The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, February 28, 1913, Image 2

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E. I. ROOKS, Contractor and Real Estate Agent. ESTIMATES FURNISHED Office in Curry Building, JACKSON, GEORGIA." W.C.SMghill&Co. Have Purchased BANKSTON'S MARKET And Are Selling TODAY THE BEST MEATS TO BE HAD Phone No. 59. Mallet & Nutt. 15 13 13 Guano in any grade is made from high grade Acid Phosphates and high grade Amoniates. Contains no worthless filler. FOR TWENTY YEARS Butts County farmers have proven it to be the best that they buy. We can fill your orders for nixed Fertilizers 16 per cent acid, Kainit, Huriate of Potash, Cotton Seed Heal, Nitrate of Soda and Lime. Don’t Take A Chance on your Fertilizer, but come to see us before you buy. Automobiles and Machinery Repaired. Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Wiring. Gasoline Engines and Bicycles repaired. Machinery erected. Scrap Iron, Brass, Copper and Lead wanted. ’Phone 127 Jos. L. Wagner & Son, Jackson, Ga. That’s All! A good can be made, out of a small flock of chickens, by giving care ful attention to their feed, and Ly giving them, every day, ionic doses of Bee Oee STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE | This will increase egg i h production,melp make win- | l ter layers; put broilers and , [ roasters in prime condi- P tion, during season of P highest prices, and prevent, I por cure, disease. Try it, l P * Pc. 80c and 11.00 p*t can. | k uc better r**tet than anr i nsHiaiHxs&Stt I THE Won Exchange TAKES ORDERS FOR Magic Ruffling READY TO SEW ON Southern Cotton Oil Cos. “FERTILIZERS.” We are not the oldest in the business. We haven’t fertilizers named for us, but we have got one of THE OLDEST MIXERS WITH US. We have one of the best equipped plants in Jackson, and we honestly believe we have the best goods on the market. Southern Cotton Oil Cos., T. A. NUTT, Manager. Telephones on Farms VjSf" * - ' •< 4, . r 50c per Month and Up -y If there is no telephone on your farm write for our free booklet f telling how you may get service at small cost. . Address FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY QJLfi S. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA. GA. Special Jackson Store News. To the many friends who have been kind enough to express their appreciation of the various advertisements that have appeared iu The Argus for the past several weeks, I wish to express my sincere and hearty appreciation. In looking through the merchandise this last week from store to store, I have noticed and lam more and more im pressed with the fact that our Jackson merchants are fully realizing the necessity of advertising only goods that can come up to the descriptions “the ad man writes.” The advertising profession is today laying more stress on “honesty in advertising” than any other phase of the pro fession. The advertising manager of the large department store is wielding the most powerful influence in that store. Yes, advertising must be absolutely honest and square, and in case you are disappointed in advertised articles, you will confer a favor upon the head of the department of any Jackson store, whether their line is dry goods or groceries, furniture or hardware, fresh meat or country produce, by bringing to his attention, the fact that things advertised do not come up to the description given in his advertisement. Study the advertisements as they appear from week to week and remember that store news is in every case, per fectly inspected goods. As the spring season opens The Argus hopes to be able to give you much valuable information about the beautiful new things as they arrive. Manager or The Jackson Argus. BUTTS COUNTY BRIAN GROWERS’ MEETING A meeting of the Butts County Grain Growers’ Association is here by called for Friday, March 7th, at 1 o’clock, in the court house in Jackson. Kverybody is cordially invited to attend this meeting, whether en gaged in farming or not. Come out and encourage this effort to in duce the people of our county to grow more grain crops, Feb. 24, 1913. C. S. Maddox, Chairman. S. K. Smith, Secretary. USE OF CALOMEL PRACTICALLY STOPPED Dangerous Drug Giving Way for Safer, More Reliable Remedy. Hundreds of people in this vicin ity alone have stopped the use of dangerous calomel when their liver is acting slowly, and take Hudson's Liver Tone instead. Dodson's Liver Tone is always safe and lias none of the bad after-effects which so often follow the use of cal omel. It is a pleasant-tasting vege table liquid that starts the liver gently and surely, and relieves con stipation and biliousness and causes uo restriction of habit or diet. Many preparations have sprung up that imitate the claims made for Dodson’s Liver Tone, but remember Dodson’s Liver Tone is the tried and teatod remedy that has proven such a good medicine and is so satisfac tory to every user, is the reason these imitations are on the market. Dodson’s Liver Tone oanoot hurt Conner & Crawford’s MARKET HIGH 6RADE MEATS OF ALL KINDS. Honest Weights and Go 3d Service; That*a What We Give Our Patrons. PHONES 135 AND 136. Jackson, - Georgia. Milch Cows, Beef Cows, Yearlings. If you want to buy, sell or swap see me. I dehorn cows and pay the highest market prico for hides, and handle the best meats that can be had on my wagon. See me, I can save you money. R. F. WELCH, = . Phone 2320. ||| To Our Good Friends and Patrons: The fact thdt we are among the very oldest manufacturers of commercial fertilizers in the South and stand at the top of the list, means that experience, that dear teacher, has taught us how to mix fertilizers to enrich your soil. FURMAN on the outside of the bag means HONESTY and FULL WEIGHT on the inside. We make different brands, but only one kind—the BEST. When you fertilize with FURMAN goods you know every pound of plant food shown on the analysis is in the fertilizer and ready to make your crops grow. They push the plant from start to finish. FURMAN HIGH-GRADE FERTILIZERS guarantee the growth of big crops. The cheapest fertilizers are the most expensive in the end, for the cost of the fertilizers is insignificant compared, with the loss of a crop. * FURMAN FERTILIZERS are worth a little more in the warehouse, but a great deal more in the field. A really high grade fertilizer is a good, common-sense investment, but a cheap fertilizer is an expense. When you are ready for your fertilizers call on our agents. If your nearest fertilizer agent doesn’t handle our goods, take it up with us direct. Furman Farm Improvement Cos. ATLANTA, GA anyone, and if it fails to do all that ia claimed for it, Slaton Drug Com pany, who sella it, will give your money back with a smile.—(Adv.) FOR SALE. Two horses and one wagon. Apply to Dr. R. B. Thompson or S. P. Smith, Flo villa, Gra. WHY NOT JOB PRINTING BY PARCELS POST? Let’s try it. Tell you what we’ll do. We’ll pay the post age on any order for Job Print ing received from any town in Jackson’s territory during the next 30 days: and we guaran tee both the price and work. You can save money and get better printing, by sending your order direct to THE Anus Job Print F. M. ALLEN JACKSON, GA. If you want to buy, or swap FOR A GOOD HORSE OR MULE SEE A. R. CONNER Jackson, Ga. For Rent. Five room house on Doug las Heights, good garden, barn and fine w°H of water. Apply to S. Smith, agt., Flovilla, Ga. Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema' i a.curcd by Ch*at> T r | ‘i ß ,B>l^, ; Cmt .ppHo UO. .atKtancff tod f