The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, May 30, 1913, Image 3

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LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CITATION FOR ADMINISTRATION Georgia, Butts County. , IT. G. Goen having made appli cation to me, in due form, to be appointed permanent administrator upon the estate of Miss Sarah E. Goen, late of said county, notice is given that said application will be heaul at the regular term ot the Cburt of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Mon day in lune. 1913. Witness my hand and official this May 5, 1913. J. 11. HAM, Ordinary. ’ FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND. Georgia, Butts County'. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to the Or dinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of W. M. Stone for the payment of debts and distribution. Said ap plication will be heard at the reg ular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county, to be held on the first Monday in June, 1913. This May 5, 1913. MRS. G. STONE, Administratrix Upon the Estate of W. M. Stone. NOTICE OF LOCAL LEGISLATION An act to amend the Charter of the City of Jackson (Acts 1908, page 787, et seq.), approved Aug. 8, 1908, to authorize and empower said municipality, by and through ordinance of the Mayor and Al dermen of said city, to define the city limits and to change time of collecting ad valorem taxes; to authorize the City of Jackson, through its Mayor and Aldeimen, to condemn personal property and real estate within and without the limits of the city for the purpose of installing a sewerage system, and to provide and allow compensation . for Aldermen, and for other pur poses. I: - * Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced in the next Gen eral Assembly of Georgia an act entitled, “An act to abolish the act creating the City Court of Jackson; to provide for the disposal of all business in said court, and for other purposes.” Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced in the next ses sion of the General Assembly of Georgia an act entitled, An act to abolish the City Court of Flo villa, and for other purposes.” J. H. MILLS, Representative of Butts County. Notice is hereby given that there will be introduced in the next ses sion of the General Assembly of Georgia an act entitled, An act to abolish the City Court of Jack son, and for other purposes.” J. H. MILLS, Representative of Butts County. Most Prompt and Effect ual Cure for Bad Colds. When you have a bal colei you want a remedy that will not only .rive relief, but effect a prompt, and •lermanent cure, a remedy that is pleasant to take, a remedy that con tains nothin* injurious. Chamber lain’s Cough Remedy meets nil these requirements. It acts on nature's plum relieves the lungs, aids expec toration, opens the secretions and •■•• stores the system to a healthy con d’fion. This remedy lias a world wide sale mid use, and can always be depended upon. Sold by all deal ers. —Adv. Cholera l Hog Cholera, Chicken Cholera, and other diseases of stock and poultry, make vou lose money. Can mis st Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEDICWE promptly, when the first symptoms appear. It acts on the liver, and gets it to working freely. A disor dered liver causes these I (2nd most other) troubles i of stock and poultry. ' PnczßcMeandirOO^r^n^ I —TT —etoev 4 Poutlri Medicine , "Bee D S ',J; I L I Me, roup. 15 * 01her diwa t? e V , chicken cna\en atw ( p, A. 18 ecres Ot&w * 8 " * Car * Cures 0!d S° re *' . , r < how Ion? standing, The worst a**,"®" old retobte Dr. - ; • OiL It Wg r -rter-s wae. 25c. **. M* KEEPING THE CRUST BROKEN IMPORTANT TO SVCGESSJIF GROWING CROPS By Andrew M. Soule, President Georgia State College of Agriculture. The less vegetable matter there is in soil the more readily it will crust. Southern soils are notably deilcient in organic or vegetable content by rea son of the long period of single crop ping and clean cultivation. A hard crust prevents a uniform stand of any crop and a lack of uniform stand means a materially reduced yield. To get the best stand, it is therefore im portant that after each rain and just as soon as the ground is sufficiently dry, to stir with a weeder or harrow. These also serve as the cheapest and