The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, September 19, 1913, Image 8

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Save SB.OO Aft a apecial inducement during our dem etrfttion week only, with every MAJEHI JC RANGE sold (prices always the same) we will K ivt * FREE DDE HANDSOME SET OF WARE IS IIUISTRATEO HERE. Every piece of thift ware is the best of its kind. Nat a piece t hat is not needed in every kitchen. It cannot possibly he tonight for less than $S 00. This ware is on •xbiWtion at our store. DON I FAIL IO SEE IT. SPECIAL. All daring this week a special demon atrator direct from the MAJESTIC FAC TORt will b arliicl to allow you “ALL ABOIT RANGES”—SHOW YOU why •he MAJESTIC is the best range on earth t any priee. Come If You Intend to Buy or Not EDUCATION lies in KNOWING things— KNOW wiry the oven of a range in bested KNOW how the water is heated—HOW the top ia beated-WHY the M A JES IIC uses so little fuel-KNOW HOW a range is made inside and outside. This edneation may serve you in the firtnre. DON’T OVERLOOK a chance to KNOW THINGS iliown by me who knows. COME. DON’T OVERLOOK THE DATE. THIS IS A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU, YOUR FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS. Newton-earmichael Hardware OJo., PHONE NO 18 “THE HARDWARE STORE” JACKSON, GEORGIA. IN THE SOCIAL SWIM Happenings of the Social World j* Those Coming and Going the Past Week Gordon Bame, of Cochran, vw&s>K bomeiolka. • • • Miaa %'crta Mae Moore will leave Saturday for Milan, where she will reach sonsic • • • Br. and Mrs. Ouigg Fletcher, of Chattanooga, are in the city this wreck sisicias relatives. • * • S. B. Black, of Atlanta, is wisiting the family of her son, Mr. C- vr. Black, of Bibb. SJr- K. N. lJheridjf* spent Wed nesday By nm, ob a visit to bis taller. • • • Mm Dr. W. J. Satitb, of Juliette, S the gutst oi Mrs. J. B. Guthrie. • • • Miss Estelle Tborton and Mrs. RP. Moon visited tbe millinery aud dress roods openings in Atlan ta Tuesday asd Wednesday. • • • Mrs. I.wtber Hoard, of Indian Syring, was in tbe city Wednes- A-y. Mr. I_ B. Ha vie, of Atlanta, was wateH&g with friends in Jackson Sunday. • • • Mr. 1L K. Edwards has been sick ibis weak a • • Mrs. Mary Heflin is on a visit to Sparta. • * • Miss Florrie Woodward has xhwedher school at Pine Grove, aud is now at home again. • • • Mcs- All Fincher, of Worthville: wasta the city Tuesday. Special Demonstration HMD STILE ON ======== GREAT MAJESTIC RANGES on onlv ek September 22nd through September 27th. on o N 'l eek Mr. Harry Butner spent a few hours in the city Wednesday. * * * Mrs. A- F. Taylor was in the city Tuesday. a • • Mrs. Ida Hendricks returned Monday, after a visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. Wartheu, in Macon. • • • Miss Nelle Hendricks left Friday for Wesleyan College, in Macon. • • • Misses Florence and Felicia Morrison left Monday to teach in the public schools at Jenkinsburg. • a a Mrs. R. E. Carmichael returned Monday, after a two weeks' visit to her daughter, Mrs. Lestes, of Macon. • • • Mrs. J. M. Mlddlebrooks and daughter, Ruth, of Jenkinsburg, were in the city Tuesday. William McClure’s many friends are glad to learn that he is improv ing from a spell ot typhoid fever. • • • Mr. Jno. Kelley, of I.awrence ville, spent Tuesday as the guest of Prof. W. P. Martin. * • * Mrs. J. W. McCord returned Wednesday, after a pleasant visit to tbe family of her son, Mr. C. R. McCord, of Macon. Don’t ask us to give you the $S 00 worth of ware with a Majes tic Range after our demonstration week, as that special offer applied to that week only—September J 2nd. Newton-Carmichnel Hardware Cos., Jackson, Ga. SET OF WARE FREE. r MMESTIC : ftANGES T ARE-MADE-IN r AIL-SIZES-MiB < STYIIE?i (Juite a surprise to many friends was the wedding Thursday of Miss Lillian Carter and Mr- W. W. Duke, of Orchard Hill. The wed ding was quietly performed. l The local chapter of the Daugh ters of the American Revolution will have charge of the moving pi<s\ure show, Saturday, Sept. 26, afternoon and evening shows. An interesting program of music has been arranged in addition to three good reels of pictures. Music will Le rendered by Misses Ruth Turner and Annie G- Thompson, of Mc- Donough. Mr. W. Otis Ham will render a vocal solo. There will be seleiftions from a male quartette, | composed of Messrs. J. P. Ether lidge, R.P. Sassnett, W- O- Ham and A. F- Whitney; accompanist, Mrs- Lamar Etheridge. The pub lic is invited to attend the show and help make it a success. SB.OO worth of ware will be given away free with every Majes tic Range sold at our demonstration one week only —September 22ud. Newton-Carmicbael IlardwareCo., Jackson, Ga. Polk Was First “Dark Horse.” The first man In a national conven tion to be spoken of as a “dark horse” was James K. Polk, who was nominat ed for president at the Democratic na tional convention of 1844. His oppo nents In the convention were Martin Van Buren and Lewis Cass. Dodging Promotion. There is a chatingdish period for every college girl; but when