The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, November 29, 1894, Image 7

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F ,^ ac^° n Buggiesr for the faix trade, to supply any Reasonable demand from my Numerous Customers So it you want an Extension Leather Top Phaeton or Surrey iLiiiopy Top Plidoton or Buggy In fact, if you want any kind of a vehicle ranging iu prt e ’ from $35.00 to $250.00, call on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FATORY and b3 supplied. Just received, a large shipment of Old Hickory and Tennessee Two-Horse wagons. Respectfully, J. E. Carmichael. MALLARY BROTHERS & CO. IMlacon. G-eorg ia REMEMBER WE ARE STILT. HEADQUARTERS FOR Etp, Msrs, Siw Mil, Gita Gins, Presses, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Please do not be persuaded into buying anything in our line before writing ns for prices. MALLARY BROS. & CO, MACON, GA, Fancy Groceries! E. G. GILMORE & HENGELY, Third Street, Black Front, at Hanes, the Jeweler’s. Everything kept fresh, neat and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to call on us. We keep country raised potatoes and onions, in fact, all kinds of country raised Vegetables. We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly filled in a business-like manner. Ice cold, noil-intoxicating drinks of all kinds on hand at all times Pure coaco cola on hand all the summer, as good as can be found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade and we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. . Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8.1594. JACKSON • IN STTIUTE, Jackson, : : : Georgia. Fall Term Baps Tuesflay, Saptaiar 411, 1894, Each years work of this school completely Justifies its claims to be\n g cue of the best in the state. 1 A healthful climate, a pure, moral atmosphere, and excelent social influences cent mend the school to pupils of all parts of tie The school has made a reputation for thoroughness such as few schools iu the stale can boast. The course of study is broad and aml .s ai range according to most approved plans of the best educator-on country. Tuition in First Three Grades 1.50 Fall Term. Tuition in Other Grades : 6 -°° Fall Term. Music, Instrumental or Vocal, 300 per Munt.i. A . . . . : 3.00 per Month. For further information send for Catalogue, or address j. C. Blasingame, President. | Capital Female College. ATLANTA, ' - GA., 1 For Mur Eflncalion Of Girls AM Yom Laflios. i pvery —— Tr ,^" ed (elastics, mathematics, collsel v alnry melted. • music, Vo ft, French and German Exclusiv > department also perfectly ) Violin swl other stringed lulpptil i4 *won|li. floardtss depainae .. 1 m 4 (lfctl I*** •****' m Kind Heatts Beat Pretty Faces. T II is Baid that of an old iat ’ °ne day run against it nvf W t° man 8 fruit kicked abns r * ill8 1 g ? od looks thus turned her a , Be . to a( lmiration. crild he . r v a f e y ° U driving to? ” she Uothinrv I OU g f ea b bulking, good for you ” Jeß Utiful fellow. God bless bl^ U \^^ Be . w k° have the nncomforta 8r of "inning favor, we know not £’ are not necessarily beautiful. VUo cannot name some plain feat red woman of his acquaintance who . ad ored by her family and sought by Jiends and acquaintances, but who on make a very insignificant ap penrance in a gorgeous assembly or in alter dinner conversation? It cost Mr. Morton $19,790 to be elected governor of New York. ' ou Can’t Eat Wrought Iron Naltg, course, and expert to digest them, hut vou can eat ordinary food that it who'esome and oiKest it, too, alter your stomach, if enfeeble 1. as ecn by a course of Ho-stet ter’s Stomach Bitters. Your kidneys, liver ous hvi?I S " illbe rendered active and vigor flod r.'iin.f m an .d your system fo>ti it tna.aria and rheumatism. Use t, h iso, if you are nervous and sleepless. Chimneys werv fir t put on bouses of more than one story in Italy in 1347. In Olden Times People overlooked the importance of perma nently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action, but now that it is gener ally known that Syrup of Figs will permanent ly cure habitual constipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. If you would live for yourself, live for others. Pr. Kilmer's Swamp- Itoot cures all Kidney and Bladder troubles. 1 nmphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamton, N. Y. To not fear that you have wasted vour study if you have taught youredf. Thank-trivia#. True merit always wins. In the cause of busine s education the managers of Porter’s Business College have won a victory .at the Dixie Interstate Fair just closed at Macon, Oa., that brings this popular institution still more prominently belore the public. Overall competitors they won the diploma and blue ribbon for “best business college di-play and method work.’’ Their exhibit con-isted of a representation of an office doing business in the regular way, wlti li represented in strong abject lessons, that, to take a business educa tion is to have business training in business methods by doing actual work. Tho-e who wish a thorough course in Bookkeeping, Shorthand or Typewriting, should address J. E. Porter, President at Macon, Ga., and cir culars, c atalogue an 1 other information will I e mailedlo any address. Students may enter at any Um n . Shorter course. Professional cour.-e and Teacher’s course. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. as mercury wi.l surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions t rom reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold tothegoodyou can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh ( ure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Cos., 7t'o!e 10, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, ac ting directly upon the blood m l raucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure bo sure to get thegenuine. It is taken internally, and is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J, Cheney & Cos. l’e timonials free. by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle. Ripnns Tnbules. Slip a vial into your vest pocket and your life is insured against the tortures of Dyspepsia and all kindred ailments. One (jives relief. Mr=. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, redu es inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25.-. a bottle Karl’s Clover Bot. the great b’ool purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complex ion and cures constipation, 25 c!s.,’>3 cts., SI. If afflicted with soreeyesuse Dr. Isaac Thomp son’s Eye-water. Druggists sell at 25c per bottle. Semi-circular arches were first used in the building of churches in 668, Mr. James H. Ashton I AnTWell Thanks to Hooi’s Sarsaparilla,which cured me of rheumatism and ulcers on my leg, which I Hood’s Sarsa - M. JL parilla had for years and coul l f gg44 /\ not cure. I regard A U.A Hood’sSarsaparillaand . Hood's Pills standard medicines. J. H. Ashton, night watchman on Islington bridge, West Rochester, N. H. Take Hood’s Pills with Hood's Sarsaparilla Don’t leave home mad If your breakfast doesn’t happen to suit. TFI I YOUR WIFE To have •lfeeh&o£ buckwheat CAKES For breakfast to-morrow. u . Flehty Thnnwuid ONE DOLLAR Spays roK ߣ * T *® ter 30 aes frora de of Suffering ttn Z.m. VS>ke*. Nerrcusitew, firatehel Tmllumi'* l . fieeplmiieM. J* omt . Oor offer i. ■hcrt-lired-onlr 0, K>#e n® •■•■'v . aalore ? aßfrriDK remedy BET .erer oeenr Toa . jbt test is pEioleiE, ■Write for Ter. ROYAL NUPTIALS. CZAR NICHOLAS II AND PRINCESS ALIX WED. The Ceremony a Swell Affair, Lasting Nearly Two Hours. A Si. Petersburg cable dispatch says: The imperial wedding day broke cloudy and cheerless. Troops headed by bands of music were on the march from all directions at a very early hour and occupied all the avenues of access to the winter palace, massing in strong force in Al exander platz and on the palace quay in front of the palace where the mar riage of the Czar Nicholas II and Princess Alix, of Hesse-Darmstadt, was to take place. PRINCESS ALIX. Long before dawn the people began flocking to the palace quay which was soon densely packed. By 8 o’clock the streets were thronged with the populace iu gala attire. A salute of tweuty guns announced that the groom had started from Auit choff palace, and soino dozeu closed carriages whirled swiftly along the route to the winter palace amid the incessant cheering of the populace. The Czar and his attendants arrived there at ten. Iu St. George’s hall were assembled the council of the empire, the foreign ambassadors and imperial ministers and their wives. In the concert hall were the grand mistress of the court and the ladies of honor. The ladies of honor assisted Paincess Alix in com pleting her toilet before finally assem bling in the concert nail. CZAR NICHOLAS. At 11:30 Friuce Idologorouki, the grand master of ceremonies and ini Count Veroutzoff, the minister c>f the perial court., announced to the Em peror Nicholas that all was ready. THE ISRIDE APPEARS. Then the Princess Alix, her train borne by four court dignitaries, en tered the hall. She wore a jeweled crown and a robe of white brocaded silk with a mantel of strawberry col ored velvet, trimmed with a double row of ermine. As the procession fo the cathedral was being formed, fifty-one guns were fired from the fortress. The spectacle was one of the utmost brilliancy, as the procession defiled from the gorgeous Malachite hall and traveled the concert, Nicholas, Field Marshal and Anuoria hulls, through the entire length aud breadth of the palace. When