most satisfactory implements for cul tivating either corn or cotton in the early stages of development. If the cotton Is planted in ridges the wheel GEORGIA SHOULD RAISE COLTS M. P. Jarnagin, Professor Animal Husbandry. "jS . Hgngor' agR v . PERCHERON COLT RAISED ON COLLEGE FARM—TYPE OF COLT THAT GEORGIA FARMERS SHOULD RAISE. According to the last census Geor gia owned 120,067 horses, only 30 per cent of these being on farms, Geor gia farmers holding bottom place among states for number .of horses owned by farmers. Of the 36,020 horses on Georgia farms, perhaps one half were mares. The census reports only 3,918 colts. On the basis of a 60 per cent, breeding record, the 18,010 mares should have produced 10,806 colts, but it will be seen that Georgia farmers have been very indifferent about raising colts when they have raised only about one-third as many as they could be expected to raise. A very deplorable state of affairs. Think of driving through a farming section and passing 99 farms that did not raise colts before you came to one that did, this too in face of the fact that Georgia is paying approximately $12,000,000 annually for mules. If one farmer in a given territory were to raise a colt, ninety-nine of his neighboring Georgia farmers would Make Your Own Paint. You can make, or have vour painter make, sever. (7) gallons of I’l RE LEAD, ZINC and LINSEED OILJ’AINT, by adding 3 gallons of Linseed Oil at the price of Linseed Oil, to 4 giillons of L. et M. Semi-Mixed Leal Paint. The 3 gallons of Oil cost about . . SL.k) The 4 gallons of L. &M. Paint cost about . 88.00 The 7 gallons of paint will ihen cost . . §9.95 This will he about $1.42 per gallon. If you only need a few gallons of paint, then buy 3 quarts of Oil to add to each gallon of the L. & M. Semi- Mixed Real Paint. You save about GO cents a gallon. Newton*Carmichaefi Hardware Cos., JACKSON, GEORGIA. SAM LEE Does the BEST Laundry work in the city. Patronize Sam, and help a home industry. All work guaranteed to be the best; Laundry sent in by Parcels Post on Tuesday will be ready for delivery wheu you ccme to town Saturday. Next to Leach & Company’s Stables, JACKSON, - GEORG I Automobiles and Machinery Repaired. Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Wiring. Gasoline Engines and Bicycles repaired. Machinery erected. Scrap Iron, Brass, Copper and Lead wanted. ’Phone 127 i Jos. L. Wagner & Son, Jackson, Ga. . ed weeder is decidedly preferable. While the crops are growing, if the ! crust is not kept broken, cracks or ducts through which the sun will draw the soil moisture and leave the foots of-•growing plants often less than they need, consequently retard ing their growth. Plants can take their food from the soil only with wa ter. Too little moisture means too little plant food. The dust mulch formed by breaking the crust, is a very important factor, therefore, in plant development. It serves as a stopper to a bottle. In stops the upward movement of the water and holds it where the roots can draw upon it. be in the market for it. Georgia is paying more per head for mules than practically any other state in the union and she is raising fewer colts per farm. Is there any valid reason for this? But conditions are changing. Heavy farm mares are being substituted for mules. In every case the change has proven profitable. The mares have shown their ability to plow the land better than the light weight mules. The awakening interest is manifested by numerous inquiries coming to the college for inforamtion about getting Percherons and the college has been able to start some on the right course and if has been able to provide breed ing service as far as facilities would permit. Co-operative breeding asso clations are being formed among farmers who are turning to the col lege to negotiate for a reliable stud, thus giving the investors the middle man’s commission and making sure to get a good animal. WHY NOT 6ET A GUARANTEE? Every Article of Merit That Is Sold These Days Ts Guaranteed —No Guarantee Often Means Poor Quality. There is very little excuse for any person to claim iliat lie has been “stung” on a. purchase. Fifty years ago the buyei had to look out, but today it is unusual to lind a mer chant who will not return the money for titty art icle that has proved tin sat isfactory. An