the time comes for the promotion to the higher position hard by a grand square cook ing-stove, most of the graduates pre fer to toot the alarm-whistle on a lim ousine. Family Trees Defined. While the family tree of the ele phant runs mostly to trunk, that of the chorus girl does nothing of the ■ sort CAN CONTROL HIS DELIVERY Detroit Flingsr Can Serve Curve* Feet and Slow Bette With Three Distinct Motions. Jean Dubuc of the Detroit Tigers attribute* hia aooceaa as an American League pitcher to the fact that he can deliver his curves, hia slow ball and his fast ball with three different mo tions, and have control of the ball by his motion. "Years ago, when I was pitching with Notre Dame college, I learned that speed without control was value less. I always had pretty fair control of my delivery, but with the acquired knowledge I began perfecting different deliveries and control of the ball in each,” says Jean. “It took years of patient effort to acquire the delivery I now have, but I believe It is one of the least trying on the arm and shoulder muscles, for the reason that 1 put the weight of my body behind the pitches and do not depend on the strength of my arm to send up a fast ball. “I worked with my slow ball for three months before I could get a curve to It, and after that It took me three years to perfect the delivery.” Dubuc declares that his delivery would be an ideal one for a left-hand er, Inasmuch as bitting such a ball from a left-handed pitcher would be much herder. The bell would come up to the batter on an entirely new angle, and Jean Insists that the beat batters in the major leagues would be putsled. Various persons have been given credit for developing Du hue. and among those honored Is Hugh Jen nings. Hughey, however, declares that Dubuc alone la responsible. “Jean Is one of those players who never wastes a moment,” says Jen nings. ‘‘When he Is on the bench and an other man Is pitching, the frenchman la always figuring what he would throw the batter. What la more valu able, he makes his comments aloud, and the young pitchers on the club can gain valuable hints by listening to the sensation of 1912.” To Make Vegetarians of Kin. In Leghorn, Italy, a wealthy Hebrew of the name of Modigliani has be queathed a large estate to be used to provide a vegetarian diet for his chil dren. with the object of accustoming them to abstain front meat. lam in the market for COTTON SEED. Highest market price paid and best exchanges given for hulls and meal. The famous “BUCKEYE” meal for sale. J. W. CARTER. Office and scales only recently moved below the Argus printing office. Best Blacksmithing and Repair Work Is what you want when you need any thing in this line. If you want QUALITY blacksmithing, think of Thurston and Harper. Best work quickly done at the lowest prices. Bring us your work, today. Shop next to county jail. WE SELL THE prOT Meats Dlu! Plate Ice. We have experienced meat cutters and are sure we can please you. Prompt Delivery. Conner and Crawford, PHONES 135 AND 136. Corn OK Sorts. Ottisr Remedies Won’t Cor* The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. , Porter’s Antiseptic Healing OiL It relieves Pam and Hcais at the same time. 26c, SI.OO. Which Shall It Be? Do you intend to continue laboring, burn ing valuable fuel and destroying high priced food witii that old worn-out cook stove? You KNOW that old stove eats up a lot of fuel each year, You KNOW you have trouble in getting it to bake just right, in fact, spoil a batch of bread every once in a while. You know it costs considerably for yearly repairs. Stop and think and figure. Wouldn’t it puy you to buy a good range— a range with a reputation— THE GREAT MAJESTIC MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON RANGE? You make no mistake in buying the great Majestic - it’s the range witii the repu tation. Ask your neighbors. Then, too, it’s made just right and of the right kind of material— malleable and charcoal iron— rivited together piactically air tight—lined witii a pure asbestos board— parts being malleable can’t break—lias a movable reservoir and an oven that don’t warp. That’s why the MAJESTIC uses so little fuel, bakes just, right every day in the year (browns bread just right all over without turning), heats 12 gallons of water while breakfast is cooking, properly hand led lasts a lifet me, and costs practically nothing for repairs. Don't buy the range yon expect to last a lifetime “nnsight unseenyou’ll be sure to be disappointed. Come to our store during demonstration we*>k, see the great Majestic—have its many features ex* plained, find out why the MAJESTIC is 300 per cent, stronger than other ranges where most ranges are weakest. Keep Your Money At Home. losure in a Company who who loans and deposits their money in Butts County, EMPIRE LIFE INSURANCE CO. R. P. Sasnett, Gen. Agt. For Sale or Rent, five room house With elecftric lights, water and sewerage. Terms suit purchaser. See J. A. Kimball. FOR SALE.—OId newspapers, lOe a bundle. Large quantity on hand. Apply at THE ARGUS office. t