The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, October 03, 1913, Image 3

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IN THE SOCIAL SWIM HFipenings of the Social World i > Those Coming and Going the Past Week Wr* J. H. Haskins visited in Atlanta Saturday. . . ••• Mr. R. S. Brown was with Jack son friends this week. • • • Mr. Tronp Smith, of Flovilla, was a welcome visiter to the city this week. • • • Miss Julia Johnson, of Macon, is the attractive guest of Mrs. F. S. Etheridge. • a • Mr. Bradley Slaughter, of At lanta, was the guest of Mr. I- J. Slaughter’s family Sunday. • • • Mrs. Dillard Sams and Mrs. Hurst, of Texas, were the guests of Mss. T. S. Edwards this week. • • • Mrs. H. A. Butner, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. C- A. Butner t t I Mrs- E. J- Williams aud James arrived Sunday from Plattsburg, •N. Y. Capt. Williams is expect ed this week, and they will be the guests of relatives here and in South Georgia until December-; when they will sail 'for the Pliilip i nes'l * * * Mr. J. A- Dodson, of Stark, was a visitor to the city this week. • * • Miss Ruth Miller.has returned to Atlanta, after a visit to her brother Mr; H. J. Miller. * * * Mrs. Sasnett Crum, of Wilming ton, N. C., is the guest of Mrs. J . W. Crum. * * * Miss Ruth Willis was hostess at a pretty party Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Ruth Miller, of Atlanta. Rook was played at three tables. Miss Helen Car michael won first prize, a beautiful piece of lingerie. A salad course was served. For Sale or Rent, five room house With electric lights, water and sewerage. Terms to suit purchaser. See J. A. Kimball. “Movies” every night. Greatest Prospects in the World for Greater GEORGIA Every farmer iu the State of Georgia should take a well earned vacation after the work on the tarra has been finished. No better place to take this vacation than on the grounds of the State Fair at Macon. Not only will your vacation boa pleasure, but it will be a season of learning for the entire family. Tho children will see much that will be of interest to them? The good wife will learn many things that will benefit her at home. MAKE YOUR PLANS TO COHE. *99. • $15,000.00 In Cash Premiums. $5,000 in Cash Premiums for Agriculture. SI,OOO Cash Premium for Swine ‘Joj-SOO in Cash Purses for 6 days’ racing. $1,750 Premiums for Cattle, si 300 Cash Premiums for Poultry. $ 125 Cash Premiums for Sheep. sl|ooo Cash Premiums, Horses and Mules. $ 700 Premiums, Boys’ Corn Clubs. sl|ooo Special Corn Premiums. , $ 275 Premiums, Girls’Canning Clubs. Remember the Dates 10 Biff Days - October 21st to 31st. Among the special features in the amusement line are the Singing of 4,000 Georgia Singers on Saturday, Oct, 25 The Replica of the great Panama Canal, showing the ships entering and leaving this great Canal—all in motion. The Midway will be one blaze of glory, for there will be an array of the best shows that could possibly be brought together on an occasion like this. Hanafourd’s shadow of the Cross, Mazeppa, the great Educated Horse, Sorcho’s Great Deep Sea Divers, Buckskin Ben’s Famous Wild West Show, Buckskin Ben’s Dog and Pony Show, Dreamland—Circus Side Show, Ebert’s Trip to the Underworld, Collier’s Old Plantation Show, Pekin-Pekin Show, Hatcher’s Motordrome, Trip to Mars, Mitchell’s Merry-Go-Round. Saracino’s Great Concert Band has been secured for the entire time of the State Fair. Each member of this great band is a solo artist of great renown. There will be three other brass bands with the Midway. GEORGIA’S GREATEST STATE FAIR Auspices Georgia State Agricultural Society MACON, GA., - Oct. 21-31. JULIOS H- OTTO, Pres. HARRY C. ROBERT, Sec. & Gen. Mgr. EFFXMLUCT 1$ FIRST DOT* nfir Qntfwrit? fcxtarxWnf) Or** felwUtfcWtiiM ArttMte tMr ems***-. wa-fr or flm nwtot**a Cral toward Wnpwiwnos in ddto crantry. Mrt tha AOaom Oonattsttak to tba soonomic haw tta *Urn, u i—awinnmrrtnl bus*- mot wftct, •XSbDon h#aOTo Soar 4*tok and four Jpb." Batons at IMto ttouw town ftrat With Qm railroads. Atom ah ctfhar —thto am taotow ckeer head*, rtiitj