excellent example of this kind of fair dealing is shown by the clean cut guarantee that Slaton Drug Cos. give on Dodson’s Liver Tone. These people tell us .that any pel son who pays 50c for a bottled Dod son’s Liver Tone and does not find it a gentle anil most pleasant liver tonic, harmless, but a sure reliever of constipation and a perfect substi tute for calomel, can get his money back just as quick as they can get it out of the money drawer. Dodson’s Liver Tone has practi cally taken ti e place of calomel. It i absolutely harmless, sure in its action and causrs no rrs.’iicticn of habit, or dfefc. No wonder ti e ding people are glad to guarantee it, while other remedies that imitate the claims of Dodsod’s Liver Tone are not guaranteed at all. —Adv. mm, —-- Why Use L. & M. Serai nixed Real Painty Because it’s economical. Because it is Pure White Lead, Zinc and Lin seed Oil. Because" it’s the highest grade quality paint that can be made. Because when the user adds .1 quarts of Oil to each 1 gallon of the L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint, it makes \ \ gallons of pure paint at a cost of about $1.40 per gallon. This oaves the user about 60 cents a gal lon on all the paint used. The L. A M. is and lias always been the high est, grade,and most perfect paint pro duced. Sold by Newtou-Carmichael Hard ware Cos., Jackson, Ga.—Adv. Do you make O R“ d ™* W From The .S OSH MM • state Hos P ital - Ra,ei 3 h > N ’ C Wc had occasion to make several thousand pounds of soap recently, and found that RKD DEVIL Pul* verlzoel leads In soap making.” These people are awake to the new— the better and most economical. They tried IIBD DEVIL Pulverized Lye and found just what everybody finds—that BED DEVIL not only makes more soap and better soap, but does it quicker and with less labor. We couldn’t afford to advertise this Lye If it wasn't better. If it wasn’t best for !you we would not dare to say so in the public prints. Get BED DEVIL Pulverized Lye and see WHY. a BIG 4 y 2 - INCH CANS, . lAs big as a ball of . wr> potash and can of 9h , hard lye combined fAMsnT / your* grocer |OO. gAW Save the LABELS, RJhVL Get Premiums. [HARK Wm. Schleld Mff. Cos., (jljLYEljj Dept. 50,St.Louis, Mo. iM' WEAKNESS iff ft *>nt is promptly relieved tm IT by die medical nourishment in Jf Scoff’s Emulsion which is not a nerve-quieter, but nature’s greatest nerve-builder, without alcohol or opiate. Scott & Bowoc, Bloomfield, N. j. 13-25 Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO ( INTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Wind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The hrst application gives Ease and Rest. GOc. QlttlO O* By the magic of the press ing iron and judicious use ol clsaning methods we can make your garments look like new. We Guarantee satisfactory work, and know a trial wiil prove to you that our work stands lor first quality the pressing and cleaning busi ness. Give us a chance to prove our assertion. THE ART PRESSING CLUB L. A. McCube, Prop. For Anything in The DRUG LINE J Slaton Drug Cos, • Phone 10. H I j| Best line of Drugs, Toilet Arti- NvlljßHwi War c^es ’ bandies, etc. in Jackson. Prompt Delivery. We Serve the Best Ice Cream and Fount Drinks. “The Rexall Store,” - Jackson, Georgia. ; iL VI —to insure complete success take |Hr along a case of M f The satisfying beverage—infield ■ or forest; at home or ,in town. m As pure and wholesome as it is O temptingly good. O Delicious—Refreshing M v Thirst-Quenching M Demand the Genuine— Soda Refuse substitutes. Fountains Send tor lVet booklet. ated in Bottles. THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, ATLANTA, GA. Sold 1 logs by Telephone A South Carolina farmer had a large number of hogs which were ready to kill. The weather was so warm that killing was out of the question. He went to his telephone, called a dealer in Columbia over Long Distance and sold his hogs at a good price. V He then called the local freight office and arranged for shipment. The telephone is now a necessity on the farm. You can have one on your farm at small cost. See the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or * send a postal for our free booklet. J FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY |A| S. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga.