The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 04, 1913, Image 6

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BLOUNT BREVITIES. W. 11. Craig was in town Satur day. L. A. Freeman was here Thurs day. Miss Florence F.theridge was in town Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Smith are smiling over their boy. Miss Mattie Craig spent week before last in Henry county. Harvie Craig spent last Saturday night and Sunday in Henry county. Mrs. W. J. Sutton and Mrs. A. Freeman spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. jack Reeves. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. ILtheridge speut Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Middlebrooks at Blount. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Craig, of Locust Grove, spent from Sunday until Tuesday with their brothers and sisters of this place. Mrs. C. F. Ktheridge and Miss Florence Ktheridge spent last Tues day night and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ktheridge, near For syth. Mrs. L. A. Freeman had as her guests Wednesday afternoon Mrs. A. Freeman, Mrs. J. J. Reeves, Mrs. B. F. Standard, Mrs. Klla Castleberry. Cough Medicine § Children Too much care cannot he used in selecting a cough medicine for chil dren. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be most effectual. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy meets these requirements and is a favorite witli the mothers of young children everywhere. For sale by all dealers.—Adv. I Jiitl l'i 11 Bros. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Ford Automobiles. - Overland Automobiles. j EVERYTHING IN AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. FIRESTONE AND REPUBLIC CASINGS AND TUBES Our experience of 15 years handling Automobiles is worth something to you in buying a car. Don’t buy from the little fellow who is young in experience and don’t know himself. Only dealers in the city that carry Automobiles in stock—our experience gives 11s sufficient confidence in the cars we sell to invest our money in them. Don t buy from the fellow that has not the confidence in the car he sells to put his money in it until after he has alieady sold you. NO MORE TIRE TROUBLES. Guarantee Not 1 Filler, But a Tire Treatment that Eliminates Puncture Troubles. WE USE AIR. We guarantee our HIGH GRADE TIRE TONIC as follows: To decrease your tire expense. To eliminate 75 per cent, of your tire trouble. To eliminate DO per cent, of your tire pumping. To last for life of Tube. To increase or lengthen life of tube at least 40 per cent. To stop punctures automatically and permanently up to and including aid penny spike. To work in hot or cold weather. Not to injure tire or tube. To prolong life (Tire Life) 40 per cent. We guarantee to replace any injury to tire or tube caused by the use of LIQUID TIRE TONIC. i.x *ll Exclusive Agents for Butts County, Buttrill Bros., jacks>on, GEORGIA. TOWALIGA DOTS. ■> S. P. Ridgeway was in Jackson Tuesday. T. J. Ridgeway is ,on the sick list' this week. G. E. McKibben spent Sunday at Mr. Chappell’s. J. H. Ridgeway spent Saturday and Sunday at Forsyth. Paul Shivers had a mighty fine horse to die Sunday. Mrs. S. P. Rldgewuy spent Friday with Mrs. T. J. Ridgeway. Paul-and Euriel Letson visited their families here Sunday. Mrs. Annie M. Martin spent Sun day night witli Mrs. J. E. Moore. The party given by Mr. and Mrs. R. McClendon Friday night was enjoyed by many friends. Mrs. Caorgia Collins and her son, of Zetella, visited Mr. and Mrs. \V. P. Thaxton Friday. Misses Minuie Mae Bell and Gladys Thornton, Homer Blackman and Grady Thornton spent Friday after noon at West Butts School. (I,AST WEEK’S LETTER.) Judson Bowers spent Tuesday In in Uriflln. Mrs. T. J. Ridgeway is on the Bick list this week. Tom Ridgeway was in the city Wednesday. T. J.andS. P. Ridgeway were in Gridin Monday. Misses Ollie M. Brantley, M. L. Martin. Susannah Ridgeway; J. H. Ridgeway, Troy Martin, Clifford Ed wards and Paul Letson were the guests of Miss Doris Kinartl Friday night. Miss Ollie M. Brantley spent Sun day with Miss Gertrude Hughey. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore announce the birth of a son. Harry and Prentice Ridgeway were in Jackson Saturday. Miss Mary Lizzie Martin spent Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Susannah Ridgeway. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Thaxton spent Tuesday in Griffin. The singing given by Miss Ger trude Hughey Sunday afternoon was enjoyed very much. Rev. L. Digley, of Brooks, filled his regular appointment at Antioch Sunday. The party at Mr. George Harkness’> Tuesday night, and also at Mr. Paul Shivers was enjoyed by all present. Pains in the Stomach. If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, your liver or your kidneys are out of order. Neg lect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright’s disease. Thousands uecomniend Electric Bit ters as tiie very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Al ston, of Raleigh, N. C., who suffered with pain in the stomach and hack, writes: “My kidneys were deranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, lint Electric Bitters was recommended and I improved from the first dose. I now feel like anew man." It will improve you, too. Only f>oc and sl. Recommended by Slaton Drug Company.—Adv. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. Boys X 1 AGQQ D Norfolks. NEVER have the Spring styles been so attractive and never have Norfolks been in greater demand than now. The great variety in design, pattern and fabric; the splendid fit, tailoring and value we offer in this YTRAGOOn FILTERED GASOLINE, OILS CUP GREASE, ETC. make we feature —all these things must appeal strongly to you mothers. Special Values at $5.00. $6.50, $7.50. Highest standard of quality—suits to give better service and satisfaction. Coats plenty roomy; trousers lined throughout with taped seams and over cast edges. Same smart styles as we show for young men. Every garment guaranteed by us and the makers, The Jackson Mercantile Cos., Proprietors Star Store, JACKSON, - GEORGIA. More Goods for Same Money, Same Goods for Less Money.