nrrm. feaao vrm. ttaof yma tgo, OM9 MM tarbM&m to ffirtnt whfto tm tetjv Tba tntanttof fa tally axtaadtof to tochato thorn ofl duty a* walk Tfeato OUpmtctMn and liarttinawfmp tad superintend aata are ftndtog Chat the man who -kushas'* bswm puna to only a trifle Ism Menacing to aatoty at traffic than the emjSoya who carrlee a bottle with him on the trip- Whan a train to ditched through the snag c t an aloo hoUisad Intelligence It oMto too road money. Therefore—alcohol moat go. The same principle is rapidly spreading to all occupation*. Tha era is one of efficiency. Whisky makes against efficiency. “Personally, you are entitled to your drink." Bays the employer to his employe, "but 1 am also entitled to efficiency. I can't compel you'to sign the pledge or to observe the prohibition law, but I can and will secure efficiency refusing employment to the man who drinks." To the Merchant. The liquor traffic" is a parasite that thrives an the destruction of legiti mate trade. Saloons are sponges that absorb that which should be spent with you. It is responsible for most of your bad accounts; it gets the cash. You give the credit' Abolish the sa loon! Unpopular Campaign. A campaign, to close the public schools would be almost as popular In Kansas as one to reopen its sa loons. —Kansas City Star. QUR TIME, knowledge and experience in the printing business. For Sale When you are in need of some thing in this line DON’T FORGET Reading Lessens Immorality. Reading is a dissuasion from im morality. Reading stands in the place >f company.—Beecher. ■* fcSS-k riacwui.-am MJraducted the tPoenaeOT GhetttSafe MUfOTnce tUOT) WHAT WH46KY DOES Ifc MAH tofH OtoMT a HtolMr*i tow || tori to Murder. UOTVOT itotoMitorlto la* CwM ef Omrnmmk Shod* OT** apn flomoto << "Nso toys bafcwe fats death to toad to tola OwattW. too* f-itont c t tto stem W toOcm to* nr-tamnot "totort Min *Mrtty toJ “&fete*y toll onto joa to ycur boat trbarite* *M*r U to an unhaput hoea* whisky WTH moot year 4to to Imcot bonne tototoy **B omoot poor tor aM xoaOmr and wife to dry ml A ad many tmm tohtoky *Ol com yaea tttfi* <ffiOttwsn to enf tm with cold ml ft will egoOT them to go withant show an theft tittle (tot 'Wtrtsky *4ll cause wtto to woe* tor bßsbtmd; whisky will canwe bua betid to spend his weak* wages when (here to nothing to tot at home, then whisky trill ranee has band to got arrested and locked op—but whisky won't get him out. “Whisky will cause yoc to ftght your best friend; whisky will cause you. to here enemies; whisky will cause you to stay out late at night; whisky will cause your wife to stay waiting up tor you to 'come home; whteky wIH cause you not to get home at all sometimes; whisky will cause you. to dodge your wife at night when you go home lata "What caused Arnold Gihner to kill Mrs. Tippett? Whisky. "What caused Arnold Gilmer to go to Mrs. Tippett's home? Whisky What caused Arnold Gilmer to be hung by the neck until dead! Dead! Whisky! 1 ' • "That is Jus* what whisky will dp, friends.” In a personal letter to Mrs. Ch-at field, accompanying the statement, he said: “I am leaving this for you, with the Jailer, hoping it will be of some ad vantage in your temperance work, as whisky is the cause of my trouble. 1 know yeu can and will use this for benefit, and I want you to know you have my consent. I wish I could stay here on earUi long enough so that 1 could help the brave and noble popl gat rid of wtjlsky,” “This man," pays the Alabama Christian Advocate, “at one time vot ed for whisky to be brought back into Alabama and for the whisky party.” Cures Old Sores, Other Remedies Won't Cure The worst cases, no matter of how lon# standing, are cured by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic Healing Oil. It relieves Paiu and Ileal* at the same time. 25c, 50c, SLOO. DeWitt’s Kidney *nd Bladder Pilh FOR BACKACHE WHETHER YOU USE CALOMEL OR NOT _ vj ■ You Will Realize How Much Better For You Thie Safe Vegetable Remedy Will 80. The liver ie such a delicate organ that most people have learned from experience the danger of flogging it Into action with the dangerous