The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, March 25, 1910, Image 1

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THE JACKSON ARGUS. Le best paper in the best town in the best county in the best state in the best country Ihirty-seventh Year. Is the social swin. ■ose Coming and Going the Past * Week. ■vh! Furlow spent Sunday in Grif ■ , ■ \V. M. Taylor spent Tuesday in Macon. l-,iss Tallie Jolly spmt Monday in Mlanta. ■yr. C. M. Bow les spent Wednesday ■ Atlanta. M,, J. T. Fletcher spent Monday ■ Atlanta. ■ Mr j. H. Carmichael spent Tues iii Atlanta. ■Alis C. W. Buchanan spent Satur ■ v in Atlanta. ■Dr. H. W. Copeland spent Thurs ■tv in Atlanta. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Will Foster were in ■ e c ity Tuesday. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Asa Buttrill visited ■ Atlanta Monday. ■ Mr. Walker Preston was up from ■ oyilla Wednesday. ■ Mr. R. J- Carmichael visited in the ■ate City Wednesday. Mr. Reed Conner made a business Sip to Atlanta Tuesday. Boyd Me Michael enjoyed Sunday ith friends in Atlanta. Mrs. Lula Duke was in the city join Floviila Thursday. ,pr. and Mrs. W. H. Steele were in ora High Falls Monday. Mrs. W. A. Nelson left early in the eek for a visit to Macon. Mr. Dee Tolleson, of McDonough, as in the city Wednesday. Miss Josephine Jones spent Satur ay and Sunday in Atlanta. Miss Alice Thompson was up from lovilla Wednesday shopping. Maurice Wright spent Sunday 7 in onyers with Linton Hopkins. Mr. R. N. Etheridge made a busi ess trip to Atlanta Wednesday 7. Mr. F. B. Outhouse made a busi ess trip to Rockmart this week. Mrs. J.- B. Hopkins and Mrs. J. <ee Byron spent Monday in Atlanta Mrs. Bane Whittaker, of Jenkins urg, was shopping in the city Tues ay. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wright left 'hursday for Dawson to visit rela tes. Misses Susie and Florence Ether dge were in the city shopping Wed esday. Dr. and Mrs.*A. F. White were telcome visitors from Floviila Wed esday. ~ * Mrs. Mote Watts, Miss Lucile El er and Joel Mallet visited in Oxford lunday. Mrs. Hamp Stroud, of Henry conn y. is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ida opeland. Mi'S Berta Edwards left last Sat iday for a visit to Mrs. Ezell in lonticello. Mr. Wisenbaker, of Valdosta, is isiting !iis granddaughter, Mrs. Ul ich Vining. Miss Viola Slaughter attended thp mnday School Convention in Madi ir'ii tliis week. Mrs. Janie McKibben returned Ml!| day from a visit to Major Lane’s ami 1\- in Macon. Mb* Hattie Buttrill and little Sara "i irh will go to Macon Saturday for * y isit to friends. Mrs. L. D. Watson will go to At a,ita soon to visit her daughter. Mrs. hiayton Matthews. >• Vernon Smith, of Monticello, b ~ nr Saturday and Sunday in the c,r y w i'b relatives. M p . Harry Stillwell Edwards, of Mh 1,11. was g Ueß j. Sunday of his s Mr. Jack Edwards. JACKSON, BUTTS COUNTY, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 25, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. H. .1. Copeland, of McDonough, spent Sunday with Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Copeland. Mrs. Hattie W. Smith left Monday for Monticello, where she will spend some time at her home there. Mis. C. F. Townley will be down from Atlanta to spend the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Nora King. Mrs. J. T. McClain’s fi iends will he glad to know that she is very much improved from an attack of rheuma tism. Mr. J. W. Currie and Mr. E. C. Welch left this week for Tifton to take up their new work of life insur ance. Mrs. Boon Harkness and Misses Mary Harkness and Sallie Carmi chael were shopping in the city to day’, Friday. Mr. Alex Wilkerson has been quite ill this week with pneumonia, but his friends will be glad to know he is much better. 7 Mr. and Mrs. John Ham, who were guests the past week of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ham, returned to their heme in Atlanta Saturday. Mrs. White Jamerson and little ones, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Pope, returned Thursday to their home in Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley and fames. Jr., went out to Mr. Will Foster’s Thursday 7 to visit them and enjoy a day or two fishing. Mrs. W. G. Koogle and little daughter, Alice, of New York, are expected in April to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Johnson. Mrs. Walter Hosch and little daughter, Bernice, after a pleasant visit to relatives in the city, returned Monday to their home in Gainesville. Mrs. Gentry is expecting Mr. and Vlrs. Duncan, ot Macon, and Mr. Roy Gentry, of Atlanta, to spend Sunday with her at her home near the depot. Mr and Mrs. J. B. Edwards and little son, Robert, returned Friday from several w'eeks’ visit to their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Marlin, in New