The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, November 22, 1894, Image 7

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Jackson Bugoies! the fall trade, to supply any Reasonable demand from my Numerous Customers, tfo i you want an Extension Leather Top Phaeton or Surrey Canopy lop Phaeton or Buggy, ' fa ' :t ' if - vou want any kind of a vehicle ranging in price from $35.00 to $250.00, on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FATORY and b 3 aupphed. Just received, a large shipment of Old Hickory and Teuaesaet Two-Horse wagons. Respectfully, _ J. R. CannichaeL MALLARY BROTHERS & CO. JVEacoii Georgia RESIEMUER Wli Alt E STILT. HEADQUARTERS FOR Etpjs, Mm, h Ms, Mss Ciss, Ftessss, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. l’iease do uot be persuaded Into buying anything in our line before writing us for prices. MALLARY BROS. & CO, MACON, GA, Fancy Groceries! E. G. GILMORE& HENCELY, Third Street, Black Front, at Hanes, the Jeweler’s. Everything kept fresh, neat and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to call on us. We keep country raised potatoes and onions, in lact, all kinds of country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly filled in a business-dike manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of all kinds on hand at all times Pure coaco cola on hand all the summer, as good as can be found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade and we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8, 1894 JACKSON * INSTTIUTE, Jackson, : : : Georgia. Fall Tail Baiias Taaaiay, saaiaiar ffl, 1894, Kac h years work of this school completely Justifies its claims to bein tT me ot the best in the state. A healthful climate, a pure, moral atmosphere and excelent social mliiiences commend the school to pupils ol all parts of the ''''rile school has made a reputation for thoroughness such as few schools in the state can boast. . , The course of study is broad and comprehesive and is to most approved plans of the best educators of the F Van try- Tuition in First Three Grades 4.50 hall Term. Tuition in Other Grades : 0.50 hall Term. Music, Instrumental or Vocal, TOO per Mont.i. K(t . : : 3.00 per Month. For further information send for Catalogue, or address J. C. Blasingame, President. ; Capital Female College. ; ATLANTA, ’ GA-, For Hiller Education Of Girls Anfl Ycoi Ladies. \ every aep.rm.eo! lassies, mathematics, Bug e conservatory methods ia musie,—Pmuo, \o \t, French and German x " ' Pienaratery department also perfectly V Violin and other stringed tabrumen^ Lipped wid thorough. Bonding rt?P catalogs ml <>& W for ftil *• v ‘ 1 VIM Uofun* Frttlrffftw Just the Thing. “What shall I do?’’ she moaned. “I have broken my bicycle.” “Let me see the wreck, - ’ said her mother. ‘'Why, these wheels are very light, indeed.” “\es, the lightest manufactured.” “Well, there is no need of wasting them. I’ll take them down town and have some trimming put on them, ihey will make lovely hats for you and youi sister to wear to the theater.”— Washington Star. Cause and Effect. Jones—Whisky, I notice, has differ ent effects in different parts of the metropolis. Brown—How is that? Jones—ln the borough it causes drunkenness; in Fleet street alcohol ism; Piccadilly, heart failure.—Pear son's Weekly. Tlie Hf-ntlirn Chinee no - a Wan y, Xo more are \on wli i, ynei complexion ha.-, an orange t.nt. That means that you im-j Uliou . a fact further evin e<l by • iscoinfort on ihe li ht sicie, >iik headache, v. 1 Uifo, i.ausca and furred tongue. Hostet ter s .Stoma h li tt.-r; w iil t kc t e i ilc out of your bloat, regulate your bowels, tot your •st niacli mi good working order—in two words, c ure you. C eit and ecu e to Oc vel low. it cures malaria, rheumatic and kid n y trouble. Hollo v ea t run bri k.sar.