The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, May 10, 1895, Image 1

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VOL XXIII SPECIAL SALE Wool Challies reduced from 25 cents to 15 the yard. French Satines reduced from 25 cents to 10 cents the yard. Big lot of Fancy Ginghams worth 50 to 75 cents the yard, to go at 15 and 25 cents the yard. White Lawn, beautiful sheer quality at 5 cents, worth 10 cents. Pretty quality White Lawn, the 20 cents quality, on sale at 10 cents the yard. Big Drive in Embroideries and Laces. LEADERS. LOCAL Tl tIE TABLE. Below will be found correct time table of the departure of trains from Jackson: NORTH BOUND. No. 82—2:24 a. m. (don't stop.) No. 38—10:08 a. m. No. 30—7:06 p. m. (mail and express.) SOUTH BOUND. No, 31—1:14 a. in. (don’t stop.) No. 36—9:28 a. m. (mail and express.) No. 87—5:47 p. m. ICE at Harp’s by the car load. may”.-lt Onr senior was sheriff of Butts county for about fifteen minutes last Monday. Mr. Saunders was adjudged fit sub ject for the asylum, and sent to Milledge ville this week. Crawford & Beauchamp have ice by the car load at J. M. Hoggin’s store. may3-2t Worry, woman’s worst foe, is banished by Dr. Westmoreland’s Oaiisaya Tonic. For sale by Dr. W. L. Carmichael. At J. M. Hoggin's store is where Crawford & Beauchamp keep the coldest ice in town. 2t If you have any real estate to sell, giye it to Harmon ifc McDonald. They will charge you only a small commission. Go to Harp for your Ice in ary quantity, Fresh Fish and Meat. mayß-4t Mr. W. V. Tyler, of Milieu, Ga., was at the Morrison House, Sunday. Mr. Tyler is a frequent and welcome visitor to our towu. Het you a Typewriter. The Vest s the best. McDonald & Kinard, Agents. None too youug, noue too old to be benefitted by Dr. Westmoielaid’s Cali aaya Tonic. For sale by Dr. W. L. Car michael. Accident Insurance, should bo tarried by everybody. There is no telling when you may be hurt. McDonald & Kinard, Agerts. For derangemeut of the stt macb and bowels, there’s nothing like Dr. Wesi moi eland’s Calisaya Tonic. For sale by Dr. W. L. Carmichael. lee.eold, healthy, clear and pure, as cheap as the cheapest, that is gotten from a respect able iee house, at Crawford fc Beauchamp’s. 2t McDonald & Kinard, Accident In surance Agents. They pay you $25 a week while you can’t work. Our junior has purchased for himself a bicycle, and all delinquent subscribers are now put on notice that it will be a hard matter to outrun him after he gets used to the animal. The Yost Typewriter eclipses them all when it comes to rapidity and neatness of work. McDonald <fc Kinard. Agents. We are the only real estate agents in Jackson, and you v.ili do well to let us kuow if you want, to Jbny or sell prop erty. Hat.mox & McDonald, She 3U\qit.'j. ALL OUR WOOL DRESS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. See the New York Store’s change of .'.dyertisement in this issue, and give tl.em a call when you have occasion to yisit Jackson. A Mr. Hammond, in this county, was bitieu on his finger by a squirrel about two weeks since, and died Saturday. Some say the bite was the direct and others the indirect cause of his death. Don’t fail to attend the “Secret” Bargain Day— between 10 and 12 a. in.—at Thk Llobe Store. aprs-tf The registration book is open agaiu— this time for the whole county. We will have to have an election now for county surveyor. Someone must announce for this office and make the race, if they can get any one to run against them. If you have a farm or any kind of land for sale, give it to Hannon & McDonald, who w ill advertise it free of charge and only charge you a nominal cost for selling it for you. Rev. J. T. Kimbell, who was a witness on the will of Mr. Jack Rich, was in town Mouday to assist in probating the will. Mr* J. B. Rich is executor by the instru ment, and he will no doubt do the work of distribution in a gentlemanly as well as satisfactory way. What’s the use of getting hurt and lying in bed suffering, when McDonald & Kinard can fit you up in accident insurance, and you get from $25 to SSO a week w hile you are sick. Messrs. J. H. McKibben aud W. A. Newton, two practical and successful farmers of our county, bought the county right of Hood’s Forage Cutter, which is the simplest aud best machine for preparing stock food we haye ever seen. It cost only two dollars and fifty cents. Tom Buttrill will take orders at Dr. R. G. Bryans & Co’s drug store for Ice, and the orders will be promptly filled by Crawford & Beauchamp. maylo-l City council is widening the street which branches off from