The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, September 12, 1913, Image 5

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INJTHE SOCIAL SWIM Happenings of the Social World > Those Coming and Qoing the Past Week Miss Floy Schuyler, milliner at the Star Store for the coming sea son, arrived in the city Sunday. • • • Mrs. Lula Smith, of Flovilla, visited Mrs. J. B. Guthrie, Monday. £* * * Mr. Clarence Bond, of Jackson ville, Fla-, is visiting relatives in the city and county. * * <* * Davie Fletcher left Monday for Milledgeville to attend G. N. a\idl. College. * * * Emma Hale was in the city shopping Thursday. • • • Mrs. C. G. Walker and little son, David, and Miss Jane Moore, of Greenwood, are guests of Mrs. B. F. Moon. * * * Mr. Linton Hopkinshasaccepted a position at the New ork Store. r Mr. Chas. O. Beauchamp, of Shreveport, La-, was in the city Monday and Tuesday mingling with friends and visiting relatives. Misses Allie and Fayth Jarrell left Monday for Milledgeville to attend Georgia Normal and Indus trial College. • * • The Argus would appreciate it if you would either call us up by tel ephone or drop in and give us a few items. Our readers like to read them and we appreciate them. m • • Mrs. J. O- Beauchamp, of Har lem, has returned to her home after an extended visit to relatives in the city. • * * Miss Mary Jarrell left Monday to resume her studies in the Southern School of Medicine in At lanta. * * ♦ Mrs. Susie Maddox, of Iron Springs, was in the city Thursday. A Mrs. Eva Huskey and children have returned to their home in South Carolina after a pleasant to Mrs. C. A. Pittman. f Greatest Prospects in the World for Greater GEORGIA- Every farmer in the State of Georgia should take a well earned vacation after the work on thetarm has been finished. No better place to take this vacation than on the grounds of the State Fair at Macon. Not only will your vacation ha a pleasure, but it will be a season of learning for the entire family. Tha children will see much that will be of interest to them. The gc od wife will learn many things that will benefit her at home. MAKE YOUR PLANS TO COHE. 7 $15,000.00 In Cash Premiums. *5 000 hi Cash Premiums for Agriculture. $l,OOO Cash Premium for Swine ss 800 in Cash Purses for 6 days’ racing. f >750 Premiums for Cattle mo Cash Premiums for Poultry- ' $ 120 Cash Premiums for Sheep cww) Cash Premiums, Horses and Mules. $ 700 Premiums, Boys Corn Clubs. Special Corn Premiums. S 275 Premiums, Girls’ Canning Clubs. . Remember the Dates 10 Biff Days - October 21st to 31st. Amon 0- the special features in the amusement line are the Hinging of 4,000 Georgia lingers on Saturday, Oct. 25 The Replica of the great Panama Canal, showing the ships entering and leaving this great Canal all in motion. The Midway will be one blaze of glory, for there will be an array of the best shows that could possibly be brought together on an occasion like this. Hanafourd’s shadow of the fW Mazeima the great Educated Horse, Sorcho’s Great Deep Sea Divers, Buckskin Ben’s Famous Wild West Show, Buckskin Ben’s Dog and Pony Show, Dreamland—Circus q. i Ebert’s Trip to the Underworld, Collier’s Old Plantation Show, Pekin-Pekiu Show Hatcher’s Motordrome, Trip to Mars, Mitchell’s Merry-Go-Kound. Saracino’s Great Concert Band has been secured for the entire time of the State Fair. Each member of this great band is a solo artist of great renown. There will be three other brass bands with the Midway. GEORGIA’S GREATEST STATE FAIR Auspices Georgia State Agricultural Society MACON, GA., - Oct. 21-31. JULIOS H OTTO, Pres. HARRY C. ROBERT, Sec. & Gen. Mgr. Miss Esta Garr returned Satur day after attending the house par ty, last week, of Miss Janie Hollis, in Forsyth. • * * Miss Ezra Morrison and David Settle spent a day last week at Miss Hollis’ party, in Forsyth. ... Misses Mae and Esta Garr spent Monday in Atlanta shopping. • • * Mr. W. T. Powers, since his family left, has jnoved into the house formerly ocoupied by Edwards’ photograph gallery. * * * Mesdames Edward and Thomas Merritt, of Jenkinsburg, were in the city