* usd for housa eu.idmgin Ger.oany. i>r. Kil iner's s w a mp- U o o r cure a*j Kidney an 1 Bladder troubles. * aiiijihlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamtoa, X. V. I aero are ),000 Am a i; a:is whoown their own homes. #tat* or Ohio, Citt or Toledo , I Lucas County, (" J ‘ Frank J. Chenf c nukes oath 1 hat bo Js tho •anior partner <>f the lirmof F. J. Cheney & Cos., doing business in the City of Toledo, County an l State aforesaid, an i t hat. said i’.rm will pay tho sum of OXE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every case of C ;arrh that C-'nnot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cuke. Frank J. Cu.ney. worn to > cforo me an l subscribe 1 in my presence, thisCth day < f Decemb-r, A. D. 1386. : —-1 A. W. Gleason, SF./rt. [ " • .V dor*/ Pub'ic. Hall’s Catarrh Cure tstaken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfacss of the system. Send for test monials. f-ee. B'. J. Cheney & Cos., Toledo. O. !3BP"iSo!d by Druggists, 7oc. Karl’s Clover Hoot, the great b 00l purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complex ion and cures c mstipation, 25 c s., 51 cts., ?1. Tired, Weak, Nervous “I was trouble! with that tirel anti all gone fooling, had no appetite, had a cough and asthmatic symp toms. I havo been "troubled thus some >1 thirteen years and llrtJ to Give Up All Work AaA ;$t three years ago. Last spring I commenced taking Hood's Sursa- VAparillaand felt better appetite returned Mie 2Trank Cliaron and my cough left me I have used half a dozen bottles and am a well man. I should have wr’tlen this statement before but wanted to wait until after cold weather had settled with us and see if any symptoms of my trouble returned. But not so, for I am now in the best of health. I ant (14 years of age, and doing a full day’s work at biacksin thing. Hood’s Hood's 54 # 114 Cures Sarsaparilla cured my complaint and gave me renewed health.” Frank Charon,Clare mont. N. H. Get only Hood’s. Hood’s Pills cure nausea, sick headache, indigestion, biliousness. Sold by a 1 druggists. Your Poor Tired Husband. He has worked hard all week. Let him sleep late Sunday morning, then treat him to a breakfast of Buckwheat Cakes. 10 Buggies & Harness. V v>T : Two highest awards at World’s Fair for Strength. Beauty and “A th-adf. 9j. ],on l*ricc§. Six Vears ago we discarded the Dealer and began \ UHI celling direct to Consumers at XLJmcß''' wholesale prices. Kesult: up ward of 100.000 Vehicles sold f and our factory now the largest t .VJFAfifrly on earth.dealingdirectwithcon suniers. Seed for our mammoth ■ k 126 pace illustrat. free catalogue. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO., CINCINNATI, O. * WORLD’S c F AIR * I HIGH EST AWARD X , "SUPERIOR tsiUT R!T!C-\’ THE LIFET i ™ E <3f JRLE-.AUP medicinal FOOD Has justly acquired the reputation of being The Salvator for I NVA.H DS The-Aged. an Incomparable Aliment for the Growth and Protection of INFANTS anc‘ •C H I LD R EN A superior nutritive in continued Fevers And a reliable remedial agent in all gastric and enteric diseases ; often in instances cf consultation over patients whose digestive organs were re duced to such a low and sensitive condition that the IMPERIAL GRANUM was the only nourishment the stomach would tolerate when LIFE seemed depending on its retention And as a FOOD it would be difficult to conceh e of anything more palatable. SaM fcy DRUGGISTS, Tej>*,. JOHN CAULK * SON*, l 3 !*** YWfl* SOUTHERN FLASHES. A SUMMARY OF INTERESTING HAPPENINGS, And Presenting an Epitome of the South’s Progress aud Prosper" y South Carolina’s vote for governor is as follows: John Gary Evans, 39,586; Sampson Pope, 17,967; constitutional convention, yes, 31,484, no, 30,130. A destructive tire occurred at Co lumbus, Kentucky, Saturday morning. Twelve business bouses nnd nine resi dences were totally destroyed. The total loss is $75,000, partially insured. A New Orleans dispatch says: The Knights of Labor did nothing at their session other than to consider the cases of the Pennsylvania miners. They adjourned without reaching a conclu sion. Suit has been brought in the circuit court at Chattanooga by the Jellico Manufacturing Company against Judge Louis Shepherd for $250,000 damages for alleged sharp practice while acting as their counsel. A barge loaded with 6,500 barrels of