The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 25, 1913, Image 5

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jdfLoti M Miss Ellen Brownlee was here on Monday. • * • Mrs. W. W. Jinks was in town chopping Wednesday. • * • Mr. T. H. Webb, of Blount, was here shopping Tuesday. • • • Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thurston spent Sunday at Flovilla. • • • Miss Pauline Mallet was in At lanta for the day Tuesday. • • • Mrs. H. C. Letson, from West Butts, was shopping here Wednes day. m • • Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Hopkins will spend Sunday and Monday in At lanta. • • • Mrs. Fred Ball is in Griffin vis iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tyus. • * * Miss Hattie Buttrill entertained her Sunday school class Tuesday evening. • * * Mrs. W. D. Compton, Jr., of Scott, is the guest of Mrs. C. M. Compton. 4 • * * Miss Pallie LeeTorbett and Mrs. Tucker, of Cork, were in shopping Wednesday. Mrs. Ed Hoard and Miss Joe Varner were in from Indian Spring Wednesday. 9 * * Miss Laura Daughtry has been suffering from an attack of tousil itis this week. • * * Miss Myrtle Wilson spent the week-end at Jenkinsburg with Miss Annis Barnes. • * * Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Cunningham, of Macon, were guests of Jackson relatives Sunday. * * * MesdamesJ. E. McMichael and E. W. O’Neal, of Stark, were in the city Tuesday. • * * Mrs. R. L. Allen and Miss Olivia Greer, of Flovilla, were shopping i:i Jackson Tuesday. • * * Misses Mamie Kate Watson and Mary Laud spent the week-end with Miss Esta Garr at High Falls. ft * • Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Buttrill left Saturday night for Washington, and New York City. • * * Mrs. S. M. Pope returned Mon day from a visit in Cartersville with 'her daughter, Mrs. J. N. Weems. • * * Miss Evie Maddox spent the week-end with Misses Myrtice and Elzie Williamson at Jenkinsburg. * * • Mrs. James A. Foster, of Rome, is spending several weeks at Bibb, the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles W. Black. Mrs. Harkness Thoruton and children spent Wednesday and Thursday in Macon with Mrs. A. B. Roberts. , * * Miss Mary Newton and Mrs. J. R. Carmichael spent yesterday in Atlanta, Miss Newton going up for grand opera. Mrs. J. E. Woods had as her guest from Monday until Wednes day her sister, Mrs. Nelle B. Ham ilton, of Atlanta. • • • Mrs. H. D. Moore and little Mary Claire Moore arrived from Lees burg, Fla., Sunday for a visit with Mrs. R. N. Etheridge. • * • • Miss Frances Arnold, of Hamp ton, will spend the week-end with her aunt, Mrs. F. Z. Curry, and attend the Memorial Day exercises. * * * Miss Mary Beth Smith, of States boro, a student of Bessie 1 itt, wi spend this week-end at Mrs. H. Copeland’s with Miss Sara Lou Hardin. * * • Mrs. W. H. Franks and children left Wednesday for their home in Wart hen after a fortnight's visit to Mesdames J. VV . Crum and Eva Mae Smith. IEIBBEHKIN. The marriage of Miss Dollie Me- Kibben and Mr. Leemou It. Akin, of Macon, which occurred Thmsday afternoon at half after four o’clock at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Harkness Mc- Kibben, marked an interesting event in the season’s social calendar. The double ring ceremony was per formed by Dr. Robert Vanßeventer, <)f the First Baptist church, in the presence of a large number of rela tives and friends of the popular bride and groom. The home was beautifully adorned for the occasion, palms, ferns, car nations. roses and narcissi being Combined with the most charming effect, making an attractive setting for the pretty ceremony and the handsomely gowned guests. hi tim drawing mom, where the ceremony was performed, white and green was used, the altar about which the bridal party grouped being of magnificent palms and ferns banked against tiie mantel, on the large col umns of which were crystal candel abra holding white tapers. Just in front of these, on either side, were white draped pedestals bearing huge bowls of white carnations and nar cissi, clusters of these pretty flowers studding the background of palms and ferns. An aisle of white ribbons twined with smilax, through which the bridal party passed, was drawn from the library to t he drawingroom. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss Carrie J ini McKibben, as maid of honor, who wore a charm ing gown of white marquisette and chantilly lace with pink ribbon and carried pink carnations. Little Misses Margaret McKibben and Lucy Eve lyn Nichols, the pretty flower girls who preceded, wore dainty white lingerie dresses, lace-trimmed, and carried baskets of pink roses. The b , : de was lovely in her trav elingsuit of champagne crepe ratine, witii lish shoes and gloves to match, carrying her large bouquet of bride’s roses. The groom was attended by bis brother. Mr. R. C. Akin, of Atlanta, as best man, and Master James Harkness Nichols, nephew of the bride, was ring-bearer, carrying the rings on a silver tray strewn with rose petals. Mrs. W. Raymond Carmichael pre sided at the piano, playing the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march as the bridal party entered the drawing room, and during the ceremony she softly played the ‘ Love Song,” from Faust. After the ceremony and congratu lations an informal reception was held. Punch was served from the conservatory by Misses Mary Lena Martin and Kathleen .Joyner, the bowl being almost hidden in amass of pink roses and ferns. In the liv ing room and iibrary, where the many handsome presents were dis play'd!, the color effect of green and pink was carried out. vases of pink roses gracing the mantels/ while growing plants and ferns added grace and attractiveness. The dining table was covered with a lace cloth over pink, and a basket o r pink carnations formed the cen terpiece, the long, graceful handle of the basket being tied with a large butterfly bow of tulle. Streamers of pink tulle were brought, from the chandelier to the corners of the table, while crystal candlesticks holding pink and white tapers and crystal bowls of pink and white minis lent additional touches of color. Vases of trailing rose vines thick with pink blossoms wore .placed on cabi net, mantel and buffet. In the ices served the pretty pink and white colors were continued Assisting Mr. ami Mrs. McKibben in receiving and entertaining the guests were Mrs. Sam 1’ Nichols. Mrs James A. Joyner, Mrs. W. P Martin, Mrs. R. Park Newton, Mrs Ha Hendrick. Miss Julia Thornton. Miss Eva Key Bailey and Miss Net tie Rae Pittman. ,■ After the reception Mr. and Mrs Akin left for a visit to the groom’s parents in Atlanta. Among ttie out-of-town guests at tending the wedding were: Mr. R. (J. Akin, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. B. Z. Akin, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. W. T Akin, Atlanta; Mr. and Mrs. E. G Akin, Atlanta; Mr and Mrs. J. P. Akin, Zebnlon; Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Akin. Jenkinsburg; Miss Lucy Meal or, Atlanta; Mrs. B. H. Mathews, Atlanta: Mrs. C. L. Cochran, Abbe ville, 8. C.; Mr. and Mrs. G. W Newton. Forsyth; Mis Mary Gail- Uard and Mr. D. C. Gallliard. Jr.. Gritfin: Miss Emma Phillips, Grif fll,; Mr. W. H. White. Jr., Atlanta; Mr.’ Newboriie. Atlanta; Mr. Henri Pappa. Newuan; Mr. and Mrs. 1. H. McKibben, Eatonton. * * * Miss Kate Aiken, of Shady Dale, came over Wednesday and joined her sister, Miss Louise Aiken, for another week’s visit with theiraunt, Mrs Carroll. They expect a= their guest for tonight Miss Ethel Bou uer, of Flovilla. MISS LANIER TO WEO IN JUNE. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Lanier an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Clara Eileen, to Dr, Cleveland Thompson, of Milieu. The marriage will take place in the early summer at the Baptist church in Milieu. The announcement of the en gagement of Dr. Cleveland Thomp son and Miss Eileen Lanier comes in the nature of a surprise to'many of our people, but their marriage will be looked forward to with pleasure on account of the popu larity and prominence of both parties. Miss Lanier is the daughter of W. V. Lanier, Superintendent of Public Schools of Jenkins comity. She is a graduate of Bessie Tift, and while there made an enviable record for herself, having won the Pickard medal for sane Christianity. She is highly accomplished, besides possesing a charming personality. She has been teaching music in Jackson since her graduation. Dr. Thompson is a young phy sician with an unusually promising future. He graduated from the Medical Department of the Uni versity of Georgia located at Au gusta in 1909, with second honors in his class. He held a hospital position in Aueusta for one year. He then went to New York and accepted a position on the house staff at the Polyclinic Hospital, where he remained for four months. He then moved to Milieu, where he practiced medicine eighteen months. He then returned to the Polyclinic Hospital, where he worked for two years. Dr. Thomp son has the highest recommenda tions from these institutions, and we are glad to welcome him to Mil ieu, where he has decided to locate, and where he has won the charm ing bride he will claim this sum mer.—Millen Cor. Augusta Chron icle. • • • Dr. and Mrs. Eugene B. Elder will leave Tuesday for Canada, where they will spend the summer, returning to Atlanta in the late fall. —Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Carmi chael, of Jackson, Ga., announce the birth of a son, Robert Currell. Mrs. Carmichael was formerly Miss Spencer Kicklighter, of Atlanta.— Miss Minnie L. Bailey and Miss Tane Ham, of Jackson, Ga., are the guests of Mrs. W. P. Streater. —Sunday’s Atlanta Journal. LAWN . MOWH R S ! Quality Lawn Mowers. If you will look at our line KOOII Klltter and BIUC Grass Lawn Mowers you will feel as we do. Pains are taken to make them absolutely the best in every detail. They Are the Lightest Running, Longest Wearing, and the easiest mowers to take care of. Let us show you. We carry cheaper Lawn Mowers, too. * Our Line Hedge Trimmers, Pruning Shears, Edge Shears, etc. is complete. Give us a chanc to show and price you. Call Phone No. 18 When in Need of Any Kind of Hardware: Newton-CarmicM Hardware Cos, “THE HARDWARE STORE.” Jackson, - Georgia. MUSIC RECITAL. The junior pupils in Miss Eileen Lanier’s nni9ic class will give a re cital Monday evening at the School Auditorium. She will be assisted by the Third Grade, which will play the myth, “Sleeping Beauty,” under the direction of Miss Julia Thornton. The music program will consist of piano, rhythm and class work. The public is cordially invited. • • • BIRTHDAY PARTY Fannie Boyt Pope entertained thirty-three of her friends at a de lightful party last Tuesday, the oc casion celebrating her ninth birth day. A number of jolly games were played, and afterwards a most de licious ice course with cakes served. The young hostess received many beautiful presents. ** * K BAILEY-MALLET. Mrs. Rosa Franklin Bailey an nounces the engagement of her daughter, Minnie L., to Mr. George Edwin Mallet, the wedding to occur in June. Miss Lurline Lawson, of Flo villa, who is a student at Cox Col lege, gave a certificate piano recital at the college last week. There was an interesting picture of this pretty and talented young girl in Sunday’s Atlanta Journal. * * * \Mr. and Mrs. George S. Ilanes came down from Atlanta last Sat-1 urday to visit the family of Mr. I and Mrs. F. M. Allen. Mr. Hanes returned Sunday night. Mrs. Ilanes has been busy all the week greet ing her many friends, but will re turn, hoie Saturday. • * * Misses Minnie Browning, Estelle Thornton and Mae Colquitt; Boyd