columbian Exposition. Send twocent stamp for our 34-page Catalogue -A work of Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom. 280 Wabash Ave. Lake and Malsted StS., CHICAGO, ILL-. NORTH GEORGIA Agricultural College, DEPARTMENT ur THE UNIVERSITY, At Dahlonega, Georgia. Spring term begins first Monday in February. Fall term begins first Monday In September. FULL LITERARY COURSES. TUITION FREE With ample corps of teachers. THRfillfiH MILITARY TRAINING under a V. S. Army Officer detailed b, Secretary of war. Departments of Business, Short hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Music and Art. Under competent and thorough instructors. v OUNG LADIES have equal advantages. RHEAPEST COLLEGE IN THE SOUTH For catalogue* and full In.ormanon aa; nresd Secretary or Treasurer of Board Trustees. PIMPLES. BLOTCHES AWO DID SORES CATARRH, MALARIA KIDNEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA Art? entirely rwwtored by P.P.P. -Pt!<*My A*b. Poke Root and Potas- K!um, t ho greatest blood purifier on earth. Aberdeen, 0.. July 21,1091. Messrs Lippman Bros., Savannah, Qa. : Dear Sirs—l bought a bottle of yourP. P P. at Hot Springs. Ark.,and It has done mo more good than three months' treatment at the Hot Springs. Bend tbreo bottles C. O. D. Respectfully yours, _ JAB. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, 0 Cart. J. D. Johnston. To all y horn It may concern: I here by test liy to the wonderful properties of P. P. p. for eruptions of the skin. I • offered lor several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on my faoe. i tried every known reme dy bu. In vain,until P. P. p. was used, and am now ontirely curod. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON, Bavannah. Ga. Sila Cancer Cared. Testimony from the Mayor of Seyuin,Te.V, Sequin, Tex., January 14, 1893. * Messrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga.: (lentleinen —l have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known -a skin cancer,of thirty rears* ft finding, and .ound great relief: it purifies the blood and removes all ir ritation from the seat of the disease and prevent-, any spreading of the sores. I have taken flvoor six bottles and feel eonfldont that another course Will effect a cure. It has also relieved mo from indigestion and stomach troubles. Yours truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book or Blood Diseases Maned free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPRIETORS, 14ppmnn’i Block,Savannah, On W. L. Douclas S3 S HOE NO SQUEAKING. And other specialties for Gentlemen, Ladies, Boys and Misses are the p|F Best in the World. See descriptive advertise §g * ment which appears in this Take no Substitute. Insist on having W. L. with name and price stamped on bottom. Sold by DR. J. W. CRUM. Take F°* OR DYSPEPSIA I 1 MsPVOi/S --INDIEESTION l MM l HEADACHE. B,uous*ess\ BmmvJjAUgoj™ SoURNESS^OF^^^^ App Eri TE BRIEF TELEGRAMS. A CONDENSATION OF OUR .MOST IMPORTANT DISPATCHES. Short and Crisp Morsels of General Interest to Our Readers. Fire at Omaha, Neb.* Sunday night destroyed $200,000 worth of property in the wholesale district. The first snow flurry of the season swept over Orange and Sullivan coun ties, New York, Sunday night. There was quite a heavy fall, also, in Dela ware and Chenango counties. Johnson’s bonded warehouse, Felix Cuelman’s stores, and a large adjoining coffee Warehouse at Antwerp, Belgium, have been destroyed by fire. The loss will foot up a very large sum. The knitting mill of the Aspiuoek Company, at Danielsonville, Conn., which failed some months ago, has been purchased by Mr. Sanford, of Fall River, and it resumed operations Monday morning. Advices received at Berlin from Walfisli Bay, southwest Africa, say that the rebellious Damaraland chief, Witbooi, has surrendered and express ed his willingness to submit to a Ger man protectorate over his territory. M. Pingualt, a prominent sugar bro ker in Paris has been arrested charged with embezzling the sum of 144,000 pounds, which, it is clamed, was due to Baron Hirsch, the complainant, as the result of recent speculations in sugar. A dispatch to the London Chronicle from Rome says that the Russian min ister Ims assured the pope that the re port sent of the czar’s illness are much exaggerated, and that the malady from which he is suffering, while