The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, December 06, 1894, Image 7

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Jackson ™ the to supply any Reasonable emand from my Numerous Customers * " '“ ,l “ ** - a™, Canopy lop Phaeton or Bum In fact, if you want any kind nf * , u- i 0& J > from } Hd ° f a veblcl ° 'auging iu p r i C9 $35.00 to $250.00, call on me at the JACKSON CARRIAGE FATORY and b, supphed. Just received, a large shipment of Old Hickory and Tsnnessea Two-Horse wagons. Respectfully, J. R. Carmichael. MALLARY BROTHERS & CO. Macon Greox*gia REMEMBER WE ARE STILT, HEADQUARTERS FOR Eights, Boilsrs, Saw Mi, Cotton Cits, Presses, AND EVERYTHING ELSE IN THE MACHINERY LINE. Please do not be persuaded into buying anything iu our line before writing us for prices. MALLARY BROS. & CO, MACON, GA. Fancy Groceries! E. G. GILMORE & HENCELY, Third Street, Black Front, at Hanes, the Jeweler’s. Everything kept fresh, neat and clean, and the ladies are especially invited to call on us. We keep eouutry raised potatoes and onions, in fact, all kinds of country raised Vegetables. * We deliver all goods free, and orders are promptly filled in a business-like manner. Ice cold, non-intoxicating drinks of pH kinds oil hand at all times Pure coacocolaon hand all the summer, as good as can be found. Our country friends are also invited to give us their trade and we guarantee to please them. GILMORE & HENCELY. Jackson, Ga., Eeb. 8. 1594. JACKSON • INSTTIDTE; Jackson, : : : Georgia. Fall Term Bops Mr. Seattiar ill, 1894, Eaeli years work of this school completely Justifies its claims to being cue of the best in the state. A healthful climate, a pure, moral atmosphere, and excelent social influences ecu:mend the school to pupils of all parts of tie U The school has made a reputation for thoroughness such as few schools in the stale can boast. The course of studv is broad and comprehesive and is arranges according to most' approved plans of the best educators ot the country. Tuition in First Three Grades 4.50 Fall Term. Tuition in Other Grades : *>.oo Fall Term. Music, Instrumental or Vocal, 300 per Montu. . . . . ; : 3.00 per Month. For further information send for Catalogue, or address J. C. Blasingame, President. Capital Female College. ATLANTA,. - GA., For Higlior Education Of Girls AM You Lais. Fvery "I:: ela6e.cs,,, Ebglteb and me.heds ia made,-Piano, Vo- depaHmen. also perfect!, cal Violin and other stringed im-tiuments. 1 lect aud limited. Rate-S2iO.GO equipped and ivued. For catalogue and other a year for all necessary - jy Igg t. K onoka Beck. President particulars, Address. A NOBLE FIGHT. A!f EMINENT SOUTHEKX LAWYER'S I.o.N<i CONFLICT WHII DISEASE. Te Yrata ol Pronperltr, Advrr* ally anti Tta* Grrnt Vic tory Won by Seieace Over a Stubborn Disease. (From the Atlanta, Ga., Constitution,') Foremoa. amoD® the best known lawyers ani farmers of North Carolina stands Col. Isaac H. Sugg, of Greenville. Pitt Cos., a man who has been on the edgj of eternity and whose life had been m *-aured by minutes. “It has been twenty-two years sinte I be came a resident of this town ” said Col. Bugg In telling his story to a reporter ; “even then the first symptoms of Gravel were as sert mg themselves but were slight. Gradu ally, however, mv disoisa developed, and tight it as I would it seemed to gain a stronger foothold day by day until my mUery was complete. For sixteen years I n "ver knew what It was to be free from pain, not pain as an ordinary man thinks of it, but agoniu ng, excruciating, unendurable pain. Tortured from head to foot, at tlm*e thrown into spasms when It would r quirethe united strength of four men to hold me until I was stupiflod with stimulants an 1 opiates. I coul t not sit, lie or stan I in any one position but the short .st tiar\ Sloap was out ot the question unless brought about by the strong est stimulants or opiates. Oh, how many, many times have I thought of putting an end to that life of suffering. But then my mind would revert to my wife, rny children, my home, an 11 woal 1 restrain my hand with the hope that some other means of escaps would be offered. I searched the archives of medicine for reiiof. Doctors were con sulted, iithia waters, mineral waters, drugs, opiates and stimulants of all sorts were tried without avail. Why, I sent