The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, November 01, 1894, Image 3

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p. p. p. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Wakes Warvelous Cures in Blood Pnismt Rheumatism and Scrofula IV *’■ P“ 'ICn too I>u ; lK i;n tjio weak and ileliilitatei' LIW V strength to ’.venkotiert :i<rvcs' rxi , ;,s h mhho' f:ivi,l “** 1-Cio:;, | 1(:a - ;i |i and ? “Rl‘' ,esa where Mcknc.R. gloomy toolings and laaMtude flrr.t pr-v: ii j. r t~i c ■miwiii -ijMl.. m h <>r primary pcconrtiiry arid torti-irv Pyplulfß for blood poixoning, Z-rc7. rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and ' ,°n blood and ekin clises-e* Ho nlotchcs, pimple., old ehrooic t :<fi to:t<-r. scald bead, bolls. rrvß‘i< lr.’ cczomn-Bc nip.v m: v. without fir, f eonlnvluti. n, that l\ I’. i\tbol-e-.t blood purifier i'l the world, a~i timk.-s poKitive. speedy and permanent cures in all cases. r I ■ ■— WI.MB W Mm .IM M Ladlos whoso ayateni" rro p>lvne.i and whoso blood is in ar impure eon i tlon. duo to menstrual irregularities, aro peculiarly benefit ed by the vp,n dorful tonic and bloou cicarrinrr prop erties of i>. r. r.-Prickly Asb, l’clro Itoot and Potassium. PPKINOFIKLD, Mo., Aug. ]dUpT<)T —I cin speak la the highest terms of your medicine from my personal knowledge. I wns affected with heart diseaso, pleurisy and rheumatism lor 35 years, was treated by the very best; physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have oalv taken ono "bottlo of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say it has done me m>ro food than anything 1 havo overtaken. can recommend your medicine to all sufferers of the abovo diseases. MRS. M. M. YEARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. I’cr Sale by W. L. Carmichael, Jackson, Ga. I f|j nfep ™ ES 'ETC, Millfir And bring your re ||f| -TO - I L Millet, I ft*South of Jempsey Souse ( j f Repairing MULBERRY ST. ®P n tH=22/jACKSON GA R- s. eßarei-iER. r. j. fambro. R. S. CRUTCHER & CO., Furniture. .... Furniture. Everything at “Cut Prices/’ Bod Room, Parlor, Pining Room, Library, Office and Hall Furniture 0&r WQot Prieeg’ £Jl©tt©. Write for our illustrated catalogue or cafl to see us when in the city. 53 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, Ga. King of all Absolutely Bicycles. t t * ie Light Weight and Superior /Material Rigidity. Every Ma- and Scientific Work cliincfuliywarranted —lra Highest Honors it ttt WtrN't MwMm EipmMm. Send two-cent stamp for our 24-pase Catalogue A -work cf Art. Monarch Cycle Company, Retail Salesroom. aSo Wabash V e. Lake ami lialsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL. NORTH GEORGIA AfiicuH College, DEPARTMENT Uf THE UNIVERSITY, At Dah/onega, Georgia. Spring term begins first Monday in February. Fall term begins first Monday in Septem r. FULL LITERARY COURSES. tuition free With ample corps of teachers. THRflllfiH MILITARY TRAINING nnder a V. S. Army Officer detailed b; Secretary of war. Departments of Business, Short hand, Typewriting, Telegraphy, Music and Art. Under competent and thorough instructors. v OFNG LADIES have equal advantages. pumppvt f.niiFr.E in the SOUTH rcr •£££?? fl'po.fe**' PIMPLES, BIOTCHES AND OLD SORES CATARRH. MALARIA. KIDNEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA Arc entirely removed by P.P.P. —Prickly Ash. Poke Root and Potas sium, tho greatest blood purifier oa earth. Ar.rTPEEjr. 0.. July 21,1901. Mrnsns Lippman Baos., Savannah, Of.. : Peak Siiw-| bought a bottle of your l'. I* i>. at Hot Springs. Ark. .and ic h vi done mo moro good than three mom ha’ tror.tmentat tho Hot Springs, Bond * hruo bottles C. O. D. Respectfully venrs, J AS. M. NEWTON, Aberdoon, Brotva County, O. Carl..l. D. Johnston. 2V> 'll! W/em <’ may concern: I here by testify to the wonderful properties ft P. I‘. for eruptions of the skin. I i ufTore I lor nevcral years with an un t vtht'y md Oi -.j-grrcablo eruption oa i.-y fk' o. l tried every known remo cy bn- i/i vain,until p. p. p. was used, and tn now outlrcly cured. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. Savannah, Ga, Si it* Cancer Caret", Test!monyfretn xhc Mayor of E:guln.Tcx from?. Tk-., January n, ir<93. Mr Lippman Buos.. Sevaunah, Go.: Oc ■iilcmer. —l Unvo tried your P. V. F. f*.r n. disoaso of t ho f-kin.'usually -a akin thirty V' ars* standing, and .ound groat rolicf: ;$ pcriliostho blood nnd removes all Ir ritation from tho seat of tho disoaso •' r vl prevent •• any spreading of the sores, T havo taken P.voor .