flour, all consigned by Scharff, Bern heiiner k Cos., of St. Louis and towed by the steamer Polar Wave, sank about forty miles above Greenville, Miss., and it is likely that the cargo is entire ly ruined. Fire Monday night at Danville,Va., destroyed K. I. Anderson k Co.’s lum ber and planing rnilis, with about 1,000,000 feet of lumber ; also live small houses in Neapolis. Loss about $28,000. Anderson k Co.’s only in surance was about S6OO on stables. C. D. Hess, in an interview at Lex ington, Kv., Sunday, said that the re port that he had contracted with Col onel W. C. P. Breckinridge for a lec ture tour was true, and that the col onel would begin at once. His lirst subject will be “Ten Years Among Tariff Reformers.” Receiver Eugene E. Jones, of the Chattanooga, Rome and Columbus Railroad Company, says that the reor ganization of the Georgia Central will take place in a short time, and if the present plans are carried out, the Chattanooga, Romo and Columbus road will be a part of the system. Advices from Key West, Fla., say the British steamship Hajeen, New Orleans to Liverpool, cotton laden, has arrived there with fire in the for ward hatch. The British steamship Royal Welsh, New r Orleaus to Liver pool, cotton laden, is ashore on the southwest keys and is reported to bo on fire. W. 11. Gibbs, republican postmaster at Jackson, Miss., under Harrison, ex auditor of Mississippi under the re publican regime, recently indicted for embezzlement as postmaster, of $3,- 970.82, was fined the amount of his embezzlement by Judge Miles, in the federal court Wednesday and sentenced to three years in the Brooklyn, N. Y., prison. A Sensation was sprung at Mem phis, Saturday, in the trial of Detee ivo W. S. Richardson nnd Ed N. Smith, charged with lynching the six negro prisoners, when F. E. Turner, a deputy sheriff, took the stand. He stated that Richardson told him on Monday morning before the lynching that the men would be arrested and would be lynched. That the constitutional amendment prohibiting betting on horse racing in the state of New York has seriously affected the prices of thoroughbreds in Kentucky was noticeable at Lexing ton Monday morning. William Eas ton offered for sale thirty-nine head and Sound buyers for but twenty-three head. The total receipts amounted to $3,525, an average of $153 per head. For several months grave robberies have been frequent in the potters’ field at Chattanooga, but it was not until Monday that sufficient evidence was obtained to justify the arrest of any one. William Hurst, formerly assist ant sexton, was arrested on the charge of body snatching. One of Chatta nooga’s prominent physicians is impli cated and may be arrested any mo ment. An order of designation was received by the clerk of the United States cir cuit judge at Huntsville, Ala., Mon day, authorizing a special term of the’ United States court to dispose of the civil docket. The order announces that Judge Alexander Boardman will preside, and that court will convene on the second Monday in December. This was necessitated by the large criminal docket of the past two terms. The State Agricultural and Mechan ical Society of South Carolina, uuder whose auspices the state fairs are held annually, has decided to raise a capital stock of §50,000 in order to perpetu ate the society and place it on a first class financial footing. The funds of the society have always been meager, and it is believed that with this capital stock a great many taking features can be added to the fair. The Lexington, Ky., passenger and belt railroad was sold Saturday to President M. E. Ingalls for the Chesa peak and Ohio Railroad Company for $175,000. The road is four and a half miles long and gives the Vanderbilts a connection between the Chesapeake and Ohio and Louisville and Nashvilit stations and relieves them of heav? transfer charges by the Louisville ant. Nashville, which heretofore handled their cars through Lexington. SOVEREIGN RE-ELECTED As Grand Master Workman of the Knights of Labor. The Knights of Labor met at New Orleans Tuesday and received