The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 11, 1913, Image 5

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jachm Miss Lee Ellis spent Sunday with Locust Grove friends. * • • W. T. Strickland, of Luella, is the guest of Mrs. Will Merritt. • • • Miss Lillian Cornell, of Indian spring, was in the city Tuesday. • • C Mrs. J. C. Maddox and daugh ters, of Flovilla, were in the city Tuesday. • * • Mrs.,Gordpn Barnes has returned to,her iupme in Cochran after a visit in Jackson. • • • ' ' V Mqs. Adatns, of McDonough, is 'visiting Mesdames C. T. Thornton and S. J. Watkins. • • • Mrs. Theodore McCord, of At lanta, has been visiting Mrs. Jean ette Barclay on Third street. • • • Mrs. Frank Outhouse, of Cedar town, is in the city, the guest for .some time of Mrs. Leila Kinsman. • • • IMrs. W. H. Franks and children, of Wartheti, are guestsof Mesdames Eva Mae Smith and J. W. Crum. m • * Mrs. Harry Butner, of Charles ton, S. C., was the guest on Tues day and Wednesday of Mrs. C. A. Butner. Mrs. J. T. Williamson and the Misses Williamson and Mrs. S. E. Jones spent Monday with Miss Es telle Thornton. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wright and Mrs. Verna Wright and chil dren spent Sunday in Covington with Miss Phena Meador. • • • Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Etheridge and Miss Bertha Warfield were •guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Banks Stephens in Forsyth. • • • W.M. Preston has returned from -a visit in Unadilla with the fami lies of Jenous Maddox, Will and Jim Staples and other friends. • • • Misses Lucie and Jane Moore, of Locust Grove, came down last week to visit Mrs. B. F. Moon, Miss Tane returned home Saturday. • • • r; Miss Ruby Thurman and Byron •Cole, of Atlanta, spent the week end here with the family of J. M. Gaston and Mrs. Maggie Cole in the country. Dr. R. VanDeventer conducted the chapel exercises at the city schools Wednesday morning, and Mr. D. Ward Milam, who is in charge of the singing at the Gospel Meetings at the Baptist church, led the songs and sang a solo. GRIFFIN DISTRICT MISSIONS SOCIE TIES TO MEET HERE IN MAY. The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Methodist church of Jackson will entertain near fifty delegates, representing the various missionarj societies in the Griffin district, aboul the 27th of May. The meeting will last three days and a lunch dinner will be served at the Methodist church on those da y s - TO ENTERTAIN SENIORS. The Junior Class of Jackson High School is planning for a de lightful reception some time in June ■in compliment to the members ot the Senior Class. Good Candy in the reach -of everybody. Only 20c per pound on Fridays and Satur days at Jackson Drug Cos . nn n and send me your Kodak BE SURb work to do. Work finished within 24 hours. Films developed, 10 cents per.roll. Prints made for 3 cents U JJ* Bromide enlargements 25c. up. TOSEPH E. EDWARDS, JU JACKSON, GEORGIA. Phone 15° \ In One Lens with No Line of Demarkation j I yotTneed different lenses for f/ \ near and far vision you will be *]J V greatly benefitted by the use of r i '‘SSsßSf' 1 On ol the moil wonderful Invention! Oljtlc*! _ V tcieacehM produced In many year*. Two Vi) (W 1 f pieces ot glut are 10 iltillfully tued th no 4 line or seam exists. Kryptok* look exactly '% Ml \ j like tegular* tingle- vision Icnacfc * Joseph E. Edwards, \ Optometrist, \ T)>giu9) Phone 160. I Jackson, Ga. TEA FOR IRS. BUTNER. Mrs. C. A. Butner’s guests at a pretty tea Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Harry Butner, of Charleston, S. C., were Misses Annie Crawford, Annie Lou Mc- Cord,* Nettie Rae Pittman and Mrs. Lottie Atkinson. MRS. WILLIE* HARDY DIES OF PNEUMONIA Monday, at the home of her husband, on Flovilla and Iron Springs road, Mrs. Willie Hardy died, after an illness of pneumonia. The following day her body was laid to rest in Macedonia cemetery, the funeral services being conduct ed by Rev. W. A. Harper. Mrs. Hardy is survived by her husband, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Reeves, and other close rel atives. DR. BYRON NAS RECOVERED The friends of Dr. J. Lee Byron will be pleased to learn that he has sufficiently recovered from a recent illness to resume his office practice. Special Saturday Candy 29c. pound. Jackson Drug Cos. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Butts County. To Whom it May Concern: Mrs. Willie G. Stone having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent admin istratrix upon the estate of W. M. Stone, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said applica tion will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in May, 1913. Witness my band and official signature, this 7th day of April, 1913. J. H. HAM, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. , Georgia, Butts County. Will be sold oil the first Tuesday iti May next, at public outcry at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder Tor cash, certain property, of which the following is a full and complete description: •\ certain tract or parcel of laud ivi„o and being in the 552nd I)ist. G. M. of said county and bounded as follows; On the north by A. H. Wall, Admr.; on the east by A 11. Wall, Admr.; outlie south bv G. S- Barber estate; west by Mrs. Annie Lemon. Said proper ty levied on as the property of A. H Wall, admr., to satisfy a fi. fa. issued by L. R- Dodson, Tax Col lector of said county, in favor of Butts county, against said A. H. Wa’l, admr., said property being in possession of A. H. Wall, admr. Levy made bv W. F. Lavender, L. C., and turned over to me for sale. This April 8. 