-six bottles onu fee 1 eoniidonc that anothercourso will effect a cure. It ha > also relieved rue from indig 'nlion and stomach troubles, Your i truly, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. Book n Bloou Diseases Mnlied Free. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT. UPPMAN BROB. PROPRIETORS, Lippmon’i Block,Savannah, da W. L. Douclas *% CUAr 13 THE BIST. f]Vb NO SQUEAKING. And other specialties for Gentlemen, ladies. Boys and Hisses are the g Best in the World. Sf S3 See descriptive advertlse take bo Snhstitnte. Insist on having W. L. DOUGLAS' SHOES, with name and price on bottom. Sold by DR. J. W. CRUM. v 402& Fcp I fgPMfc'?© \ Sick or DYSPEPSIA I FU W I Henvaus -INOICESTION I jgjj|| j HEADACHE. Biliousness \ jaundice s^ PP£r/TE Leu wwyi"MA Tll, y ll * A WOMAN’S HEART. ONE DISEASE THAT BAFFLES THE PHYSICIANS. The Scary of a Warn** Wbo Siflrrrl fei Nine Yean-Btw She WmCnrrd. (From the Xeioark, X. J., Evening On the summit of pretty little knoll in the heart of the village of Clifton, N. J., stands a handsome residence about which cluster the elements of whnt Is regarded by the country people round nbout as little short of a miracle. The' house is occupied by the family of Mr. Geo. Archer, a former attache of the police department of New York City, but who now hoi Is a responsible position with the Standard Oil Company. Mr. Archer’s family consists of his wife, a sprightly little woman, who presents a pic ture of perfect health, and a son, twenty s**ven years of age. No one would suppose to look at Mrs. Archer now that she was for nearly nine years, and less thnn two months ngo, an invalid so debilitated that life was a burden. Yet such was the eas 1 *, according to (ho statements made by Mrs. Archer nnd her relatives to a reporter who visited her pretty home recently. In 1885 she strains 1 herself in running to catch abo it. Then ensuel a long spell of illness, resulting from the tax upon her strength. Doctor after doctor wis consulted an l while all agreed that the patient was sufT-ring from a valvular trouble of the heart, none could afford her the slightest be lief. “Ob, the agony I have suffered,” said Mrs. Archer, lu speaking of her illness. “I cou and not walk across the floor; neither could I go upstairs without stopping lo let tho pain in my oh< st and le't arm cease, I felt an aw'ul constriction about my arms and chest as though I were tied with ropes, Then there was aterriolo noise at my right ear, like the labored breathingof some groat nnimnl I have often turned expecting to see some eroaf ure at my side. The only re lief I o’.taine 1 was when I visited Florida and spent several months there. Oa my re turn, however, the pain came back with re newed force. “Last Ju'y,” continued Mrs. Archer, “I wls at Springfield, Mass., visiting, nnd my mother sh awed me an account in the Springfield Examiner, telling of the wonder lul cun s effected by the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People. My mother urged me to try the pills, and on November •25th ;nst I bought a box and begnn taking them, and I have taken them ever since, ex cept for a short Interval. The first box did not seem to benefit me, but I persevered, encouraged by the requests of my relatives. After beginning on the second box, to my wonder, tho no : se at my right ear ceased en tirely. I kept right on and tho distress tha* I used to feel in my chest and arm gradually disappeared. Tne blood has returned to mj face, lips and ears, which were entirely de void of color, and I feel well and strong again. “My son, too, had been troubled with gas tritis and I induced him to try tha Pink Pills, with groat benefit. I feel that every body ought to know ot my wonderful cure and I bless God that I have found some thing that has given me this great relief.” Mr. Archer confirmed his wife’s statement nn 1 said that a year ago Mrs. Archer could not walk one hundred feet without sitting down to rest. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Tale Peoplenre not a patent medicine in tho sense in which that term is usually understoo I, but nro a scientific preparation successfully used in general praci ice for many years before be ing offered to the public generally. They contain In a condensed form nil tho elements nocessary to give new life nnd richness to tho blood, and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such dis eases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, s iatica, neuralgia, rheu matism, nervous he.i inche. the after effects of tho grippe, palp tation of the he irt, pale and sallow complexions, that tired feeling re sulting from nervous prostration; all dis eases resulting from vitiate I humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a specific for troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, ir regularities and nil forms of weakness. They build up the blood and restoro the glow of health to pale or sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases aris ing from menial worry, overwork or ex cesses of whatever nature. These Pills ure manufactured by the Dr. Williams’s Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, and are never ■old in bulk or by the dozen or hundred. At the Circus. The elephant hit the bars of the ti ger’s cage a whack with his trunk. “What do you want?” growled the tiger. “I wanted to know,” replied the el ephant mildly, “if you knew we had gone into winter quarters?” “Of course, I do; what do you take me for?” “Well,” smiled the elephant, “I don’t have to take you for anything, thank goodness; but if I did, I suppose I’d take you for medicine,” and he blew a trunkful of dust into the tiger’s cage. —Detroit Free Press. The Sensitive Oyster. Any man who leaps heavily upon the deck of an oyster boat is likely to make an enemy of his master. It is a belief of oyster-catchers that the oyster is peculiarly sensitive to such jars. The careful oysterman never chops wood on deck when he has a cargo on board, lest he kill the oysters, and he dreads a thunder storm for the same reason. —New York Sun. Baby’s Sore Head and chafed skin are quickly cured by Tetterine. Don’t let the poor little thing scream itself into spasms when relief is so easy. Every skin trouble from a simple chafe or chap to the worst case of Tetter or Ringworm is cured quickly and surely by Tetterine. It’s 50 cents a box at druggists, or by mail from J. T. Shuptrine, Savannah, Ga. He—“ What do you think your father would say if we were to run away and get married?” She —“Really, I don’t know; but I imagine he would say I was a bigger fool than he thought I was.” Pure Blood Cives Perfect Health—Hood's Sar saparilla Makes Pure Blood. S“ I became troubled with Horen which broke out on me from the lower part of my body down to my ankles, dark, flat and Very Painful. Hood's Sarsaparilla cleared my system and healed the sores in a short time. It also improved my Appetite and benefited my gen- K eral health. I recom mend Hoods Sarsaparilla to all.” L. P. Thomas, Postmaster, Burton s Creek, ' a. HoodV^Cures Ilosd’a Pills are the best. 25 cents per box. FROM WASHINGTON. NEWSY ITEMS PICKED UP AT THE NATIONAL CAPITOL. Sayings and Doings of the Official Heads of the Government. Judg*e Cole has dismissed the peti tion for habeas corpus in the case of Smith, the stamp robber, and remand ed him to jail for trial. All of the inmates of the white house were vaccinated last Monday by Dr. O’Reilly, the president’s physician,as a necessary precaution in view of the ap pearance of Bmallpox in the city. The United States supreme court Monday reversed the decision of the circuit court in the ease of Jghn C. Eno, formerly president of the Second National bank, of New York, who was convicted of forgery in the New York state courts about ten years ago. The department of state Saturday evening received the following cable from Mr. Denby, at Peking: “Japa nese troops entered into Manchuria.” This is the first authentic information that has been received by the United States government that any Japanese forces had entered Chinese territory. Another death and an additional case have have resulted from the small pox epidemic which began in the law division of the interior department, and the marine hospital service is in vestigating a report that still another death traceable to the same source has occurred. William Owens, a young man employed in the census office as a messenger, died Tuesday morning from the disease at thepeot house. The contract fo. dredging and im proving the Harlem