The Jackson argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 189?-1915, October 24, 1913, Image 6

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Glnfnn’n Exclusive uiGlOl] o Remedies Stock I*owders 25c. — $; M> Poultry Powders 25c. Golden Hair Tonic s()c. Family Liniment $1 -00 X Ray Pain Oil 50c. Colic Remedy $1 00 Liver Laxative Sl-OO Honey & Tar Syrup SI.OO Carbolic Salve 25c. Krealie Dieinfectent 25<\ pint Extract Vanilla, Lemon, Orange, Pineapple, Straw berry 15c. & 25c . Manufactured and For Sale By SLATON DRUG COMPANY Jackson. Ga. Make Your ©wn Paint. We are large dealers in paint- Tbe I*. <S: M. Semi Alixed Paint is ourSPHCIAL DR 1 VIC Because it costs customer less than any other paint yOU dAKKYOL'K PAINT THIS WAY:— To each 4 gallons of L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint costing $8.40 Add .5 gallons of I.inseed Oil at 7Sc. a gallon 2.25 This makes 7 gallons I’UKK LKAD, ZINC and LINSI'.I'.I) OIL PAINT for $1.50 per gallon, or a total of. $10.65 7 galloiiH of any other Paint of equal quality that you buy in cans all ready mixed costs sl4 (X). So YOU SAVIC $3.35 If you use 21 gallons of paint YOU SAVIv $10.05 Send for sample cords and place your order for paint, and remem iier—White l.ead, Zinc and Linseed Oil Paint has been the best known paint for more than one hundred years. NEWTON-CARMICHAEL HARDWARE CO., Phone 18, - - Jackson, Georgia. FOR SALE! Four choice, centrally located, well drained lots on easy terms. COVINGTON ST. <9O-9 90-9 r o i —— 2 181-6. * Os 2 oo n lO ft. alley. 181-6. O' 00 Situated midway between the center of the cit and Southern Railway depot. Also within ter minuts walk to either churches or school. Sewer* aige now laid through two of them, the other* easily accessable to the same sewer line. J. L. LYONS. FINELY GROUND Whitestone= Limestone set All Land* and All Crops Need 11. For information, prices, etc.. *e Buttriß Guano Cos.. Agents, Jackson, Ga. Or writ* • Whitestone Marble Company, H. P. Arif, Chairman of Drarf Atlanta. G a. HARD TO BEAT FOR OPTIMISM Probability That Western Man la En titled to the Championship of the World. Reference was viade to the optim ism of a certain party in the lobby of a Washington hotel the other night, when Congressman Willis C. Hawley of Oregon broadly srnih I and said the party in question would have to go some to beat the record of dim Jones. dim Jones, so related the con gressman, lives in an eastern sub ur ban town. Home time ago a friend, in passing .Jim’s house, noticed a hole in the ground and a pile of bricks close by. He wondered, but there was nobody at hand to explain. Further down the street he met an other friend of Jim’s. “Say, Jake,” queried the first, “what in the deuce is going on down at Jim's? His place is mussed up like a building operation f” “That's what’s coming off,” an swered Jake. “He is building a garage.” “Building a garage?” wonderingly exclaimed the other. “What for? He hasn't got an automobile, has ho?” “No,” replied Jake, “but he was walking along the street the other day and found a raffle ticket for one that is to be chanced off.” UNO OF WINGED CREATURES Borneo Unique in the Number of Ani mate, Fieh and Reptile* That Navigate the Air. In Borneo winged creatures are encountered where one. would leas* expect them. Flying fish the size ot herrings are found in all the waters, and there is the flying fox, the well known fruit-eating bat, which the Malays call “kruang.” They may be seen almost any evening winging their steady flight, often at a great elevation well out of range of a shot gun. The flying squirrel, as evening twilight comes, is also seen. They glide down from oDe lofty tree to the base of another, up which they scramble, to the level they started from. Wide expansions of skin be tween the fore and hind limbs act in parachute fashion and sustain them iu their glide. They are of some size, hut are quite harmless. The fly iDg lizard is seen in the heat of ihe day in the jungle gliding down with a flash in much the same manner as the squirrel. But l#e is much smaller and it requires a quick eye to detect him. The natives kill him with a clay ball shot from their blowpipes. OKE-BIDEO ECONOMY. "1 understand, iLirry,” remarked the acquaintance, “that your w 'fe had started to practice economy.-. The missus was saying something about it last night.