1913. L. M. CRAWFORD, Sheriff. M’KIBBEN-AKIN. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKibbeu announce the engagement of their daughter, Dollie, to Mr. Leema.n R. Akin, of Macon, Ga., the wed ding to take place on the afternoon of April 24. • • • Miss Helen Johnson, of Colum bus, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Willis Morrison. • • • Miss Annie Dell Peek has been selected as one of the speakers at commencement of Locust Grove Institute. • • • Mrs. Mollie Graddy left Saturday for Jackson, being called there by the serious illness of her grand daughter, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ingram. Griffin News, Mrs. W. M. Keaton and Mrs. Bessie Bryans, of Indian Spring, who have been spending the winter in Florida, are with Mrs. T. A. Walacefor several days.—Douglas Society, Journal. • • • Robert Currell Carmichael, young son of Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Carmichael, received the greetings of many new friends as he was carried about in the sunshine by his nurse this week. Phone 62 every Saturday morning for a pound of fresh and delicious Chocolates, only 29c. per pound on Friday and Saturday. * FOR THE HIDDEN CHECK. INTEREST IN THE SESSION. For th. Firot Time In Many Year* Democrat! Control. Elements In the extra session of con gress are unusual. President Wilson has called the great body together at a time when his party tins absolute con trol of every branch of the govern ment relating to legislation. This has not been the ease la-fore In twenty years. During that period of long ago when the Democrats were In power President Cleveland called an extra session, but the conditions were vastly different from now. The extra session under President Wilson Is remarkable Itecuuae the law makers to a large extent are men of comparatively recent vise */> promi nence. Because of the fact that the Democratic party Is providing a change from Republican rule for the first time In sixteen years great Interest Is cen terod upon the- doings of congress. Virtually anew generation of legis lators has sprung up With hut a very few exceptions there are no men who figured In congressional doings of twenty years ago who are sharing the responsibilities of the body now. Of only line tiling has the public been absolutely certain, and that is that rhe tariff would be first and foremost among the subjects for work by the legislators, and that revision downward would be the purpose. The legislators themselves have not known Just how the revision Is to be managed, and It lias been well understood that they would not all be pleased over ail the details of the ultimate changes. The subject haa been thrashed over so often and earnestly that Its intricacies have become feared The ways and means committee, which bag had the task of drafting the tentative form of the new tariff mean ore, has been unable to announce com pletion of Its work in advance of the extra session, but the probability Is that the measure will be taken up schedule by schedule. The public has been led to expect that after the tariff is disposed of con gress will consider currency, the In come tax. Philippine Independence and the Panama tolls questions. Much publicity has been given to the proposed national Income tax. The tax will probably apply only to Incomes of i over $5,000 annually. Certain members of congress hold that this sort of levy would confined to but a compara tively small proportion of the public and that the revenue would not be suf ficient. They argue that an Inheritance tax should be added to Insure the need ed revenue. Jiiqe. Our crop of new and reliable Implements is ready to be gathered, you are invited to the harvest, here are a few ripe ones. Prices Are Right. Remember if you don’t trade with us we both lose money. Call phone No. 18 when you want anything in Hardware. NEWTON-CARHICHAEL HARDWARE CO., “THE HARDWARE STORE.” JH6KSON. • GEORGIA. Telephones on Farms I V":-r (.7 50c per Month and Up .% — ..*■ ■ If there is no telephone on your farm write for our free booklet telling how you may get service at small cost. * Address FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY DAS 8. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA, GA. BL b tl if fiil 7 vWiHWI 9 i iM Come In. kv pjs* f ii G)l9lO(f\l6i£iiom By the magic of the press ing iron and judicious use of clsaning methods we can mak your garments look like new. We Guarantee satisfactory work, and know a. trial will prove to you that out work stands for first quality the pressing and cleaning busi ness. Give us a chance t<* prove our assertion. THE ART PRESSING CLUB L. A. McCunk, Prop. ~w Our Candies are re ceived fresh by express every Friday. Bon Bons and Choc olates. Get a trial box atT- Jackson Drug Cos. ■ 1 ■ W