The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, May 02, 1913, Image 4

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ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure 1 ’ i Economizes Butter, Flour, Eggs; makes the food more appetizing and wholesome The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar, THE JACKSON ARGUS Telephone 119. I'uUluhed every Friday at *I.OO a year. Entered at Jacltaon I’ontoHioe aa second cl.hh mall matter. E. W. CARROLL. Editor and Publiaher MRS. E. W. CARROLL. - Manager Official Organ ok Butts County JACKSON, GA., MAY 2, 1913. THIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL. OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES Why some people resemble a town clock is that they have a face on all sidps. If you can’t boost your home town get out of some good man’s way who can. If you don't like Jackson there are ten trains leaving Jackson every day in the week. Probably the greatest living au thority on bawls is the Mississippi doctor who claims to have attended just 6,240 births. Read It! *— —— O . The testimony of the Attorney General as to the results of thirty years of prohibition in Kansas is worthy of special note. The drink itig of the State, according to this official, has been reduced 2,000 per cent, and this trifling amount is almost entirely among the foreign element. Of the 105 counties of the State, 87 have no insane, 54 no feeble minded, ')<> have no ine- brutes. Thirty-eight poor farms have no inmates, and throughout the State there is only one pauper to every 5,000 population. In July, I**ll,county jails were empty and <>s counties had no prisoners serv ing sentences. Some counties have not called a jury to try a criminal case in teu| veajs, and in one county there has uol been a grand jury for twenty five years. The above facts are presented for the aformation of the fellow who says “prohibition does not prohibit." Growth of Odd Fellowship I.ast Saturday, April 26, marked t\i6 anniversary of the founding of the Independent Order of Odd Fel lows in the United States. Odd Fellowship was an institution in Fnglaud in the eighteenth century, but the first lodge established in America was in ’.lie city of Balti more. It was on the 26th day of April. Ist'). There were ouly five membtrs of that lodge, but the order spread fast, and today the membership tnder the jurisdiction of the Sovereign Grand Lodge, which includes Canada, is nearly 1,600,UK). There are more than 1,250,000 Odd Fellows iu the Uuited States .tloue. Swat the Filth! _____ The heated season is almost here and our sanitary conditions are de plorable. Unless a vigorous cam paign against dirt and filth is soon under way, you needn’t be sur prised to see the dead fly and mos quito do a land office business in Jackson this summer. The city authorities expect every citizen to do his duty in this impor tant work. The city wagon will call for whatever householders choose to send away. Back yards, alleys, vacant lots, cellars, barns, sheds, poultry houses, chicken runs, everything about the premises and neighborhood, should be put in spick and span condition. No filth should be left for flies to breed in. The rain-barrel should be washed out and gutters should be cleared of decayed leaves. They tnake a fine place for mosquitoes to breed in. Weeds should be cut; they shelter mosquitoes. This chance comes only about once a year —the opportunity to clear the cellar and coal shed of tin cans, battered lard pails, discarded shoes, old newspapers and everything else that accumulates, in spite of good intentions, especially in winter. lackson is to put on its summer dress. Kvery man, woman and child is going to do his and her duty. Prune the old vines and rid the yard of trash and dead wood; it will be good for the vines and trees and it will make things look tidier. I'se paint and whitewash. Plant vegetables, flowers or grass in your yards and keep down the weeds. The old saying that "cleanliness is next to Godliness" is in peculiar honor these days. Modern religion has a lot to do with sanitation and health. So get busy, all of you, without wasting more time and talk. Swat the dirt, the filth, and keep it swatted, and the flies and the mosquitoes will give us little trouble. As the mind is bent so is the gos sip's tongue inclined. Young man, if yon don't like the concern you’re working for and the man who signs your check, give way to some fellow who ap preciates nice treatment. DOES THE HUN BORI IN HttMßßt realize that lie can buy lite insur ance this month cheaper than lie can ever get it again. Why? Write ns ami we mill tell you. National l,it Insurance Cos , of Vt. (Mutua)V Robf. T. Carmichael. Hist. Manager, Darkness Bldg., Jackson, Ga.