*’ “Yes,” replied Harrv, "she is practicing economy, all right, and if your wife is thinking of taking a turn in the same direction you had better yet busy and head her oft before il is too'late.” “I don't understand you, Harry:,' said the acquaintance, with a per plaxed expression. “I should rogupd economy is something to commend.” “Yes.” was the smiling rejoinder of Harrv. “but not vlien your wife is buying your shirts at three for a dollar so that she can get herself a s‘.’o hat.” WHITE MEAT, PLEASE. Church —1 see a chicken with font legs has t>een hatched on Riatei island. Gotham—AVe don't want ’em w ill more legs; we want 'em double breasted. HOW SCANDAL GROWS. “What's this? 1 hear you had your face smashed in a barber shop.” “You heard il wrong. The barber merely broke my mug.” GOOD GUESS. Kitty—Mr. Huggins asked me to ait in the banmioek with him last night. What do you think ? Marie— 1 think you got UL WITHOUT CHANGE. “How can 1 go from Portland, Me., to Portland, Ore., without change?’* asked the little man. “Hobo it,” replied the big man. THEIR ADAPTABILITY. “Girls can certainly combine oppo site*.” "Sure: they know how to give a positive negative.” FORTY INSECTS ATTACK THE PECAN Board of Entomology Tells How to Fight Bug3 and Diseases That Injure the Tree. Atlanta, Ga. —No matter what agri cultural or horticultural line a per son decides to follow in Georgia, he must make a knowledge of certain plant insects and diseases a part of his stock in trade. The State Board of Bntcmology is established not only to furnish him information on such subjects, but to assist him by demon stration in checking, controlling and getting rid of pests and diseases which afflict growing plants and trees. With the progress of the pecan in dustry, tn Georgia, the Department of Entomology has made a special study of it, and has found that the pecan tree, which thrives in nearly all sec tions of the state, is subject to attack by about forty species of Insects while only two diseases of any ccui sequence affect it. State Entomologist E. Lee Worsham has given some interesting data with regard to the most prevalent in the state. The pecan bud moth, a small yellow ish or pale green worm or caterpillar with a dark head, attacks young buds, tender twigs and leaves. There are several generations of it, the first coming In May. The most effective remedy is to spray with arsenate of lead before It has a chance to get down into the buds. There are two species of the pecan rase bearer. This insect forms a case around itself for protection. The first attacks the young buds and twigs; the second eats holes in the leaves a:.d devours the blossoms. They can be controlled by the use of arsenleals as in the case of the bud worm. Burn the Web Worm*. The fall web worm is a grayish or brownish caterpillar which matures in a large white web, which it leaves later to go to other parts of the tree. The best method of control is burn ing them with a kerosene or lightwood torch before they leave their webs. The pecan leaf caterpillar is rather large and dark In color. Just prior to shedding their skins, these cater pillars leave the branches on which they have been feeding and congre gate on the trunk of the tree in large ball-like clusters. When congregated they can be killed by burning, but they may be killed before this by spraying with arsenate of lead. The pecan tree borer, similar to the peach tree borer, digs Into the sap wood usually where a tree has been lpjured or where it has been budded. The best known remedy Is to dig them out with a knife wherever prac ticable. The wounds should be cov ered with grafting wax to prevent the deposit of eggs when the female emerges in the spring. The pecan girdler Is a small beetle which has the pernicious habit of girdling limbs and thus pruning them off. The fanmie has the habit of de positing her eggs In the branches pruned off. and the insect is best con trolled by gathering up and burning these branches during the winter. The pecan and hickory nut weevil is the Insect that bores holes in the nuts. Or, rather, the hole is made by the grub or larvae boring its way out. If infected nuts are boxed up so that the larvae cannot get into the ground where they must go to trans form, they will starve to death. Only Two Bad Diseases. The pecan is more or less free from scale insects, and such scales as are found on the tree are easily controll ed by lime-sulphur and other sprays used for the San Jose scale. The two diseases which most seri ously affect the tree are pecan rosette and pecan scab. Little or nothing is known about pecan rosette, which causes the ends of the twigs to die back in the fall. Some growers have resorted to the removal of the affected parts, but. Mr. Worsham is of the opin ion that when a tree is attacked with this disease the best thing to do is to remove it entirely from the or chard and burn it. Pecan scab is a fungus disease which attacks the nut and the hull cov ering it in such manner as to dwarf it and prevent it from maturing. The scab is known to attack the leaves and tender twigs as wall. Seedlings as a rule arc more susceptible than the budded < r grafted trees. The scab can be prevented by the