serious, is not incurable. At Milwaukee, Monday, Judge Jen kins dismissed the petition of Ives et ah, to have T. J. Oakes dismissed as the Northern Pacific receiver, and confirms Special Master Cary’s report, exonerating Oakes from making any money out of the road illegally. A dispatch from Ogdensburg, N. l f ., says : Petitions for the nomination of General N. M. Curtis, for representa tive in congress, are being circulated in all of the accessible towns of the county, and are being signed by re publicans and democrats indiscrimi nately. A fire in a four-story building at Chicago Monday morning, caused a loss of about $85,000, distributed as: Richard & Cos., chemical supply works, $50,000; Detroit white lead works, $25,000; Oliver H. Hicks & Cos., paper, SIO,OOO. The fire was caused by au explosion of chemicals. The Detroit left Norfolk navy yard Monday and anchored in Hamilton roads. She will go to Newport for her torpedoes nnd sail for Cadiz and Nap les the last of this week, leaving the Columbian exhibits loaned by the Spanish government. She is under orders to join the Asiatic fleet early in December. The famous hat trimmings case, in which importers of millinery seek to secure a return of money collected for duties on certain styles of ribbons un der the McKinley tariff law, came up before Judge Dallas in the United States circuit court at Philadelphia Monday and was continued until Jan. Bth, next. Severe sentences were pronounced in the district court at Ogdeu, Utah, Saturday on Decamp, McDonnell and King, found guilty by a jury of at tempted train wrecking during the American Railway Union strike. Af ter a lecture by the judge the three men were sentenced to imprisonment as follows: King 4 years, Decamp and McConnell 2 years each in the peni tentiary. A strike of the weavers at the Hath away and Acushnet mills at New Bed ford, Mass., is threatened. When a settlement of the recent strike, which involved all the mills in the city, was reached, one of the conditions was that the mills were to conform to the de mands of the weavers’ particulars law. All of them have done so to the satis faction of the weavers except these corporations, The TJuson foundry and Pullman Car Wheel Company, of Pullman, 111., has filed articles of surrender of char ter. The capital stock is $500,000, divided into 5,000 shares, of which Geo. M. Pullman owned 4,993. On September 29th the directors decided on closing up. The assets of the com pany were sold and the proceeds di vided among the stockholders and the charter surrendered. A dispatch from Kansas City, Mo., says: J. A. E. Elliott is now a cham pion wing shot of the world. Friday he defeated Dr. Carver by a score of 99 to 93 in the last of a series of three matches, two of which were won by Elliott. In this series was done the most wonderful trap shooting ever witnessed, and the scores of both con testants stand without parallel in the records of trap shooting at live birds. The republican state central com mittee of Kansas has made public the affidavit of T. L. Dixon, superintend ent and matron of the state asylum for the deaf and dumb, at Olathe,iu which Mrs. Mary Lease, who was president of the state board of charities, is ac cused of advising them to steal from the patients and give her a portion of the rake-off. They also charge that the board appropriated sufficient to defray the expenses of its members to the world’s fair. A special from Harrisburg, Pa. says: Iron and steel mills in this locality are enjoying an era of unprecedented pros perity. At the Pennsylvania Steel Works the production of rails and Bessemer steel the past week was the heaviest of years. The three furnaces in blast averaged nearly three hundred tons daily. For three days the Besse mer mill averaged 120 blooms every twenty-four hours. The rail mill made 4,000 tons of rails during the week,tha largest production in its history. Fifteen Fishermen Drowned. A special from Apalachicola, Fla. says: The saddest feature of the re cent storm was the loss of fifteen fish ermen, all white, on Sand Island about ten miles from the city. It wa Unown that these men were caught h the gale, but until Saturday it wa> hoped that they had escaped. Officially reported , - • Jl after elaborate com (f\W7l? r petitive tests made under authority of Congress by the . Chief Chemist of the United States Agri fevp)jin J-L cultural Department, Superior to ail other Baking Pow- ABSOLUTELY ders in Leaven - PURE . jng Strength. The most Careful Housewife will use no other. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. Made It Unanimous. A gentleman had been up iu a bal loon and had taken his little girl with him, “How did you feel,” asked a friend. “Why,” said he. “when we were up but a short distance my little girl looked over the edge of the basket car and cried: ‘Mamma!’and I felt that way, too.” Au Extraordinary Catcli. Jones—l went fishing yesterday. Brown—What did you catch? J ones—Nothing. Brown—Congratulations, old man. I’ve have heard a good many men tell of the various kinds of fish they have caught, but I never heard one before tell he liad caught that.— Detroit Free Press. DON’T TOBACCO SPIT AND SMOKE YOUR LIFE AWAY. Ah I what a warning this should be to millions of America’s men who are daily tearing down their \ \ naturally strong physical and nervous system. Do you smile when wo say that the use of tobacco / -v is not a “habit” but a disease? Stopa moment! Did you not educate yourself to use tobacco? Did not / xv yi '¥/ \ take to it naturally? Well no! And now you want it—why? Because tobacco tastes good? No, but [ VC\N G - A 1 to gratify a desire hard to explain, and o,nly satisfied by nicotine. _ kf*\! I ICC’C MO I? TV The use of tobacco makes it shorter. We want to say right here DACW/ L/®MI \ l_BrE O WOVUI a that AVO have not the time, much less the inclination, to preach pT&f < 7 printed sermons for the sake of making a man quit tobacco, // be doesn't know that it hurts him. We want Kil \ to talk to the man who realizes that he is tobacco spitting and smoking his life away; who wants to stop r'jf-'f f and can t. Do you ever stop and think that tobacco produces a diseased condition of the nervous sys- r tem —so much so, that you are compelled from time to time, to feed the never ceasing demands with j |a. Rtf■ <i tobacco, and that you may have, like millions of other men, yV'UM 1 A UEADT 9 Nearty everyday tlie newspapers give an I UdAwwU nbMRt B a account of some eminent man falling aud " W W 1 ■ denly dead at his desk from heart disease. Asa - I>A IR\ Vi SS&W rule no middle-aged man In active business dies thus suddenly unless poisoned, and that poison, in 9 \.\i\ vs'My the majority of cases, is Meanwhile the slaughter goes on. The press and the pulpit seem wiML muzzled, the majority being participants In the popular vice, and those who are not seem hypno- N\> \ tized and afraid to speak out. VITA! ITV iy ICQTIiy IZEDV Tobacco destroy, manhood. Tensofthous- If ® ■ illiaitalJ a an^s 0 { men f ee f darkening clouds of early decline upon them because nature, not exhausted naturally , but burdened with the taking care of W&iTMW tf? y,\ tobacco-poisoned blood, fed day and night, has surely and slowly succumbed to the frightful effects Xrfiwjl W // of tobacco upon the vital forces, that makes strong men IMPOTENT and destroys their manhood. n , t )J YOU ASIC I” R p & Test No-To-Bac under our absolute guarantee; VWW riYWr ■ {eel how quick No-to-bac kills the desire for f tobacco, eliminates the nicotine, steadies the nerves, increases the weight, makes the blood I % lf\ X pure and rich and tingling with new life and energy. Hundreds of letters from aged men testify to \ i IftfJß M % 11^ years of tobacco slavery, and tell how No-to-bac destroyed tobacco’s power and brought back (\ JA \ feelings long since dead, while sensations of a younger existence once more warmed the cockles Vl % 't f*^ of the oldman’s heart. Gloomy days were gone, the sunshine was brighter; the warbles M SA J WIM 1 VNtt \ of the little birds all spoke of love; the old man made young again and—happy. Mo sf&lik f iWlll \\\ ''Wlffl \ IT IS TRUE, N cJrE B EVERY°ON S e’ T • What’s the use of tell- WMM,WS ■ B HW ■ ivwß—s CURE EVERYOINE. mg a lie to get caught at \\ ] it? You know and so do we, that the claim “never fails to cure” is a quack lie, and fraud’s u.