drug calomel. Slaton Drag Cos. eells and recommends Dodson’s Livsr Tone, a pleasant-tasting, harmless vegetable liquid that encourages the liver, re lieves constipation and biliousness without restriction of habit or diet. There are no bad after-effects from taking Dodson’s Liver Tone. It does just what it is intended to do and no more. Dodson’s Liver Tone can not harm either children or grown ups, and is an excellent preventative of chronic liver troubles. Slaton Drug Cos. sells Dodson’s Liver Tone for 50 cents per bottle and every bottle sold is guaranteed to give satisfaction, and you get your money back without a question if it fails you. Some remedies are sold imitation of Dodson’s Liver Tone, look out for them. Remember the guarantee. Three reels every night at the “movies.” Come! , r ! raOFESSIMML NOTICES. k. UUNTEK,' Physician & Surgeon. Office over Jackson Drug Ccj. Office Phone 82. • • . i Residence Phone £. JACKSON, - GEORGIA. W. E. WATKINS, Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA 1 Office in Bank Hall, west side of Square. All business cirefully anil promptly attended to. Am prepared to negotiate 1 an son *■©! ettdte. Term s uauy. i mi. O. LEE CH EENOTJ i Dentist. Office in New Com mere ia-1 Building back of Farmers Bank. Phone, Residence No. 7. Office Phone 122. C. L. REDMAN, [ Lawyer. JACKSON, GEORGIA. f / Office in Carter-Warthen Bldg. THE FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE FIRE INSURANCE CO. OF GA. S. B< Kinard, Gen. Agent. J. Matt McMichael, Local Agent. JACKSON, GEORGIA. DR. J. E. WOODS, ' Physician & Surgeon. Office Upstairs Ilarkness Building. JfFice Phone 319. Residence Phone 163. JACKSON, GEORGIA. Go After Business In a business way—the advertising way. ite *4 In this paper of'4 is maximum servlci at tat minimum cost. It reaches the people of the town and vicinity you want to reach. Try It- It Pays To Cure a Cold In One Day Tain LAXATIVE BROMO Quinina. It atop* tha C+uf'j and Haadaclw and work# of the Cald. DramM refund sonar if it faila to ewe. S, JTo*QYV9 mgmi r nnatu. k, FOR SALE! Four choice, centrally located, well drained lots on easy terms. COVINGTON ST. 90-9 90-9 *■ 1 j i .. C I*v / ; * '*■ . ’■ f *C .*J j t . , t. 181-6. s C 10 ft. alley. ' i • ’ ' ? •' ‘ ’ f j . \ '* . 181-6. ' , ■ ■, >, . • . ... * ' • • v > ;'i J: ui'V; -,w f .fjr (j' Situated, midway between iihe’ center of; and Southern Railway depot. Also within., ten mi,nuts walk to either churcfhes or school. v> Sewer age now laid through |tw# of them,' the otheirs easily accessable to the same §ewejr lipe. V J. L. LYONS. LADIES: LISTEN! ! I will be here for a* short time making over Mattresses. I was here three years ago and made about 500 mattresses, NUEE SED. E. L. KIRK, Fourth house belowj Hotel on Oak Street. SlalßQ’s ££ Slock Powders j L —53.00 Poultry Powders ?...:2^c. Golden Hair Tonic ,50c. Family Liniment SI.OO X Ray Pain Oil • 50c. Colic Remedy $1 00 Liver Laxative SI.OO Honey & Tar Cough Syrup SI.OO Carbolic Salve 25c. Krealis Disinfectent ; ...25c. pint Extract Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Pineapple, Strawberry 15c. & 25c. \ XNDISTIWCT PRINT Manufactured and For Sale By SLATON DBDG COMPANY Jackson, Ga. Make Your Own Paint. We are large dealers in paint. 'The L. & M. Semi-Mixed I’aint is our SPECIAL DRIVE Because it cosls customer less than any other paint Y’OL MAKE VOLK PAI NT THIS WAY:— To ea< U 4 gallons of L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real I’aint costing $8.40 Add .3 gallons of Linseed Oil at 75c. a gallon 2.25 'l‘liis makes 7 gallons PUKE LEAD, /INC and LINSEED OIL PAINT for $1.50 per gallon, ora total of $10.65 7 gallons of any other Paint of equal quality that you buy in cans all ready mixed costß $14.00. So YOIJ SAVE $3.35 If you use 21 gallons of paint YOU SAVE - ..$10.05 Send for sample cards and place your order for paint, and remem ber—White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil Paint has been the best known paint for more than one hundred years. NEWTON-CARMICHAEL HARDWARE CO., Phone 13, - - Jackson, Georgia. LYONS ST.