The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, March 07, 1913, Image 2

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Last Call For Bargains In Winter Merchandise. Of course this glorious spring weather is apt to so fill us with thoughts of spring hr nnets arid j retty summer frocks that we entirely forget that the weather is ft . 1C ® “J® T€SS and winter suits and even furs may yet feel quite “comfy” before “the good old summer lime” is here for “keeps;” but be this as it may, we know t follow summer and winter will come again, and the wise, economical shopper will take advantage of the late spring clearance sales, when merchant - ally given away, to store up those things which she will eventually have to buy and which she can now get fora third or fourth their real \a tie, 01 they must give way to spring find summer stock. If you are interested in clothes at all, you surely can’t afford to miss the genuine bai <>ains which ham & Carter are offering now. Just think of laying in a stock of fall and winter underwear now at actual cost. Styles in underwear never change, so why not get what you and the children need now, so when snappy fall comes you will not he un irepared. If you have not seen those wonderful values at ham & Carter’s do so by all means and while looking for tlie-e, do not forget to ask the juices of blankets and comfortr. It does seem hard to believe, but its true, and you will need outing, cotton and wool flannels. Those v sweater coats for ladies will not come in amiss, even for these chilly mornings. And for the house, there is a most beautiful line of crepes and flannelettes at 121 c. yard. Surely you cannot overlook these bargains and that all-wool serge at 79c. yard; just the thing for a nice fall or winter suit, and is always good, hut if you like something less exjiensive there are fancy mohairs for only 40c. yard which will make nobby looking suits. But here is something that will interest you right now, silks, SI.OO a yard value for 79c. yard. Just the very thin" for spring wear, foulardsare particularly good this year and in this sale, some of them are going for 27k*. yard. Do by all means see the net and lace collars and jabots and coat set-' 2f>e values for 19c., 50c. values for 09c. Feme over and investigate these wonderful bargains and you w ill agree with us “that truth is often stronger than fiction for you will wonder how Ham & Carter can sacrifice this merchandise at such prices. COl. SEARCY WRITES OF A TRIP TO BUTTS Sees Fine Farms and A Happy People—Tells of Court Cases and Other Interesting Things. Tlm> fairest. land of middle Georgia linn beiween Griffin and Jackson. Rinutifiil, well-painted country homes grace the entire way. The large grain crops everywhere in evi dence, makes the liills green and • iv aiitifol, while-the ripplingstreams, bordered with the budding maple, adds to. the scene. Happy people, tlvose of this favored section! Tim superior court, was in session for the past two weeks. We have had a “<log tracking case,” and tin jury tM*ght ‘Rachael” knew whai sire was doing when she fastened the •rime on Tomas Aiken for burglary. Th<> judge approved, with n 12 year sentence on the enlpiit, We also had a “horse case” —one so poor in spirit that even the honey suckle and Die dogwood blossoms faded to inspire with the breath of spfjtijr. The plaintiff did not have to pay for such a dead animal. We had a big year's support case— a fight betwe-n ttie widow and tile erertrtos'H. Tire widow went olf as iiHTtal with the estate and a chrome W tried a “nigger killing nigger.” lie ImJ sent two into the lands he y<Mid but the jury let him go to tor ment more of lifs black friends. We tried a young man named Fly mate far killing the faithful oh) town marahat of Florida, lie got drunk Listen! Are you going to paint that house this spring? Well, see us before >ou buy—we can save you money. Faint To be good must be fresh. Ours are freshly mixed and ready for use. Put up in different size cans for >our convenience. $1.50 Per Gallon. Jackson Drug Cos., Reliable Druggist. mg^ pc>lc fresh Hi n Express and did the deed, and the two fami lies weep, while old K i■> MT Alcohol jroes on rejoicing, destroying homes. A life sentence was imposed on the young man. We tried an arson case. A noble farmer lost his barn and stock and the labor of years went up in smoke. There was a mistrial, the jury stand ing seven for conviction and five for acquittal. We had one liquor case, and the nejh'o went