| v\'s , 'w l UWwllklJ talk. We do business with the good American people, appreciate their patronage, and give value received. Our guarantee is clean cut and to the point. Head it. Wo would rather m have the good will of the occasional failure than his money. _ We talk about this for your own B sake and to protect you from frauds and thieves — the meanest kind of thieves, who would rob you I ft "kn'fo/ /iWrAn/ri within the pale of the law. They go just far enough in the imitation of No to-bac toprac- Jm wmlh tice a fraud on you and escape prosecution. Bewareof the man who says, just as good as NO-TO- Ru h BAC, for it stands alone, backed by men of national business reputation and integrity, personally ' known to the publisher of this paper, who also is_ ready to indorse our guarantee. SiTSend . A , uiimVlu #/ for our beautifully illustrated work entitled “King No-To-Bac —His Work in America,” and read of the thousands not only cured of the tobacco habit, but made strong, vigorous and , manly in strength, weight and vitality once again. You run no risk. No-to-bac is guaranteed to cure or money refunded. TENS OF THOUSANDS OF TRUTHFUL TESTIMONIALS Have been received from enthusiastic users of NO-TO-BAC. We print a few to show how NO-TO-BAC does the work. We do not want our testimonial doubted, for they are truth—pure and simple. We know it and propose to back them up by offering a reward of $5,000 to anyone who can prove that any testimonial published is false, or that we have knowingly and willingly caused to be printed testimonials that do not , so far as we know, represent the honest opinion of tbs writers. signed, H. L. KRAMER, Treasurer. Tobacco Caused Consumption—No-To-Bac Cures the Tobacco Habit and Consumptive Gets Well. Two Rivers, Wis., Feb. 2.—[Special I—Great ex citement and interest has been manifested iu the recovery of an old-time resident of this town. Mr. Joseph Bunker, who has for several years been con sidered by all his friends a hopeless consumptive. Investigation shows that for over thirty-two "ears he used three and a half pounds of tobacco a week. A short time ago he was induced to try a tobacco habit cure called "No-To-Bac " Talking about his miraculous recovery to-day be said •'Yes, I used No-To-Bac, and two boxes completely cured me. I thought, and so did all my friends, tbat 1 bad con sumption. Now they sav. as you sav, -how healthy and strong you look, Joe, and whenever they ask Ol ID Pll ADA BUT ETC is plain and to the point. VU l\ GUHIaHII I bh Three boxes of NO-TO-BAC, 30 |i 111 rnij:: imi inm 1 n| < j a treatment,costing 82.50, or a little less than 10c iPUPI lOUrniC |a day, used according to simple directions,is guaran -rUDLIOnLn O iteed to cure the tobacco habit in any form, Smoking, fWe, the Snuff and Cigarette Habit, or money refund lof this paper, knowl ed by 118 to dissatisfied purchaser. AVe don’t claim to Sthe S. K. Cos. to belcure everyone, but the percentage of cures is so large |reliable and will|that we can better afford to have the good will of the U®. a* they agree.! oecag | oaa i f a fi nre than hii monefi We have faith In |Tnis we iNO-TO-BAC, and if you try it you will find that NO- I GUARANTEE Ito-bac is to you , uuAHAiiitLg Worth , ts We jg ht in cold. Deafness Cannot be Cured by local application?, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of Ihe ear. '1 here is only one way to enre Deafness, and that is by constitu tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an in flamed condii ion of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tnbe. When this tube gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or impei fect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflam matior can be taken out and this tube re stored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. AVe will give One Hundred Dollars for any of Deafness 'caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for j rculars, free. F. J. Che.vey & Cos., Toledo, O. £3^-Sold by Druggists, 75c. Karl’s Clover Ro it. the great blood purifier,_ gives freshness and clearness to the complex ion and cures constipation, 25 cts., 50 ets., sl. Arc You Happy? The man or woman who is profitably cm nl ved is generally happy. If you are not happy it may be because you have not hound y >ur prop -r work. We earn stly urge all such person- to wriie to B. F. Jolin-on & Cos., Rich mond, V#., an 1 they can show you a work in which you can be happ ly and profitably em ployed. Mr - . WinslowVSoothing Syrupfor children teething, -oftens the gums, redu c- inflamma tion, a 1 lays pain, cures wind colic. -sc. a tottle Squinting in Children. Squinting, especially in children, may often be