The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, February 14, 1913, Image 2

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A Royal Baking Powder Hot Biscuit is the luxury of eating - v MADE AT HOME- THE JACKSON ARGUS Telephone 119. PoblUbed every Frtdey t *I.OO a year. Entered *t Jeokeou Poe to dice M second class malt matter. E. ▼. CARROLL. Editor and Publisher Official Organ of Butts County NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that all legal advertising appearing in The Argus must be paid for in advance as required by law. Unless copy for such ads is accompanied by cash, the copy will he rejected, as the State law specifically provides for payment in advance. JACKSON, GA., FEB. 14, 1913. The man who hasn’t accommo dation enough to boost a good thing, seldom has an audience when he boosts himself. It is not a reflection upon free dom to say that the “Land of the Free” is the most lawless, It is a reflection upon the self-control of American citizens. The Athens Herald Commends Judge Daniel’s Stand. Judge Robert T. Daniel, in de livering his charge to the Monroe county Grand Jury the other day, asserted that the people of this country have little regard for law or respect for authority, and gave as his reason for this statement that our children are not properly train ed in the homes and schools. The observation of years, in many cities, compels us to agree with Judge Daniel. It is lamentably apparent that nowadays parents leave their children too much in the care of irresponsible and disinterested per sons. Particularly are boys when at a dangerous point in their devel opment permitted to run the streets. Mothers, occupied with the over seeing of household duties, or act ually engaged in the work them selves, are too prone to free them selves of the responsibility of con stant watchfulness by allowing their children to seek companionship in the streets. Outdoor exercise and fresh air are much to be desired, but the morals of the child are just as important. In this .and of liberty too much freed.. ;n of the wrong sort is in evi dence. If the child is allowed a wide latitude in this respect it is but natural when maturity a. rives he will have imbedded in his mind these ideas of individual liberty which is essentially the seed for disrespect for law and authority. Time was when we looked with deep respect upon our leading pub lic men, but we seem nowadays to .have drifted far away from this sort of thiug. Bend the young shoot as far as it should grow and the matured article will usually be found of high staudard. A good deal of our good priu cip' is are inborn, but training is a necessary adjunct. The Herald feels constrained to congratulate Judge Daniel upon calling atten tion to this most important matter. —The Athens Daily Herald. Memorable St. Valentine Days Arizona may well be known as “the Valentine State," for she was admitted to the Union on the 14th of February last >ear. President Taft sigued the proclamation iu the A MESSAGE TO MOT,HERS. Judge Daniel,' whose recent charge to the Monroe county Grand Jury is exciting most favorable comment all over the State, will deliver a similar charge to the Grand Jury of this county on next Monday. This charge is a wonderful exhortation to the people to uphold law and order, and should be impressed upon the mind of every future citizen of the country, especially as it was shown that America is be hind every country in the world, civilized and uncivilized, in the en forcement of the law. Every mother and father in the county should hear this charge next Monday, as it is not only a charge to the Grand Jury, but a charge to the citizens of this country—a challenge to their conscience. It is a revelation of the divine responsibility for upright conduct of the future citizens of this country which is put in the hands of each Amer ican parent as a sacred trust. Our children must not be outlaws. If they are, we, the parents, are responsible. Judge Daniel’s charge will help any one in the shouldering of this responsibility. The law is ioly, and if ye break so much as one jot or one tittle thereof, ye break the whole. It is the public sentiment behind this law which is responsible for its maintenance or its downfall, and you and your children are responsible for the public sentiment. Judge Daniel’s charge will help you do your duty. * BOOSTING. The fact that LaGrange, Decatur, Dublin and many other small towns of Georgia are heard of more than their size would’seem to in dicate is due to their Chamber of Commerce, or Board of Trade. We need some such organization for our town, systematized boosting” for the Power City of the State. , , For a growing town there is nothing which pays so much as sys tematized advertising. The papers cannot do it by themselves, nor can each individual merchant have the time to devote to it. But if each one adds his mite to a systemized campaign such as is carried on by a Chamber of Commerce, then wonderful results are obtained. Modern business system, which saves all waste effort, has worked out the Chamber of Commerce as the cheapest and the best way in which to stimulate the growth of a town, and the towns, that is the up-to date towns all over the country, are taking advantage of it. A town does not, like the little girl, “jes’ grow up.” It is a day of sharp competition between towns, and each one has to use mddern business methods to gain a healthy civic life. We do not wish to be left behind, with our wonderful resources, and we must get the share of the general prosperity which is rolling Southward. White House at 10 o’clock in the morning, in the presence of a dis tinguished body of officials and Arizonians. The State of Oregon was also admitted to the Union on St. Val entine's Day sixty four years ago; hence she may lay claim to being the original “Valentine Stale.” W.lien Charles Dickens made his first trip to the United States he was given a grand ball in New York city on St. Valentine's Day. The famous battle of Cape St. Vincent was fought on St. Valen tine’s Day, 1797, and in it Sir John Jervis, the British commander, de feated the Spaniards. Winfield Scott Hancock, after wards famous in the Civil War, was born on the 14th of February, Alston’s Stock and Poultry Powders Are the Best on the Market. Made and For Sale By SLATON DRUG 6©., Distributors of Jackson, Ga, 1X24, at Montgomeryville, Pa. Tire first patent for a telephone was issued to Alexander Graham Hell on St. Valentine's Day thirty seven years ago and, just two hours later, Klisha Gray filed a caveat on practically the same idea. Buy L. & n. Semi-nixed Real Paint it’s the very best quality paint. It wears best and looks best. It costs the least money. Its use for thirty seven years has proven these facts. It’s White Dead-White Zinc and Lin seed Oil. Just mix it quarts of Lin seed Oil ith eacli gallon of L. <fc M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, and make l 3 i gallons of pure paint ready for use at a cost of $1.40 per gallon. The L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint is sold by Newton-Carnrichael Hard ware Company. Jackson, Ga.—Adv. 7 THIS WILL INTEREST VOtlXi . Do you remember hearing your mother tell of the tinware she had when she was a girl? How it brightened the kitchen with reflected light and how it was always Mother’s best present to the bride, who never had but the one outfit, for it lasted all her life? You have desired for a long time to buy such tinware; so have we, and have at last succeeded. Order a few pieces of “Our Very Best Tinware, and see if they are not more attractive than any you ever yaw. < ENOUGH >SAID) DEMPSEY HARDWARE 00., Jackson, - Georgia. 110,000 Buick Users; Every One a Buick Booster. There is a certain prestige that owning your own motor car gives you in your community. There is a certain satisfaction in knowing you own a car that will take you anywhere and bring you back. It is this quality of dependability which has put no,ooo Buicks on the road, ana it is this same quality of dependability which has made every one of those no,ooo Buick users a Buick booster. The Buick overhead valve motor has more power per cubic inch, of piston displacement than any other type of motor ever built. It costs us more to make it but costs you less to run it. Roadsters and Touring Cars $950 to $1650 F. 0. B. Flint. McKibben & Kimbell, Pitta McKibben AGENTS Andy Kimbell r # Jackson, - Georgia.