Third at the res idence of Mr. Yopp. They will take some eight feet of ground from each side the road, set the fences back, make a square corner at the residence of Mr. Coon Mc- Michael, and otherwise beautify this main thoroughfare to Indian Spring. The Oil Mill will ruu next week commencing Monday morning. All who have any business to transact with the mill will please take notice and govern themselves accordingly. ' maylO-lt Meade Hendrick. During a receut thunder shower a col ored man plowing ou the farm of Mr. J. O. Beauchamp, came as near being killed by a shock as one well can, not to be killed. The lightning struck the ground in a few feet of him and tore the negro’s pants off of one leg aud bursted the shoe oa one foot. He is lame in one leg, but seems to be doing well. THE HEW TORE STORE'S COME TO SEE US. MAKE THAT GROCERY ROOM A VISIT. The Carmichael Company, Proprietors of the Now York Store, Jackson, Georgia. JACKSON, GA., FRIDAY. MAY 10, 1895. If the peach crop is a success this year you may look out for a fine run of “peach brandy” in Butts county. Eyery branch will then have its occupants. Mr. Asa Smith is having a pipe laid underground from the public well down to the Morrison House, Avhere it will sup ply pure, fresh water for this hotel. The well on the north side of the public square has the best water in town, and the Morrison House guests are now a very fortunate set of people. We call upon our fellow citizens to give us a share of their ice patronage. We hope to deal so fairly and to deport ourselves in a way to meet your approbation. Call and see us at the store of J. M. Hoggins. Respectfully, may3-2t Crawford & Beauchamp. On account of the interesting meeting now in progress at the Methodist Ghurcli, and the desire of our people that Rev. C. C. Carey should go with the Sabbath schools, aud on account of the absence of Dr. Gardner and the unsettled condition of the weather, the picnic has been post poned to some future date, which will be stated in the near future. Mrs. G. W. Gardner had Irish potatoes for dinner on the 26th of April, and she has plenty of them now, which are the only ones ready for table use we have yet heard of that were grown in Butts county this season. The seed were secured at the store of Dr. W. L. Carmichael, and not having been planted until late in February, shows they were just what the doctor said they were —an early .variety. Accident Insurance will pay your doctor’s bill and leave you money in the pocket. If you don’t have an accident policy you are out all ’round. McDonald & Kinard represent three of the best companies in the country. They pay $25 a week while you are sick and can’t work. Mr. George S. Hanes, our popular jeweler, has added another branch to his jewelry business. He can now make you an elegant, pin with your name worked in gold wire, and do the job in as neat a manner as any jeweler in the business. Mr. Hanes keeps strictly up to date in the jewelry line and anything can be found in his establishment that is usually kept iu the large cities. Asa fine jeweler Mr. Hanes has no superior and but few equals, and a call at his estab lishment will convince you of the fact. Miss Jessie D. Jones, who has been spending a week with her family at West Point, has returned and taken charge of her music class at the Institute. Our people are quite /ond of Miss Joues on account of her sweet disposition and eminent qualifications to advance the youth of our section iu the diyine art of music. Miss Jessie is quite a favorite in social circles, and our young folks are i greatly gratified at her return. a SPECIAL SALE £ New Millinery Just Received At Popular Prices. Give this department a call. Our Line is Entirely Complete, A member of the church who is in every way competent to do so, will read a very interesting sermon at the Baptist church Sunday. This is made necessary on account of the absence of Dr. Gardner iu attending the convention at Washing ton. This will boa very unique as well as novel way of hearing the gospel in the absence of the preacher, and we believe it will be as profitable as well as interest ing and novel. Robert Carmichael, son of Judge J. F. Carmichael, v\hile doing some garden woik on Monday last, dug up fifteen pieces of bright silver money. It was dollar and half-dollar pieces, the half dollar pieces are United States coins and the dollar pieces Spanish coins. All of them bear dates from 1827 back to 1804. It is rumored that about $3,000 was bur ied there, and the ground will probably be torn up in search of the remainder