the Flint circuit route. It is seen that, we had an interest ingcoiirt. In the cases tried Solici tor General Owen made good on every occasion and our able judge did his liill duty to (lie state and the prisoner at the bar. He certainly holds up tlie impartial scales. The gland jury recommended the consolidation o, the offices of receiv er, collector and treasurer, with a salary attached to the new officer of sl/011. They also recommended the abolition >f the City Court of .lack son and Flovilla. This county lias two city courts, ably officered and successfully run. The grand juries of Fayette. Monroe and Butts county have moved against the city courts. There is no complaint of the olflcers in either county, and that is good. Pile whole stare seems to lie looking towards one system of courts, and the superior and supreme courts have the right of way, while the city courts and the court, of appeals are struggling against, the tide. The Odd Fellows gave Judge Dan iel a reception, or SO guests tilled file hail of that noble order to do him honors. We are sorry that our good friend, Hon. Charlie Redman, Is confined at Ills home sick. But lie lias for a c iinpanion his beautiful bride, and wo imagine the hours will not be weary ones, though his fever be high May lie soon recover, and heaven's For Loss of Hair We will pay for what you use If Rexall “93” Hair Tonic does not promote the growth of your hair. In all our experience with hair tonics the one that has done moot to rain our confidence is Rexall ”93” lair 'Tonic. We have such well founded faith in it that we want you to try it at our risk. If it does not satisfy you in every particular, we will pay for yhat you use to th® extent of a 30 day treatment. If Rexall ”93” Hair Tonic does not remove dandruff, relievo scalp irritation, stop the hair from falling and promote a now growth of hair, come back to us and aak us to return the money you paid for it, and we will promptly hand it, hack to you. You don’t Ki;;n anything, promise any thing, tiring anything hack, or in any way obligate yourself. Isn’t that fair? Doesn’t it stand to reason that wa would not make such a liberal offer if we did not, truly believe that Rexall ”93” Hair Tonic will do all we claim for it—-that it will do all end more than any other remedy? We have everything there is a de mand for, and arc able to judge tho merits of the things we sell. Cus tomers tell us of their success. There are more satisfied usera of R xa:l “93” Hair Tonic than any similar preparation wo sell. Blurt a treatment of Rexall "93” Hair Tonic today. If you do, wa believe you will thank us for this advice. Two size bottles, 50c and sl. You can buy Rexall “93” Hair Tonitt in this community only at OU' Store; SLATON DRUG CO. Jackson The 'jfernll. Store Georgia There is ft Ttexall Store in nearly every town and city in tho United Status, Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexall Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill— euch especially designed for the particular ill for which it is recommended. Th Roxali Storoj ate America** Greatest Drug Stores choicest blessing rest npoll his hap py home. Our next court will lie in Fayette, on the third Monday in March. More anon*.—W. E. H. Searcy in Griffin News and Sun. RUN-DOWN PEOPLE Made Strong by Vinol. Run-down conditions are caused by overwork, worry, too close con flnement, a chronic cough or cold which it is difficult to cure. We want to say to every person in this condition —you need Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, tho great strength cre ator. It will supply iron to the blood in the most easily assimilated form, create a good, healthy appetite, strengthen your digestive organs and make you eat better sleep better and feel better. A case has just come to our atten tion from West Scranton, Pa., Mrs. Chas. Proper says: “For three years I was all run down, weak and had no appetite, and after all that time I am glad to say Vinol has brought back my health and strength, which Is just what I was told it would do.” We are confident that Vinol is tho best body-builder and strength-creator we have ever sold. Try a bottle on our guarantee to refund your money if it fails to benefit vou. Jackson Drug Cos., Jackson, Ga. Cholera! Hog Cholera, Chicken Cholera, and other diseases of stock and poultry, make you lose money. Can this loss be avoided? The answer is: YES! Give Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE promptly, when the first symptoms