The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, July 04, 1913, Image 4

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UNDERTAKING S. H. THORNTON. LICENSED EMBALMER. Foil line of CasketH arul Robes to select from. My careful personal attention given to all funerals entrusted to me. Calls answered promptly day or night. DAY ’PHONE 174. NIGHT 'PHONE 103. JACKSON, GEORGIA. ie Best o |i§ Beverage sui- the * 7 > PUS* '^^■^ t :'-V^f':l^Hi ' A welcome addition to any party — mV any time —any place. M I jju Sparkling with life anJ wholcsomenesS. K j Delicious m £A,M Refreshing M Thirst-Quenching (danOi if ~ r . JBr '"'•■l vW/ I j THE COCA-COLA COMPANY, Atlanta, c.a. Whenever you %cc a:i Arr>w think of Coca-Cola. I m vmpm \z. g W I !—r vttSWMvi'-raM.wtw. jsW-.vr l lb 6 mutt Tho Modern, Durable, Flat Oil Finisli SOLVES the problem of frequent redecorating. r.'fCd Fiatkoait-cd Walls are quickly restored to original beauty. 24 soft, deep, velvety colors to select from. FREE ILLUSTRATED BOOK The Modem Method of Finishing Walls” contains practical suggestions and color plansfor every f-'Or'.SV'j’ul' room. Write Peaslee-Gaulbert Cos., lucorpo- l.jMf j, ~ .ydSi rated, Louisville, hy., for Hook, or ask us. Dempsey Hardware Cos Seat job printing bn PROMPTLY DONE Nothing Appeals More to the Artistic Taste than Beauti fully Decorated Walls and Ceilings LITTLE LOCAL LINES FROM COUNTY CORRESPONDENTS INDIAN SPRING SOCIAL NEWS (last week’s letter.) Mrs. J. D. Renfroe, of Macon, spent last Sunday with tier father, VV. A. Elder. J. F. Barlow, of Havana, Cuba, is the guest, of Mrs. G. P. Cornell for a few days. Paul Collier, of .Little Rock, Ark., is visiting his sisters, the Misses Collier, at Rock Castle. Miss Lucile Eider is spending the summer with tier brother, Percival Elder, at the Hotel Elder. Mr. and Mrs. Daughtry, Mr. and Mrs. Willis, Miss Frank, of Macon, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hoard. Mrs. Ike Slaughter and Miss Fan nie Slaughter,of Jackson, are guests at the Hotel Elder for a couple of weeks. Hampton Daughtry. Robin Daugh try and Misses Laura and Emily Daughtry, of Jackson, spent last week with Mrs. Family Bryan at “Idlewild.” Quite a jolly crowd enjoyed a swim in the swimming pool Thursday morning. They were chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Asa Buttrill and Mis. McUandless, of Savannah. Little Misses Mary and Sarah Smith and Master Preston Smith are the guests of their grandmother, Mrs. Sailie Smith. They leave soon for their home in Durham, N. C. The Misses Watkins entertained Friday evening at a delightful lawn party. They have been attending school in Texas, and will spend the summer here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. I. Watkins. The friends of Joe C. Cornell are interested in his marriage, which occurred in Macon Tuesday evening, to Mrs. Mae M. Yancey, of Milledge ville, at ttie home of the bride’s cousin, Mrs. J. N. Smith, on Orange st reet. The marriage was very quiet, only the immediate family being present. Elder Cornell was best man. The ceremony wtfs performed by the rector of St. Paul's Episcopal church. Rev. C. H. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Corneli left immediately for Asheville, N. C. They will make their home in Birmingham with Mr. and Mrs. George Cornell, Jr. WEST BUTTS. We are glad to see Miss May Mar tin up again. Mrs. J. R. Hughey is very much improved at this writing. Miss Janie Phinazee is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. F. Huddleston. Misses Kate and Wyhna Jones were the guests of Miss Minnie Mae Bell Satuiday. The farmers are having a good time. Most of them are through work for awhile. Prof. G. C’. McKibben, Messrs. Tom Kiuard and Owen Martin spent Monday in Griffin. There will be horse races and a big barbecue in Griffin July 4th. Everybody invited. Misses Carrie and Lena Bell. of near Patiilo, are visiting their sister, Mrs. Emmett Wallace. Misses Oilie M. Brantley, Doris Kiuard and Mary Lizzie .Martin spent Monday in Griffin. The ice cream supper given by Mr. Henry Jones last Saturday night was enjoyed l>y all present. Dr. John Phillips and his son. \V. P. Phillips, of Atlanta, is visit ing his brother. Dr. T. J. Phillips. This community lias organized a Sunday school at West Butts. There will be Sunday school every Sunday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Everybody cordially invited. We will be glad to s-*e a large crowd out every Sun day. Cures Old Seres, Older Remedies Won’t Cure The worst no matter of how lone standing, arc cured by tho wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Paul aud iical* at the same time. 25c, 50c, SI.OO. FLUSHES FROM FLBViLLfI. George Smith spent Sunday in At lanta. Miss Lula Dozier spent Tuesday Macon. Misses Ada Sharp and Myra Miller went up to Jackson Monday, shop ping Mrs. A. \V. Graves entertained two tables at cards Tuesday from 5 to 6. Miss Lois Allen has as her guest Miss Annie Taylor, of Macon. Misses Nelle Gardner and Annie Reid Maddox are visiting friends in Macon. Mrs. A. F. White spent Tuesday witii Miss Lucile Elder, at Hotel Elder. Messrs. Ben Malone and Pink Per sons, of Monticello, visited friends here Sunday, Miss Lurline Lawson lias returned from a ten days’ visit with friends at Columbus. Miss Louise Watkins, of Macon, is the attractive guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ingram. Mrs. E. L. Lawson’s many friends are glad to see her out again, and hope that she will continue to im prove. Mrs. Luther Edwards and little daughter, Eugene, and Mrs. Early Edwards spent Monday with Prof. Patton at Foy Hotel. Miss Rosa Greer, who lias been at Clayton, Ga. for the past two weeks, spent several days with homefolks before her return to Baconton. