The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 04, 1913, Image 4

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ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure ■ Economizes Butter,' Flotuv Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome i The only Balding Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, THE JACKSON ARGUS Telephone 119. Published every Friday at 1.00 a year. Entered at Jackson Posioflice as second class mall matter. E. W. CARROLL, EdHor and Publisher MRS. E. W. CARROLL, - Manager Official Organ ok Bi tth County JACKSON, GA., APRIL 4, 1913. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE * SSOCIATIDM GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO branches in all the principal cities NOTICE TO CORRESPONDENTS. The Argus receives, almost daily, utisigiuHl communications. We are glad to receive them, but tor our own protection cannot publish unless there is a signature, which will be withheld unless otherwise requested by tlie writer. They Play On Eoth Strings A Cincinnati liquor dealer is quoted as saying that the enforce ment of the Webb bill will mean the loss to that city of from $7,(X)0,- 000 to $10,000,000 annually. Some of the liquor dealers ought to take this man in hand. For have not the liquor men been saying all the time that prohibition does not pro hibit, and that since the prohibi tion laws have been enacted the liquor drinking has increased? The liquor men seem to have the habit of playing on at least two strings— one sings the song of the useless ness of prohibition and the other the hurtfulness of prohibitive leg islation. Meantime prohibition marches on. Where It Hurts. The Argus is not in a position to say just bow much money is sent out of Jackson and Butts county to buy things that could be bought here at home. We know there is some. The important thing is whether the amouut that is being sent away is less or more, decreasing or in creasing. If the percentage of such money is decreasing, very well. If it is increasing, we’re in in a bad way. If it was 5 per ceut year before list and 7 per cent last year, and is likely to be 10 per cent this year, it is easy to see which way this community is going. It that kind of trading is increasing, the value of property tin this community is decreasing.. No question about t'- i sTba bleeding of patieuts has bfeu discontinued —in many local ities the bleeding of towns goes on. There are people who are saving ceuts in price and losing dollars in quality, and incidentally decreas ing the value of their property and their labor. Some people realize that mail order buyiug hurts the local mer chant, but they say there is no reason why they should worry about him. Certainly not. What they ought to worry’ about is tuem -SJLVES. SPRING PESTS. The warm spring sunshine has brought out the lizards and the other sun-loving insects, including the Immortal Sous of Rest. Any day, unless you happen to pass by at meal time, you can find this corps of worthy citizens sitting around sunning themselves like lizards or like hound dogs in the spring time. In addition to the sun bath, their day’s work consists of consuming three meals and satisfying their own stomachs; chewing one plug of tobacco and satisfying their own whim, and whittling one stick and satis fying their own idle natures. They do the community much good. They are ornaments. And no doubt they pride themselves very much thereon. The only portion of these men’s anatomy which is ever busy is their tongues, and they seem to be loose at both ends and loose iu more senses of the word than one. For there is continual com plaint among the ladies of the town against the lowerings and gossipings of these idle, unmanly roosters with female cackling tongues. Now, a male gossip is a thousand times worse than a female gossip, even if he is a rarer specimen. His tongue sneers and sears. It is a pity that when a male gossip allows words of wisdom to trickle from his lips, his hearers don’t) consider the source and enjoy the joke. But they don’t; they take up the tale and hand it on. There is where the nuisance comes iu; for these men, talk ing among themselves, would be of no more consequence than the wind in an empty barrel. The citizens might pass a law cutting down the supply of this gossip factory or abolishing it altogether. At any rate, consider able revenue could be derived from selling seats around the mon ument and other hang outs at one dollar. Then, too, if seats were sold at these places, some of the habitues might go to work (for a change) and try to make the price of admission, for it seems that if they would work for anything, they would work to satisfy this, their highest ambition, which is to sit and sit and cackle and cackle while they roost around all day. A man that will sit around and