The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 06, 1913, Image 6

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Jackson Drug Company, PURITY AND CLEANLINESS OUR MOTTO DUIH Of MRS. J N. BONN WEDNESDAY The fun*>ri*l tlie body of Mrs. j W. n(Km. wfi.#se sad death oceur rd at tier home west of Jackson Wednesday, wm held at Cedar liock Methodist church Thursday at 11 o’clock. The deceased was Bfl years of Age and had been 111 for several weeks. She is survived by two young sons and her husband. Mrs. Bunn was a daughter of Mr. ami Mis. Frank McMichael. I)r. O. Lee Chesnutt will attend the Dentists’Con vention in Colum bus next week. K. P. Basnett and family and Mrs. Eva Mae Smith and children spent Tuesday at Indian Spring. * * * Mrs. J. M. Ball is at, home from a month’s visit in Atlanta with her cousin. Miss Kmma Knott. TORN CLUB PROGRESS FOB 1913 'i PROMISES GREATEST RESULTS By Andrew M. Soule, President Georgia State College of Agriculture. One hundred and forty counties Slave been organized into tho corn club movement for 1013 and 3s in •canning club work. Practically 10,000 hoys are enrolled and 2,500 girls. This O'ear the work of organization has been pushed into new comminutes and where it has been harder to got established. Care lias also been taken to enlist only such boys as gave prom iso of carrying their work through to •the end. From reports received the hoys have entered into the contests with great enthusiasm, they have planted under favorable conditions, in need beds that have been well pre pared, and they have follow'd instruc tions with fidelity. In tire girls’ canning club as many as fifteen counties that were •urging that an organizer be sent, had SOILS Of BEN HILL COUNTY A. Woraham, Professor Agricultu ral Chemistry. *4 The Bureau of Soils of tire United States Department of agriculture and •the Georgia State College of Agricul ture have completed a co-operative soil survey of Ben Hill county and the •txiUege has completed a chemical an •Uysfs of tire type of soils. While tire "bureau of soils of the government is rauithorlsed only to make physical an alysts and thereby detetmlue-Ahe soil *typa, the college believes it necessary (to go further, make an exhaustive •study of the plant food content of *ths various types, by making chemical (analysis and by conducting crop ex |pertments. , Ben Hill county is te first one to ■be completed so ,far as the soil sur- Vrejr and chemical analysis is con- Icerned, and the data which as {bora obtained will be issued in bulle tin form from the college. The in- Bonnation contained therein together /with the results of field testa which Jare being conducted should afford be sure and send me your Kodak Work finished within 34 hours. Films developed, 10 cents per roll. || Prints made for 3 cents and up. W Bromide enlargements 25c. up. JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, - JACKSON, GEORGIA. Phone 150 DEATH OF_AH INFANT. One of the twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Turner Glass, who live near Jeiikiiisburg, riled Monday aft ernoon at 4 o’clock from an illness resulting from a relapse of measles. The other little girl is not expected to live. The body of this beautiful little girl, eigiit months old, was buried at Jenkinsburg Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Leach, of At lanta, came down Thursday for a visit with the family of their son, J. M. Leach. * # * Atlanta members of the American Institute of Bankers spent'Tuesday at Indian Spring at the Wigwam. In the afternoon this party of young hank clerks, with their young lady friends and chapel ones, en joyed a dance in the dance hall of the Wig wam, using an orchestra brought from Atlanta for the occasion. I to he refused, Miss Creswell who is | the only organizer in the state, hag found it impossible to attend to more j than 28 counties thus lor. , Many ccmmuniti • i ifi the slate feel disappointed that they have not been able to get corn cluhs and canning clubs organized. As men, means and ime will admit every community in the state will eventually be given at tention in their turn it would be well for any community that wants to join the movement for interesting the boys and girls in improved agricul ture, to make tho wish known as soon ns possible even though there is no hope of soon getting an organizer for work. Nothing is exciting the interest and inspiring the country youth so much as the corn and canning club contests. the farmer a basis on which he should buy his fertiliser and what crops and what kind of cultivation will bring from the soil the largest returns and at the same time conserve and add to permanent fertility. The fertility of southern soils is more difficult to maintain than soils of the stutes further north. First, be cause of our long summers, during which time the plant food is more rap idly made available; second, because of the short winters durmg which time under prevailing methods of cultiva tion, our soils are left bare. -Under these conditions the organic matter is loot- by. oxidation aud the plant food is depleted by leaching. Hence the great importance of understanding the need and condition of Dolls through the as sistance of the soil survey and anal ysis. While the test plats have been con ducted only for one year some valu able information has been obtained relative to the need of lime in ’the sollb. After a few years of tests with a variety of crops on the types of soils found valuable information will be forthcoming with reference tor the kinds of’crops.ahd what rotation to follow, to build up the soil fertility. W. J. CORNETT BUYS INTEREST IN MOVING PICTURE SHOW HERE W. J. Cornett, of East Point, has bought Fred Ball’s interest in the moving picture show here. He is expected to come down Monday and begin extensive im provements on the inside ol the building. The “movie” is a well-establish ed pastime in Jackson, and Mr. Cornett will conduct the business along progressive lines, and the outlook indicates a very bright fu ture. 