Wednesday. * * * Mr- Jarvis White and family have moved back to Jackson and are being welcomed by their many friends. Mr. White is with Mr. Arenson in the mercantile busi ness. Mr. Walter Duke, of Orchard Hill, spent Sunday iujacksbn. * * * Mrs. Luther Carter, of Jenkins burg, spent Monday in Jacksou. • • • Mr. J. R. Conner, since the dis astrous fire which recently de stroyed his home, has moved into rooms at Dr. Gunter’s. * * * Mr and Mrs. Duncan Burnett, of Athens, returned to their home after a pleasant visit to the family of Mr. H. L. Daughtry. w m m Mr. Oscar Bryans, a Mexican refugee and a former Butts county citizen, visited Mr. H. L. Daugh try this week. Many friends of his are welcoming his return to Georgia until Mexico becomes peaceable again. •* * * * Mrs- W. A. Wynn and little daughter, of Harlem, spent Mon day and Tuesday visiting in the city. * * * Mrs. Geo. F. Etheridge and daughter, Jane, were visttots to the city Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Barnes, of Stark, were in Jackson Wednes day. • * • The following announcement appeared on the society page of the Atlanta Constitution recent ly. It will be of interest to the many friends of both parties to learn of their approaching mar riage. “Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daniel Garr, of Jackson announce the engagement of their daughter, Ella Mae, to Mr. Hugh Kennith Hines, of Leslie, the marriage to take place Odlober 2.” The opening days of the local millinery parlors will be Tuesday and Wednesday, August 23 and 24. • • • Miss Bertha Jungers, New York store milliner, arrived last Friday. • • • Misses Minnie and Kate Lum mus, of Cedar Rock, were in the city Wednesday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gilmore, of Iron Springs, spent Tuesday in Jackson. * * • Mrs. A- F. White, of Flovilla, and daughters, Mrs. Jno. 1). Per sons and Mrs. Julius Greer, of Monticello, were shopping in the city Wednesday. ♦ * * The Stork brought a fine baby boy to the heme of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Lyons, Saturday. • * • Mrs. Sallie Ball is visiting her daughter,, Mrs. Oscar Cole. • • • Mr. J. B. Spence, who has been quite sick recently, left Sunday for Atlanta and is now in a sani tarium. J. I. Windham, LOCAL AGENT Atlanta Georgian, Hearst Sunday American. Delivered at your home about 3 P. M. 12C. per week. The Best Hot Weather Tonic GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the blood, builds up the whole system and will won derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand the depressing effect ot the hot summer. 50c. Dr. Wm Whitehead, of Atlanta, was in the city Monday on a busi ness trtp. • * * Mr. J- W. Benson, a prominent citizen of Jenkinsburg was in the city Friday. Card of Thanks. Mrs. P. R. Watkins and chil dren desire to thank their many friends for the sympathy aud kind ness shown them in their recent bereavement at the death of their husband and father, and for the beautiful floral remembrances sent. Mrs. P- R. Watkins, Wade H. Watkins, Mrs. Lucy Jamerson, Mrs. Florence Beckham, Mrs. Alice Smith. Don’t Let Your Baby Suf fer With Eczema and Skin Eruptions. Babies need a perfect skin-cover ing. Skin eruptions cause them not only intense suffering, but hinder their growth. Dr. Hobson’s Eczema Ointment can be relied on for relief and permanent cure of suffering babies whose skin eruptions have made their life miserable. “Our baby was afflicted with breaking out of the skin all over the face and scalp. Doctors and skin specialists failed to help. We tried Dr. Hob son’s Eczema Ointment and were overjoyed to see baby completely cured before one box was used,” writes Mrs. Strubler, Dubuque, la. All druggists, or by mail 50c. Pfeiffer Ohkmicai, Cos., St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. (Ad v.) “Movies” every night. Strengthen W.ak Kid neys. Don’t suffer longer with weak kid neys. You can get prompt relief by taking Electric Bitters, that won derful remedy praised by women everywhere. Start with a bottle today, you will soon feel like anew woman with ambition to work with out fear of pain. Mr. John Dowling, ,of San Francisco, writes: •‘Grati tude for the wonderful effect of Electric Bitters prompts me to write. It cured my wife when all else failed.” Good for the liver as well. Nothing better for indigestion or biliousness. Price 50c. and SI.OO at Slaton Drug Co.