vitiate his energies and smirch others with his idle talk, not only has no place in this busy-day world, but is a fit object for the vagrancy law, whether he be black or white in skin, for he certainly is black in character. The town doesn’t need him; he is no good to his friends, not much good to his family, and would be precious little good to himself if his tougue were amputated. The Home Town. People seldom stop to cousider how much their town means to them. They take it too much for granted, and in counting up their blessings make a superficial inven tory that fails to credit the source from which many of their dearest benefits flow. It is easy to over look the home toWn in summing up the sources of one’s happiness be cause the town is such a large, all enveloping thing—so large, it: fact, that it’s hard to see—and the citi zen blindly draws sustenance from it like an infant from its mother. Traced to their source most of life’s blessings will be found to |have their root in that exaggeration of human beings and human interests known as a town. The town is the unit of modern civilization and is the channel through which civili zation confers its benefits. There is scarcely a phase of civilization that does not find direct and spe cific expression in the life and or ganization of a town that is large enough to have a school, a court house, a library, a bank, a mill or factory, a church, a waterworks, a AFFIDAVIT. Statement of the ownership, management, etc., of The Jackson Argus, published weekly at Jackson, Ga., as required by the Act of Con gress of August 24, 1012. Editor, E. W- Carroll, Jack son, Ga. Managing Editor, Mrs. E. W. Carroll, Jackson, Ga. Business Manager, Mrs. E. W. Carroll, Jackson, Ga. Publisher, E. W. Carroll, Jackson, Ga. Owner (not a corporation). Estate of Mrs. A. H. Shaver, H. Y. McCord, Administrator, Atlanta, Ga. Bondholders, mortgages, etc., none. Mrs. E. W. Carroll. Sworn to and subscribed be fore me this 31st day of March, 1913. S. J. Foster, C. S. C. B. C. Ga. brass band, a newspaper and a rail road station. Representing educa tion, jurisprudence, literature, finance, industry, religion, hygi ene, art, and the speedy distribu tion of intelligence and commodi ties, these institutions express all that is highest and best in human achievement. If civilization is good, the citizens should be proud and thankful of it. Instead of casting wondering and envious glances at Atlanta and other large cities, let us glow with pride for our own little city, realizing that the difference is only one of degree and not of kiud. The Webb bill wins in the first skirmish. At Richmond. Ya., the wholesale liquor dealers made ap plication for an injunction restrain ing the Southern Express Company from refusing to accept liquor for shipments to poiuts in South Caro lina, but Judge Waddill, of the United States District Court, refused their application.—Wesleyan Chris tian Advocate. Chamberlain’s IHvtr tails. Buy tt now. It may mi Ufa, Grarclening ? It is Time to Plant. Good Preparation is Essential. HAVE YOU SEEN Our new Malleable Cultivating Rake ? The “O. V. B. Malleable Rakes ? Our Garden Hoes ? ' Short Handled Spading Forks? HAVE YOU SEEN Our two-foot Poultry Wire for tomato supports —its the best ever. Of course we have regular garden tools of all kinds, eed gardcntowr^^^Mw f saved time, lighter work, /hen you use implements marked IS lanet Jr\ This name means tools of finest quality best that 40 years’ skill and experience can m make. Nearly two million soil-tillers all H over the world are using them. And every M Ulanet Jr is backed by our lull guarantee. It I No. 25 f pi an et Jr Combined HUI nd Drill Seeder, Double Wheel Hoe. ■ WTK utSfSSwt.Srt.S’iSS’- KMiSnS § close work, and lasting sltel frame. I Let us s h° vv y° u these latest tools. Dempsey Hardware Cos. This Planet Junior Garden Hand Plow is the best implement of them all for the truck man. After planting the rest is “pie.” Dempsey Hardware (Company, JACKSON, - GA. CAPITAL NOTES FROST’S MAGAZINE NEW ATLANTA PUBLICATION Atlanta, Ga., April 3.—“ The Call of the South” is the slogan of the new ‘ ‘Frost’s Magazine, ’ ’ which has recently made its appearance among current literary publications. The magazine is published and ed ited by Jonathan B. Frost, of At lanta, a philanthropist and writer who has all his life taken a keen interest in the material and intel lectual progress of the South. Mr. Frost has announced his general policy with relation to the maga zine, and articles by Southern writers, fiction and timely com ment, will figure prominently on its pages. It is believed by many that this publication will give anew impetus to current Southern litera ture. On the front page of each issue of the magazine Mr. Frost proposes to publish the photograph of some typically beautiful