cured by blindfolding the sound eye for a considerable part of each day and thus gradually forcing the affected eye into use and obedience to the will. The surgical operation for the same purpose is extremely sim ple and iu the hands of a properly qualified practitioner is not attended with the least danger. A Red-Handed Murderer. Tetterine kills the germs of Tetter, Eczema, Salt-Rheum, Ringworm and other skin diseases. Most of these are caused by the existence of infinitesi mal animalculae. Tetterine murders them at once and stops tin agonizing itch, then it soothes and heals the skin. Just 50 cents a box. Drug stores, or by mail from J. T. Shup trine, Savannah, Ga. me what cured my consumption, I tell them No-To* Bac. The last week I used tobacco I lost four gjunds. The morning 1 began the use of No-To ac I weighed 127!< pounds: to-day 1 weigh 109. a gain of 41h pounds I eat heartily and sleep well. Before I used No-To-Bac 1 was so nervous that when I went to drink 1 bad to bold the glass in both hands. To-day my nerves are perfectly steady. Where did 1 get No-To-Bac? All the druggists in town keepit. I have recommended it to over one hundred people, and do not know of a single fail ure to cure” [This special telegram appeared in over 3.000 papers of the Western Union Associations Cigarette Habit and Tobacco Cough Gone. Overman, Ga., March 16,1894: Gentlemen:—l was au Inveterate cigarette smoker, consuming an For Twenty Years Scott’s Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the whole world. There is no secret about its ingredients. Physicians prescribe Scott’s Emulsion because they know what great nourishing and curative prop erties it contains. They know it is what it is represented to be ; namely, a perfect emulsion of the best Norway Cod liver Oil with the hypophosphites of lime and soda. For Coughf, Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Lungs, Consump tion, Scrofula, Anaemia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Bickets, Mar asmus, Loss of Flesh, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting, The only genuine Scott’s Emulsion is put in salmon colored wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes! Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott Sl Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and sl. Some of Napoleon’s Sayings. Disdain hatreds; hear both sides, and delay judgment until reason has had time to resume her sway. Great men are like meteors, which shine and consume themselves to en lighten the earth. Historians are like the sheep of Panurge; they copy that which their predecessors have written,so that their opinions and interest are not opposed to it, without troubling themselves to enquire into truth or probabilities. Indecision aud anarchy in leaders lead to weakness aud anarchy in re sults. Independence, like honor, is a rocky iiland without a beach. Uncertainty is paiuful for all na tions aud for all men. When we have drnnk the cup of pleasure to the dregs, all we want is rest. Judgment in extreme cases should be guided by precedeut. We can only escape the arbitrari ness of the judge by placing ourselves under the despotism of the law. To really understand a man we must judge him iu misfortune. Liberty and equality are magical words. The only encouragement for litera ture is to give the poet a position in the state. The praises of au enemy are suspi cious; they cannot flatter a man of honor until after a cessation of hostil ities. First Lawyer— What are you going to do now that your client has con fessed ? Second Lawyer—Put in a plea of insanity. A man who will mako a confession when he has me to defend him must surely be insane.— lndian a polls Journal. Smith&Wesson?? StKf™ ■P SOUrHERH^oh** average of flfty dally. I was never seen without one iu my mouth. Since taking No-To-Bac the de sire is gone with that everlasting cough I feel simply fine. lam sure that No-To-Bac is all you claim, and more, too. Yours truly, Jos. Hagak. Brother Editors Say, “We Chewed and Smoked 40 Year*—Now Cured and Happy.’* Verona, Mo., March 23. 1894. Dear Sir:—We smoked and chewed tobacco for 40 years. February [:i. 1892. we commenced using No-To-Bac. We have <no desire now for the “weed” in any form, and feel much better In every way. Boys, take No-To-Bac. J. B. w. & P. H. A. Bennington, Editors ‘•Sentinel.'' WHERE TO BUY Sold by every wholesale and retail druggist in the U. S. and " Canada, or sent by mail anywhere on receipt of price—l box, /\n ABnCB (1; 3 boxes. 