The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, May 09, 1913, Image 4

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A / UNDERTAKING S. H. THORNTON. LICENSED EMBALMER. Full line of Caskets and Robes to select from. My careful personal attention given to all funerals entrusted to me. Calls answered promptly day or night. DAT 'PHONE 114. NIGHT ’PHONE 133. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Famous Hackney Stallion Will be at Leach & Co.’s . IflL i * 3e ß‘ nn, ' n R March 25th. a. O. TINGLE, Manager. Newton-Carmichasl Hardware Go, HARD WAKE I’AINTS OILS When You Paint v y K Use PURE Paint and Use ure LINSEED OIL to add JkK' to it at one-halt the cost of Paint. I / PURR PAINT Is made with WHITE LEAD, ZINC and |\ I / LINSEED OIL (bathe Lie way the L. &M. SEMI-MIXED I 1 1 I REAL PAINT Is made. 1 But ALL the OIL needful to make the L. &M. PAINT if I J ready for use is NOT put into the Paint when it's pre- SJ I/ pared for the Consumer who buys it. t | i Tlie ADDITIONAL quantity of OIL is put into the Paint by the by so doing he SAVES MONEY. Therefore —buy 3 gallons of LINSEED OIL with every 4 gallons of L. & M. PAINT r n1 MIX Ihe OIL with the PAINT. If the Paint thus made costs more than $1.40 per gallon— .lf the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory — , TV'ft rrTttm M*nfrrir yam halt' nut utnf. and g<et hark Aid, ynti paid for the WHOLE of it; and besides, the numiy you paid to the Painter • QUEANS IBQS-THE MOST EFFECTUAL GENERAL TCHiO Crow's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines both in Twtdcti form. Thc.Quininc drives out NV.l.irij and (he Iron builds up the System. F> >r Adults and Children. lno- what you are taking when ywcsaisAie GKOVK’S T VSTKLKSS chill TON fC. recogniwal for 30years through out the South ms the standard Malaria, t kill ami l'evrr Remedy and General Strengthening Tonic. It is as strong us the siarrmgest bitter tonic, but volt do not t uJe the hitter because the ingredients or not dissolve in the month hut do dis .". ilserralilv in the acids of the stomach. • • 'aarantecd by your Druggist. We mean and. 50C. TWre is Only One “BROMO QUININE” That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Xot*k (or signature of K. W. GROVE ou every box. Cures a Cold in One Day. Jsc. JVliich Cows, Beef Cows,' Yearlings. If von want to buy, sell or swap see me. 1 dehorn rows and p*y the market prieo for hides, and handle the best meats that ean Ire had ten my wagon. See me, 1 ean save you money. R. F. WELCH, - Phone 2320. 1 j. 1111 v 1 .. ■ *. ... Automobiles and Machinery Repaired. Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Fleotric Wiring. Gasoline Kngines and Bicycles repaired. Machinery erected. Scrap Iron,'Brass, Copper and Lead wanted. 'Phone 127 Jos. L. Wagner & Son, Jackson, Qa, RELIEVES PAIN AND HEALS AT THE SAME TIME I The Wonderful, Cld Reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an Old R. R. Surgeon. Prevents Blood Poisoning. Thousands of families know it already, and a trial will convince vou that PR. I’ORTKR’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Granulated E ve Lids, Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and all wounds and external diseases whether slight or serious. Continually people are finding new uses for this famous old remedy. Guaranteed by your Druggist j We mean it. 25c, MV. #I.OO BLOUNT BREVITIES. Pitts CUrk went to Jackson Moudav Mr. and Mrs W 11. Craig spent I Sundv • n 1-Vt>vth Ms- 1 IV Bassett spent Sunday | with Mrs. Willie Hoard. Harvie Craig visited at Indian |Spring Sunday afternoon. Mr and Mrs W J. Sutton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mapp. Pitts Clark and Paul Freeman -.jKMit Saturday afternoon at Indian Spring Mr. and Mrs. 1 J. Reeves dined ! with Mr. and Mis Willie Hoard |SundayT ■ Mr. and Mrs A. Freeman dined | with Mi. and Mrs. C. F. Etheridge Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Ed Hoard and Mr. land Mrs. Luther Hoard and little | son. Pan, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reeves. A crowd from Blount enjoyed a picnic at High I'alls Saturday. All but one or two caught some fish. ('.ness they didn’t name their hook right. Mrs. B. F. Standard had as her guests last Wednesday Mesdames J. J. Reeves and A. Freeman and Misses Susie and '-'lorence Ether idge. All reported a nice time. Those going to town from