clear to the West Indies for medicine and yet the result Was the same. “I kept at my work as long as I could but nature gave way at last and I succumbed to tho inevitable. My entire nervous system had been shattered by the stimulants nnd opiates I had taken, my blood hat actually turned to water, my weight had dropped from 173 poun Is to 123, and It seemed to everybody that the eqd was in sight. Why, I could not bear the gentle hand of my wife to tat he my limbs with tepid water. Iwassim ply living from hour to hour. I hud made my will, settled my busiu ss and I waitod for the last strand of life to snap. “It was at this time that a somewhat simi lar case as my own was brought to my no tice. This man had suffered very much as I had, his life hud been despaired of as mine had nnd yet he had been cured. Think what that little word meant to mo—CURED. The report stated that the work had been accom plished by a medicino known as Dr. Will iams’ Pink Pills for Palo People. I investi gated the report thoroughly and found that it was true in detail. Then I procured some of Dr. Williams’ Piuk Pills and began taking them and begin to get better. I began to sleep like a healthlul child, sound, calm and paaceiub My appetite earne back and my nerves were soothed and restored to their normal con Htion and I felt like anew man. But the greatest blessing was the mental im provement. I began to read and digest, to formulate netT plans, to take interest iu my law practice, waich be an to come back to me as soon as my clients realized that I was again myself. Alter a lapse of 10 years I ride horseback every day without fatigue. “That Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills saved my life is beyond doubt, and I am spreading their praise far and wide.’’ Inquiry about the town of Greenville sub stantiated the above facts of Col. Sugg’s case, and that many others are being benefited by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Dr. Williams'Pink Pills for Pale People are considered an un'ailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paraly rs, St. Vitus’ dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effects of hi grippe, palpitation of the heart, Etaie an l sallow complexions, that tired feei ng resulting iroin nervous prostration ; all diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipe las, etc. They are also a specific ior troubles peculiar to females, such as suppressions, irregularities, and all forms of weakness. In men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry. over.vork, or ex cess of whatever nature. Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, o will bo sent post pai I on receipt of price, (53 cents a box or 6 boxes for $2 50 —they are never sold in bulk or by the 100 j by addressing Dr. Will iams’ Medicine Cos., Schenectady, N. Y. Vermont’s State Flower. The Vermont legislature has passed a bill designating the “red clover” as the state dower. The vote taken throughout the state resulted as fol lows:*. Whole vote cast, 17,611; red clover received 9,572; dai5y,2,567; but ter-cup, 945; scattering, 4,525. The clover was selected on the grounds that it is indigenous, fragrant and most useful. “Eatables and Drinkables” is the sign displayed on the front of an old house in Haverhill, Mass. J. 11. McGuire, Esq. A Lawyer Savs I have found Hood s sarsaparilla of great ben efit for Spring lassitude and that dull, sleepy, heavy tired feeling, that crept over me like a Hood’s^Cures vampire. Hood’s gave me entire relief and I am sure “it cures being tired.” J. H. McGuire, Attorney, Fayette. Alabama, Get Hood's. Hood’S Pil’S ro Purely vegetable, 2'c. “What’s there? fijM- Things jfp For the CoDk, sir”; flethinks it is some 4teeJ&is Buckwheat For the morrow’s breakfast. THE LATEST BY WIRE GIVING THE NEWS UP TO THE HOUR OF GOING TO PRESS. Brief Mention of Daily Happenings Throughout the World. The North Platte, Nebraska, Na tional bank closed its doors Monday. The treasury department so far has delivered 320,000,000 of new bonds, and there is not now an unfilled requis ition for bondß on hand. The Lexow committee assembled again in New York Monday morning. It is rumored that more sensational developments will take place. The Manchester spoke mills, at Richmond, Va., which have been shut down for some months, have