The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, April 25, 1913, Image 7

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The Comforts of many a man are made possible by the life insurance of bis ancestors. Make comforts possible for your descendants by insuring today. ‘Na tional Life Insurance C0.,"0f Vt. (Mutual). Robt. T. Carmichael. District Manager. Darkness Bldg., Jackson, Ga.—Adv. PROFESSION NOTICES. ( W. E. WATKINS, Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA, Office in Bank Hall, west side *A Square. All business carefully and promptly attended to. Am prepared to negotiate loans on real estate. Terms easy. DR. J. B. WATKINS, Veterinary Surgeon. Treatment of the diseases of all animals. All calls promptly attended to. Office Leach A Co.’s New Barn. ’Phones: Office 44, Res, 151. JACKSON, GA. E. C. SWANSON, k. Den tist. Office in Carter-Warthen Build ing. ' JACKSON, GEORGIA. DR. J, E. WOODS, Physician & Surgeon. Office Upstairs Harkuess Building. Office Phone 319. Residence Phone 163. JACKSON, GEORGIA. C. L. REDMAN, Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Office in Carter-Warthen Bldg. THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA. m . B. Kinard, Gen. Agent. J. Matt McMichael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. * H. W. NALLEY, Attorney At Law 7 . FORSYTH, GEORGIA. Will practice in all courts. Special attention to adminis tration of estates, wills and ddfrtage suits. Office over Moore’s Book Store DR. O. LEE CHESNUIT, Dentist. Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers Bank. Phone, Residence No. 7. * Office Phone 122 ©lOlO GBlJtt**Ad Cm By the magic of the press ing iron ami judicious use of cleaning methods we can make your garments look like new. * We Guarantee satisfactory work, and know a trial wiil prove to you that oui •work stands for first quality the pressing and cleaning busi- Give us a chance to our assertion. THE ART PRESSING tILUB V l. A McCvxe, Prop. PAYNE’S RHEUMATONE I RHEUMATISM i ’ The Greatest Kidney and Bladder Remedy on the narket. - What it has done for others it will do for you. Cures and strengthens the Kidneys and frees the system of uric acid. By its use your daily tasks will become a pleasure instead ot a drudgery, life will be brighter and your health extended for many years. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Price $1 (X) per bottle. For sale by Jackson Drug Cos. Coughs and Consumption Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious trouble of tire lungs. The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that troubles you is to get a bottle of Dr. King’s New Discovery. You will iret relief from the first dose, and finally the cough will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes: “My wife was down in bed with an obstinate cough, and I honestly believe had it not been for Dr. King’s New Discov ery, she Would not be living today.” Known for forty-three years as the best remedy for colds and colds. Price 50c and sl. Recommended by Slaton Drug Company.—Ad v. Conner & Crawford ANNOUNCE That they have completed arrangements for handling ICE, and are now ready to sell all customers, both new and old. any quantity and to any place in the city. They do business din their usual courteous away at their old stand. Phones 135 and 136. CROP INSURANCE In An Old Line Company. • You insure your life. You insure your house. Why not insure your crop ? 4he best insurance against crop failure is the liberal use of the fertilizer that HASN’T FAILED IN 27 YEARS. The fertilizer that feeds the plant from start to maturity. ROYSTER FERTILIZER. See me before you buy your fertilizers. R, T. SMITH, Flotilla, Ga. QUININE AND IRGN-THE MOST EFFECTUAL GENERAL TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines both in Tasteless form. The Quinine drives out Malaria and the Iron builds up the System. For Adults and Children. Yon know what you are taking when /ou take GROVE’S TASTELESS chill fONIC, recognized for 30 years through >ut the South as the standard Malaria, Chill and Fever Remedy and General Strengthening Tonic. It is as strong as he strongest bitter tonic, but you do not aste the bitter because the ingredients lo not dissolve in the mouth but do dis solve readily in the acids of the stomach. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean t. 50c. There is Only One “BROMO QUININE” That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Look for signature of E. W. GROVE on every box. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. Automobiles and Machinery Repaired. Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Wiring. Gasoline Engines and Bicycles re paired. Machinery erected. Scrap lion, Brass, Copper and Lead wanted. ’Phone 12/ Jos. L. Wagner & Son, Jackson, Qa. 1 ATLANTA AFFLICTED Wllh HAD DOO EPIDEMIC { Atlanta, Ga., April 24. —About ! every other day there comes out in one of the Atlanta papers a per fectly true story about how some Atlanta mother engages in a fren ! zied battle with a mad dog to keep 1 it from chewing up her little chil dren. Sometimes the whole family i has to be sent to the Pasteur for treatment. The pioneer settlers never had any more trouble in fighting wolves than Atlanta people have had re cently with the mad dog epidemic. The situation is anomalous in a community like Atlanta, and coun cil is beiijg urged to take some strenuous steps. A strictly en forced dog pound law, or an emer gency ordei to kill every stray dog in Atlanta would be justifiable uu der the circumstances, is the view of many people. Found a Cure for Rheu matism. “I suffered with rheumatism foi two years and could not get my right hand to my mouth for that length of time,” writes Lee L. Chapman, Ma pleton, lowa. “I suffered terrible pain so T couhi not sleep or lie still at night. Five years ago I began using Chamberlain’s Liniment and in two months I was welt and have not suffered with rheumatism since.” For sale toy all dealers.