this place last week were Mr. and Mrs. A. Freeman,Mesdames J. J. Reeves. Cunningham, Sutton, Miss Martha Lee Sutton. Miss Annie Craig. Harvie Craig. Mrs Jack Reeves had aT he: guests last Monday afternoon Mes dames C B Standard. L. A. rree =tan, R P- Tingie A. Freemar ■,V J. Sottcs. I ’ Reeves. Misses Martha Lee Sv:::v S-arah art L.;:::e F:e-em £zj Mav . re-atve.. UNION RIDGE RUMBUN6S. Editor Auers —I * .2 t ve m a fevr notes from our part of tie moral vineyard. Farmers are dried up and all hands are fishing. No luck. Our church house needs some repairs, which we hope to be able to make soon. Brother Freeman is preparing to overhaul his residence. When done he will have a beautiful home. S. C. Dodson and family are visiting his father-in-law, Ductli Thompson, of Finelierville, this week. Sheriff Evan Smith is preparing to remodel his home, and when completed it will be up-to-date— second to none. Misses Irene Heard, Pearl Grif fith, Charley Mayfield, wife and sister, and IL B. Flymale, from l'lo \ ilia, attended church here Sunday. Professor Lavender led the sing ing Sunday at Union Ridge. Kd is a fine singer, and Union Ridge can boast of a lot of good ones. Come down next first Sunday and hear some good singing. Brother Digby is our pastor for this year, and we all love him for his Christian character and the gospel he delivers. He surprised us Saturday by bringing Rev. Har rison Jones down from Hampton. Brother Jones is the father and founder of I’niot: Ridge church, and we are always glad to see him We hope to have him with us in our protracted meeting thissummer. Saturday a picnic was given by the Union school. I could not tell all the good things they had to eat. It seemed to me the land was flow ing with milk and cake. You should have been there. At night they gave an entertainment that could not be excelled. Day and night exercises were presided over by Miss Ruth Hays, the teacher of our school. Miss Hays is a lady from Jasper county, and measures up to the standard of all our good ! citizens from Jasper. * COATED TON6UE MEANS LAZY LIVER A l.n/v Liver Needs a Dose of Dod son's Liver Tone—Guaranteed to Take Place of Calomel. When your doctor looks to see if vour tongue is coated, lie is trying to find out if your liver is working properly. A few years ago doctors had to prescribe calomel —there was nothing else to give. Recently in many sections of ttie country Dodson’s Liver Tone has practicallv taken the place of calo mel as a liver remedy. Dodson’s Liver Tone is mild, pleasant tasting and harmless, which makes it a tine medicine for use when your children become bilious and constipated. But the most remarkable feature of Dod son’s Liver Tone i the fact that Slaton Drug Company, who sells it, guarantees it absolutely. The drug gist will return your money without aigument if a bottle fails to give en tire satisfaction. Price. 50 cents. We suggest that you get a bottle today a 1 have it ready for the next member " family whose liver A I Alway> Desirable The notices: residence that .- p; ■ ‘ w . w M Semi-Mixed Rea its being the s-v o ■ in paint. It’s the - 1 paint forex'er: r*- • - •* ! ing. It - - ■ and the hr,iuf : 1 - - curei only by pansy Lead H icj and Ll neet - ' • >, < 'an, in' i- . r. ' ■ Ga.—Adv. Constipation Cured. Dr. Kiiig s \ v LT; s w ; lieve o *■ f t . tT ■ i di Wite - 1 H.'riL J -* S.ST*: V ' r I "■* ' IH*'- *iiiK i ►-V-r i * r '-M *■’• •• •!■* ”-t * :• .5 * 'dr;n(! muue*- • *UK a ' T '- i - *'• i: • .t. 1 VUlijeilp, j r--- . }••• '•* ‘i*T. ?•**?•ninhmt-f(i )y .F . I • : . •■ * ’ T it- Hcatt miNg—i. [ Be Happy! HasIPY *e girl, or woman, who has never suffered from tr. .■ of :.:e diseases of womanhood! Or, if she has been a tnrerer hapey is she if she has learned of the wonderful of Cardui, the woman’s tonic! ----- is a gentle, tonic remedy, for women’s ailments. 