resumed operations with a full force of hands., Giles & Murchison, one of the lead ing hardware houses in Wilmington, N. C., assigned Monday with Norwood Giles, assignee. Both partners waived personal property exemption on the stock. The assets and liabilities are not obtainable. The Canal-Fultcn Tool Manufactur ing Company at Massillon, 0., was closed Monday on account of financial embarrassment. Details are wanting. The company did an extensive busi ness in mining tools throughout the United States. The Tacoma, Wash., National bank closed its doors Monday morning, the cashier’s notice stating that the insti tution was going into liquidation. The bank suspended payment during the panic last year and resumed after doubling its capital to 3200,000. A gang of Syrian smugglers have been arrested at Detroit. There are several women among the number. They have been operating between Windsor and Detroit and thousands of dollars worth of Armenian rugs, p’' 1 ' '•♦'v. have been smuggled across the river. A A.’W York Herald special cable from Buenos Ayres.says: The govern ment of Montevideo has requested Minister Stuart to consider the advisa bility of sending an exhibit to the At lanta exposition. General Avery, who is at Buenos Ayres in the interest of the exposition, met the Argentine min ister of foreign affairs, Senor Costa, Saturday, to discuss the proposed Ar gentine exhibit. He goes to Chili in J anuary. A cablegram from Rome, Italy, says: King Humbert, in person, delivered a speech from the throne, at the opening of Parliament Monday. The entrances to the Parliament buildings were thronged with crowds, which gave the King an ovation when he appeared on his way to the chamber. His Majesty, iu his speech, referred to the improved economic situation of the country, and the necessity for equaling the budget; aud also spoke of several undefined financial measures. The relations of the country with foreign powers, he said, were good, and nothing was like ly to disturb the tranquility of Europe, here. Tom Reed entered the hali be fore the house met, and was wildly upplauded. When Speaker Crisp en tered and grasped his gavel to call the house to order there was a sound of hearty applause from the floor and gal leries, from democrats and republi cans, which evidenced the admiration and respect for him on the part of all members and the public generally. BOGUS LOTTERY TICKETS. A Nephew of Paul Conrad In the Counterfeiting Business. A gigantic scheme for unloading bogus lottery tickets on the public has been brought to light at Chicago by the arrest of Gaston Cazzenvetti, a nephew of Paul Conrad, late president of the Louisiana Lottery Company. There were found on his person thirty eight mail orders for lottery tickets and twenty telegraph oiders for the same goods. While the counterfeiting scheme is only in its infancy, fifty-two agencies have already been established in as many cities in the United States. The agents are not informed as to the fraud and believe they are handling genuine tickets. As near as can be learned, the bogus tickets already sold brought in the sum of $6,500, but if the scheme had not been nipped in the bud it would have soon become a very big steak PEACE IN SIGHT. dediary Efforts in the Orient May be Successful. A dispatch to the Pall Mall Gazette (London) from Che-Foo asserts that the terms of peace between Japan and China have been very nearly com pleted, through the intervention oi the United States government, and that the feeling of tecurity is so strong that many of the foreign ladies ar* returning to Pekin. Carnegie’s Nail Works Burned. Carnegie’s wire and nail works, oc cupying a whole square in Beaver Falls, Pa., were burned Friday night. The total loss will reach SIOO,OOO. The works were equipped with the finest machinery, all of which was de stroyed. The works were fully in sured. Two hundred men will be thrown out of employment Reward for Seeley. The directors of the Shoe and Leath er Bank at New York have offered a reward of $5,000 for the arrest of See ley, their defaulting bookkeeper. There is* but little doubt that Seeley is in Canada. He is said to have been iden tified at Hamilton and Toronto. Fast Freight Run. What is claimed to have been the fastest long-distance freight-run ever made in this country was made from Memphis to Kansas City by a special train loaded with bananas on June 13, the speed averaging 40.4 miles an hour for the 484 miles, and reaching a maximum of 04 miies an hour, which was kept up for six miles.