Haven, Mo. Mr. F. S. Etheridge, Mr. J. M. Mc- Ylichael and Mr. C. Whitehurst went over to Madison Tuesday with Lamar Etheridge in his Cadillac to attend die State Sunday School Convention. Prof. W. R. Lanier went up to At lanta Sunday to see Mrs. Lanier. He reports her doing nicely and would be able to sit up during this week, and will probably be at home next week. Mrs. Bob Smith and little daugh ter. and Mrs. Harman, of Macon, who are visiting Mrs. William Elder at Indian Spring, and Miss Lula Col lier, of Indian Spring, were visitors to tiie city 7 Wednesday. Mr. Milnes, who is well remember ed in the city, having visited bis daughter, Mrs. Joe Watson, was the guest this week of Captain and Mrs. L. D. Watson. He was en route from Florida, where lie has spent the win ter, to his home in Michigan. Col. Ernest Watkins’ friends are glad to see him on the streets again after his painful automobile accident in Atlanta two weeks ago. He and Mrs. Watkins came from Atlanta Monday night, and are with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Watkins on Indian Spring street. Mrs. J. C. Adams, who lias been quite sick tlie past two weeks with cold and pleurisy, is sufficiently im proved to be up, which will be good news to her friends. During her sickness Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Ad ams ad Mr. Ernest Adams were down from Atlanta to see her. Mr. J. M. Trapp was in the gity from the Camp Ground this we. k. Mr. Trapp lias been very much indis posed since his return from Florida several weeks ago. but now thinks his improvement is peimanent. He, with Mrs. Trapp, went down last fall and spent the time at St. Augustine and St. Petersburg. Mr. J. R. Sams, who is a delegate to the T. P. A. Convention in Savan nah, accompanied by Miss Ada, will leave next Wednesday for that city. Great preparations are being made for the entertainment of the T. P. A.’s, and they are anticipating a loyal time. Miss Ada will visit in Macon and Fitzpatrick before her re turn home. Mrs. A. T. Buttrill entertains this, Friday, afternoon at an Easter party for Mrs. Homer Carmichael and Miss Bertha Carmichael. Baptist Church, Sunday. Invitation to All. Special meetings will he held daily at 3 and 7:30 p. m. at tiie Baptist church, beginning Sunday 7, the 27th. The pastor will he assisted by 7 Rev. T. C. Carlton and Miss Myrtle Lane, of Oklahoma. Evangelist Carlton has brought things to pass in the pastorate, and is a soul-winner of note. He has studied human nature and knows men, and loves* to help them. Miss Lane comes highly 7 rec ommended by Mr. Carlton as a com petent and efficient singer. In other meetings her singing and the cho ruses led by 7 her have been distinct ive features. Make your plans to attend these meetings; attend the first one Sunday morning. Come out and help. Come early and get .the best. The Junior Union at 3 p. m. The pastor will preach at Indian Spring at 3 p. m. and administer the ordinance of baptism at 4. EASTER EGO HUNT SATURDAY. * The Minimi Junior Uni m egg hunt will take place Saturday morning at 10 o’clock. This promises to be a great event with the hoys and girls. COTTAGE PRAYER MEETINGS. On Monday and Thursday nights prayer meetings were held at five different places at the same hour. They were greatly 7 enjoyed by 7 those who attended. The church has been getting ready for the special meet ings for weeks past, and we are ex pecting the fulfillment of the prom ises. She Meant Professionally. As the young man caressed the cheek of his ladylove she drew away hastily. “I think,” she said indignantly, ‘ you had better see father first.” “Why, what do you mean?” asked the perplexed lover.. ‘•Father,” she replied, as she nurs ed hercheek, ‘‘is a ba'fber.”—Success Magazine. Now is the time to start your Ice Box. Call■>. 136 and get it filled with Pure Plate Ice. We will serve you with pleasure. Conner & Crawford. WE ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for the famous Manhattan Shirts $1.50 to $2.50.; for the Eclipse Brand Shirts $1 00 to $1.50; for the Furgerson HcKinney flake 50c. to SI.OO. If you have shirt troubles come here. ETHERIDGE SHITH CO. Spalding Juvenile, boys or girls model bicycles at the Spalding agency, Ar gus Building. H. M. Shaver. Call 136 when you need ice. Roller Skates, Striking Bags, Boxing Gloves, Home Gym nasium Apparatus, Croquet Sets, Archery and Lawn Ten nis Goods ordered at Spalding Ageucy. H. M. Shaver. firs. Raymond Carmichael Entertains at St. Pat rick’s Day Party. One of the most beautiful and enjoyable parties of the season was given a few afternoons since by Mrs. Raymond Carmichael. Ouite a large number of guests were present to enjoy the hospitality of the gracious hostess and the novel features of the entertainment. On going in the guests were carried to an “Irish Wishing Well,” which was beautiful with its base sur rounded with