Southern girl. The first issue contained vigorous articles from Mr. Frost’s own pen and a number of contributions from other notable Southern writers. The appearance of the next issue is be ing awaited with keen interest. Calvin M. Hitch, former Secre tary to Governor Hoke Smith, and a well known Georgian, ccoupies the post of Mr. Frost’s first assist ant on the magazine. SENATOR SniTH TALKS TO QEOKQIA DEHOCRATS Atlanta, Ua., April 3. —While ou his short visit to his home in At lanta, Senator Smith talked to hun dreds of Georgia Democrats. There were dozens of them in his parlor at every hour of the day, anxious to learn from his lips what the prospects were for material reform under the Wilson administration. They were profoundly impressed with Senator Smith’s hopeful out look. The Senator declared that the reports of dissension in Demo cratic ranks emanated almost en tirely from sensation-mongers, and that united Democracy in both the House and Senate would stand sol idly behind President Wilson in his big task. Dispatches from Washington say that Senator Smith himself is ex pected to be a wheel-horse in the Democratic administration, and that he is counted on to give as much aid as a leader in the Senate as he possibly could have as a member of the cabinet. FOR THE FLOM SUFFERERS In response to a call from our State Superintendent of Flower Mission Georgia W. C. T. LT. some of us are going to send a contrib ution to the Ohio sufferers. If you wish to contribute through us we would be glad to serve you. This requires immediate attention. Please carry to express office if not convenient to give to me. Mrs. J. L. Lyons. Quarterly fleeting Date Changed Editor Argus: —By order of Brother Walton, Presiding Elder, the Quarterly Meeting at Elgin church is changed from the first Sunday in May to the fourth Sun day in April. All are now invited to come to Elgin on the fourth Sundav in April to our next Quarterly Meet ing. J. A. Sprayberry, P. C. Public School Notice. The school census of Butts County will be takeu in May 1913, and the Board of Edu cation will recei\e applications for appointment or election to the office of School Enumer ators for tlie various districts up to May 7th, 1913. By order of the Board of Education. C. S. Maddox, C. S. Supt. Potato Slips and Tomato Plants. An unlimited number of Potato Slips now ready at $l5O f. o. b. Florida. Have all the leading varieties. To matoes at $1.50. Bell Pep per and Egg Plants at $1.75. R. M. Worsham, Forsyth, Ga. Education in Newton. The Newton county schools, through the activity of Superin tendent Martin, are about to be ridden of the small boy who smokes persistently. The Board of Edu cation has passed a resolution that' they shall be expelled. The board realizes that the school is not only the place where books are taught, but also the place where morals are taught. They, in addition to teaching lessons, are inculcating good traits of character into their students. As Carlisle says, the word King comes from the German Konning, which in turn comes from the word Ken nen, meaning to know; and the next rulers of the earth will te those who possess knowledge, kings by their cunning. Mr. Martin realizes that these rulers need to be good, clean men, and upright morally, and that the school is the place to give them their power and their character. Comfort Your Stomach pay fop thia treatment If tt faila to promptly relieve Indigew tion and Dyspepsia. Rexail Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles because they con tain the proper proportion of Pepsin and Bismuth sad the necessary car minatives that help nature to supply the elements the absence of which in the gastrio juices causes indiges tion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert It into rich red blood and material necessary for overcoming natural body wests. Carry a package of Rexail Dys pepsia Tablets in your vest pocket, or keep them in your room. Take on# after each heavy meal and prove our assertion that they will keepindi- * i gestion from bothering you. We know what Rexail Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. W e guarantee them to relieve indi gestion and dyspepsia, or to refund your money, if they fail to do so. Doesn’t it stand to reason that we wouldn't assume this money risk were we not certain Rexail Dyspepsia Tablets will satisfy you? Three sixes: 25 cents, 50 cents, and SI.OO. You can buy Rexail Dyspepsia Tablets fat this community only at our store: SLATON DRUG CO. Jackson The ThSCOid Storm Georgia There is a Rexail Store in nearly every to-”l and city in tue United States. Canada and Great Britain. There is a different Rexail Remedy for nearly every ordinary human ill— each especially designed lor the particular 01 for which it is recommended. TW Beenil Store* are Aiwer*eo*e Greatest j Drug Stone *