the re port of the finance committee which was approved. Payment of the ex penses of the delegates was ordered, involving about $2,500. The assembly then proceeded to the election of officers. Grand Master Workman Sov ereign was re-elected without opposi tion to his old position. Messrs. Bishop, of Massachusetts, and Merritt, of Colorado, were nominated for grand master foreman, and Bishop was elect ed, Secretary-Treasurer Hayes was ; re-elected over some opposition. The \ new executive board Is not yet ready i for The Vadue of Politeness V The phnse man was dilating on th o value of politeness everywhere, but especially in stores, and remarked that he would discharge u clerk for .mpo* liteness or inattention quicker than he would for petty theft. An old resident of Roxbury over heard the remark and, as an illustra tion of the importance of politeness on the part of salesmen, said: “A good rnaDy years ago I went to New York in company with my friend B. One snowy day we strolled into A. T. Stewart’s store- Neither of us intended to make a jmrchase. We merely went there as a matter of curi osity. “At the door we were met by a po lite gentleman, who insisted that he should take our overcoats and umbrel las to relieve us of the burden of car rying them about the store. We told him we were not intending to pur chase anything, but that made no dif ference in his attentions. Another equally polite gentlemau insisted on efcorting us through the building. The fact that we did not intend to pur chase goods did not lessen his cour tesy. “Finally to entertain us the courte ous clerks showed us a large invoice of shawls which had just been received. The clerk unfolded one after the other, and by and by my friend said he would take a 51,500 India shawl which pleased him, and a little later I purchased a valuable carpet. When we entered the store neither of us had the slightest intention of making a purchase of any thing, but the politeness of that clerk put more than $2,000 into the till of A. T. Stewart which would not have been there otherwise. “You are quite right in emphasizing the value of politeness. It is the most valuable commodity a man or woman can carry about. It may sometimes be misplaced, but in the long run it pays. ” —Boston Journal. Hood Afeu Profitably Employed. “Yes, sir, we have a number of grand, good men working lor us, an i they are making money, too. doing better for tliem-elvet than they C' uld in a y other line.” That- is about the way Mr. H. F. Johnson of the firm B, F. Johnson & Cos.. Richmond, Va„ stated the casein inferring to their advertisement for representatives to devote all or part of their time in the interest of their business. Business .lieu in n Hurry eat in restaurantsaDd often food insufficiently cooked. R nmsTabules cure dyspep-ia af.d sour stomach and immed ately relievj head ache. Mr*. Window’s Soothing Syrupfor children teething, softens thogums, redu -cs inflamma tion, allays pain, euros wind colic 25.*. a cottle Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet tei jnan others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’s best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting iu the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cos. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. ! McELREES [WINE OF CARDUi. WAITED-A llVfi Mill In each county for a few days’ work with. the Saloons; v ill pay from $lO to SSO, according to location. C. K. HITCHCOCK, Evansville, Ind. