The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, September 26, 1913, Image 7

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£ w® W ' n i r <o®* jHH WR W ' * ’*Y ' • I TEA KETTLE SAUCE PAN COFFEEPOT i B®y&c vjLi:.. j|ij^^^n^Hpi BERLIN SAUCE PAN MUFFIN PAN Mysteries of Rheumatism , Practically Solved : Action in ihe Tissues of a Remarkable Antidote S. S. S. is a Regular Wizard in Driving Ont Rheumatism. Rheumatism Is often the effect of some other blood affliction that has left Its im press in v the joints, muscles and mucous coverings of the body. It works Into the tissuelcells, those tiny, little bodies In which goes on. And it Is here that a most remarkable medicine known as S. S. S. does its most active and most effective work. Its action 13 marvelous. Bedridden rheumatics get on their feet as if by magic. That cold, clammy sensation that made you hug a red hot stove is gone in a twinkling. That excruciating pain that made a feather lay as heavy as a ton of coal on the skin is gone. You got up and dance with glee. Your rheumatism is gone—absolutely! It is an actual logical fact, that Swift’s Sure Specific flushes your blood, gives your entire blood circulation a fine thorough bath. It just naturally and in a twinkling irrigates every atom in your Jackson, Ga., August 28th, 1913. MR A. W. JACKSON, State Agent j, VOLUNTEER STATE LIFE INSURANCE CO., * ATLANTA. GA. Dear Sir: , T , I want to thank your Company, you and Mr. J. W. Ca.ter, your loeriPrepresentative, for the prompt way you settled claims under Policy No. 22346 0H my late husband, Ezra Williamson. Mr. Carter handed me the Company’s check just five days after forwarding my L Clai “jr. Williamson had been insured only a short while, about six I months when the sad end came. I This insurance will be a great help to the little ones and myself. * „ain thanking you kiudly, and with best wishes, I am I * Very truly, I Mrs. Essie Williamson. Everybody’s Doing It! BUT KISER & feAMSEY | A n d tbev are satisfying every customer with their high-class f Dry and Steam Cleaning and Pressing. all kinds OPWssing, cleaning, altering quickly turned out at reason- Ladies’ Suits a specalty. Patronage appreciated. ’ Kiser & Ramsey Pressing Club. L w Vetr'l Experience. “* ' “ ) You Can Bea Better Cook / k It isn’t all in the “knack.” The utensils you use go a long way toward making your m gft food fine and appetizing or ill-cooked and indigestible. m It’s impossible to make the best cookery in utensils that quickly scorch or crack and m li scale off, rust and corrode. And such utensils are dangerous. Authorities say that # w cancer comes of eating particles of glass chipped off from ordinary enamel ware when hot. m The heat expands the iron frame but the coating of glass—which is all enamel ware is— m f _ does not expand so fast, consequently it breaks and gets mixed with the food. M £ .There is no such danger from food cooked in up-to-date m M “1892” Pure Spun /f Aluminum Ware It can not crack, peel nor chip. It will ?iot rust, corrode, nor spoil food, and with harder use it lasts years longer than any other ware. We Guarantee It for IS Years “1892" PURE SPUN ALUMINUM is the ideal ware for all kitchen utensils — M permanently bright and beautiful as silver, but many times lighter —making ■ it convenient to handle. Heats quickly but does not quickly bum dry. Easy ■ to clean and care for. tt “1892” Pure Aluminum utensils have all the advantages of every other kind Desides b several that are exclusive. b And with all these added advantages over all other utensils “1892” Pure Spun Alumi- b num Ware costs but a trifle more. ■ Look for the Maltese Cross on Every Piece 1 It is for your protection and benefit. Its a guarantee that you are getting the genuine a I and only original “1892” Pure Spun Aluminum. ■ A j FOR SALE BY Call and get a Pore 1 U __ Aluminum Souvenir a S Dempsey Hardware Cos. m*i*. l body. It rushes Into every cell, causes every bone, muscle, ligament, tendon, mucous surface and every nerve to thrill with freedom, with health, with new found springiness. And best of all, S. S. S. though a pow erful searching, overwhelming enemy to pain and the causes of rheumatism is as pure as the dew on a peach blossom, as powerful as the heroic works of nature, as searching as the peremptory demand of the most exact science. Ask for and Insist upon getting S. S. S. the world’s cure for rheumatism. For private, personal advice on stub born chronic rheumatism write at once to the Swift Specific Cos., 203 Swift Build ing, Atlanta, Ga. Their medical depart ment is famous on all blood diseases, and is equipped to make personal blood tests, approved by the highest medical authori ties. Get a bottle of S. S. S. today. Then .away goes rheumatism for all time. SULPHUR AND IRON REMEDY Neither Will Do Any Harm When Given In Correct Amount* —Let- ter Acte a* Blood Tonic. Responding to a letter asking whether the feeding of eulpbur and sulphate of iron with salt would hurt sheep and how much of each it is safe to feed. Dr. B. W. Hollis of the Oregon Agricu’ ural college says: Neither of these, when fed in cor rect amounts, will do any harm, and may do some good in certain diseases. This is especially true of the Iron which may act ae a vermifuge in some Instances. Iron is also a general blood tood and tonic. I would recommend that you do not give more than about 20 grains daily of the sulphate of iron, and not over half an ounce daily of the sulphur to each animal. Hearty Eaters. All cows that are hearty eaters are not profitable producers, but all pro fitable producers are usually hearty eater' Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain onr opinion free whether an Intention Is probably patentable. Communica tions slrlellycoiißdentliil. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing paten's. Patents taken through Munn k Cos. receive tpreial notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely llluatrntad w*kly. cir culation of any aclenUOo JonrnaJ. Term*. $3 a year: four month#, L ScAd by all nawadcAlera. MUNN & CoNew York Branch Offioe, m T Bt„ Washington. D. C. A nsou Of History. A newly rich woman, who wm anx ious to make a favorable impression In her neighborhood, decided to ahow her collection of antiques to the bish op when he called. The time came, and on by one rite displayed the whole collection, giving him the bis tory of each piece. ‘There," she aald, pointing Impressively to an old yellow teapot. “tMt teapot was used In the Boston tea party." If you intend to have a wale get our prices Sale Bills PRINTED M" We are fixed for turning H out work of this kind g in double-quick time. I 1 There ie more Catarrh In this Rec tiou of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local diseate and prescribed local remedies, aim by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it ii curable. Science has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dtsesse, ami therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure maimfacftired by F. J.Cheney <feCo., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional cure on the market. It is taken Internally In doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly on the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. They ofTerone hundred dollars for any case it falls to cure. Send for circulars and tes timonials. Address: F. J. Chunky & Cos., Toledo, Onto. Sold bv tlrngirista. 75c. Take Hall’s Family Pills for con stipation. Having Too Many Things. Many nervous. Irritable, dissatisfied, unhappy women would become calm and contented If they would store, give or throw away half of their be longings. Some have abandoned ele gant residences and taken their fami lies Into hotels or boarding houses who could have continued to keep up their homes If, Instead of giving up the houses themselves, they had done away with the superfluous furnishings. OUR ADVERTISING COLUMNS Tf arc read by the people TT because it gives them news of absorbing in terest People no longer go looking about for things they want —they go to their newspaper for information as to where such things may be found. This method saves time and trouble. If you want to bring your wares to the atten tion of this community, our advertising columns Should Contain Your Ad □□□□□□□ INFLUENZA IS NOT 1 HARMLESS DISEASE Real Old Grip May Have Many Dangerous Complications Says Georgia State Board of Health. Atlanta, Ga. —When Influenza, commonly called La Grippe or just plain old "grip,” went around the world In 1889-90, many were Inclined to look upon it as a harmless kind of fashionable disease, a viewpoint that wag speedily changed to those ooa lities where hospK&ls became charnel houses, though this reputation clung to it more or less strenuously tor some years. But its dangerous qualities have long since become well known as a result of the numerous and serious complications which may attend It; in fact, there Is scarcely any organ of the body which Is immune from the effects of it. And although It now ap pears in milder form in the sporadic or epidemic cases than In the pande mic invasion which went around the world, it is particularly severe and dangerous, says the Georgia State Board of Health, for old persons, and for persons who are debilitated or weak, persons given to alchollc li quors, those who are too fat and those suffering from heart and lung troubles. Influenza is an acute infectious dise ase caused by what is known as the bacillus of Pfeiffer, after the name of its discoverer in 1892. It may be communicated either by association with persons affected or through in halations in sections where it is or has been prevalent. It has been known to be contracted at sea where there was no existing case, lending color to the belief that the germ travels through the air. It occurs either in isolated cases, In epidemics or pan demics. Travels Around the World. During the last century there were four periods during which practically every country in the world suffered from the unusual prevalence of this disease. The last pandemic occurred in 1889-91. It started in Hussia and soon spread to Germany and Bug land. Later It appeared In New York and rapidly spread over North Ameri ca. Soon practically the entire civi lized world was affected. Since that time Influenza has been constantly present in the United States, but in milder form. influenza is odg of the medical "goats,” and not infrequently the in cipient stages of tuberculosis, malaria, ulcerated endocarditis and typhoid fe ver are mistaken for It. Grip may develop very suddenly, as a rule in one to seven days. The germs, gaining entrance to the res piratory tract, multiply very rapidly. All ages are suscepitble to the dise ase, though infants under one year old are seldom attacked. The great est prevalence of the disease is dur ing the winter and sprlng;u deficiency of sunlight seems favorable to the growth of the germs. One attack does not confer immunity but seems to predispose U> others, though subse quent attacks are not usually as se vere. The danger lies not so much In the disease itself us in the complica tions which it may Induce. Frequent ly it predisposes one to an attack of tuberculosis; It may set In action tubercular garms which have been ly ing dormant. A frequent accompani ment of Influenza Is Influenza-pneu monia, differing from ordinary pneu monia In that it rarely terminates In a crisis, usually dragging on for weeks. Other complications are con gestion of the kidneys and other or gans, diseases of the heart, and blood vessels, diseases of the ear and a.