'The walls will be painted and decorated, the seats made more comfortable, the curtain moved further back and a stage built. The new management hope to give shows both in the afternoon and evening, and will put on high class vaudeville. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought As ;i guarantee of quality insist on Cornfield brand ha ms. The Wigwam Hotel serves Cornfield 11 ams BLOUNT BREVITIES. DEATH OF MR. JAGK REEVES. Mr. Jack Reeves died at tiis home near Blount Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. His death was not unex pected, as lie had been ill for a long time. He was conscious until death came, when all his family was around bis bedside to receive bis last, good-bye and give him tlie promise lie asked for—that they meet him in heaven The funeral was held from Pleasant Grove church Sunday afternoon at 8 o’clock. Rev. J. A. Sprayberry, of Flovilla, conducting the servi-eeS." Besides his wife there survive Sif. Reeves one daughter, four sons, a brother and sister aud other close relatives. Mr* \V. H. Westbrooks spoilt iu day with Mrs. C. F. Etheridge. Miss Mattie Craig is'confined to her room oil ccount of illness. i .2 —2L. The many friends of Mrs. O. P Tingle are sorry to learn of her ill ness. Mrs. O. P. Tingle had as her guests Friday afternoon Mrs. B. F. Stand ard. Mrs. OUie Tingle. Mrs. J. J. Reeves, Mrs. \V. H. Craig. Mra. J. P. Gregory and Misses Martha Lee Sutton and Clones Craig. Best Laxative for the Aged Old men and women feel the need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which will not cause pain. J)r. King's New Life Pills are especially good for the aged, for they act promptly and easily. Pri?e cents.. Recommended bv DrintCuw— Adv. GEORGIA NEWS BRIEFS Decatur celebrated Home-Com ing Day Tuesday. Yesterday was Home-Coming Day in Hawkinsville. Alumni Day Tuesday marked the 75th session of Mercer Uni versity. Georgia dentists will meet in an nual convention in Columbus on June 10-12. Mrs. J. C. Thomas and son, of Macon, were killed oil their front porch by lightning Sunday after noon . EugeueGrace, of Newnan, makes no reply to the divorce suit of Mrs. Daisy Opie Grace in Philadelphia. Lightning killed L, J. Wilder, near Dawsonville, Sunday, without harming his baby that played in his lap. J. B. Logan, of Thomasville. has corn seven feet high and still growing. It was planted eight weeks ago. A Thomasville woman, Mrs. George King, took 22 grains of bi chloride of mercury last week with suicidal intent. - William Howard, four-year-old son of Hon. and Mrs. George Ev ans, of Sandersville, was struck over his heart by a baseball Sun day and died. Guaranteed Eczema Rem edy. The constant itching, burning, red ness. rash and disagreeable effects of eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, piles and irritating skin eruptions can be readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment. Mr. J. C. Eve land, of Bath. 111., sayßt “I had ec zema twenty-five years and had tried (everything. All failed. When I found Dr. Hobson’s Eczema Oint ment I found a cure.” This oint ment is the formula of a physician and has been in use for years—not an experiment.' That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Cos., Philadelphia and St. Louis. For side by Slaton Drug Co.—Adv. Plione Paul Nolen & Cos. for a Cornfield Ham. PROF, FORRESTER IT BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. E. J. Forrester, of Mercer University, Macon, will conduct the services at the Baptist Church for several Sundays. preached two sermons last S-nday. If you want the best Ham get one with a Cornfield label on it. TRIBUTE PUD TO JEFFERSON DAVIS Butts county paid tribute to the memory of Jefferson Davis. Presi dent of the Southern Confederacy, Tuesday, on the 105th anniversary of -bis birth. The banks closed for the day. i { • ,The. Foy Hotel serves Cor'rifteld Han's. f/.O 5; T 1 *^> r *1 r f jraT' 5i %lr dR 0 * ro P /n•atrm^pitggpfHHfi, 1 cltantg c Pehcado Sor*o. NEV^HI^ — _ ~~' - 11. ALCOHOL 3 PLK CENT. AVcgefable Prcpa , -.(ion for A ssimilating the r;:£ on'Rcguta tingUie Sioraac ;a::iDav!sof ISMS Promotes Digccibn,Grift*l ness and Rest!: mains neiliter i Opium.Morphi.-j norMirraL Not Narcotic, BecipeotOhlDc&L. JT.JZ'J Bnepkin Seed* jUx.Setma * , JhMte Saifs— | Am Seed * t / j Aperfect Remedy forConsfl)ia- i tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea j 'Worms.Convulsions.Fevensh ness andLoss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Company ; ftnarnnteed. undertheToodaj, Spiff Exact Copy of Wrapper. We Are Agents For HBSNALLY’S FRESH COT FLOWERS Of All Kinds in Season. If you adll give us your orders they will be promptly aud carefully tilled. Just received fresh shipment of Nunnally’s Candies— ALWAYS GOOD ■ ' ' We also have KINNET’S VELVET ICE CREAM,, the best in town. Delivery made jn auy pan ©f the city., pm: no. ii md ii is ton. SLATON DRUG COMPANY “The Rexall Store,” - Jackson, Georgia. Tell your neighbors about the sweet jnioy Cornfield Boiled Ham you bought from Conner & Crawford. Piles Cored in 6 to 14 Days 4 Vour druggirt will refund money if PAZO fails to cure any case of Itching, Wit*.!, Rleedmgor ProtnidingPihesin6tol4 days. application gives Ease and Rest. 50c. w GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the \ Signature /A\ l and w ft to Use va For Over Thirty Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. Ulcers and Skin Troubles- If you are suffering with anv old running or fever sores, ulcers,‘boils’ eczema or other skin troubles, get a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and >ou will get relief promptly. m !B . Broce Jones, of Birmingham. Ala * suffered from an ugly nicer of nine, months and Bucklen's Arnica Salvo eursd her in two weeks. Will help J? 11 ' ' v 2c - Reeon. mended bw Slaton Drug Company.—Adv.