rocks, ferns and moss. From the well bucket each one drew an Irish motto, on which they 7 made a rhyme, which provoked much merriment. A spirited contest was a delightful feature of the after noon. Punch was served by Miss Mary McGuffy. In the dining room the table was handsomely appoint ed, having for a centerpiece a gold en harp, which adorns the crest of Ireland. Potato salad was served; also cake, with its frosting in green shamrock, with cream in green harp shapes. True to the spirit of the Irishman’s day, each guest kissed the “Blarney Stone.” It was placed on a plateau on the back of the piano, making it not an easy task. It was an occasion which was richly enjoyed by those present. If you want a Dowlavv Cot ton Planter, or a Camp Guano Distributor yon can j>;et them at Ham & Carter’s. They are the best on earth. We have few Unknown Peas. When' the time comes and seasons are right you want them First come, first served. ETHERIDGE SHITH CO. Notice to Creditors. Georgia. Butts County. Notice is hereby given to all cred itors of the estate of T. P. Atkinson,', late of said county, deceased, to ren der in an account of their demands to me, within t he time prescribed by law, properly made out; and all per sons indebted to said deceased are hereby requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Mrs. Lottie C. Atkinson., Ice the year round at Conner & Crawford’s. Send in your order for your Tennis rackets, balls and nets at the Spalding agency. You will need them soon. H. M. Shaver. An Awful Eruption of a volcano excites brief interest, and your interest in skin eruptior s will be as shore if you use Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, their quickest cure Even the worst boiis, ulcers or fever ores are soon healer] by it. Best for Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Sore Lips Chap ped Hands, Chilblains and Piles. It gives instant relief. 25c at White hurst’s drug store. If you owe The Argus, either on subscription or account, please call and arrange same at once. —■. ,/. . - ~ FOR RENT —Nice 5-room cottage. Possession April Ist. Apply to Mrs. Geneva Carmichael. Ice, cold Ice, at Conner & Crawford’s. A Deserved Compliment. At the eighth sessieu of the Georgia Library Association, which meets in Atlanta next week, Miss Inez Daughtry will read a paper on “Work in a Normal School by a Library Graduate.” It will be remembered that Miss Inez was a graduate of the Library School in Atlanta in 1908, and since that time has been assistant librarian at the State Normal School in Greens boro, N. C. It is quite a compli ment to this talented daughter of our citv to lie selected from the large number of graduates—and then, too, going across States into North Carolina to select her. Dur ing her visit to. Atlanta she will visit her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. 11. L. Daughtry. INDIAN SPRING. Messrs. Wiijht and Ben Watkins made a business trip to Atlanta Monday and Tuesday. • Miss Carrie Collier returned Mon dav after a very delightful visit to Mrs. R. L. Smith in Macon. Mr. W. 11. Arnold and Miss Ossie Arnold spent the week-end with relatives in Atlanta and Col lege Park. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Elder, Mrs. Harmon, Mrs. Smith and little Eu genia are guests of Mrs. G. C. Cor nell at the I lotel Elder. Dr. R. Van Deventer will preach at the Baptist church Sunday after noon at 3 o’clock. All are cordi ally invited to this service. Miss Lillian Cornell is at home again after several weeks’ stay in Macon. Miss Cornell has a great many friends in Macon, where she is always charmingly entertained. TIME FOR A CHANGE. Nelson A. Aldrich, admittedly the leader of tho Republican party, says that the government should he con ducted for $300,000.0(H) less each year than is now expended under Repub lican admfhistration. This is a good (thing-‘to show to your Republican neighbor, it may lead him to make investigation all along the line, in Which event, he will probably con clude that the time lias come for a change in the ad ministration of na tional affairs,—The Commoner. The Spalding Boxing Gloves'to $7.00 per set of four gloves. Order at Spalding Agency-—Argus Office. H. M. Shaver. FOR SALE—My home in Floviila for cash or on easy tetms Mrs. Lula Duke. If you want a Dowlavv Cot ton Planter, or Camp Guano Distributor you can find them at I Jam & Carlo’s. They are the best on earth. Scientific American (weekly) and Jackson Argus 1 year for $3.25. If you want a Dowlaw Cot ton Planter, or Camp Guano Distributor you can get them at Ham & Carter’s. They are the best on earth . Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab'ets invariably bring relief to wo men suff.-ring from chronic constipa tion , headache, biliousness, dizziness, -allowness of the skin and dyspepeia. Sold by Slaton Drug Cos., Jackson,Ga. No. 26