--(Adv.) For Rent —Mrs. Annie Webb’s house on Dempsey Avenue. Close in. See the Argus or J. M. Finley. Safest Laxative for Wom en. Nearly every woman needs a good laxative. Dr. King’s New Life Bills are good because they are prompt, safe, and 010 not cause pain. Mrs. M.C. Dunlap, of Leadhiil, Term., writes: “Dr. King’s New Life Pills her troubles greatly.” Get a box today. Price 25c. Recommended by Slaton Drug Co.—(Adv.) See the “Movies” tonight. Card of Thanks. We desire to thank our many friends for their sympathy and kindness shown in our recent be reavement at the death of our brother aud nephew. Miss Luc ilk Elder. Dk. vv. IL Whitehead There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to he incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires const itutfoual treatment. Hall’s ('atairli Cure manufactured by F. J.Clnney&Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It, is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address: F. J. Cheney <fe Cos., Toledo, Onlo. Bold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con sttpation. Keep Your Money At Home. Insure in a Company who who loans and deposits their money in Butte County, EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. R. P. Bas>ett, Gen. Agt. CKHT AVcgelablelVeparationfirAs similailngiheFoodandßegula ling Ute Stomachs audDuweisaf Promotes DigesttonLhrerfii ness and Restlontalns neitter Opium .Morphine nor Mineral wot Narcotic. frjttfouikSMaainnm I I feSA* \ AM.SdU- I jtoutSmd* l %R32aiu,* ( MnW- I flertftn/&mr. * Aperfetl Remedy forConsflp* tlou, Sour rdnmach.DUrrhofa Woms,Co:mi!sians.FfVPrislt ness andLoss OF Sleep. facsimile Signature of Centauh CompabJ, ffiiro hfcjli'-l Exact Copy of Wrapper. *TKe - Family Friend!* * FOLEYSHONEYvTAB IW CONTAINS NO OPIATES^ =: = Ti/ For/All * '|s * ll 1 m Iyf TPUC n HOMER, GA., Mr. J. N. Hilt _ fiY I vUUvJiTiJ ■ “Vs: cheerfully testify to the —' m • , V merits of Foley’s Honey and Tar Ao* I AND H Compound, having used it in my HI y I JSp H ifamily for years and reccommeded RBA I VA JI .1 I.T ■tto my neighbors. I find it always ■ . | ■ cures our coughs and colds and l\ YXNI Fnr Children I prevents croup. I have five children I \s!l ror cmiaren I and it isall they ever tak for cold.. |H and I We would not be without Foley’s Iv. '■>' vI Honey and Tar Compound in tha |c\ _>fXjbroWn I crsons I house can not aay too much For Sale by Jackson Drug Cos., Jackson, Ga. It Always Helps says Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky., In writing of her experience with Cardui, the woman’s tonic. She says further: “Before I began .to use Cardui, my back and head would hurt so bad, I 'thought the pain would kill me. 1 was hardly able to do any of my housework. After taking three bottles of Cardui, I began to feel like anew woman. I soon gained 35 pounds, and now, I do all my housework, as well as run a big water mill. 1 wish every suffering woman would give The Woman’s Tonic a trial. I still use Cardui when I feel a little bad, and it always does me good.” Headache, backache, side ache, nervousness, tired, worn-out feelings, etc., are sure signs of woman ly trouble. Signs that you need Cardui, the woman’s tonic. You cannot make a mistake in trying Cardui for your trouble. It has been helping weak, ailing women for more than fifty years. Get a Bottle Today I J6I FOR SALE-100 ACRES Land known as the GILHORE PLACE, located i i miles northeast of Indian Spring, 2i miles southeast of Flovilla. Sixty acres are under cul tivation, fifteen acres under will, twenty-five acres in timber Five room dwelling and two two barns on place. Easy terms. Write J. A. McCrary, Decatur, Georgia. MSTORU For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature / of W f\ Jp* to Use Va For Over; Thirty Years CASTORIA THf M COMPANY. NUN VONH 3ITY.