The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, September 19, 1913, Image 7

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To the Public. * We beg to advise that we now carry a full and complete line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats and Notions, And that we are in position to save you money or all winter goods. We will take great pleasure in showing and pricing anything in our store. All we ask of you is that you make a careful comparison of the quality and prices and we are sure that you will agree with us that we can and will save you money on every purchase. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY IF YOU WILL GALL ON US Before Buying Your FLOUR. i , Tobacco At 25 Gents Pound. R. A. FRANKLIN&e©.. Inc. The Store Where A Dollar Does It’s Duty. Closing Out Sale. \ $7 50 Rimless Eye Glasses for $5.00. $3.50 Gold Filled Spectacles for $3.50. 50c. Spectacles for 35c. 35c. Spectacles for 20c. fives tested free. Office hours 9to 3 o’clock daily. Dr. J. W. CRUM. Optician. Automobiles and Machinery Repaired. Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Wiring. Gasoline Engines and Bicycles repaired. Machinery erected. Scrap Iron, Brass, Copper and Lead wanted. ’Phone 127 Jos. L. Wagner & Son, Jackson, Ga. WHENEVER YOU HEED • * SENEHAL TONIC - TAKE GROVE’S The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is Equally Valuable as a General Tonic because it Acts i the Liver, Drives Out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. For Grown People and Children. „ , voa are taking when you take Grove’s Taatelea* chill Tonic Y< The formula is printed on every label showing that it contains the well known th of QUININE and IRON. It is as strong as the strongest bitter on “ !„ Tasteless Form. It has no equal for Malaria, Chills and Fever, genial debility and loss of appetite. Gives life and vigor to Nursing Weakness, g . j Children. Removes Btlionsness without purging. Mother, mid Paie S ckly AroMe , the liveT to .dion and Trne Tonic and Sure Appetizer. A Complete Strengthener. _ ■■■ ■ _■ ■■ •What Shall I Have For Dinner? This is a question which perplexes many housekeepers every day. It is no I“ •4. th Qgewbo haue formed the habit of colling on us for longer a p hone u 8 „ and we will make suggeetions which will - UP*' the things you wanted, but could uoi think of. Our meats are always fresh and fine. \ McHICHAEL & DODSON, - Jack.on, Oa. PRIZES TO BE AWARDED IN CORN CLUB CONTEST CASH. Ist prize, upland $20.00 2nd prize, upland 15.00 3rd prize, upland 10.00 PRIZES IN PRODUCE, ETC. 4th prize, upland, heifer £alf 10.00 sth prize, upland, Berk shire plg__ 10.00 6th prize, upland, Poland China pig 10.00 7th prize, upland, culti vator 7.50 Bth prize, upland, plow stock 5.00 9th prize, upland, cultiva tor 5 00 10th prize, upland, pig, S. K. Smith - 5.00 11th prize, upland, horse collars 5.00 12th prize, upland, Stet son hat - 5.00 13th prize, upland, pair shoes 5.00 14th prize, upland, bug gy robe 5.00 15th prize, upland, pair shoes 5.00 16th prize, upland, five years sub. to Argus 5.00 17th prize, upland, five years sub. to Progress . 5.00 18th prize, upland, rocker 4.00 19th prize, upland, pair I trousers 4.00 20th prize, upland, pair trousers 4.00 21st prize, upland, pair cuff buttons 2.50 22nd prize, upland, 25 poundsstock powders. 2.25 23rd prize, upland, band saw 2.00 24th prize, upland. J. R. Hammond, seed corn . 2.00 25th prize, upland, J. R. Conner, goat 2.00 Ist prize, bottom land 20.00 2nd prize, bottom land 15.00 3rd prize, bottom land 10.00 4tb prize, bottom land one-half ton guano 10.00 Best Essay 5.00 Best profit. 5.00 SPECIALS Most prolific stalk, 50 lbs flour 1.50 Best 10 ears upland, one bushel seed corn 1.50 Best 10 ears, bottom land customer 1.50 2nd best ten ears, upland 1.00 2nd best ten ears, bottom land, pooket knife„ 1.00 2nd most prolific stalk, R I R rooster 1.00 2nd best essay, soda chks 1.00 Heaviest ear corn, cotton seed meal 1.00 2nd lowest production, 1 bushel oats - 75 Rules for the government of the Butts County Boys Corn Club shall be the same as those for the state, with the following additional rules: Each contestant shall compensate the committee appointed to meas ure his acre and yield; said com pensation not to exceed $2.00 per day for each committeeman, and said committeeman to be composed of two disinterested parties audone contestant. No contestant shall be appointed to aid in the measurement of his own acre and yield. Each contestant shall notify the County School Superintendent of his intention to contest for a county prizef not later than Sept. 15tb. C. S. Maddox, J. Matt McMichael, S. H. Mats, J. D. Jones, Committee. CASTOR IA Per Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought FOR SALE. 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats, all makes, brand new machines, on easy monthly pay ment plan. Get our proposition before buying or you will regret it. Also bargains in used motor cycles. Write us today. Enclose stamp for reply. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton, N. J. All Blood Disorders Quickly Driven Away Atfoahhiag Results With the Greatest Bind Purifier Ever Discovered. Strength, Power, Accomplishment are all Typified In S. S. S. Rome Mood disorders become deeply rooted in tho glands and tissues, and the mistake is made of resorting to drastic drugs. These only aggravate by causing other and worse troubles. A host of peo ple know this to he true. They know from painful experience. To got right down Into where the blood !s vitiated requires 8. 8. 8. tho greatest blood purifier ever discovered. This remarkable remedy contains one Ingredient, tho active purpose of which Is to stimulate the tissues to the healthy selection of Its own essential nutriment and tho medicinal elements of this match less blood purifier are Just os essential to well balanced health os the nutritious elements of tha meats, grains, luts and sugars of oar dally food. Not only this, but If from the presence of some disturbing poison there Is a local or general Interference of nutrltloa to cause bolls, carbuncles, abac ass as and kindred troubles, 8. 8. 8. so directs the local cells that this poison Is re tee ted and Jackson, Ga., August 28th, 1913. MR. A. W. JACKSON, State Agent VOLUNTEER STATE LIFE INSURANCE C 0„ ATLANTA. GA. Dear Sir: 1 want to thank your Company, you and Mr. J. W. Caiter, your local representative, for the prompt way you settled claims under Policy No. 22346 on my late husband, Ezra Williamson. Mr. Carter handed me the Company’s check just five days after forwardiug my claim. Mr. Williamson had been insured only a short while, about six months, when the sad end came. This insurance will be a great help to the little ones and myself. Again thanking you kindly, and with best wishes, I am Very truly, Mrs. Essie Williamson. Neat Printing eliminated from their presence. Then, too, 8. 8. 8. has such speclfld stimulation on these local cells as to pra servo their mutual welfare and a propel) relative assistance to each other. In a very brief time 8. 8. 8. has the reconstructive process so under control) that remarkable changes are obseved. All eruptive places heal, mysterious pains and aches have dlsapi>eared, and from head to foot there is a conscious sensation of re newed health. From tho fact that 8. 8. 8. Is purely a botanical preparation. It Is accepted by tbe weakest stomach and has great tonla Influence. Not one drop of drugs or minerals Is nssd In Its preparation. Ask for 8. 8. 8. and insist upon having It* And If yon desire skillful advloe upon any. matter oonoemlng the blood and sklit write to The Swift Specific Cos., 106 Swift Bldg, Atlanta, Go. Do not allow some zealous clerk to larrup the atmosphere In eloquence over something "Just as good'* as 8. 8. 8, Beware of all counterfeits.