river, New York, will be awarded to Rittenhouse R. Moore, of Mobile, Ala., by the war de partment. When proposals for doing the work were opened, the bid of Mr. Moore was found to be considerably lower than those of his competitors, the next lowest being that of a New York firm. This is probably the first time that a firm so far south has suc ceeded in securing such a large con tract in New York. Another case of smallpox developed in Washington Friday morning. James I. Parker, of Indiana, a law clerk in the division of tho interior department, where the other cases were reported, was the victim. Sec retary Smith issued directions to havo the department closed. This action was taken before the secretary was aware of the new case. He said that the order to close was on account of the fumigation of several rooms in tho bidding which was very disagreeable to persons employed in the building. Secretary Carlisle will not make any political speeches during the present campaign. The secretary had a con ference with the president Monday morning in regard to the matter. The secretary told the president that he had received a very large number of invitations to speak in different sec tions of the country, and would very much like to accept as many of them as he could fill, but there were a num ber of important questions pending in his department that imperatively de manded his presence in Washington for some weeks to come. Secretary Herbert spent an hour ■with the president Saturday morning endeavoring to settle a problem which has worried the naval authorities for several months and which must be disposed of promptly. Four impor tant commands are to be filed—the superintendent of the naval academy and naval observatory, the commander in chief of the south Atlantic station, and the commandant of the New York navy yard, the latter becoming vacant November 10th by the retirement of Admiral Gherardi. Ordinarily these details would not cause so much con cern, but at present they involve most of the higher officers of the navy and numerous changes are likely to result. HOPE FOR ALEXANDER. The Crisis in the Czar’s Case Supposed to Have Been Passed. The condition of the Russian empe ror continues to excite hopes that the crisis of his disease has passed and that his recovery may be possible. The following bulletin was received at Washington Monday by Prince Canta cuene, the Russian minister to the United States, from the minister of foreign affairs: “St. Petersburg, October 29.—The emperor slept well on Saturday night. Yesterday (Sunday) there has been no change in the condition of his maj esty.” HOLOCAUST IN A TENEMENT. Seven Unfortunates Succumb to Rag ing Flames. Seven persons were burned to death at New York Tuesday morning in a tire in a five-story tenement. Those dead are: Minnie Applegate, aged 22 years ; George Friedman, aged 4; Levi Friedman, aged 3; Mrs. Margaret Killin, aged 37; Jacob Kilain, aged 40 ; George Levey, aged 20; Mrs. Lena Mitchell, aged 24. Mrs. Lena Fried man leaped from the window, was horribly burned, and will probably die. THE CZAR GROWS WORSE. A Sudden Change in His Condition Reported. The following official bulletin was issued at St. Petersburg at 10 o’clock Tuesday morning: “The general con dition of the czar has become consid ably worse. Last night the spitting of blood, which began yesterday with severe coughing, had increased. Symptoms of congestion of the left lobe of the lungs have manifested themselves. His majesty’s condition is one of danger.” A Dispensary Decision. Attorney General Olney has rendered a decision in regard to the South Car olina authorities seizing liquors in bonded warehouses. The attorney gen eral says that such liquors cannot be seized under the dispens’ary law. Gov ernor Tillman says the opinion of At torney General Olney was nothing more than he expected. Tens eaddeet kind of an April fool is to opß a tetter in which you expect to Inti ®<?Rey, but find as om*de bill. 3lysterlously Pleased. An artist who was sketching on a Japanese island found himself able to perpetrate a mysterious joke in a very simple manner. He was at work on the beach, overlooked by a crowd of villagers. He Bays: I noticed then what extraordinary effects colors produce on those whose eyes are unaccustomed to them. A man in the crowd would get excited, open his eyes wide and