application of Bordeaux mixture just before the buds begin to swell In the spring, and once or twice 'ater during the growing sea son. say once in June and once in July or’ August. It is always an ex cellent idea to topwork seedling trees with varieties which are more or less resistant. The Stewart is a variety which displays a great deal of resist ance to this disease. Don’t Take It For Granted that Juat bectMt yon arc In buatacaa, everybody te aware of the f*A. Your goods may be tbe fined! hi the market but they will remain on your rivetvee nnteee the people are told about them. ADVERTISE If you want to more your merchandise. Reach the buyers In their homes through the columns of THIS PAPER and oo every dollar expended you'll reap a handsome dividend. hOR RENT. Five* room house, known the Respass place. C. W. Buchanan. lam in the market for COTTONSEED. Highest market price paid and best exchanges given for hulls and meal. The famous “BUCKEYE,”,meaI for sale. J. W. CARTER. Office and scales only recently moved below the Argus printing office. Best Blacksmithing and Repair Work Is'what you want when you need any thing in this line. If you want QUALITY blacksmithing, think of Thurston and Harper. Best work quickly done at the lowest prices. Bring us your work, today. tShop next to county jail. Closing Out Sale. $7 50 Rimless Eye Glasses for $5.00. $3.50 Gold Filled Spectacles for $2 50. 50c. Spectacles for 25c. 25c. Spectacles for 20c. Eyes tested free. Office hours 9 to 2 o’clock daily. Dr. J. W- CRUM, Optician. Automobiles and Machinery Repaired. Pipe Fitting, Plumbing, Electric Wiring. Gasoline Engines and Bicycles repaired. Machinery erected. Scrap Iron, Brass, Copper and Lead wanted. 'Phone 127 Jos. L. Wagner & Son, Jackson, Qa. What Shall I Have For Dinner? This is a question which perplexes many housekeepers every day. It is no longer a problem to those who haue formed the habit of colling on us for assistance. Just telephone to us and we will make suggestions which will bs just the things you wanted, but cou Id not think of. Our meats are always fresh and fine. McHICHAEL & DODSON, - Jackson, Oa. Make Demand Forcible Don’t Do Trifled WHh. Ask for S. S. S. end Don't Stand far fhc “Just as fieod” Talk. When a man has the short change game worked on him, he makes a noise that brings the Police, and yet that same nan may walk into a store and have the “Just as good” game worked on him and When You Ask for S. S. S. Do So With Emphasis. They Will Understand. tamely submit. Why stand (or It? The only reason why any store will try to sub stitute something else (or S. S. S, la the lust for greater profit. S. S. S- la the greatest blood purifier known. NOTICE OF SALE. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in No vember, 1913, before the Court House door at. Jarknon, Ga., between the legal hour* of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following property, to-wit: Certificate No. 33 for live (5) share* of the capital etock of The Farmers Bank of Jenkinshurg, Gs.; also Certificate No. 48 for three and one-half (31-2) share* of the capital stock of The Farmers Bank of Jenkinsburg, Ga.; also Certificate No. st> for one and one-half (11-2) shares of the capital stock of The Bank of Jenkiusburg, Ga. The par value of said stock lieing 8100 00 per share. The proceeds from the sale or sales of above Certificates of stock, less the cost of sale, are to be applied towards liquida tion of the indebtedness of tbe owner of said stock to said bank. This 30th day of Septembr, 1913. The Farmers Bank, JEXKINSBURG, - GEORGIA. There Is not a medicine for any pn£a pose more carefully made than S S. S. itr represents the highest type of medicine. Tt medical properties are just as essen tial to weU. balanced health, if the blood be sick, as are the nourishing elements of moats, grains, fats and sugars of our daily food. S. S. S. Is prepared direct from native botanical material. Not a drop of drugs is added. Not a drop of minerals is used. This Is one of the most import ant things to know and to remember, when your blood needs attention. It is the most effective, the purest, the quickest and most reliable medicine known for poisoned blood, rheumatism catarrhal infection, malaria, skin disease, old sores and all afflictions that show iix the blood, skin, joints and muscles. An Interesting book on the blood is mailed to those who write. Get a bottle of S. S. S. today. It is the world's great est medicine. Insist upon the dealer handing you S. S. S. and don’t let. him orate about something that he can't ad\ vertise as free from iodide of potash antl> other destructive mineral drugs. If you have trouble getting S. S. S. write to The Swift Specific Cos., 20# Swift Bldg. Atlanta, Ga., for list of square deal stores.