the procession reached the cathedral it was met at the entrance by the metropalitan of St. Petersburg, the holy synod and the court clergy, bearing the crosses, the holy water and the sacred books. AT THE ALTAR. The metropolitan conducted the czar to a position upon the dais in the center of the chancel. As the emperor took his place the czarina led the Princess Alix to him and placed her at his left hand. The czarina took her place at the right of the dais and the marriage service in use in the or thodox church was begun. The ceremony was of the most im pressivc character and lasted nearly two hours. HANKS TO FURNISH GOLD Wherewith the New Issue of Bond* Will Be Purchased. It is stated on excellent authority that the gold for the new issue of bonds will be furnished by all the national banks in New York, Pbiladel phia, Boston, Chicago and San Fran cisco, and that Hainey, Fish <fc Sous, Drexel, Morgan .V Cos., and the First National Bank of New York, repre senting the bond syndicate, will be the only sellers of the bonds, which will be effered at 110, subject to change. CAR STABLES BURN And Forty-Nine Horses Perish in the Flames. Fire broke out Friday morning in the Allegheny Traction Company’s barns, at Pittsburgh, Pa. There were fifty horses in the barns, forty-nine of which were burned. Seven old horse cars and seven new electric motors were also burned. In the rear of the born, on Emanuel street, four single aud two double houses were destroyed. The lots of the street ear company i estimated at 178(000= The a&ee ii Pot bnovp. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. A CONDENSATION OF OUR MOST IMPORTANT DISPATCHES. Short and Crisp Morsels of General Interest to Our Readers. The Italian parliament has been con voked for December 3rd, by royal de cree. General Nelson A. Miles, on Wed nesday, took command of the depart ment of the east. A private dispatch received at Lon don from India says that the condition cf Lord Randolph Churchill is very unsatisfactory. The foot and mouth disease has broken out amoDg cattle at Falmouth and Siitingbourne, England, and the boards of agriculture have been notifi ed of its existence. A Chicago dispatch says: Pugilist .Tames J. Corbett has issued, on behalf of Steve O’Donnell, a challenge to fight any heavy weight in the world, •Tim Hall, Denver Ed Smith and Peter Maher being especially referred to. Associate Justice W. A. Johnson, of the supreme court of Arkansas, who was re-elected November 6th, for a term of six years, announces that he has returned his passes and will receive no more from railroad corporations. Part cf a freight train on the Santa Fe road went through a trestle be tween Blum and Kopperi, Tex.,Thurs day. The engine passed over the bridge safely. It is not known wheth er any of the train crew’ were injured. Several cars were destroyed by tire. Advices from Palermo, Sicily, state that severe earthquake shocks shook large districts of that country Sunday. The small villages of Sciatra,Campieri, Milan, Aequacalida and San Roberto were destroyed. The homeless inhab itants have encamped in the fields. Advices of Thursday from Yokohama state that the Chinese Pie Yang squad ron is reported to have shelled the Japanese troops marching on Port Ar thur. A desperate battle between the Chinese and Japanese fleets is said to have followed. The result of the en gagement is not known. Governor Fishback, of Arkansas, in answer to an invitation to join the sil ver party, to bo organized at .St. Lou is, wrote a letter to the chairman of the Bi-metallic League, in which he said: “I will not follow any set of im practicables into anew party. The democratic party is the only one through which we can ever secure free and unlimited coinage of silver.” A St. Petersburg dispatch says: On his wedding day the new czar will issue manifestos remitting arrests of taxes and some sentences, and record ing other acts of clemency. When he received the ministers Saturday he welcomed M. de Giers, of the foreign office, with special courtesy and cor diality, saying that lie hoped they would work together for a long time. A New York special says: Professor Charles A. Briggs has issued his latest book, “The Messiah of the Gospel.” It has been ready for publication since 1887, but he delayed giving it to the public, owing to the heresy trials through which he has passed in the past few years. The book will attract greater attention than any he has written, and for a time will set all orthodox Christians almost wild. Some 600 peasants and their wives, with flugs and clubs, attended the town hall in Alatri, near Ferentino, Italy, Saturday, shouting that they would pay no taxes. The police, to frighten them, tired in the air. They were beaten and stoned by the mob and driven