— [Chicago Herald. Kitoj and Prince Nicotine sre epicures. Tbey live on human brains. The Lobster’s Infancy. The yonng lobster leaves its parents and spends its first thirty or forty-five days ia deep water. Daring this pe riod its shell is changed four times, the natatory organs are lost, and only after attaining nearly fu 1 size does it come back to the shore. The young lub-ter loses and remakes its crusty shell about ten times during the first year, five to seven times in the second year, three to four in the third, two to three in the fourth. After the fifth the change is annual. In th : s Wtiik-i.Dai Worl.l Men and women continually break down through mental strain and p’iy.-i al effort. The true repairer of vitality thus impaired, a perennial fountain of health and vigor is Hostetter’s Stomach Bitters, which restores dive tion, enr ches the blood, and health fu y stimulates the b wels, kidneys and liver when they are :ndol nt. Tins comprehensive remedy also subdues malaria, rheumatism and nervousness Nearly a m ilion and a half dollars remain unclaimed in the New York sarings banks. Dr. Ki'mer’s Swamp-Root cures U Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamton, N. Y. In these days of bu-incss depression the sheriff teems io be the per istent advertiser. This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ea-e of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. t heney & Cos., Prop;., Toledo, O. We, the under-igned, have known F. J. Che ney l or the last 15years, and believe him per fectly honrrab e in all business tran-act ons an i financially able to carry out any obliga tion made 1 y their tirm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Wadding, Rinnan <fc Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, To edo, Ohio. IlaliV Catarrh Cure is taken internal y, act ing directly upon the b ood and mucous -ur tac 's of tlie system. Price, 73e. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Karl’s Clover Root, the great b’ool purifier, gives freshness and clearness to the complex ion and cures constipation. ‘25 cts., 50 cts., sl. Why Put OO taking medicine until you are sick? You can keep a box of hi pa ns Tabules in the house and at the first signs of a headache or bilious at tack a single tabule will relieve you. Notice I want etfery man and woman in the United Stat s interested in the Opium and Whi ky habits to hav • my book on the-e diseas s. Adores-* B. M. Wo"lley, Atlanta, Ga., Box3Bl, and one wilt be sent you free. Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup for children teething, softens the gums, redu cs inflamma tion, allays pain, euros wind colic. 25c, a bottle After six years’s suffering, I was cured by Piso’s Cure.— Mary Thomson, 20 1-2 Ohio Ave,. A lego r.v, I’ i., March 19, ’9l. Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet tei i:nan others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world’s best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly oeneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys,'Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Cos. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. Buggies & Harness. Two hi K h est awards at World’s Fair for Strenffth.Beanty and A urar, s*a. Low Prices. Six years ago we discarded the Dealer and began \ tviiSß selling direct to Consumers at wholesale prices. Result: up /rJLJdBT\ ward of 100,000 Vehicle* sold and our factory now the largest on earth.dealingdirectwitbcon -Burners. Send for our mammoth “A" farxdo.BS7.6o. 126 page illustrat. free catalogue. ALLIANCE CARRIAGE CO., CINCINNATI, O. S' N It’s a l cold day /tos* for the housekeeper 4 ... | y' when Pear line gets V \ / f left. Take Pear line from nothing remains but ar d work. It \ tf shows in the \ 1 9 | r things that are washed; it tells on the woman who washes. Pear line saves work, and works safely. It leaves nothing undone that you want done well; what it leaves undone, it ought not to do. 1 I—. Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you “this r- 1 \\f Ir l is as good as” or “ the same as Pearline.” IT’S FALSE— X Pearline is never peddled, and if your grocer sends you something in place of Pearline, do the honest thing— send it back. 283 JAMES PYLE, N. Y. Complete Fertilizers for potatoes, fruits, and all vegetables require (to secure the largest yield and best quality) At Least 10% Actual Potash. Results of experiments prove this conclusively. How and why, is told in our pamphlets. They are sent free. It will cost you nothing to read them, and they will save you dollars. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 03 Nassau Street. New York. Wefoster’s International Dictionary The New “Unabridged” f© \ The Best Christmas Gift I WEBSTER'S \ X Dictionary of English, Geography, Biography, Fiction, Etc. i INTERNATIONAL I Standard of the V .B. Supreme Court, the I'.S. Government Printing Office.and of \ DICTIONARY J ne * r b 411 t!ie Schoolbooks' Commended by every State Superintendent or School*. V_>/ G. &C. SXerriam Cos.. Pubs.. Springfield. Mass. - BSTSend for free pamphlet containing specimen pages, illustrations, etc. iniilliinHniiimiSMnnnnMiMiunKii>ciai:iiii,:u. ut i„ai l i > u,umaii lll a. lf ii,ia l Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov’t Report p/\\Ax| Baking Powder Absolutely pure Got Back at Them. Bob—What did the lecturer say when you threw those cabbages at him? Dick—Oh, he said be had hoped the audience would be pleased, but he really hadu’t expected they would en tirely lose their beads. —Dallas Her ald. Cross Trails, Ala. Tetterine has cured me of Tetter which had been tormentiug me for five years. Nothing else would give any relief. I have known of many persons using it with same good results. It gives the quickest relief for burns, of anything 1 ever saw. Mrs. S. H. Hart. Sent by mail for 50c by J. T. Shup trine, Savannah, Ga. MISSING LINKS. At Leeds, England, there is an elec tric clock which has been contiuou-dy ticking since 1840. Its motive power is natural electricity. In South America an electric drying machine in which air is forced through a chamber of heated plates is to be used in drying wheat. An Indian carpet weighing three ton and made by the prisoners in the Agra jail for Queen Victoria has just been received at Windsor castle. Pepsin, which is used as a remedy for indigestion and stomach trouble, is obtained trom the membrane that lines the stomach of various animals. To illustrete hotel life and traveling arrangements generally is the object of a national exhibition to be held at Amsterdam from May to November next. At Singapore the poet of “tiger slay er in chief for the Straits settlement” has just been given to M. de Naucourt, a Frenchman with a record of 50C ti gers killed. The seven Bibles of the world are the Scriptures, the Koran, the Tri Pitikes of the Buddhists, the Five Kings of the Chinese, the Three Vedas of the Hindoos, the Zendavesta of the Per sians and the Eddas of the Scandina vians. The Pittsburg Dispatch gives the interesting information that Charles ton, S. C., was at first called King Charles Fort, in honor of Charles I. Charleston was substituted for the earlier designation in 1783. An All Iron Railroad. One of the curiosities of railroad building is the construction of a road running from lemid, a harbor about sixty miles from Constantinople, to Angora, about 300 miles. The bridges, sleepers, stringpieces and tel egraph poles, as well as the rails, are of iron, nine-tenths of which are of German manufacture. The bridges average about four to the milo, there being 120 of them, the longest having a stretch of 590 feet. In addition to these there are sixteen tunnels, the longest measuring 1,430 feet. This is the only railroad which penetrates the interior of Asiatic Turkey, the Smyrna lines being near the coast. DIAMOND S" We SilverwarebSL^rtSlmta tlie city. \\rinh AC! ' For ladies or ffentle- TT dll; lICS men. Every one guar anteed. A large assortment, r'lnnlro - "® have them world \J IUIKo without end. Suitable for library, office or borne. YES! We carry a full line of goods suita ble for Wedding Presents. Headquarters on that. Come. Reliable Good'*, Fair Dealings and Bottom Prices. isoi Kills Jsrtry Cos, 55 Whitehall St., Atlanta, Ga. The Bridge of the Future. Bridges made of ste?l beams imbed-f ded in concrete pro ni*o to be thoi bridge of the fn ure, being cheap,| strong and graceful. Near Ulm, Ger many, is