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dozier had as their guest last week, Mrs. Walker and little Dozier Walker, of Roberta, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Clements,of New York City, and W. A. Dozier, of Macon. Misses Dorcas Greer, Lurline Law son ; and Messrs. George Smith, Malvern Barnes and W. B. Gresham motored over to Forsyth Tuesday afternoon, returning later in the afternoon. TOWALIGA TOPICS. Little Lavinie Goodman is on the sick list. Rev. Jas. Bradley spent Thursday with T. J. Ridgeway. J. H. Ridgeway spent Saturday night with T. F. Martin. Mrs. Pinkney Laster returned to her home in Griffin Saturday. Kate and Wilmer Jones are visit ing their sister, Mrs. W. P. Shivers. Messrs. Troy Martin and John Ridgeway were in the city Saturday. The singing given by Miss Davis Kiuard Saturday night was enjoyed by all present. Mrs. Della Ridgeway is spending tiie week with her daughter, Mrs. W. C. Allen. Miss Florrie Ezell was the guest of Miss Susannah Ridgeway Satur day and Sunday.’ Tom, Prentice, Mary L. and Della S 'Figure it out'for yourself ” f You carry Fire Insurance —and why P Because of the danger of sudden los3. Because it protects you against this uncertainty, although S your buildings may never burn down. *£ Do you protect them against decay—against the weather— VjijaSfeu B against the dead certainty of depreciation resulting from allow- JlPPfls,, 1 ing them to go unpainted. Why not ? Paint Insurance is worth even more to you than Fire Insurance —yet is often / Badly neglected—and you are the loser. tj MASTIC PAINT for 40 years has proven the “real protector” i of buildings. For quality —service—economy—and beauty of • $ finish it has nc equaL Ash for color card, ~'A<‘’ , ;r > V }>ojf ij Dempsey Hardware Cos. | stars who demonstrated spit bale l—.. I- z L ■} WL:m V < v ' 4J /*.vvro ar [d 0 J Li £j sauc “Jeff” Tesreau of New York Giants. Newton-Garmichael Hardware Cos. HARDWARE PAINTS OILS JACKSON, - GEORGIA. K /hen You Paint Use PURE Paint and j Pure LINSEED OIL to add it at one-haif the cost of Paint. Uh WHITE LEAD, ZINC and vay the L. & M. SEMI-MIXED to make the L. & M. PAINT into the Paint when it’s pre io buys it. ity of OIL is put into the Paint so doing he SAVES MONEY, mciciuic uuy of LINSEED OIL with every 4 gallons of L. & M. PAINT and MIX the OIL with the PAINT. If the Paint thus made costs more than $1.40 per gallon —^ If the Paint as you use it is not perfectly satisfactory — ” < Then return whatever you have not used, and fret hack ALL you paid 1 for the WHOLE of it; and besides, the money you paid to the Painter-. ! Ridgeway enjoyed a pleasant trip to the Springs Sunday. Her many friends are glad to know that Mrs. J. R. Hughey is im proving from her recent illness. Many are glad to know that they have made a success in organizing a Sunday school at West Butts. Surprising Cure of Stom ach Trouble. When you have trouble with your stomach or chronic constipation, don’t imagine that your case is be yond help just because your doctor fails to give you relief. Mrs. G. Sten gle, Plainfield, N. J., writes: “For over a month past I have been trou bled witii my stomach. Everything I ate upset it terribly. One of Cham berlain’s advertising booklets came to me. After reading a few of the letters from people who had been cured by Chamberlain’s Tablets, T decided to try them. I have taken nearly three-fourths of a package of them and can now ear almost every thing that I want.” For sale by all dealers.—Adv. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises In every home there should be a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve, ready to apply in every case of burns, cuts, wounds or scalds. J. H. Polanco, Delvalle, Tex., R. No. 2, writes: “Bucklen’s Arnica Salve saved my little girl’s cut foot. No one believed it could be cured.” The world’s best salve. Only 25c. Recommended by Slaton Drug Co.—Adv. Stolen Hair Means Death. In many parts of the modern world the believer in witchcraft still gets hold of hair, nail parings and so forth from an enemy’s head and hands, and burns, buries or does something else with them in order to enta'i unpleas ant consequences upon that enemy. And universal folklore reveals the con cern of savages to dispose of their own hair and naiT clippings to prevent an enemy from getting at them. Aus tralian native girls who have had a lock of hair stolen from them expect speedy death as a certainty. The Best Hot Weather Tonic GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the blood, builds up the whole system and will won derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand the depressing effect of the hot summer. 5Cc,