The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, May 23, 1913, Image 6

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QBUUBB&S& t i ■■—mi' KaxnM- ust r rr* v ~- jaK i 1 ' , zM. • v; 5 ■n lEjjL UNDERTAKING S. H. THORNTON, LICENSED EMBALMER. Full line of Caskets and Rohes to select from. My careful persona) attention given to all funerals entrusted to me. Calls answered promptly day or night. Ml 'PHONE 174. IICII ’PHONE Hi. JACKSON. GEORGIA. Famous Hackney Stallion fl. dTtINGLB, Manager. Newton-Carmichael Hardware Go. HARDWARE PAINTS OILS ■ When You Paint Use PURE Paint and Use Pure LINSEED OIL to add to it at one-half the cost of Paint. idc with WHITE LEAD. ZINC and i the way the L.& M. SEMI-MLXED le. ?edful to make the L. & M. PAINT T ;iut into the Paint when it’s pre tier who buys it. quantity of OIL is put into the Paint ,as by so doing he SAVES MONEY. j. unciuic — uuy r gallons of LINSEED OIL with every 4 gallons of L. & M. PAINT and MIX the OIL with the PAINT. If the Paint thus made costs more than $1.40 per gallon—^ If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory— i TJUti refrrrr i whatever you hove not used, and ret back ALL yon paid 1 for the- It 'HOLE of it; and besides, the money you paid to the Painter . I Automobiles and Machinery Repaired. Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Wiring. Gasoline Engines ami Bicycles repaired. Machinery erected. Scrap Iron, Brass, Copper and Lead wanted. ’Phone 127 Jos. L. Wagner & Son, Jackson, Qa. COt^i , /rapidly reduce human strength J and illness is easily contracted, Scoff’s Emulsion will promptly relieve the cold and upbuild your strength to nUMV prevent sickness. s W Scott a Bowni w ft f ■loomfield, n, j. ts ia Best Medicine for Colds %Vli*n a druggist recommends a remedy tor colds, throat and lung troubles, you can feel euro that be knows what he is talking about. l\ I.ower, druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of I)r. Kind’s Sew Discovery: I know Dr. King's New Discovery !•* Hie bethroat and lung medicine t sell. It cured my wife of a severe i*Vpnchial cold alter all other rente ores failed." It will do the same for you if you ate suffering with a cold *>r any bronchial, throat or lunir •••►ugh. Keep a bottle on hand all v *e time tor every one in the family oiisa. It i a home doctor. Price **y, *'• Quarauteed by Slaton Jnig Co.—Adv. PAYNE’S RKEUMATONE l RHEUMATISM The Greatest Kidney and Bladder Remedy on the flarket. What it has done for others it will do for you. Cures and streugthem the Kidneys and frees the system ot uric acid. By its use your daily tasks will become a pleasure instead ot s drudgery, life will be brighter and your health extended for many years. Satisfaction guaranteed or money re funded. Price $1 00 per bottle. Kor sale by Jackson Drug Cos. Cure for Stomach Dis orders. Disorders of the stomach may be avoided by the use of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many very remarkable cures have been effected by use of these tablets. Sold by all dealers.— Adv. HOWDANGERLURKS IN GERMAN MEASLES Itself Comparatively Harmless, It Often Serves as Deadly Disguise for Real Meas les and Scarlet Fever. Atlanta, Ga.—lf an innocent-looking and apparently harmless little ail ment comes tapping at your door this spring, and says “I am German -Vleusles,'’ don’t you take anybody’s word for it except that of your phy sician. “German Measles’’ whose other name is "Rubella,” is a mild-man nered fellow himself, who will likely not do you any harm, but there are a couple of grand rascals masquerad ing in his guise, and if one of them gets into your house there may be trouble. One of them is named true measles and the other is scarlet fe ver. Roth are exceedingly dangerous guests, according to the Georgia State Board of Health, and have of ten accomplished their most dire re sults when carelessly mistaken for rubella. Of course nobody -wants to have German measles if he can help it, and when the disease breaks out in a community, the State Board of Health urges that all the regular precautions against any epidemic be taken; but the principal danger lies in the fact that the other more serious diseases may be mistaken for it. For many years German measles, which is sometimes also called French measles or roseola, was con fused even by physicians with meas les and scarlet fever, as the skin eruption sometimes resembles the one and sometimes the other. But Ger man measles Is now recognized as an entirely separate and distinct dis ease, which bears no relation what ever to the regular measles or scarlet fever. It Is Highly contagious. While not a dangerous disease as compared with the two latter men tioned, German measles is highly con tagous and persons attacked with it suffer from many of the unpleasant symptoms that accompany true meas les. Single cases are seldom