12.50. Remit in any convenient form. Our presi- VH VJrtUELrf dent, Mr A. L. Thomas, is a member of the great advertisim: ■■A m. firm of Lord & Thomas. Chicago Our secretary is Mr. P. T. |\j 13 “ §II *• FJ/kCI Barry,of the Chicago Newspaper Union. Chicago. Ourtreas nrcrisMr. H. L Kramer, general manager of the Indiana Springs Company, owners of the famous Indiana Mineral Springs, lnd.—the only place where magnetic mineral mud bath* are given for the cure of rheumatism. We mennon this £P? s . ur £Jl 0 ’ 1 that remittances will be properly accounted for. that our GUARANTEE WILL BE MADE GOOD AND YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED. B£ SURE when you write to mention this paper, and address THE STERLING REMEDY CO., Btt 84. LABORATORY, INDIANA MINERAL SPRINGS, IND, CHICAGO Oc c ICE, 45 Randolph St. NEW YORK OFFICE, 10 Spruce St. MONTREAL, CAN., 374 St. Paul St. S4SSIST NATURE in removing offend ing matter from the stomach and bowels avoid a multitude of distressing de rangements and dis eases. and will have service. agents" for this pur used, they are al“ bowels open and regular, not to fur ther constipate, as is the case with other pills. Hence, their great popularity with sufferers from habitual constipation, piles and their attendant discomfort and manifold derangements. The ‘ Pellets” are purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. No care is required while using them: they do not interfere with the diet, habits or occupa tion, and produce no pain, griping or shock to the system. They act in a mild, easy and natural way ami there is no reaction after ward. Their help lasts. The Pellets cure biliousness, tick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiyeness. or constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belchings, “heartburn,” paiti and distress after eating, and kindred derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowel/. In proof of their superior excellence, it can be truthfully said, that they are always adopted as a household remedy after tlie first trial. Put up in sealed, glass vials, therefore always fresh and reliable. One little “Pellet” is a laxative, two aie tnildy cathartic. Asa “dinner pill,” to promote digestion, or to relieve distress from over eating, take one after dinner. They are tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will readily take them. Accept no substitute that may be recom mended to be “just as good.” It may be better for the dealer , because of paying him a better profit, but he is not the oue who needs help. RPONSJE fl** e^TonicPellets. T'D'P UTIUIPWT for Constipation IKtA I IVI1 V 1 CiX I and ililiousne.f. At *ll ■tores,or by mail 25c. doub:e box ; 5 double boxes •1.00. BROWN iUF’tf to., Nr.vv York City. A.. N. U Forty-two, ’'.M. No-To-Bac Makes My Nerve* Strong. Patterson, Pa.. June 18, 1894 Gentlemen:— One box No-To-Bac entirely cured me of tbe tobac co habit and strengthened my nerves, built up my system and increased my weight I now praise No- To-Bac to my friends and all tobacco users Yours sincerely, Wesley L. Zeilers. Three North Carolinian* Cored. Neitse, N. C., May 1, 1894. Gentlemen:—Youi No-To-Bac has completely cured myself, S. P. Hatch and W. A. Green of this place. Mr. Green has used tobacco in every form for thirty years. I had used it for 15 years. We are all gaining in flesh every day. No To-Bac is truly worth its weight In gold. Yours truly, J. T. Hunter. W. L. Douglas CUAG 1 ISTHEBEST. OIIWbNOSQUEAKINQ. *5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAMELLED CALF gM " 31k, *4*S.S°FINECAIf&KMSARPI Kfeiil# *3 5p POLICE, 3 SOLES. M *oso.S2.WORKINGMEN* S2.toj^SSOTLSHQES. CATALOGUE TTnWi ifTWr W*E-*DOUGLAS* BROCKTON, MASS. You can save money by wearing tho W. L. Douglas 83.00 Shoe. Because, we are the largest manufacturers of this grade of shoos in t’.e world, and guarantee their value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protect you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Tako no sub* Stitute. If your dealer cannot supply you, wo can. jyji.IM.IM.UJUI.JBfc tjg sisiahrup iq ptog 'emit uj El as XI *poof) sateaji 'dnj.fg qanoo IS3U lg| H -stivj 3513 tiv mm sinnp w