—Adv. RELIEVES PAIN AND HEALS AT THE SAME TIME The Wonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Porter'* Antiseptic Healing Oil. An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an Old R. R. Surgeon. Prevents Blood Poisoning. Thousands of families know it already, and a trial will convince you that DR. PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and all wounds and external diseases whether slight or serious. Continually people are finding new uses for this famous old remedy. Guaranteed by your Druggist Wemeanit. 25c, 50c, SI.OO LE6AL ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR ADMINISTRATION. Georgia, Butts County. To Whom it May Concern: Mrs. Willie G. Stone having made application to me in due form to be appointed permanent admin istratrix upon the estate of \V. M. Stone, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said applica tion will be heard at the regular term of the Court* of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in May, 1913. Witness my hand and official signature, this 7th day of April, 1913. J. 11. lIAM, Ordinary. SHERIFF’S SALE. Georgia, Butts County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in May next, at public outcry at the court house in said county, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, certain property, of which the following is a full and complete description: A certain five-acre tract or parcel of ladd lying and being in the 532ud Dist. G. M. of said county and bounded as follows: On the north by A. 11. Wall, Admr.; on the east by A. 11. Wall, Admr.; on the south by G. S. Barber estate; west by Mrs. Annie Lemon. Said proper ty levied on as the property of A. 11. Wall, admr., to satisfy a fi. fa. issued by L. R. Dodson, Tax Col lector of said county, in favor of butts county, against said A. 11. Wa 1 1, admr., said property being in possession of A. 11. Wall, admr. Levy made by W. F. Lavender, L. C-, and turned over to me for sale. This April 8, 19J3. L. M. CRAWFORD, Sheriff. V- . Straight at It. There is no use of our “beating around the bush.” We might as well out with it first as last. We want "on to try Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy the next, time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason go ar as we can see why you should not lo so.# Tl is preparation by its re narkable cures has gained a world wide reputation, and people every where ape><k of it in the highest -erms of p'aise. It is for sale by all loafers.— fi dv. ; Bea Dee Way! I Systems and methods ■ come and go. There’s one . that will slay — the “Bee Dee Way.” It has stood the 1 hardest of all tests—the l test of experience. Mix Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE l with the feed for your I animals and fowls. It . beats all regulators, tonics, 1 powders, etc., because it 1 brings better results, and I costs but a fraction of what I the ready made foods do. Price 25c 50c and SI.OO per can. I “It relieve* constipation and makes L 'out ot tone' animals and lowl6 thrilty.” | -T. U. Jones, Ornrffle, Ate. P. A. 14 Let Me Call and Show You the 1913 Styles in Home Decoration — My 1913 American Wall Paper Sample Books have arrived. They contain the most up to-date, largest and most artistic line of Wall Papers ever shown All of the latest things—all of the best patterns and the choicest colorings are contained in my samples. My prices are right —my work is guaranteed. I’ll gladly call, show samples and estimate on your worA I klmo do water and oil tint ings and finishing work of all kinds in home decorations. Call or write me. R. F. HIGGINS, Jack-on, - Georgia. Theater Vendome. '*r T'ntil further notice the \Vmlomp Theater will be dark every night e\i opt t riday and Satur day nights. We will show Three Good Pictures and you will also enjoy good music. (Tome and bring your friends and enjoy the show twice a week anyway. SIDE Oil EWES. SHW SMS 7=45. 4 j /| \ I m UNDERTAKING S. H. THORNTON. LICENSED EMBALMER. Full line of Caskets and ltobes to select from. My careful personal attention given to all funerals entrusted to ine. Calls answered promptly day or night. DAY ’PHONE 174. NIGHT 'PHONE 103. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Famous Hackney Stallion Will at Leach & Co.’a A. D. TINGLE, Manager. BROTHER FARMER, LISTEN! The American eagle on the quarter doesn’t make it worth a dollar, nor does thy brand 10-2-2 or 10-3-.'i guarantee the con tents of the sack to be made of the best materials—it only guar antees its actual analysis. There are materials and MATE- * RIALS. Old Reliable is to the sack what sterling is to silverware— the best and purest obtainable. A. IJ. ADAIR & M’CARTY BROS’, brands have been STERLING to the South for nearly a half century. Others have come and gone, but the OLD RE LIABLE BRANDS continue to sell ard satisfy. The survival of the fittest holds good with the manufacturer as elsewhere. Penny wise becomes pound foolish when you skimp in the plant food you buy for your crop. To do so you may easily save a few dollars in the planting only to lose very many times this amount at Ahe harvest, when you wake up to the fact that the stingy fertilizer hasn’t produced. Here as elsewhere the best is always the least expensive in the end. Insist on our brands and insure crop success. We offer you goods ammoniated with Fish Sefap, Cotton Seed Meal, Tankage, Nitrate of Soda, Blood and Sulphate of Am monia in different combinations machine mixed to suit your soil and meet the different crop requirements. Long years of experience and field experiments have taught us. Ask any users of our goods for an opinion of them and call on our agents for some of the OLD RELIABLE BRANDS. If your nearest dealer does not handle our brands, write us direct. A. D. Adair & McCarty Bros. WAIJON BLDG., ATLANTA, GA. For Sale by R. T. Smith, Flovilld, Ga. irmmj