The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, September 12, 1913, Image 4

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9v i*i * * •![/1v V I \ jf* ■ UNDERTAKING S. H. THORNTON. LICENSED EMBALMER. Full line of Caskets ami Robes to select from. Mj careful personal attention given to all funerals entrusted tono. Calls answered promptly or night BAT PHBHEI74. NIGHT PHONE 193. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Some Comparative Figures Compiled. Frm the Spectator Pock et rianual for Year Ending Dec. 31, 1912 U.U.Jtlr. Admll'pd IMU Empire Lifeof Ca. SI.OO $1.41 Prudential. N. J. 100 1.24 Mutual Life, N. Y. 1.00 1.2 2 Eqnitable Life, 1.00 1.19 l’enn Mutual 1.00 1.14 National Life, Vt. 1.00 1.17 EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. R. P,£asnett. Gen. Agt. I>ut Your Money WHERE IT’S SAFE! Five Splendid Farms for Sale. and et y our m ° ne y II 1 ▼ 1I work while you sleep. * f ■ The 335 acres of splendid Farm Lands of the J. ©. Beauchamp Estate Located from i\ to 4 miles east of Jackson, will be sold at the Court House in Jackson, Ga., the first Tuesday in December, 1913, to the HIGHEST BIDDER FOR GASH. These farms are well located on good public road, level and good producing land, well watered, good pasturage, farm houses and barns. Splendid neighborhood, titles good. Possession given this year. Excellent opportunity afforded to purchase a term near Jackson and enjoy the advantages of the public schools and churches. Will Sell in Four Farming Tracts. GET IN THE PUSH FOR THESE EXCELLENT FARMS FOR SALE WE SELL THE nroT M eats ULu I Plate Ice. We have experienced meat cutters and aresure we can please you. Prompt Delivery. Comer k Crawfoit PHONES 135 UN0136. WHEN YOUR LIVER GOES WRONG ————— Nearly Everybody Need? a Liver Stimulant at One Time or Another, Nearly everybody now and then is annoyed with a sluggish, lazy liver, or by constipation or by bil iousness. It is tor this reason that Dodson’s Liver Tone is such a good medicine to keep always in the house. Either children or grown-ups can take Dodson’s Liver Tone without bad after-effects and without restric tion of habit or diet. It is a vegeta ble liquid with a pleasant taste, but a reliever of constipation and liver troubles, and entirely takes the place of calomel. Slaton Drug Lo. guarantee every bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone they sell. It costs 50 cents per bottle and if you are not sati-fied that it is worth the money, they will hand your half dollar back ta you with a smile. Don’t be fooled by preparations imitating the claims of Dodson’s Liver Tone. Just remember Slaton Drug Cos. will give you back youi money if Dodson's Liver Tone fails you. That is a guarantee that guar antees. Bw D Wayl System and method* come and fo. There’s ant that will stay—the “Bet Dee Way." It has stood tht hardest of all tests—the test of experience. Mix Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEHCfIE with the feed for your animals and fowls. It beats all regulators, tonics, powders, etc., because it brings better results, and costs but a fraction of what the ready made foods do. Pries Se. 50c sadtlOO per can. . "It relieves censtfesttoa and makes Piles Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your d-uggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any caae of Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pile* in6tol4 days. The List gives L->c and Uest. &oc. How Big Business Was Started. We print this newspaper story ab solutely without comment: “E. S. Wells, who made a fortune out of the preparation known as "Rough on Rats," of which he was the originator, died on Sunday at his home at Glenmore, N. J. He was born In Morgantown, W. Va., sevqoty-two years ago. Within four ye&£ Mr. Wells rose from extreme poverty to a positon of affluence through his in vention. When Mr. Wells and the man with whom he then worked had only a single loaf of bread between them and starvation their last bit of food was eaten by rats. Mr. Wells then set about to discover a means to rid the world of rats. After numberless experiments he began the manufacture of ’Rough on Rats’ in an old barn In Jersey City. The preparation was first peddled about in the locality, but Mr. Wells had bigger ideas. Every dollar he could spare was spent in advertising, and the business grew so rapidly that at the end of four years he had an income of SIOO,OOO a year. He preferred, however, to continue the business himself, in later years Mr. Wells became an enthusiastic horse man. His farm of 600 acres at Glen moore contained a model stable. Among his horses were Baron Dillon and Red Lake. He bought Baron Dil lon for $1,600, and within an hour re fused an offer of $6,000.” Do You Fear Consump tion? No matter how chronicyourcouKb or how severe your throat or Ailment is. Dr. Kind’s New Discov ery will surely help you: it may <v* your life. Stillman Green, of Malichlte, Cot., writes: “Two doc tors said I hnd consumption and could not live twoyesrs. I used Dr. KingV New Discovery and am alive and well.” Your money refunded it it fails to benefit you. The best home remedy for coughs, coiris, throat and lunar troubles. Price 60c. and SI.OO. Guaranteed by Slaton Drug Cos. —(Adv.) Homes in Forsyth and fAms in Monroe county cheap and on easy terms. Write the Georgia Trad ing Cos., Forsyth, Ga. FOR RENT. Five-room house, known as the Respass place. Also three-horse farm. C- W. Buchanan. BE SURE and send me your Kodak Work finished within 24 hours. Films developed, 10 cents per roll. Prints made for 3 cents and up. Bromide enlargements 25c. up. JOSEPH E. EDWARDS, JACKSON, GEORGIA. Phone 150 Slaton’s Condition Powders For Horses, Cattle, Sheep and Hogs. Prevents Disease, Promotes Appetite, Improves Digestion. Used for coughs, inflamed lungs, distemper, kid ney and bladder diseases, heaves, colds, thick and broken wind, roughness of skin, and all blood diseases. ■ 1 , • ,• .: - . Jy ?, . 4 SLATON’S Poultry Powders Prevents Disease and Makes Hens Lay. ■ Manufactured and fos sale by SLATON DRUG COMPANY Phone 10, - Jackson, Ga. Argus SI.OO