a bridge of this s<*rt—invent ed at Paris in 1376 by J. an Mouier.i which Las a span of 150 fett and yet? is less than seven inches thick at tlm apex or crown, Ihe iron or steel ini such a bri ige stn null ns it against, tension, while the concrete gives rigid J ity and withstands eru-hing. Packing Grapes in Japan. When the Japan*se wish to send grapes to distant fnen Is they pack; them in boxfs of arrowroot. Ligk* and air are thus iff. ituoly shut out and the delicate bloom is a’so pre served, eveu though the fruit Ims been transported thousands of miles. Sgfr PROGRESS. People who get tlie greatest degree of com fort and real en joymeut out of life, arc those who make the most out of their opportunities, a Quick perception and good judgment, lead such promptly to adopt and use of those refined aid improved products of ' * iSvnJVjflr modem inventive genius ' * wynuijwXaL which best Serve tlie /1 r needs of their physical Will nS&HaW//\\ bJng. Accordingly. u 1 ilwvWiV \/ \\ l ' K: niost intelligent \ I (I and progressive peoples \ IV/ 1 arc f° uu d to employ Y > - C yy i' II th most refined and. perfect laxative to reg < ulate and tone up the \ stomach, liver, and ' bowels, when in need of such an agent—hence the great popularity of Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets. These are made from the purest, most refined and concentrated vegetable extracts, and from forty-two to forty-four are contained in each vial, which is sold at the same price as the cheaper made and more ordinary pills found in the market. In curative vir tues, there is no comparison to be made be tween them and the oidinary pills, as any one may easily learn by sending for a free sample, (four to seven doses) of tlie Pel lets, which will be sent on receipt of name and address on a postal card. QNCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. The Pellets cure biliousness, sick and bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or constipation, sour stomach, lossof anpetite, coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia, windy belehings. ‘‘heart burn.” pain and distress after eating, and kindred derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put up in glass vials, th - fore always fresh and reliable. One little “Pellet” is a laxative, two are mildly cathartic. Asa “dinner pill.” to promote digestion, take one each day after dinner. To relieve distress from over-eating, they are un equaled. They are tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will readily take them. Accept no substitute that maybe recom mended to be "just as good.” It maybe better for the dealer, because of paying uirp a better profit, but he is not the '.ie who needs help. Address for free sample, World’s Dispensary Medical Asso ciation, 663 Main Street,Buffalo, N. Y. Imperfect Drainage is a fertile source of disease. Is YOUR blood suffering from deft ctive sewerage ? I m purities cannot ao cunou ate if you will use ordinary precau tion and Ripans Tabules, t e modern rem edy for a elusrtrish cmd.ton of Liver and Blood. Try it now ! Don’t procras tinate. 'YTTwyyewVVV'3'WWm^ii [ McELREES tWINE OF CARDUI. ► ,JA >w^W\mL inis [ For Female Diseases. „.A A ▲ AAAAAAAaaAAaaA. . . . . . mLMSrar^fS^niißWinirliiim • **e**e4 ••Cure* jtu i Prevent* ttaeuiiiutisin, u ~ .n.,uuj, ■ M Dyspepsia, tieartuuru, Cat.irr . an i Asthma. M T Useful in II t arc i iu 1 F-ver*. Cleanse, t:ie ' A Teeth an i Promotes tue Appetite. wee tens A V the Breath, Curestnc Tobacco >1 .oir. Endorsed V ** by the Meticai Facu ty. Menl for 1 ,1, or m■ ■ A eeo' pacta *■. liteer, stamps or toatal A f QLO. K. HALIL 14 West mo St.. Aew York. P t I*. vs. RAMONW Pellets. TREATMENT and Bdiousner a. it all stores, or by mail 25c. don b o box: 5 and >cbie boi ts ■I.W. BROWN UKK i .. Sew York City. Hpn Til" I't.A T’C ARTIFICIAL LI MSS. da *ith ba l-tx-arin t kne • j iiaii, ■H r c 1 <test improved awl b“ . 188 Send f> r des riptive Mi® And ; rce ist. Successor to A. UdIBHMOTP, 516&518 (o and Xo.ll ti St.Uharv 4 Street., ... . ~tdean , La. WAI I 8T W'WH I.TTT Ro vatit-Mw t •* Mt. fc v I • PR l?fi to readers of 1 1 s p:t-er. Charles A. B .Id win t t o„ 4<> Wail St., ff. Y, A- N. C F< r y-n ne, Mu m cures where all use fails. Ba U Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use Pf3 in tim#. Sold by druggie 3 '