of the supposed hidden treasury. Col. Parry Lee, the gallant and versa tile editor of the Pike County Journal, visited the family of Mr. J. M. T. Mayo, on Sunday. Col. Parry Lee, like all other editors nho are married, is blessed with a considerable number of sweet lit tle children. We doubt if even preach ers can show a better record in conjugal felicity than country editors, especially if a tree is to be judged by its fruit. Of course this dees not in any way refer to our junior, who is now single, but very marriageble. We had the pleasure of listening to a very interesting aud instructive sermon Sunday at the jail, preached by Rev. C. C. Carey to the prisoners. This was not his first visit, he has held several services there before. The only white man in jail, Mr. Platner, professed religion 'Sunday. He seemed to be perfectly re sidue'! to his fate, and the man of God, | Mr. Carey, was greatly oyerjoyed at his short but apt statement in surrendering 1 all to God. We were truly glad that the I labors of Rev. C. C. Carey have been truly blessed. The many friends of Miss Florrie Lee, iu Jackson, will be glad to welcome her l ack to Georgia. She returned last week from Jacksonville, Florida. Miss Flprrie has been attending the Duval College of Jacksonville, and was one of the seniors cfs. Fresh laurels were garnered for Jackson Institute and some of our for mer music teachers by this bright young daughter of Jackson. Miss Florrie made a specialty of music, and high compli ments were won by her from her distin | guished musical instructor, Prof. Chase, on her excellent trailing, in vocal and instrumental music. The foundation was laid for her in Jackson, Ga. | Dr. Miles' Pain Pills, “One cent a dose." Mr. Meade Hendrick, president of the Jackson Oil Mill Cos., went to Atlanta this week to attend the manufacturers’ meeting. Rev. G. W. Gardner, accompanied by Mrs. Chas. Smith, Mrs. H. L. Daughtry, Mrs. Z.T. Buttrill, Mrs. Y. A. Wright, Mrs. C. G. Fennell and Miss Marie Mc- Michael, left Jackson on Wednesday morning to attend the Baptist conven tion which meets in Washinton, D. C., this week. The party will return home on Thursday of next week, and during their trip will have a most enjoyable time. Mr. G. S. Hanes offers the following solution of the financial question, which we think gives the free silver democrats, the international democrats, and all other democrats, what they ask for and should harmonize the party on this question: “For every ounce of gold coin ed at the mint coin 16 ounces of silver.” This would be free coinage at a ratio of 16 to 1, pure and simple, and would for ever kill the “bugger” of undue infla tion and that-other little pest called “parity.” And we would ask the assist ance of no country on earth. That would give us two dollars of primary sound money with nothing fiat about it, to where we get one now. These are our first thoughts on the subject, and there is food for thought in the suggestion. Bob Etheridge, S. B. Kinard, “Jack” McDonald and Charlie Pinckney, char tered a hack and two fiery, untamed steeds on Wednesday night last, and put out for the river, where Stewart, Lewis & Cos., haye located a fish camp. They found these gentlemen actively engaged in taking a quiet snooze on some cotton seed in a gin house aear Pitman’s ferry. After some very vigorous shouting these gentlemen were finally awakened, aud apprised of the fact that their visiting brethren were hungry for fish in the third degree. Mr. Lewis attired himself in a neat fitting pants’ leg, while Stewart donned a blouse waist with balloon sleeves, and after borrowing one of our hose supporters to draw up the fish bas kets with, the bungi'Y meb made a dash for the riyer. The first haul brought up 76 nice channel catfish, and Bob Eth eridge’s heart dropped down into his - sock when he saw they were all real fish, as he had an idea that fish died as soon 1 as they tackled the bait of cheese, beef : steak and onions, which Stewart & Lewis had fixed for ’em. No time was lost in cooking the fish, and after devouring enough to kill ten ordinary men, the quartet returned to Jackson. If you don’t want to have a good time you had better keep away from Stewart, Lswis & Co’s camp. That’s straight. Immense lot of Flouncing and Sidrt Embroideries worth all the way from $1 50 to $2.50 the yard, to go at this sale at 35c, 50c, arid 75 cents the yard. Ladies’ Vests sc, 10c, and up. Children’s Hose 5c anu up. Straw Matting 9c the yard. Better grades reduced. New Calicoes, New Percales, New Ducking, New Piques, being constantly received. Fresh, new patterns at Bottom pric(S. We can suit you in price and quality. EAST JACKSON LOCALS. Editors Argus; I want to say that peace and harmony is prevailing in our midst; but this is nothing new for old East Jackson. All of us that have business to attend to are very busy. My mother always taught me that an idle head was the devil’s work shop; for this reason as well as a few others I want to keep jogging on. Our neighbors are all getting well of measles; for this I am glad, and I think they are too. I am sorry to say that Mrs. P. H. Hencely is still very sick. I don’t care much for our men being sick, but I don’t want our good women to be suffer ing so much. Mrs. John Jinks is much improved, we are glad to say, after a severe spell of fever. Miss Katie Edwards of Oxford, Ga., is visiting Mr. J. A. Plunket’s family this week. Miss Katie is not‘a student at Oxford, bat I think she has a represent ative there. Prof. Lewis and Andy Plunket are get ting to be fishermen indeed. They got a bite and caught something too —a mos quito did the biting, and it was a cold they caught. Mr. Larry Ball is learning the carpen ter’s trade; he made a pair of chair rock ers last week, and is making a fire screen this.week. He is a hustler. I want to exchange a mess of spring salad for a piece of bacon to go in a mess for myself. E. J. NEW RAILROAD FOR JACKSON. Special to Argus.J A meeting of the farmers who live along the proposed railroad route from Conyers to Snapping Shoals, wai held at King’s post offiee, Saturday afternoon. Hon. L. F. Livingston, the noted con gressman from the Fifth district, is the leader and organizer of this new railroad. The farmers will grade the road and then giye it to the Georgia Railway company, if that company will furnish -the rolling stock for the railroad. The correspondent for the Argus had an interview with Hon. L. F. Livingston on the subject. He is very enthusiastic oyer the matter. He says: “We are going to build the railroad.” It will be well to remember that it was through the efforts of Col. Livingston that the ; Macon and Northern was built. How about having this railroad exten ded. to Jackson by way of Cedar Rock ? When this railroad is completed, all the trade from the lower part of Henry and Newton counties, which heretofore has \ been coming to Jackson, will go to our sister eity Conyers. Thus our merchants j will lose all the trade from that section. SPECIAL SALE Jackson merchants as well as the farm ers along the route from Snapping Shoals to Jackson, should do all they can to have this railroad extended to Jackson, Let us hear from Dr. Mays, who owns the quarries at Cedar Rock, on the sub ject. Jackson will not lose trade by having this railroad, but, on the con trary, it will increase her trade rather than diminish it. Correspondent. DON’T READ THIS ! To the Insuring Public : Having secured the agency of a number of Fire Insurance companies doing busi ness in this State under the Venable act, I respectfully ask the patronage of the people, feeling sure I can give you first-class insurance and at a cheaper rate than Board companies are now insuring your property. Hoping to have a liberal share of your patron age, I am yours truly, J. L. LYONS. President Cleveland’s Cancer. It has been rumored that he has it. If he would.take a course of Botanic Blood Balm, the best blood purifier and building-up remedy in the world he would soon be well. It will not disappoint. Price SI.OO per large bottle. For sale by druggists. Use it for all blood and skin diseases, rheu matism, catarrh, etc, The Jesup Sentinel says that Dives is in hell today for no other reason than being a goldbug. BUCKLEN’S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chillblair.s, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles 01 no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. (Price cents per box. For sale by R. G. Bryan & Cos. NOTICE. W. A. Darnell will be at J. M. C. Thaxton s with his famous Stallion, “Jack Boyd,’ - every other Monday and Tuesday ,beginning with 15tli inst., and from there to McKibben \\ ednes day and Thursday. aprl9-tf STOCKHOLDERS MEETING. Stockholders of the Jackson Oil Mill Cos. win meet in the court house in Jackson, Tuesdav , June 4,1895. All are requested to he present. Meade Hendrick. Pres't. NOTICE. All persons that are dealing in Cartridge*, Pistols, Dirks, Bowie Knives, and Mettle Knucks, will please come before the Ordinarj and register and pay the tax, or else quit sell ing those articles above mentioned. may!o-2t W, L. Carter, T. C. NO 20 LEASERS.