show his teeth every time I happened to touch with my brush the cobalt blue on my pal ette. Other colors had not the same •effect. His eyes were continually fixed on the blue, anxiously waiting for the brush to dip into it, and this would send him into fits of merriment. I squeezed soma blue paint from a tube on the palm of his hand, and he nearly went off his head with delight. He jumped about and yelled and then ran some distance and squatted on the sand, still in admiration of the blue daub on his hand, aud still grinning at intervals with irreplessible enjoyment. Where the point of the joke was no one but himself ever knew. Youth’s Com panion. It is a cast iron rule that when the head of the Astor family arrives at • certain age his photograph is taken and inserted in a frame which contains also those of his predecessors. These framed photographs stand in the head office, where the business of handling the vast estate is carried on, and every day a bunch of flowers is placed in a vase in front of them. Held by the Enemy. If you are held captive by the enemy, rheu matism, bound hand and foot in the shackles of rheumatic gout, you have yourself to blame, because you did not check their ap proach in the outset, with Hostetter’s Stom ach Bitters. Tackle them at once with this pain soothing, nerve quieting, b ood depurat ing specific, and you will experience speedy relief. Biliousness, malar al, dysp ‘ptic, liver and neuralgic complaints yield to it. Aluminium corrodes under the action of the human breath. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of perma nently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action, but now that it is gener ally known that Syrup of Figs will permanent ly cure habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Iron, when very finely divided, is inflam mable. Dr. Kijmer's Swamp-Root cures all Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamton, N. Y. Fans arj used in the Catholic services in Spain. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured With local applications, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, and in order to cure it yon must take internal remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di rectly on the blood and mucous surface. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is not a, quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years, tnd is a regular prescription. It is composed of the best tonics known, com bined with the best blood purifiers, acting di rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing ca tarrh. Send for testimonials fi'ee. F. J. Cfieney & Cos., Props., Toledo, 0. Sold by druggists, price 75c. (Success in Life depends on the li tie things. A Ripans Tabule is a little thing, but taking one occasionally gives good di'e-dj.>n, and that, means good blood, and that means good brain and brawn, and that means success. Mr*. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottle Karl’s Clover Roit, the great b’oo l purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complex ion and cures constipation, 25 WALTER BAKER & CO. j. The Largest Manufacturers of UvA PURE, HIGH GRADE JgL COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES faffs On thii Continent, have received HIGHEST AWARDS /arwg*jr\ from the great I film Industrial and Food II H expositions 1; Kyjln Europe and America. fIM [ {., j r lj Unlike the Dutch Process, no Aika- JVJ lies or other Chemicals or Dyes are used in any of their preparations. Their delicious BREAKFAST COCOA is absolutely pure and soluble, and costs less than one cent a cup. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER &CO. DORCHESTER, MASS. W. L. Douglas ISTHE BEST. no squeaking. $5. CORDOVAN, FRENCH&ENAMELLED CALF. FINEGAIf&KWJ6AROI mf a# $ 3.5 P POLICE,3 Soles. JpL j Boys’SchoolShoes. FOR CATALOGUE &****** BROCKTON, MASS. You enn save money by wearing the W. 1,. Douglas 83.00 Shoe. Because, wo aro the largest manufacturers of this grade of shoes in the world, and guarantee their value by stamping the name and price on the bottom, which protect you against high prices and the middleman's profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere at lower prices for the value given than any other make. Take no sub* stltute. If your dealer cannot supply you, wo can. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE Standard Dictionary IN EVERY COUNTY IN THE SOUTH. Apply to N. D. McDonald, P. O. Box 249 Atlanta Ga. Consumption was formerly pronounced incurable. Now it is not In all of the early stages of the disease Scott’s Emulsion I-- will effect a cure quicker than any other Jsphi known specific. Scott's Emulsion pro motes the making of healthy lung-tissue, relieves inflammation, overcomes the excess- J-fc* ive waste of the disease and gives vital For Cloughs, Golds, Weak Lungs, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Consumption, Scrofula, Anaemia, PjS[ Loss of Flesh and Wasting Diseases of Children. Itiygi Buy only the genuine with our trade -rc mark on salmon-colored wrapper\ Sendfar pamphlet t>H fkeU't Rmuhion, FRKfi, •oott A 9own*, N. Y. All Drugging, so oanta and l, The best baking powder made is, as shown by analysis, the Royal. /p Comr of Health , New- York City. Monarch of Telescopes. A San Francisco, Cal., special says: Ex-Senator James G. Fair is inter ested in a telesoope building project which may result in the construction of the greatest Btar magnifier the world has ever seen. The instrument will not only bring distant planets nearer than the great equatorial at Lick observatory, but it will permit as many as fifty persons to use it at the same time. The instru ment has been perfected by Professor George, formerly director of the as tronimical station at Melbourne, but now in the Paris observatory. There he has worked on his new telescope, which will have no tube. It will be a reflector with a mirror twenty feet in diameter. The cost will not be more than SIOO,OOO, yet it will have ten times the light-giving power of the Lick Observatory glass. Mr. McGeorge, when he had perfected his plans, began hnnting for a million aire patron. Ho wrote to an old friend in this city, Dr. McLean, and gave him an outline of his plans, McLean saw ex-Senator Fair and the California capitalist was so much struck with the idea that he offered to advance money to build the telescope and mount it in the Lick Observatory. The plans is to perfect the glass here and then take it to the Paris exposition, where it would soon pay for itself. A Beautiful Thing. The lady in her elegant victoria drove up to the great dry goods store, and, stepping daintily out, she walked into the busy place. Approaching a weary-looking girl at one of the coun ters, she said: “What time do you get off duty?” “Usually at 6, madam,” replied the astonished girl, “but today at 5.” “Don’t you get very tired, working so long?” “Yes, madam; but I must work or starve.” “Well, will you let me take you for a drive of an hour, after you are through today? I am sure it will do you good.” The girl knowing the wealth and social position of the lady, blushed with pleasure and she was only too glad to accept the invitation so polite ly and kindly extended, and the lady, with a cherry smile and bow, walked out. Then the mau who dreamed this woke up and wondered how the mis chief people could dream such improb able and ridiculous things. —Exchange FLOATING FACTS. A journalistic ballet will shortly be produced at Vienna. The subject is the history of the press from the earl iest days to modern times. Sweden will hold a grand national festival on December 9, in the present year, to celebrate the tercentenary of the birth of her great king, Adolphus Augustus. Paper mills are getting large orders from cartridge manufacturers. This paper has, heretofore, been made principally in the east, but now the western mills are getting their share of the business. The value of medical missions is shown by the fact that out of twenty five recent additions to the Presbyte rian church in Canton, China, eleven have been treated as patients in the mission hospital, which is both medi cal and evangelistic. He Never Painted Feet. Bassano said it was impossible to paint the feet of a human being so as to make them look well in a picture, so he never painted the feet of his figures. In outdoor scenes, drapery, glass, flow ers and the like were utilized to con ceal them ; in interiors pots, pans, ta bles and other objects were employed for the same purpose. — Exchange. Worn-Out Lands quickly restored to fertility by the use of fertilizers containing A High Per Cent. of Potash. Full description of how and why in our pamphlets. They are sent free. It will cost you nothing to read them, and they will save you dohar_. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York He Was Fixed. The young inan essayed to win the daughter’s hand from her father, inas much as he had already won her heart from her, but the old man was obdu rate, and had made up his mind not to be persuaded. However, the young man went at him. “So,” stormed the old man, “you want my daughter, do you?” “That’s what,” responded the youth in a dreadfully fresh fashion. “Don’t be impertinent, sir,” sternly commanded the father. “That’s all right,” responded the youth. “What objection have you to me as a son-in-law?” “You don’t work.” “What’s that got to do with it?” “A good deal. lou can’t support her, can you?” “Of course not.” “Well, you don’t expect me to, do you?” raved the old gentleman. “No, but I’ve something that can.” “What’s that—your father?” “No, it’s $250,000 in 6 per cent bonds, and it beats anybody’s father all to pieces, and I don’t do a lick of work. I even hire a clerk to cut off the coupons for me.” “Um-er-er,” hesitated the old gen tleman, and he took a reef in his tem per until he could investigate— Detroit Free Press. An Indication. Jones—“DeSlim cuts quite a splurge in society, doesn’t he?” Brown—“l suppose so. He never pays his bills.”— Detroit Free Press. HOTHERS mother and child, by aiding Nature in preparing the system for parturition. Thereby 1 * labor ’ ’ and also the period of confinement ore greatly shortened. It also promotes an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child. During pregnancy, it pre vents “morning sickness” and those distressing nervous symptoms from which so many suffer. Tanks , Cottle Cos., Texas. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir —I took your “Favorite Pre scription ” previous to confinement and never did so well in my life. It is only two weeks since my confinement and I am able to do my work. I feel stronger than I ever did in six weeks before. Yours truly, A MOTHER’S EXPERIENCE. South Bend , Pacific Cos., Wash. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.: Dear Sir—l began taking your “Favor ite Prescription” the first month of preg nancy, and have con tinued taking it since confinement. I did not experience the nausea JgfwF or any of the ailments 'C y due to pregnancy, after l-c- Jr I began taking ycur “Prescription.” I was only in labor a short time, and the physician. ' Jfcpla (/ said I got along un- ‘ usually well. We think it saved me ivjßo ' Baee -- a great deal of suffering. I wa3 troubled a great deal with lcucorrbea also, and it has done a world of good for me. Yours truly, Mrs. W. C. BAKER. Eighty Thousand ONE DOLLAR BPAYS8 PAYS FOB AS3 for 30 dTS from dato of this papvr. Are yau Suffering from Kbeunia- Back and Limbs, Impaired rr ~ . , Weaknesses, Kerroasness, Grateful Testimonials. Sleeplessness, be.. &c? If SO. lose no time. Our offer is short lived—oulv SO dayr. It Mar never occur arafo. Electricity, nature's unerrinc remedy baa eared thousands, It will beneiit you. The tea is painless, the oost trivial. The Agent's haven of Sueeeas. Write for Terms. Elwtro-Remedial Iss’n, 325-327 SjeamoreSt..Cincinnati, 0. A. N. U Forty-four, ’94. HALMSanti- Jatarrna iGiiewingGom •••••••••••••C 09999*90< *00 3 • ••Cures ana Prevent* Rheumatism, lu ■* f Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Cacarr 1 au l Asthma, a V Useful In Malaria anU Fevers. Cieausss the V A Teeth an I Promotes the Appetite. Sweetens A w the Breath, Cures the Tobacco Habit. Endorsed W •• by tho Medical Faculty. Send for l l ', 1"1or25 •* A rent package. Silver, Stamps or fostal So‘e. A V GEO. H. HALM, 14u West zath St„ .sew Vork. W (ft I A Tn (hA P Can bo ma de working fa* ,71 I / 111 Jft A M us. Parties preferred who can nr * V W , urulsh a hor3e a3d u . iVo l Alii ■■■■ I# throu.h the country; a team, I£ blaß ih u,m, is not necessary. A IV k k f\ few vacancies in towns aid cities. Mi n and women of good characi r will find thla an exceptional opportunity for prolitable ern p oyment. Spare hours may be use! to good advan tage. B. F JOHXSONi CO., 11th and Main St*., Richmond, Va. RpONSiE |P V arTornc Pellets. TREATMENT and BUiousneu, At all ttorea, or by mail 3Bd. double box; 5 double boxa* At.oo. BROWN HPMI <.. V.,r Ynrk City. A||B Itn!8. Spanish RidUe .nd r.lp Kredtf* OUn^Ti/mmihsssaX