The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, June 20, 1913, Image 4

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-r* •,' *<*•* • . • .- -v ■ALCOHOL 3Ter OtJJrrf: A'. c ? pnratfon forAs sirai ling I. :p Si jmad’.* andUowcJs of Promotes DigpsttonCknfuf ness and RestjContalns neither Opium .Morphine norFiuenL Not Narcotic. Hm/Jaa S*J m . r jUxJam *■ 1 JbM/e&'fl- I jtj!.-tnd * l pz&f+. ) Apct feet Remedy for Comflp tton. Sour Stonach.DUnhoa Worms jConvulswns Jevrrus ness andLossorSutP- TkcSunW signature of Tjl* CjENTMJR COUPS**# NEW YORK. Cuartnl Exact Copy of Wrapper. Chamberlain’s Colic,Chol era and Diarrhoea Remedy livery family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the umnier months. Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem *dy is worth many times its coat when needed and is slmoet certain .to be needed before the summer is •over. It ha# no superior for the pur poeee for which it is intended. Buy it now. For sale by alt dealers. - Adv. Phone Paul Nolfn & Cos. for a Cornfield Ham. IT PAYS TO PAINT # Money Spent For Good Paint Will Add Hundreds of Dollars flyuß to the Market Value To refinish or redecorate your home, select a definite specialized proouct—to do just the work you want done—simply, easily, at the least expense. _ Pee-Gee Quality Paints, Stains, Enamels and Varnishes insure success in whatever finishing you undertake. Their undisputed superiority is a marvel to the user. YOU WILL FIND BELOW JUST WHAT YOU NEED. rvfnvirtv* Have it painted with MASTIC Jrlouse L-Xterior p A INT nd secure a beautiful. bard, enamel-like surface of the greatest durability’ Krskithi best the smoke and gases of the city. MASTIC WHITE is the very whitest house paint made. Don t experiment with cheaper paints or kegleud and oil, and be disapprinted. Get MASI 1C PAINT, **tho kind that lasts.** Made in 45 colors. Porch Floors and Steps paintuS™ the purpose. Hardens quickly with high gloss. Stands wear and tear of walking on. Screen Doors and Windows pric’d with Pee-Gee SCREEN ENAMEL, both wire and framr. Will not fill the me.h. Save, your screens and your pocketbook. Bams. Stables, Outbuildings with our Pee-Gee BARN PAINT, red or green—white trimmings, make • pretty combination. If tin. the Big Four Formula Metallic Paint gives nOOll the beat and longcat service at least cost. lor shingles CREO--TAIN can be brushed or dipped. Soaks in and preserves the wood—doubles the hie oi the rooi. Comes in 19 beautiful colors. rna.ala U/oelr On cellar and porch floors and wore de walk p ee -Gee port- LANITE (dull or gloss) prevents dampness, staining and sham teg ration. Adds greatly to tha appearance of concrete. Interior Walls and Ceilings before you do—investigate Pee-Gee FLATKOATT, the velvet finish that is being widely used in place of paper. It's better, and lasts three times as long. I fj- If the clear, natural grain of the wood inside Moors h „ been pre-erYe d. u *e fixall VARNISH. Come# in light oak. dark oak, mahogany, cherry, walnut, etc. If your floors are badly worn, scuffed, stained or spotted, better use ADAMANT FLOOR PAINT. Driee hard overnight with a high polish. Comes in nine beautiful colors. Easy to apply. PEE-GEE Floor Was for hardwood floors. PEE-GEE Crack Filler for fcllmg cracks. fWif*ctuned By PEASLEE-GAULBERT CO., Louisville, Ky. Dempsey Hardware Company. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Ay \. Signature AAm (\ l n ® Se VA For, Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNI SINTSUN IOHMNV, MIW TT. Take Plenty of Time to Eat There is a saying that “rapid eat ing is slow suicide.” If you have formed the habit of eating too rap idly you are most likely suffering from indigestion or constipation, which will result eventually in seri ous Illness unless collected. Diges tion begin# In the mouth. Food should be thoroughly masticated and insalivated. Then when you have a fullness of the stomach or fesl dull and stupid after eating, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets. Many severe cases of stomach trouble and constipation have been cured by the use of these tablets. They are easy to fake and most agreeable in effect. Bold by all deal ers.