—Ailv. LOST—IB size O. F. gt>M tilleil Elgin watch, 15 jewel movement. Return to this oftice nud get re wart!. Case engraved S. M. T. If Errors of Investment were assets, more people would be happy witli annuitieq. Send for rates. National Life Insurance Cos., of Vt. (Mutual). Kobt. T. Car inichael, Dist. Manager, Harkuess Bldg., Jackson, Ga.—Adv. YOU CANNOT BE LOST ON A STRAIGHT ROAD You do not always stick to the straight road when buying. You wander off into the pleasant paths of buying on impulse, at strange stores, at odd times, and sometimes even needlessly. Your pocketbook suffers when you leave the straight road. You are compelled to buy oftener by having unknowingly bought poor quality. You lose time in searching for the articles you need, and not sticking to the straight road. Advertising is the straight road to satisfaction, quality and price buying. By it you gain known value of merchandise, good service, and the best quality for the least cost. Advertisements in THE JACKSON ARGUS are makmg it easy for you to profit by following the straight road to successful buying. Read their ad vertisements closely and constantly. CAPITAL NOTES SENATOR SMITH 5 BILL BENEFICIAL TO FARMERS Atlanta, Ga., May 1. —Geor- gia farmers are expecting to derive even more benefit than they first expected from Senator Hoke Smith’s Division of Markets bill. The measure is being put into a much more comprehensive form than in which it was originally drawn, and the idea which Senator Smith originated is now receiving the aid and backing of all the law makers in Washington who are particularly interested in agricul tural improvement. A big delegation from the con vention which was recently called by the Association of Farm Papers in America has just been in Wash ington, bringing to the attention of Congress and the President the im portance of this legislation, look ing to better methods in marketing crops and betier provision for farm credit. This delegation represented a convention which had been at tended by leading agricultural ex perts and writers from twenty-four States and four foreign countries. The committee held a conference in Washington with Senaior Smith, at whose instance the last session of Congress included in the Agri cultural Appropriation bill the sum of $50,000 for preliminary work in establishing the division of markets in the Department of Agriculture. The work is already going forward under the Secretary of Agriculture’s direction. CAR AND DEPOT THIEVES ARE BE I WEEN IWO FIRES Atlanta, G.v., May I.—Car and depot thieves who have been recently jailed in Georgia find themselves between two fires. On the one side, they are in the usual jeopardy in the State courts under the Georgia criminal statutes, and now on the other side they are lia ble to prosecution in the Federal courts, under anew law just re cently passed by Congress. This law makes it au offense against the United States for anybody to break into a railway car containing-inter stateor foreign shipments of freight, express or baggage, and as the thief has no way of ever telling whether the shipments are inter state or intrastate, he is likely in breaking into a car, nine chances out of ten, to come within the pro vision of the Federal law. The law includes not only railway cars, but depots, platforms, wharves and other places whore freight, express or baggage is stored in shipment. The operation of this act does not interfere with the regular process of the law in this and other States. It simply throws another and addi tional safeguard aromid goods in shipment, and puts the whole power of the Federal department of justice behind the detection and prosecution of persons guilty of stealing from cars or depots. I.ocal cases are expected to come up shorttv in the Federal court here, ami their outcome will be awaited with intense interest. Buy in Jackson. Jackson has the best stores, the best prices, the most courteous mer chants. If you don’t believe it, ask someone who has purchased in another city. Wives of Smart Men should remind them that they can make their lives secure, and. depart ing leave behind them something solid, something sure. Na iotial Life Insurance Cos . of Vt- (Mutual.) Robf. T. Carmichael. Dist Manager, Harkuess Bldg., Jackson, Ga.