seen. The disease usually makes its appear ance in a community in epidemic form. The winter and spring months are the usual times. German measles can be communicated during the en tire course of the disease, but is most contagous during the earlier stages. The only persons immune are infants under six months, and persons who have already had it. The fact that you may have had measles before, gives you no immunity from German measles, nor does an attack of Ger man measles protect you from meas les germs in the future. The first thing to do in a case of German measles is to make sure that it is really German measles. A simple method of diagnosis, after the rash appears, is to see if the glands at the back of the neck are enlarged. If they are, it is probably German measles. But this mode of diagnosis is not always sure and the only safe plan is to nave a doctor. The diagnosis once established, there is veiy little danger from Ger man measles, it usually runs a mild course, and if the patient receives the proper attenion during the attack, there will not likely be any complica tions or after effects. The treatment is simple. The pat ient should be isolated to prevent the spread of the disease; should he put to bed and kept on a liquid diet Tiie physician will sometimes prescribe such drugs as the circumstances may demuud; or in some cases no medi cine at all may he needed. Course of the Disease. After one has been exposed to the disease, it usually takes ten to twenty days for it to develop. The appear ance of the rash is usually the only rirst symptom, though it may be ac companied by catarrhal symptoms and a general 'sick." feeling. Fever, if piuseut at all, Is usually ight. The lymphatic glands at the ba k o: the neck are nearly always swollen. The rash usually appears fir.t on the ;aee and then spreads; but in ex ceptions; cases it may appear first on any part of the body. Sometimes it appears as small pimples, somot ine. as large pimples, and sometimes h: large irregular i eddish splotches The eruption usually lasts three days but sometimes runs to six. Convales cence is exceedingly rapid, if proper care is taken of the patient. in stating that German measles is a mild disease, two things must be borne in mind; first that it is highly contagous and that just as much care aLould be taken in its isolation as in any other epidemic disease, and, second, that like many o her intrin sically mild diseases it can easily enough result in serious complications, if not treated with reasonable care. In cases where the epidemic breaks out in a community, the usual precau tions should be taken by the families in which the disease appears, and by the local health authorities, isolation, and the sterilization by burning, boil ing or fumigation of everything that comes in contact with the patient, are the principal precautions. WE SELL THE p pCy Meats L Plate Ice. We have experienced meat cutters and aresure we can please you. Prompt Delivery. Conner & Crawford, PHONES 135 UNO 136. For Rent at Once.—A six-room new house with large hall, electric lights, water and sewerage; close in. Apply to Argus office. ir.o Cords Nice Dry Pine Wood for sale. Can fur nish it sawed and splitready for the stove, or in the cord, just as you like it. Phone 311. H, C. Mcßride. FOR SALE.—OId newspapers, 10c a bundle. Large quantity on hand. Apply at THE ARGUS office. rTtainfiorlntn'c CcUc - Cholera and IjZiainueriain 5 Diarrhoea Remedy. Never fails. Buy it now. It may save life. Couldn’t Walk! "I used to be troubled with a weakness peculiar to women,” writes Mrs. Anna Jones, of Kenny, 111. “For nearly a year, 1 could not walk, without holding my sides. I tried several different doctors, but I grew worse. Finally, our druggist advised Cardui for my complaint I was so thin, my weight was 115. Now, 1 weigh 163, and I am never sick. I ride horseback as good as ever. I an in fine health at 52 years.” CARDUI Woman’s tonic We have thousands of such letters, and more are arriving daily. Such earnest testimony from those who have tried it surely proves the great value of this vegeta ble, tonic medicine, for women. Cardui relieves women’s sufferings, and builds weak women up to health and strength. If you are a woman, frive it a trial. It should help you, for it has helped a mil ion others. It is made from pure, harmless, herb ingredi ents, which act promptly and surely on the womanly organs. It is a good tonic. Try it 1 Your druggist sells it Write to: Ladle*’ Adri*ory Dept. Chattanooga Medisln* Cos., Chattanooga, Tent, for Special Instructions, and 64-page hook. "Hone Treatment for Women,” sent tree. ] 58 KWJMKvnnL?vraF*A"|WflWB HRSAfSCiaBHJFrfIHCEBSr’MHM itlff W WT T'AX' ikferWAS im Sold Telephone A South Carolina farmer had a large number of hogs which were ready to kill. The weather was so warm that killing was out of the question. f He went to his telephone, called a dealer in Columbia over Long Distance and sold his hogs at a good price. He then called the local freight office and arranged for shipment. The telephone is now a necessity on the farm. You can have one on your farm at small cost. See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or send a postal for our free booklet. FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY S. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. START YOUR LIVER, DON’T STOP WORK Dodson's Liver Tone Acts Mildly But Surely Livens Up the Liver and You Stay Ou Your Feet. It is the experience of calomel users that if they take enough of the drug to have the desired effect, it 6eriou6ly interferes with their work the day after. But this is the least important item, for calomel is often a dangerous drug and acts on the system violently. Don’t take chances with calomel. Get a bottle of the pleasant, safe and perfectly harmless Dodson’s Liver Tone, guaranteed to take the place of calomel. Instead of mak ing you feel worse the next day it makes you feel better—and you act ually are better, for no remedy in the whole world livens up the liver, reg ulates the bowels and really rejuve nates the system any better than this dose. You are the full judge of its merits. Slaton Drug Company is fully au thorized to hand you back your money without question if it fails to please you—and relieve you. Remember, if you feel constipated and bilious, what you need is Dod son’s Liver Tone. A large bottle and a good guarantee for 50 cents from Slaton Drug Company.—Adv. For the Weak and Nervous Tired-out, weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, ener getic, full of life and always have a good appetite if they would do the sensible thing for health —take Elec tric Bitters. Nothing better for the stomach, liver or. kidneys. Thou sannds say they owe ttieir lives to this wonderful home remedy 7. Mrs. O. Rhinevault. of Vestal Center, N. Y.. says: “I regard Electric Bit ters as one of the greatest of gifts. I can never forget, what it has done for me.” Get a bottle yourself and see what a difference it will make ii> your health. Only 50c and SI,OO Recommended by Slaton Drug Cos Adv. Tetter, Salt Rheum and Eczema ire cured by Chamberlain’s Salve. One applies T .--C 1 - • T - - -.. V- >r-rnfnn. PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. W. E. WATKINS, Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Office in Bank Hall, west side of Square. All business carefully and promptly attended to. Am prepared to negotiate loans on real estate. Terms easy. 1)R. J. B. WATKINS, Veterinary Surgeon. Treatment of the diseases of all animals. All calls promptly attended to. Office Leach & Co.’s New Barn. ’Phones: Office 44, Res, 151. JACKSON, GA. E. C. SWANSON, Dentist. Office in Carter-Wartheu Build ing. JACKSON, GEORGIA. DR. J. E. WOODS, Physician & Surgeon. Office Upstairs Harkness Building. Office Phone 319. Residence Phone 163. JACKSON, GEORGIA. C. L. REDMAN, Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Office in Carter-Warthen Bldg* THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA. S. B. Kixard, Gen. Agent. J. Matt McMichael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. H. W. NALLEY, Attorney At Law. FORSYTH, GEORGIA. Will practice in all courts. Special attention to adminis tration of estates, wills and damage suits. Office over Moore’s Book Store DR. 0. LEE CHESNUTT, Dentist. Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers Bank. Phone, Residence No. 7. Office Phone 122. Wonderful Skin Salve. Bucklen’s Av iea Salve is known everywhere as*the best remedy made for all diseases of the skin. and also for burns, bruises nad boils, deduces inflammation and is soothing and healing'. J. T. Sossaman. publisher of News, of Cornelius. N. C.. writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment aft-r other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by Slaton Co. —Adv. For first-class HACK service day or night, call William Thurmond, tele phone 173. Rheumatism Quickly Cured. ■‘My sii-ter’s husband had an at tack of rheumatism in his arm,” writes a well known resident of Newton. lowa. “I save him a bottle >f Chamberlain’s Liniment, which he applied to his arm, and on the next morning the rheumatism was gone.” For chronic muscular rheumatism you will find nothing better than Chamberlain’s Liniment. Sold by all dealers.-—Adv. Health a Factor in Success The largest factor contributing to a man’s success is undoubtedly health. It has been observed that a man is seldom sick when his bowels are regular—he is never well when they are constipated. For constipa tion you will find nothing quite so good as Chamberlain’s Tablets. They not only move the bowels, but im prove the appetite and strengthen the digestion. They are sold bv all dealers.—Adv.