—Adv. BLOUNT BREVITIES. The many friends of Miss Mattie Craig are sorry to learn that she is seriously ill. Mr and Mrs. A, Freeman spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Etheridge. J. J. Reeves spent Saturday afternoon with Mrs. Jack Reeves. —— p Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reeves and Miss Martha Lee Sutton spent Sunday afternoon at Indian Spring. Mr. Andrew Tingle and Misses Vallie Garr and Flor ence Etheridge were at the Springs Sunday afternoon. Wesley Tucker was at the Springs Sunday afternoon. Horace Sutton made a busi ness trip to Jackson Saturday afternoon. A crowd from here went bee roDbiug Wednesday night, but didn’t get enough honey for the crowd to eat. Those who went were: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Reeves, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Sutton, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Hoard, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Moore; Miss Mar tha Lee Sutton, Harvie Craig, Pitts Clark, Cunningham and Horace Sutton, Paul and Er nest Freeman. Success is Not Spelled with dollar marks, and the richest lives maybe lived in poverty: but for the sake of those about us we should save and invest systemati cally as we journey through life Endowment insurance saves syste matically and creates the principal sum aimed at If the saver does not live to complete his work. National Life Insurance Cos., of Vt. Mutual Robt. T. Carmichael, Dist. Manager. Harknees Bldg.. Jackson, Ga. Furniture and Cabinet Work tabbed lightly with fine pumice and water to remove spots or grease adhering---then varnished with a high-grade Cabinet Varnish such as our IMPERIAL PRESERVATIVE, Don’t use common furniture varnish or you will ruin your surface. In case a dull, rubbed effect is wanted, use our Falk’s Flat Finish. One coat suffices. Re-Staining Furniture °£rJ (Oak, Mahogany, Cherry, etc.) obtained by U3e of FIX ALL—the perfect varnish stain. Stains and varnishes in one operation. Simple and easy to use. if Mission Finish is desired use Pee-Gee DYSTAIN. Removing Old Paint old paint or varnish down to the bare wood where work is in condition to require this. Flrwro Can panted with ADAMANT niicnen rloors nooß paint. Dries over night with a hard, tile-tike surface. Try our Yellow or Drab—neither shows the dirt readily. Panfi*v CU Should be made sanitary and * auu J VO3 ea ,y to clean by painting them with BLUE RIBBON FAMILY PAINTS. Lightens, brightens and makes cheerful. IVtelrn. Pkaiva Enamel white with Pee-Gee CHINA ™ IClfiCr IlclirS ENAMEL—or stain a pretty mission color with Pee-Gee DYSTAIN. Porch Chairs and Swings paint is beeti 11 colons to select from. I) ,1. , A wonderful improvement can be made n&tnroom by u „ china enamel. Resemble, a white tile finish—hard and glossy. Pee-Gee ALUMINUM ENAMEL or rvaoiaiors ggld-lak will not tamiah. Chandeliers and Grate Fronts EGYPTIAN BLACK ENAMEL—BERLIN BLACK (wrought iron finish) or the Gold and Aluminum Enamel mentioned above, are suitable. FLASHES FROM FLOVILU. Dr. A. F. White spent Monday in Atlanta. Miss Willie Terrell is at home from Cuba. Mr and Mrs. A. VV. Graves spent Tuesday in Macon. Mr. Allen, of Milner, visited friends here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lawson vis ited Jackson Monday. Malvern Barnes isvisiting friends in Valdosta and Florida. " 1 *. A ... Mrs. J. R. Wren has as her guest Miss Willie Wren, of Virginia. if. - L. F. Redman, of Griffin, spent the week-end here with relatives. Miss Ada Sharp has returned from a visit with friends in Macon and Stillmore. Miss Maud Smith left Saturday to join a par*y in Atlanta and Ath ens for a trip abroad. Mrs. Cumming had as her guests Tuesday Mrs. Carroll and two little daughters, of Jackson. Mrs Luther Edwards and little daughter have returned from a week’s visit in Macon. Miss Myra Miller went to Jack son Wednesday to be present at the Bailey-Mallet wedding. Mr. Saul, of Savannah, has re turned home after spending several days with Rev. and Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. Partridge had as her guests Sunday Miss Lucy Goodman, of Jackson, and G. B. McDowell, of Atlanta. Miss Lurline Lawson left Tues day for Columbus, and before her return she will visit friends in Teu nille and Macon. Miss Eloise Meredith has return ed to her home in Jackson after spending several days with Miss Mamie Kate Watson. Mrs. J. A. Maddox and son have returned to their home in Macon after spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Gardner. Mrs. R. L. Allen had as her guests Sunday Misses Nannie Har din and Nixon, of Locust Grove, and Rev. Saul, of Savannah. Rev. Jackson, of Mercer Uni versity, and his singer, Mr. Lee, of Macon, are conducting a series of meetings at the Baptist church. Those coming home the last week from college are: Misses Lurline Lawson, Cox College: Lilly Lewis, Meridian; Nel’e Millen, A. & M. at Bartlesville; Messrs. Riley Plv male, Mercer: Frank Smith, Gor don: Milo Smith, Dahlonega. The millinery season will soon close. If we can serve you beforehand in this line let us know. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. DANGEROUS CALOMEL GOIN6 OUT OF USE A Safe, More Reliable Remedy Has Taken Its Place in the Drug Store and in the Home. A few yearn ago men. women and children took calomel for a sluggish liver and for constipation. They took risks when they did so. for cal omel is a dangerous drug. Your family doctor will be the first to tell you this if he discovers you dosing yourself with calomel. But the drug trade ha* found safer, more pleasant remedy than calomel in Dodson’s Liver Tone. Slaton Drug Company tell us that their drug store sells Dodson’s Liver Tone in practically every case of biliousness and liver trouble where calomel used te be taken. Dodson’s Liver Tone is a vegetable liver tonic that is absolutely harm less for children and grown people, [r .ells for 60c a bottle and is guar anteed to be entirely satisfactory by Slaton Drug Company, who will re fund vonr money with a smile if it does not give quick, gentle relief without any of calomel's unpleasant after-effects —Adv. Choice --''j*TKe Family Friend” 2±jjy Foley'sHoney*' , Tar yf CONTAINS NO OPIATES I -s = jlJj • For AD T Tnuo HOMER, GA., Mr*. J. N. Hill sjT/ f C.IIUCjHci ■ says: “I cheerfully testify to the —■ 'pY t V V merits of Foley’s Honey and Tar I AND ■ Compound, having used it in my Ip V I |*\r< ■ ifamily for years and reccommeded ■MLy. I LvJIJJS 9tto my neighbors. I find it always l w 1 w ■ cures our coughs and colds and I V\\l P" ri ;n I prevents croup. I have five children II SOI Ulliaren l and it isallthey ever take for colds. II m 1 I We would not be without Foley's jv. 'V V n ' . I Honey and Tar Compound in the I _\A(jfOwn Persons I end can not say too much For Sale by Jackson Drug Cos., Jackson, Ga. Southern Railroad Schedule. NORTH BOUND. Train No. 23 arrives 5 18 a. m. Train No 7 arrives 8:58 a. m. Train No, 5 arrives 2:32 p. m. Train No. 15 arrives 6:08 p. m. SOUTH BOUND. Train No. 16 arrives 9:20 a. rru Train No. 6 arrives 1:40 p. m. Train No. 10 arrives 7:10 p. m- Train No. 24 arrives.. 10:48 p. m. QUININE AND IRON-THE MOST EFFECTUAL GENERAL TONIC Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Combines both in Tasteless form. The Quinine drives out Malaria and the Iron buiMs up the System. For Adults -:.d Children. Yon know what you are takinr when you take GROVE’S TASTELLbS chill TONIC, recognized for 30 years through out the South as the standard Malaria, Chill and Fever Remedy and General Strengthening Tonic. It is as strong as -he strongest bitter tonic, but you do not aste the bitter because the ingredients lo not dissolve in the mouth but do dis solve readily in the acids of the stomach. Guaranteed by your Druggist. We mean it. 50c. There is Only One “BROMO QUININE” That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Look for signature of E. W. GROVE on every box. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. Make yours “The I Home Beautiful’’ 1 Your Walls with Wm ftiSuHAiJ Wmm The Mo( * Brn ’ Durable > Oil Finish l ' T T doesn’t require much money to decorate m '* l * your walls artistically with Pee Gee Flatkoatt. 24 soft, deep, velvety colors to select from —No more expensive and frequent redecorating; Flatkoatt-ed walls are easily cleaned with a moist sponge. II (T D JT C" Write direct to Decorating Department, PEASLEE ... i K TRATrn GAULBERT CO., Inc., Louisville, Ky., for advice ii.-ljt. ** and suggestions. “ The Modem Method of Finishing Walls” 800 K and color card —write or ask us for it. | Dempsey Hardware Company. Cholera! Hof Cholera, Chicken Cholera, tad other diseases of stock and poultry, make you k>se money. Can ttiia lose be avoided? The answer Is; YES! Chve Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEOtCME promptly, when the first symptoms appear. It acts on the liver, and gets it to working freely. A disor dered liver causes these (and most other) troubles of stock and poultry. Prict gc, 80c tad tl.oo pet can. “Be* Dn Stock A Poultry Median, b i splendid cure Iqr Uvr troeiblfcirooo. RELIEVES PAIN AND HEALS AT THE SAME TIME The Vonderful, Old Reliable Dr. Porter's Antiseptic Healing Oil. An Antiseptic Surgical Dressing discovered by an Ole R. R. Surgeon. Prevents Blood Poisoning. Thousands of families know it already, and a trial will convince you that DR. PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered for Wounds, Burns, Old Sores, Ulcers, Carbuncles, Granulated Eye Lids, Sore Throat, Skin or Scalp Diseases and all wounds and external diseases whether slight or serious. Continually people are finding new uses for this famous old remedy. Guaranteed by your Druggist Wemean it. 25c, 50c, SI.OO ftlflll 1 Weakness £ but is promptly relieved ■ by the medical nourishment in V Scott’s Emulsion which I h not a nerve-quieter, bat nature’s I greatest nerve-builder, without I alcohol or opiate. j Scott at Bownt, Bloomfield. N. J. 13-25 Shake Off Your Rheuma tism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a twenty-five cent bottle of Chamberlain’s' Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold bv all dealers Adv. Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Dayi X?VT rcfund mon '* if PAZO OIMMEN f fail* to cure any case of Itchimr Blmd. Bleeding or Protruding Pile* m 6 to 14 da*V The first application gives Ease and Rest. 50c.