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL, THE Standard Dictionary IN EVERY COUNTY IN THE SOUTH. Apply to N. D. MCDONALD, P. O. Box 249 Atlanta Ga. HALMSaati- ;.tarrna :diewin?Guni ••Cures ana Freveats Kbeumatism, la JigeaUoo, •: A Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Catarr i an I Asthma, A v Useful in Malaria atti Fevers. Cleanses t&e \ A Teeth an 1 Promotes the Appetite. Sweetens A f the Breath, Carestbe Tobacco Habit. Endorsed f •• by the Medical Faculty. Send for V,ljor 2j •• A cent package, silver, stamps or i ostal Sole, A f GEO. It, HALM, l*u West 23th St., hew York, f A, 'A IVvS Powder Absolutely pure lie Made a Mistake. One morning a prominent restau rant keeper w ho < p *ns at 6 o’clock had just entered his store when he heard a rattle at the door. He opened it and let in a man with a very anxious cotin tenauee. “Can I get something to eat at once?” he said excitedly. “As soon as it possibly can be got,” said the proprietor. “What will you have?” “Eggs boiled,” said the man absent ly. “Quickest thing.” “No, for it takes eggs three minutes to boil,and if they are not good they must be done over. Best have them fried.” “Quickest way! I’m m an awful hurry.” The breakfast was eaten in short or der, really bolted down. The mau jumped up, hurried to the counter, and paid the bill. As he did so he looked up at the clock and then polled out his watch. “Good heavens,” he said, “is that clock right?” He was informed that it was and looked sheepish. “Do you know what I’ve done!” he said. “I got up, made a mistake of an hour in the time, al used my wife, swore at the girl, flung out of the house and got my breakfast here. Now I’ve got to loaf around an hour. I’m an infernal donkey 1” Which he certainly was. Cincin nati Tribune. Seeking a Separation. “Do you give gas here?” asked a wild looking man, who rushed into a dentist’s office on Clark street, yester day morning. “We do,” replied the dentist.” “Does it put a fellow to sleep?” “It does.” “Sound asleep, so you can’t wake him up?” “Yes.” “You could break his jaw or gouge out bis eye and he wouldn’t feel it?” v “He would know nothing of it.” “How long does it make him stay asleep?” “The physical insensibility produced by inhaling the gas lasts a minute or probably a little less. ” “I guess that’s long enough. Got it all ready for a fellow to take?” “Yes. Take a seat in the chair and show me your tooth.” “Tooth nothing!” said the excited caller, beginning rapidly to remove his coat and vest. “I want you to pall a porous plaster off my back.” —Chicago Tribune. False Modesty. Never teach falso modesty. How ex quisitely absurd to teach a girl that beauty is no value, dress of no use! Beauty is of value ; her whole pros pects and happiness in life may often depend upon anew gown or a becom ing bonnet; if she has five grains of common sense, she will find this out. The great thing is to teach her their proper value. —Kidney Smith. What will cure your Headache ? or your Dyspepsia ? or your Biliousness ? These Tabules are sure to relieve, Tell your Drug g'3t want the Chemical Co.'s remedy; put venient Tables Or Send 50 Cents for one Box, Ripans Chemical Cos., 10 Spruce St- f New York. STIIR ELASTIC ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. vith ba l-beariipr kite -Joints. Send for des riptive catalogue Succrs-or to A. McDeumott, 510&518 (o dNo.ll-t) St.Char.e* street., wrlean , La. 1 he Key /tFJS Success ih trashing and yOt \ cleaning is Pearl ([ \i z:ze ’ v y doing \ V \ 7 \ away with the \\ ll y/O ft rubbing, it opens the way to \\ )) \ I v 1 eas y work ; with Pear line, a \l O | weekly wash can be done by a 10 weakly woman. It shuts out t v possible harm and danger; all jt things washed with Pear line /A last longer than if washed with I US \ soap. Everything is done better \ with it. These’form but a small part of the \ —Why women use millions upon millions f>f packages ' of Pearline every year. Let Pcarline do its best and there is no fear of “ dirt doing its worst.” *T'li rn On the peddlers and grocers who tell you "this is as good as,” or X UIII tv 1 "the same as” Pearline. IT'S FALSE; besides, ~ Pearline is the XV Cy never peddled. 