into the hall where they re mained inactive while the peasants threw stones through the windows. Eventually troops dispersod the mob. The seven miners charged with con spiracy to burn, and burning the tip ple at the Paine mines, Ridgeway,Pa., last June during the strike, were found guilty by the jury Thursday morning. Ed. Fox and Leo Wurm pleaded guil ty to the charge of placing explosives under a building, which was all that was charged against them. Frank Meyers, Ludwig Rosenbeck, Joseph K. Reitle, William Gietner and Was set Swintner were found guilty of all the charges of the indictment, which accused them of burning and conspir ing to burn. AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Knoxville, Tenn., Forced to Issue Rail road Bonds. The supreme court of Tennessee has affirmed the suit of the Khoxville, Cumberland Gap and Louisville Rail road Company against the mayor and aldermen of the city of Knoxville for £225,000. The city voted the amount in bonds to the railroad company. When the road was completed, and when the company asked for the bonds, the city refused to issue them on the ground that the road was not completed with in the specified time. The road brought suit in the chancery court and gained it. The city appealed with the result mentioned. The decision carries with it the pro vision that the city shaU issue the bonds with interest amounting to £300,000, if the road is in a position to issue the stock. The case is the most important de cided at this term of the court and has been watched with interest all over the country. WHITECAPPERS SENTENCED. They Get Three Years and a Fine of SSOO. The six whitecaps who have been on trial at Atlanta, Ga., the past week for whipping old man E. J. Thurman, Mrs. E. J. Thurman, and their daughter, Yada ThurmaD, in Murray county laet February, were sentenced Friday morn ing to three years each in the govern ment penitentiary at Columbus, Ohio. They will also have to pay a fine of SSOO each. The whitecappers are named Aleck McKinnish, John Brad ley, Lee Grice, Neal Gentry, Bill Gen try and Jim Grice. Cheese Factories Close. Five hundred cheese factories in Door, Brows, Kewsnse, Manitowoc ft&d OwtagiKl sountifij Wifi j feftVf ifeni daws astil n Mty Highest of aii in Leavening Power.-—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report Absolutely pure RANDOM NOTES. William F. Gillespie, of Middle town, 0., has papered his room with canceled postage stamps, the job re quiring 82,000 of them. It is no wonder that the good old lady, Queen Victoria, feels rather tired. She rules over 11,475,054 square miles of territory and 378,725,- 857 people. A New York paper says that Don Cameron is the “summer girl of the senate,” probably because lie is so ef fusive in his cordiality and so glad to renew acquaintances. Lady John Scott, who composed the air of “Annie Laurie,” and the words ns now r sung, is still living. The orig inal song was in praise of a daughter of the first baronet of Maxwelton. It is said that Zimmerman, the Am erican cyclift, has won some $25,000 in his races in Europe during the past season. Wheeler and Banker, two othei cyclists from this country, also cleared from $4,000 to $5,000 each. spirits take flight. It is time to accept the help offered in Doctor Pierce’s Fa vorite Prescription. It’s a medicine which was discovered and used by a prominent physician for many years in all cases of female complaint ” and the nervous dis orders which arise from it. The “Pre scription ” is a powerful uterine tonic and nervine, especially adapted to woman’s delicate wants for it regulates and promotes all the natural functions, builds up, invig orates and cures. Many women suffer from nervous pros tration, or exhaustion, owing to congestion or to disorder of the special functions. The waste products should be quickly got rid of, the local source of irritation relieved and the system invigorated with the “Pre scription.’-’ Do not take the so-called celery compounds, and nervines which only put the nerves to sleep, but get a lasting cure with Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription. “FEMALE WEAKNESS." Mrs. William Hoover, of Bellville , Richland Cos., Ohio, a great sufferer from jk no good ; I thought^ I was an invalid for- WH ever. Rut I heard AHP) - \) of Dr. Pierce’s Fa and then I wrote to v him and he told me I took eight bottles. I now feel e.ntirely' A “* ' well. I could stands Mrs. Hoover. on my feet only a short time, and now I do all my work for my family of five.” WALTER BAKER & CO. The Largest Manufacturers of UvM PURE, HICH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES Continent, have received JllpP' HIGHEST AWARDS from the great I jalk Industrial and Food I iEXPOSITIONS 111® it Europe and America. MU 1 I jjif Unlike the Dutch 1*, no Alka lies or other Chemicals or Dyes tre used in any of their preparations. Their delicious BREAKFAST COCOA 13 absolutely pure and soluble, and costs less than otic cent a cup . 6OLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER & CoTpORCHESTER, MASS. (b I A Tft C Can be mil de working f Jj / IU uTOtJ us. Parties preferred who can v furnish a horse and travel Am HO BE If through the country; a team, W ff* jp 8* < bough, is not necessary. A ff !■ la BA few vacancies in towns and cities. M n and wo.neu of good character wiil find this an exceptional oppori unity for profitable ein p oymeut. Spare hours may be use l to good advan tage. B. F JOHNSON CO., 11th and Main Sis., Richmond, ¥a, HALMSknti-'JatarrEa :Ctiewing6um ##•••••.....e..e..0...< ••Cures and Prevents Rheumatism, ludigeslion, •? J Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Catarrn an t Asthma. A \ Useful iu Jlaiaria and Fevers. Oleanset the V A Teeth an I Promotes the Appetite. Sweetens A ■ the Breath, Cures the Tobacco H.iblt. Eadorsed V •* by the Medical Faculty. Send for lr, 15 or 25 •• A tent package*. Silver. Stamps or l ost al Sote, A f GEO. H. HALM, Hu West 29th St., New York, f Grap es and Peaches. Largest yields and finest quality of fruit are produced by the use of complete fertilizers containing Not Less than 10% Actual Potash. We will gladly send you our pamphlets on the Use of Potash. They are sent free. It will cost you nothing to read them, but thev will save vou ° iar3 ' GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New YoJk. Babies and Children thrive on Scott’s Emulsion when all the rest of their food seems to go to waste. Thin Babies and Weak Children grow strong , plump and healthy by taking it. Scott’s Emulsion 4d9B9K9BSHHHHHIHHXEtiB9EB!£IS?f!££jv^ overcomes inherited weakness and all the tendencies toward Emaciation or Consumption. Thin, weak babies and growing children and all persons suffering from Loss of Flesh, Weak Lungs, Chronic Coughs, and Wasting Diseases will receive untold benefits from this great nourishment. The formula for making Scott’s Emulsion has been endorsed by the med ical world for twenty years. No secret about it. Sendfor pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All Druggists. 50 cents and sl. In Greater New York. New Yorker (on board tho Atlantis liner) —What longitude are we in,Cap tain? Captain—Sixty-five degrees west of Green witch, latitude 39. New Yorker (with enthusiasm) Hurrah! we’re home again \~-Ckiccicjo Record. From Andulussia, Ala. I have fully tested the eurativ-- qualities of Tetterine upon several cases of Eczema of stubborn character and long standing, with perfect suc cess. I candidly believe that it will cure any case of Eczema, if properly applied. C. I. 8. Camtho>", M. D. Sent by mail for 50c by J. T. Simp trine, Savannah, Ga. The Lady of the House. Atlanta Constitution: “John, hive you made the fire?” “Yes, dear.” “And milked the cow?” “Yes, dear.” “And dressed the children?” “Yes, dear.” “Well, you cau put the coffee on, and then shave yourself for church !” AN EXAGGERATED CASE. For that full feeling That come* after eating There is a remedy, Kim pi o but effective —and immediate. A • Ripnns • Tabule. Tuke one! at tho time, Swallow it and thore you are. One who get* just as full In any other way Is not 60 uncomfortable at the time. That sensation, to him, Comes later. To pirfevent it Take a tabule Before going to bed. W. L. Douglas IS THE REST. '©iTlwfos NO SQUEAKING. *5. CORDOVAN, JmM X FRENCH& ENAMEULED CALF. §m : \ $4*550 FINECALF&KAN6AROI jp s3.s?police, 3Soles. ® VA afcso.t2.workingmen© VJife IU 1 e-xtkatine. * BoysSchoqlShoes. SEND FOP. CATALOGUE WitejHtHSP DOUGLAS, BROCKTON, MASS* You can save money by wearing the XV. L. Douglas 83.00 Shoe. Becnnse, wo are tho largest manufacturers of this gradeof shoes In tho world, cud guarantee their value by stamping tho name and price on tho bottom, which protect you against high prices and tho middleman's) profits. Our shoes equal custom work in style, easy fitting and wearing qualities. Wo have them sold everywhere at lower prices for tho value given than nn v other make. Take no sub stitute. If your dealer cannot pu->r l v vr-j, wo can. RpPir |l* * sTonic Pellets. TREATMENT sad Biliousness. At *ll storns, or by mail 2fj. double box; 5 double boxM il.oo. BROWN HP G t 0.. s*tv York City. TOBACCO W T PIEDMONT TOBACCO CO., WINSTON. ii.C. 13 Gents a Lb. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE Standard Dictionary IN EVERY COUNTY IN THE SOUTH. Apply to N. D. MCDONALD, P. O. Box 249 Atlanta Ga. CIIMO SPORTING GOODS UUIyO and fishing tackle SB D STAMPS K.R ILLUSTRATED catalogue TO CEO. W. HARDER, Williamsport, Pa. A. A. L i’.,r.y-eigi)t, !i±.