1: a natural medicine —safe, harmless, purely vegetable. I h tnas been in successful use for more than 50 years. It | has cured thousands. It should do the same for you, Cardui Woman’s Tome Mrs. Mary Neely, of Denver, Tenn., says, “I think there is no tonic on earth, as good as Cardui. I used it with the very best results. I had backache and nearly everything a woman could suffer with, until I took Cardui. Now, I feel better than I have for two years. I shall always recommend Cardui to other suffering women. ,1 can’t praise it too highly. Asa medicine for weak, tired, worn-out women, Cardui is safe and reliable. Try it, today. J * Write io: Ladies’ Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Cos., Oiattanooea, Tenn. for Special Instructions, and 64-page book. "Home Treatment for Women," sent free. J 56 Telephone Saved Child’s Life One of the children fell into a water tank on an Alabama farm and was rescued unconscious and apparently lifeless. The frantic mother rushed to the telephone and called the doctor six miles away. He told her what to do and started at once, but before he arrived the child was out of danger. The protection of women and children is only one of the chief values of the telephone on the farm. You can have this service at small cost. See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or send a postal for our free booklet. FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S. PRYOR STREET' ATLANTA, GA. LE6AL ADVERTISEMENTS. CITATION FOR ADMINISTRATION Gkorgia, Butts County. 1). G. Goen having made appli cation to me, in due form, to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Miss Sarah 11,.l 1 ,. Goen, late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Mon day m June, 1913, Witness my hand and official signature, this May 3, 1913. |. 11. lIAM, Ordinary. FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Gkorgia, Butts County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to The Or i dinary of said countv for leave to sell laud belonging to the estate of \V. M. Stone for the payment of debts and distribution. Sard ap plication will be heard at the reg ubf term of the Court of Ordinary for - lid county, to be held cfn the first Moudav in Tune, 1913. This Mav 5. 1913. MRS. G. STONE, T v ' i': ix L'pou the Estate of W. M. Stone. Cure for stomach Dis orders. " of the stomach may be i- o Chamber lain’s Cablets. Many very remarkable ■ares ’live been effected by use of uese tablets. Sold by all dealers.— Adv. '•'o R SALE.—OId newspapers, 10c a lundle. Large quantityAon hand. Vpply at THE ARGUS office. Cares lid Saras, Offer Sememes Won't Curs I rases, ' o matt *r of how long standing, : ac wonderful, old reliable Dr. P-'r-er s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Pain and Heals at the same, time. 25c, 50c, SI.OO. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. W. E. WATKINS, Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Office in Bank Hall, west side of Square. All business carefully and promptly attended to. Am prepared to negotiate loans on real estate. Terms easy. 1)R. J. B. WATKINS, Veterinary Surgeon: Treatment of the diseases of* all animals- All calls promptly attended to. Office Leach & Co.’s New Barn. ’Phones: Office 44, Res, 151. JACKSON, GA. E. C. SWANSON, Dentist. Office in Carter-Wartheu Build ing. JACKSON, GEORGIA. DR. J, E. WOODS, Physician & Surgeon. Office Upstairs llarkness Building. Office Phone 319. Residence Phone 163. JACKSON, GEORGIA. C. L. REDMAN, Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Office in Carter-Warthen Bldg. THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA„ S. B. Bustard, Gen. Agent. J, Matt McMichael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. H. W. NALLEY, Attorney At Law. FORSYTH, GEORGIA. Will practice in all courts.- Special attention to adminis tration of estates, wills and damage suits. Office over Moore’s Book Store DR. 0. LEE CHESNUTT, Dentist. Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers Bank. Phone, Pesidence No. 7. Office Phone 122. TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE, I will be at the following places on the days stated, for the pur pose of receiving tax returns for the year 1913: Iron Spring May 12 Worthville “ 13 Towaliga “ 14 Coody “ 19 Jenkinsburg “ 21 Cork “ 22 Flovilla and Indian Spring “ 23 Jackson every Saturday. F. M. HODGES, Tax Receiver B. C. “The Best Way to Get a better position is to more than fill your present one,” but don’t neglect protection for your family m the meantime. Buy a little life insur ance now and add more as yon can afford it. National Life Insurance Cos., of Vt. (Mutual). Robt. T. Carmichael. Dist. Manager, Hatk ness Bldg., Jackson, Ga. —Adv. For first-class MACK service day or night, call William Thurmond, tele phone 173. rtiamfiorla<n r s Co,ic - Cholera and VnaiUDeriaia 9 Diarrhoea Remedy. Never fails. Bay it now. It may save life.