McMichael and Joseph Edwards spent Sunday afternoon in Jenkins burg with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mid dleb rooks. WORTHVILLE SCHOOL ENTERTAINMENT On Saturday night, April 26th, Worthville school will give an en tertainment at the school house. Everybody cordially invited. INDIAN SPRING SOCIAL NEWS C E and G H Hogg, of Milieu, are registered at “Idlewild.” Quite a crowd motored here from Roberta io spend Sunday. Mrs J D Renfroe, of Macon, will visit her father, \V A Elder. Mr and Mrs Hancock and children, j of Macon, are guests of the Calumet j Hotel. Mr and Mrs Ed Hoard and Miss I Carrie Collier were visitors to Jack son Thursday. 1 Rev G I Tilly and his wife will leave Thursday for North Carolina to make their future home. Mrs Tennie Elder, Miss Lucile El der and Miss Mvra Miller,of Flovilla, visited friends here this week. Dr Janies Bradley, of Jackson, preached a very forceful and inter estingsermou here Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs T E Black and daugh ter, from Sylvania, are among the arrivals at the Hotel Elder this week. Prayer meeting Wednesday night at Hotel Elder was conducted by Rev G I Tilly, formerly of Cuthbert. Mrs T R Hannon (Eftle Eldei) and infant son, of Atlanta, are expected here soon to spend a couple of weeks. Miss LeGrand, of Keysville, Va., and C A Hughes, of Monticello,Fla., arrived Friday for a week’s stay at Hotel Elder. Dr Robert, VanDeventer will preach his farewell sermon here Sunday aft ernoon. He leaves next week to spend the summer abroad. The many friends of Mrs Edith Keaton will regret to learn of her illness at the home of her sister, Mrs Daughtry, in Jackson. Troup Smith, of Flovilla, the pop ular manager of the Foy Hotel, is overseeing the repairs and getting the hotel ready for the summer season. Martin Amorous, of Atlanta, had as his gneßts tor the week-end at the DC ci inC and send me your Kodak Dtl MJKD work to do. Work finished within 24 hours. Films developed, 10 cents per roll. Prints made for 3 cents and up. Bromide enlargements 25c. up. JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, JACKSON, GEORGIA. Phone 150 SCHOOL NOTES. | The rhythm recital has been poet— I poued until Monday night, the 28th.- On account of the absence of Prof- I Martin the meeting of the Debating Society was postponed last Friday.. I Prof. Martin was absent last Friday j from school. He went to Bartlesville* | as a member of the Executive Com— [ mittee. Dr. Hall conducted the chapel ex ercises Monday morniiv'. He tofd several stores which caused muebr. laughter. Miss Nichols and the Junior Clam walked to Flovilla Tuesday and earn*' back on the train. They went in the, interest of the study of botany. Tiie whole school sympathises with Miss Ruby Cawthon in the death of her mother. Several of the teaehsrs.. and pupils attended the funeral afc Bethel Monday. Famous Rome Bread at all time*. R. A. Fra.nkmn A Cos. Hotel Elder Mr and Mrs J. W Htohea. Dr G E Perkins, Dr K VauAtleo,, Jack Robertson and William Amer— bus. They made tiie trip in Mr Am orous’ touring car. () D Doivin, of Atlanta, and A SC Brownlee, of Flovilla, spent the day here last Wednesday. Messrs Dot-, vin and Brownlee have leased the Casino and bowling alley for this season, and will be here in the next iew days to welcome their friends.. They wish to Invite the citizens of Jackson to visit them on the first, night of the opening of the bowling alley as their guests. There will b no charge for that night, and they will he glad to fix a suitable place* for lunch on the pavilion. Overhaul Your Memory and see if you can think of anyone, ever injured by being insured, and! then check up the cases in yenr own knowledge where it lias proved more, than substantial benefit. National.. Life Insurance Cos., of Vt. (Mutual).. Robt. T. Carmichael, Diet. Manager, Harkness Bldg., Jackson, Ga.—AdvJ