—Adr. CONSIDERATION OF FREAK BILLS COSTS PEOPLE DEARLY Atlanta, Ga , May I.—Point ing to the fact that the time con sumed in the consideration of freak bills costs the people very dearly, many Georgia newspapers are call ing on the Legislature this year to cut out the comedy. Georgia is no worse off in this respect, however, than other States in the Union. Vermont once went the limit by passing a law making it illegal to trap or snare female elephants in the Green Mountains. Not so very long ago Georgia seriously discuss ed a bill prohibiting women from riding astride. Such bills as reg ulating women’s clothes and the length of hat pins have also been discussed here and elsewhere. Miss Martha Lee Sutton, of Blount, visited in Jackson Thursday. RIDGEWAY-TURNER. Sunday, at the Baptist pasto rium, Miss Fannie Ridgeway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Ridgeway, of this county, and Mr. Lawrence Turner, of Henry county, were married by Dr. Rob ert Van Deventer. Wonderful Skin Salve. Buck-ten's Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedy made for all diseases of the kiu. and also for burns, bruises nadboils. Reduces inflammation and is soothing: and healing. J. T. Sossaman, publisher of News, of Cornelius, N. C., writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by Slaton Drug Cos. —Adv. " L * Constipation Cured. Dr. King’s New Life Pills will re lieve constipation promptly and get your bowels in healthy condition again. John Sups.ic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: “They are the best pills I ever used, and I advise everyone to use them for constipation, indiges tion and liver complaint.” Will help you. Price 25. Recommended by Slaton Drug Cos. —Adv. “Life’s Best Fun is work well done.” Comfort in old age comes from insurance done in early manhood. Nationul Life In snranceCo., ofVt. (Mutual). Robt. T. Carmichael. Dist. Manager, Hark ness Bldg., Jackson, Ga.—Adv. fOR THE I CART" H DO YOU know of anyone who is old enough to read, who has not seen that sign at a railroad crossing? If everyone has seen it at soma time or other, then why doeen’t the railroad let the sign rot away t Why does the railroad company continue to keep those signs at every crossing f Maybe you think, Mr. Merchant. “Most everybody knows my store, I don’t have to advertise.” Your store and your goods need more advertising than the rail roads need do to warn people to “Look Out for the Cars.” Nothing is ever completed in the advertising world. The Deportment Stores are a very good esample— they are continually advertising —and they are continually doing s good business. . If it pays to run a few ads ’round about Christmas time, it cer tainly will pay you to run ad vertisements about all the time. It’s just business, that’s all, to Jl ADVERTISE in this paper LOST! This is to notify the public that Blank Fire Policies Nos. 304 to 325 inclusive, Blank Cotton Certificates Nos. 20002 to 20025 inclusive, of the Hartford Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., were furuished to its former agent, H. V. Hodges, at Jenkinsburg, Ga., and have been lost, misplaced, or stolen and cannot be located by Mr. Hodges or our special representa tive, who has made a diligent effort to tind same. We are advised that said policies were not issued by our agent or with his consent and.should any claim be made lor a loss under any of these policies or certificates, we shall deny any and all liability therefor. ... , Any information as to these lost policy blnnks will be appreciated by Egleston & Prescott, General Agents, - Atlanta, Ga. We Carry the Best Line of sc. and 10c. Cigars IN JACKSON. Also full line of the best brands of Smoking Tobacco and Cigarettes. SLZVTON DRUG o©.. The Rexall Store, - - - JACKSON, GA. Telephone Saved Child’s Life One of the children fell into a water tank on **f an Alabama farm and was rescued unconscious and |j apparently lifeless. The frantic mother rushed to ''A the telephone and called the doctor six miles away. .Ajjt He told her what to do and started at once, but before he arrived the child was out of danger. i The protection of women and children is only i S one of the chief values of the telephone on the farm. I aL You can have this service at small cost. See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or send a postal for our free booklet. FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY QAJ S. PRYOR STREET ATLANTA, GA. Ed Combs Famous Stallion, “Reaper King” will make the season at Leach & Company’s Stables, JACKSON, - GEORGIA.