336 JAMES IYLE, New York. A Cotton Fertilizer. Purchase only such fertilizers for cotton which contain at least 3 to 4# actual potash. For Corn, Fertilizers should contain 6$ Potash, Poor results are due entirely to deficiency .of Potash. Wo will gladly send you Our pamphlet* on tho Um of Potash. Th*y ftfl MB! fit? It will celt yea ns thing to rad thim, and th*y will savo you 6SJM44H ¥AM WWHfSi ta Stttoti Hiw Yerlw Milk Precautions. At Herr Bolie’s fammw dairy in Berlin the milk is straine l through a wire sieve with a cloth, ov r which tine gravel is sprinkle 1. After the milk is strained the gravel is put into a hot oven, that any germ* that may have been possibly strained from ibe milk may be destroyed. Prayer and Profanity are all right in their proper places, but if you have Tetter or Eczema, or Salt- F.heum, or Ringworm, belt- r save your breath and buy “Tetteriue.” It’s 50 cents a box, drug stores or by mail irom J. T. Shuptiine, Savannah, Ga. The Cairo museum has s ven brooms used by ancient Egyptian women. They are made of straw and e T ose!y resemble the same arti-hs iu use to day, save that the handles are not long enough for purposes of domestic discipline. of aU cases of consumption can, if taken in the earlier stages of the di .ease, be cured. This may seem like a bold assertion to those familiar only with the means gener ally in use for its treatment; as, nasty cod liver oil and its filthy emulsions, extract of malt, whiskey, different preparations of hypophosphites and such like palliatives. Although by many believed to be incura ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of living witnesses to the fact that, in all its earlier stages, consumption is a curable disease. Not every case, but a large per centage of cases, and we believe, fullv 98 per cent, are cured by Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering cough with copious expectoration (includ ing tubercular matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases reported to us as cured by “ Golden Med ical Discovery ” were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease ? You need not take our word for it. They have, in nearly every instance, been so pronounced by the best and most experienced home physicians, who have no interest whatever in mis representing them, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial of “Golden Medical Discovery,” but who have been forced to confess that it surpasses, in curative power over this fatal malady, all other medicines with which they are acquainted. Nasty cod liver oil and its filthy “emulsions” and mixtures, had been tried in nearly all these cases and had either utterly failed to bene fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of the hypophos phites had also been faithfully tried in vain. The photographs of a large number of those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal catarrh aud kindred maladies, have been skillfully reproduced in a book of 160 pages which will be mailed to you, on re ceipt of address and six cents in stamps. You can then write those cured aud learn their experience. Address for Book, World's DiSi’i nsary Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y. W. L Douglas IS THE BEST. NOSttUEt.i'.iNCJ, $5. CORPOVSAN, J&i \ FRENCH&ENAMELLEDCA’ : M \ j&| $ J.s? FQLiGE,3soi£3. *2.toBoriSCHOOLS • LADIES* oi/. SEND FCR CATALOGUE W’L, 0 DOUGLAS, 'WT'r*" '- 9 bno c icro 1 1, Yon can save money by wearing the W. L. Dcaclas S3.CD fihoe. Because, wo are the larccet r.--cnufacturer3 of this gracleof shoes In tho world, anil guarantee their value by stamping the narr.o cad price on tbo bottom, wliich protect you against high prices and the middleman'* profits. Our sices equal c ;:;rozn work ia style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. We have them sold everywhere at lower prices for the value given thnn nnv other nato Take, no sub stitute. It your dealer cannot ru-pi 7 yen, wo earu BKmonsis eTonic Pellets. TREATMENT and Biliotixiteis. At *ll stores, or by mail 25c. double but; 5 and >ubie h-ixsi Cl.oo. nitdWN UI-’ K' •<.. Vmv York City. souncec! hopeless. From first dose symptoms rapidly disappear, end in ten days at least t-vo-thirds of aii symptoms a r e rr.c.vcd. BOOK of testimonials of mirarnlr. rs 'ires star pftCg, TEH DAYS TREATMENT FURKiSHIff FUSE by mail on. n. 11. GUL£N JL BOSS, (specialists, Atlsato, Cos. Ml in ROIJhqSp nisli Needl h ui ’ ip Needl's 111 IK we the instru - e it for n- tingmin w IS erals. Is. F. O. BIAUFFLR, Harr gb-tjg, Pa. l A. N. b F< riy-eevtn, ’ill.