The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, September 19, 1913, Image 3

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I Q You Can Bea Better Cook / -jSagt&iSßffttiL I* isn’t oil in the “knack.” The utensils you use go a long way toward making your M t food fine and appetizing or ill-cooked and indigestible. a It’s impossible to make the best cookery in utensils that quickly scorch or crack and a tR'JPSIB scale off, rust and corrode. And such utensils are dangerous. Authorities say that a ! • - cancer comes of eating particles of glass chipped off from ordinary enamel ware when'hot. a TEA KETTLE The heat expands the iron frame but the coating of glass—which is all enamel ware is— a _ does not expand so fast, consequently it breaks and gets mixed with the food, a * There is no such danger from food cooked in up-to-date a & “1892” Pure Spun / | ‘ “T*" ; Aluminum Ware Jff, It can not crack, peel nor chip. It will not rust, M I jl corrode, nor spoil food, and with harder use it | Mjl mpf} lasts years longer than any other ware. '/ We Guarantee It for IS Years f COFFEE POT “1892" PURE SPUN ALUMINUM is the ideal ware for all kitchen utensils — . permanently bright and beautiful as silver, but many times lighter —making ■ ** convenient to handle. Heats quickly but does not quickly burn dry. Easy j “1892” Pure Aluminum utensils have all the advantages of every other kind Desides % 4 j| j| And with all these added advantages over all other utensils “1892” Pure Spun Alumi- num Ware costs but a trifle more. 1 BERLIN sauce pan Look for the Maltese Cross on Every Piece 1 It is for your protection and benefit. Its a guarantee that you are getting the genuine * m -m m i - ja _n.<r and only original “1892” Pure Spun Aluminum. ■ : mmm Dempsey Hardware Cos. FREE while they last. MUFFIN PAN ■ Caught a Bad Cold. “Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful,” writes Mrs. Sarah E. Duncan, of Tipton, lowa. “We thought sure he was going into consumption. We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and that one bottle stopped his cough and cured his cold completely.” For sale by all deal ers.— (Adv.) ;u Homes in Forsyth and farms in flonroe county cheap and on easy terms. Write The Georgia Trad ing Cos., Forsyth, Ga. FOR SALE.—OId newspapers, 10c * a bundle. Large quantity on hand. 'Apply at TIIE ARGUS office. ft ______________________________—mm Mother of Eighteen Chil dren. “I am the mother of eighteen children and have the praise of do ing more work than any young woman in my town,” writes Mrs C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. “I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffering. I have taken three bottlesof Chamberlain’s Tablets and am now a well woman aud weigh 168 pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I want and feel better than I have at any time in ten years. I refer to anyone in Boone Mill or vicinity and they will vouch for what I say.” Chamberlain’s Tablets are for sale by all dealers.—(Adv.) THE NUT CLUB HELEN DWtVi nu'RE&NNA/ .fol / BAU-PLAtER- COMEON QUp 1 f ANY MORE PERFECTLY %<* ——.. 1 ——i • Last Witch Burning. There are countries In which the execution of women as witches is only a thing of yesterday. The last In stance of witch burning occurred as recently as 1888 in Peru, and in other parts of South America <jases contin ued to occur until well into the second half of the nineteenth century. Eng land's own last conviction for witch craft took place at Hertford in 1712, and Scotland condemned a witch ten years later, while Spain and Germany retained a judicial belief in witches and the justice of killing them until 1782 and 1796. Cholera!; Hog Cholera, Chicken Cholera, and other diseases of stock and poultry, make you lose money. Can this loss be avoided? The answer is: YES I Give Bee Des STOCK & POULTRY MEOICffi promptly, when the first symptoms appear. It acts on the liver, and gets it to working freely. A disor dered liver causes these (and most other) troubles of stock and poultry. Price 25c 50c and $1.40 per ctn. " “Bee Dee Stock A Pouter Medicine is a iphsndid cure lor liver trouble, row. Anyone sending a nketoh and deacrintjion may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention is probably patentable. Communion lions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken tnrougli Munn A Cos. receive special notice , without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientlUc Journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, $L Bold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Cos. 36,8 ' Md ">>'' New York Unmet) Office. 626 F SU WaahlDgton. D. C. Telephone Invades Jerusalem. The telephone has invaded Jerusa lem, a system having been installed that connects official points, business bouses and some residences. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. “I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks,* the merchant here, per suaded me to try a bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. After taking one dose of it I was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to,” writes M. E. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary at tack of diarrhoea can almost inva riably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers.—(Adv.) Robins Given Room in Church. In the pulpit at Colinton parish church (Midlothian) a robin’s nest was found the other day. The nest was removed to the church room near by, where the birds will be permitted to remain and rear their family. Our Membership Jumps During the Ball Season. There is more Catarrh in this sec tion of tiie country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in* curable. Science lias proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure manufactured by F.J.Cheney&Oo., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure oil tiie market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of tiie system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case It fails to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address: F. J. Cheney A Cos., Toledo, Onio. Sold by druggists, 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. Huge Map Is Being Made. The International map of the wtftdd, on a scale of 1 to 1,000,000, will, when completed, eight or ten years henoe, cover a total area of about 150 by 75 feet, qr the surface of a globe 40 feet In diameter. Despondency is often cansed by indigestion and constipation, and quickly disappears when Chamberlain's Tablets are taken. For sale by all Adv. Paths for All Climbers. There is one best path to the moun tain crest, yet there are other paths nearly as good. Let Youth be assured that the steeps of success have as many paths as there are stout hearted climbers. BROOKLYN HAS STAR PLAYER Daubert Besides Being of Leading First Basemen is Also Quica Handy With Stick. John Daubert of the Brooklyn team, who led the National league first base men in fielding last season, was born In Llewellyn, Pa. May 14, 1886. He began as a professional In 1907 with the Kent team of the Interstate league. After two months of pastlming the Interstate blew and Daubert joined the Marion O. and P. league team. The following season Jake was drafted by Cleveland and turned over to Nash ville, only to be recalled by the Naps a short time later and sold to Toledo, which In turn sold him to Memphis. “Jake” Oaubert. After this speedy shifting on the base ball map Jake was allowed to settle down fn Memphis, where he played in 1009. His work looked good to the Brooklyn management, which pur chased his release. Jake became the Dodgers' first baseman In 1910 and has held the job ever since. Besides his clever fielding Daubert is quite a slug ger, his batting avorage showing .307 for 1911 and .308 for 1912. Comlskey Is Pleased. “It Ib a great compliment to Chicago to have three big leagues furnishing tbo fans with baseball,” said President Comlskey of the White Sox, after hav ing watched the Federal leaguers In action. "I am flattered when I think I picked out a business that appeals to so many people,” added the Old Roman. Don’t Let Your Baby Suf fer With Eczema and Skin Eruptions. Babies need a perfect skin-cover ing. Bkln eruptions cause them not only Intel se suffering, but binder theirgrowth. I)r. Hobson’s Eczema, Ointment can be relied on for relief and permanent cure of suffering babies whose skin eruptions have made their life miserable. "Our baby was afflicted with breaking out of the skin all over the face and scalp. Doctors and skin specialists failed to belt*. We tried Dr. Hob son’s Eczema Ointment and were overjoyed to see baby completely cured before one box was used,” writes Mrs. Strubler. Dubuque, fa. All druggists, or by mail 50c. I’l KII KF.K CHKMI( Al/*< St. Louis, Mo. Philadelphia, Pa. (Adv.) PROFESSIONAL NOTICES. Jl. GUNTER, Pin&ician & Surgeon. Office over Jackson Drug Cos. Office Phone §2. Residence Phone 9. JACKSON, - GEORGIA. W. E. WATKINS, Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Office in Bauk Hall, west side of Square. All business carefully and promptly attended to. Am prepared to negotiate loans on real estate. Terms easy. DR. O. LEE CHESNUTI Dentist. Office in New Commercial Building back of Farmers Bank. Phone, r esidence No,, 7. Office Phone 122 C. L. REDMAN. Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Office in Carter-Warthen Bldg. THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA. S. B, Kinard, Gen. Agents J. Matt McMichael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. "■SMMMMSSMMMMMSMSMMMMMMMMHmMSSMMMr DR. J, E. WOODS, Physician & Surgeon. Office Upstairs Hark ness Building. Jffice Phone 1119. Residence Phone 163. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Safest Laxative for Wom en. Nearly every woman needs a good laxative. Dr. Kind's New Life Fills are (food because they are prompt, safe, and do not cause pain. Mrs. M.C. Dunlap, of Leadhill, Tenn., writes: “Dr. Kind’s New Life Pills her troubles greatly." Get a box today. Price 26c. Recommended by Slaton Drug Cos. — (Adv.) J. ff. Windham, LOCAL AGENT Atlanta Georgian, Hearst Sunday American! Delivered at your home about 3 P. M. i2c. per week. Farms ranging in size from 20 acres up, and in price from $6.50 up. The Georgia Trading Cos., For syth, Ga. By F. R. MORGAN (Copyright, IfclJ, Wultrn Nvwapapar Union.)