appear. It acts on the liver, and gets it to working freely. A disor dered liver causes these (and most other) troubles of stock and poultry. Price 25c. 50c end SI.OO per can. "Bee Dee Slock & Poultry Medicine is a splendid cure for liver trouble, roup, chicken cholera and other diseases." — F. J. Stowe. P.ircell. Okl.r P. A. 15 SCHOOL NOTES. Tn order that the teachers may at tend the Teachers Institute, we are going to have two days holiday this week, Thursday and Friday. Miss Lanier is preparing to give her recital for those who finish their course in music. The tenth ami eleventh grades are doing independent theme work now, having subjects of imagination, travels, science, h.storv, etc. Miss Ina McMichael taught the seventh grade Wednesday, on ac count of absence of Aliss Smith. Miss Smith delighted lierclass to day with a large bag of apples. The scare of small pox is about over in schorl now. Misses Corine Watts and Janie were absent from school Wednesday. The Demosthenians and Freshman Debating Glut) will meet Friday ntx, and enjoy a mock trial. Elwoot Robison, tlie defendant, is chargee arson. He will be defended bj Charles Johnson. W illiam McClurt and W. fl. Hammond. Claud* Spencer. Albert Newton and Dewej White are die prosecuting attorneys Much interest is b ing manifested ii tliis trial. LETTER FROM SARDIS. Five-sixths of the ministers, six sevenths of the college professors, and a majoiity of the influential business men are born and reared in tlie country. This means that tht world is depending on the country for its thinkers and leaders. Then if we wish our land to be a Christian land with a high standard of mor ality. these young men must be trained to lead clean, honest chris rian lives before they leave the country. The country church and me country school are the two forces working together to accomplish this aim. How much our land depends upon two neglected forces! hast Sunday we had more than twenty young men who studied in our Sunday school He character oi one of the strongest and most faith ful of the patriarchs. J. H. Wake, Chairman ot committee. WHY NOT JOB PRINTING BY PARCELS POST? *l3lll ! Let's try it. Tell you what we’ll ao. We'll pay the post age on any order for Job Print ing received from any town in Jackson’s territory during the next 30 days: and we guaran tee both the price and work. Vou can save money and get better piinting, by sending vour order direct to THE Anus Job Print F. M. ALLEN Ri Forlfosulis Est-1885 P OYSTERSiftRTILIZEIw 1 HAVE MOVED | and am now occupying the _ Wfj | room on Third street next to* -s D "T- The Progress Office. JULAR =L PLE —J Will Appreciate Your -p Patronage | when you have work in the 1 cleaning and pressing line. ißmiivwtuni ’ ) iDIO Gillette Ad Cos Respectfully, J. H. Haskins, JACKS georgia. # “Worth More Than it Costs” Lots of farmers declare their telephone service is worth more than it costs. J. W. Harris, a well known farmer living near Choccolocco, Ala.* writes: “I had occasion to call our doctor not two hours after my telephone was connected with your exchange. My mother, who is very old, > f fell down the door steps and broke her arm, and * I called the doctor. He was at my house before I could have gone to his residence, as he has an s automobile. | “We would not be without our telephone for more than it costs and appreciate the assistance you rendered us.” Our free booklet tells how you may have tele phone service on your farm at small cost. Write for it today. A postal will do. FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA, GA. WfecaYcß Paint Use PURE Paint and 7fjJ\ 1 /fiBETHIII"] Use Pure LINSEED OIL to add / i---™lllis to it at one-half the cost of Paint. (. J / PURE PAINT Is mads with WHITE LEAD, ZINC and l\ OIL-iSiars the way the L.&M. SEMI-MIXED I j h REAL PAINT is made. LA / J But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. &M. PAINT II I read y for use is NOT put into the Paint when it’s pre -11/ P ared for the Consumer who buys it. L! ll quantity of OIL is put into the Paint by the CONSUMER, as by so doing he SAVES MONEY. Therefore —buy 3 gallons of LINSEED OIL with every 4 gallons of L. & M. PAINT and MIX the OIL with the PAINT. If the Paint thus made costs more than $1.40 per gallon— If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory— nen return whatever you have rot used . and net hark ATT for the WHOLE of it; and besides , the money you paid to the Painter. For Sale by Newton-Carmichael Hardware Cos., Jackson, Georgia.