- lections of the nervous system. Symptoms of Influenza. Grip may come on very suddenly, noticed first In chilly sensations lo'l lowed by a fever which may roach 305 degrees, lona of appetite, head ache, pain in the limbs and then a senne of utter wretchedness. Lassi tude, a cough, liiHoinnla and a Hush ing of parts of the face as In scurla tina, may accompany it. The patient feeis ana seems desperately 111. bron chitis frequently develops accompan ied by pains in the chest, and may be followed by pneumonia, 'i he pa tient becomes profoundly depressed, the heart action may he feeble, the skin leiaxed and clammy, hut and dry. Pneumonia and heart lallure are the most frequent cause* of death following an attack of influenza. Meningitis, a particularly danger ous complication, may also be caused by the Influenza bacillus. Nervous forms oi the disease are quite com mon, varying all the way from simple restlessness to paralysis and insan ity. Of 29,01X1 cases analyzed by Lee, 7,ooo.were of a nervous type. Influenza being highly contagious, It is of great Importance that poisons suffering from it should be isolated, and all precautions taken to prevent its spread. The patient should have separate dishes which should be washed in boiling water each time they are used. All finen and body clothing used by the patient should be thoroughly boiled or soaked in a flive per cent. solution of carbolic add before being sent to the laundry As to treatment the most important thing to empasize Is that the patient should be treated by a competent physician. Even in the milder cases the patient should go to bed, as rest is the best possible treatment for the disease There is no specific remedy for Influenza. Many drugs have been used often with good ef fect; at other times with varying de grees of success but these should always be administered under the direction of a careful physician. Warm baths are considered helpful, and as a general rule severe caution is given against the use of alcoholic stimulants. In the case of complica tions arising from influenza, such diseases should be treated in accord ance with usual methods and always tinder the direction of a competent physician. flhafsAnff fb A good profit can be ip m made, out of a small flock a of chickens, by giving care- ful attention to their feed, = • ant' by giving them, every * # day tonic doses of V . Bee Dee STOCK & POULTRY MEDICINE I This will increase egg rib production, help make win- A ter layers ; put broilers and Z roasters in prime condi- V tion, during season of V highest prices, and prevent V or core, disease. Try it r m • h-whtcm. p Are You a Woman ? m Cardui The Woman’s Tonic FOR SALE AT ALL DRU66ISTS F If You Want YOU can get them by ad vertising in this paper. It reaches the best class of people in this community. Use this paper if you want some of their business. - > R E S U L T S Use This Paper The Best Hot Weather Tonic GROVR’H TASTELESS chill TONIC enriches the blood, builds up Ihe whole system and will won derfully strengthen and fortify you to withstand the depressing effect of the hot summer. SOc. An Icelesa Refrigerator. What might be termed an lcelesn refrigerator has been invented by an Oregon man, a doublq-walled chest, between the walls of which Is packed salt to protect Its contents from sur-y rounding warm air. j To Prevent Blood Poisoning apply at once the wonderful old reliable f PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL,* gical dressing that relieves pain and heg the same time. Not a liniment. 2Sc. SOc; Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. “I was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, Ihe merchant here, per suaded me to try n bottle of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy. After taking one doae of It I was cured. It also cured others that. I gave it lo,” writes M. K. tiebhart. Oriole, Pa. ‘That la not at, all ti it usual. An ordinary at tack of diarrhoea can almost Inva riably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealer*.—(Ad v.) Seeks to Reserve Land for Cattla. Germany dlacouragea the cutting of peat, as the government desires to convert the moors and bogs into arable lands through proper drainage. This action is taken because of tha scarcity of cattle and meat. < • Despondency ‘ la often cansed by indigestion and constipation, and quick!;, disappears when Chamberlain’s Tablets are taken. For sale by all dealers.— Adv. Scholars as Chtfs and Walters. Boys just out of school are trained by the London county council to be come cbefa and waiters. Not long ago a luncheon to one hundred visitors was cooked and served by the boys who are being bo trained.