The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 09, 1915, Image 1

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THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS Vol. 43-No. 28 BUTTS COUNTY LEADS STATE Marking of Road Crossings Commended MACON NEWS’ EDITORIAL Bill Now Before Legisla ture to Make Marking of Cross Roads Compulso ry on Georgia Counties The following editorial from The Macon News on the impor tance of marking cross roads is reproduced for the benefit of readers of this paper: Butts county is an object les son to the state of Georgia in the matter of marking cross roads. It may even have been the in spiration of Senator Radford Turner in preparing a bill, now before the legislature, which makes it mandatory on all coun ties to properly post the cross roads. There is not a crossing in Butts county but which is marked with a stone crossing telling how many miles it is to Jackson and what road to take. Travelers at night, unfamiliar with the road, could not find their way without these signs, and many have been the expressions of gratitude to the county commissioner of Butts for his thoughtfulness. It will be comparatively cheap for each county to mark the cross roads without waiting for legis lative direction, but, at that, The News would like to see the pass age of Senator Turner's bill. This bill proposes to divert the auto tax money, now distributed pro rata among the counties, into a channel for the purchase of cross road signs. Once the autoists, or even the travelers in horse vehicles, leave the main roads in practically any county of the state, unless he has a previous acquaintance with these highways, he is at the mercy of chance and must needs stop at the nearest house to in quire his way. The display of proper signs at the cross roads would eliminate all this, and would make traveling in Georgia a pleasure and a convenience, safe and satifactory. The representatives from Butts county should tell the legislature just what Butts has done in this respect. HON. C. A. TOWLES IS A MEMBER THREE COMMITTEES Representative C. A. Towles has been appointed on the follow ing committees by W. H. Bur well, Speaker of the House of Representatives: General agriculture No. 1, rail roads and University of Ceorgia and its branches. Though this is Mr. Towles' first legislative experience it is expected he will prove to be one of the most active members of the lower house and that he will work at all times for the interest of his constituents. LIBATION SET NOW ON DISPLAY IN THIS CITY The handsome libation set won by Alexius Commandery at the recent state conclave in Augusta for the second best attendance during 1914, is now on display in the windows of the Jackson Mer cantile Company. The set, which is of a fine quali ty of silver, consists of a flagon, twelve candle sticks and a dozen cups. The display is arranged in the form of a triangle. Members of Alexius comman dery Knights Templars, of this city, may well feel proud of the distinction won at the grand com mandery meeting. This hand some libation set is highly prized and will always be treasured as one of the permanent possessions of the commandery. NEW GINNERY FOR JACKSON Modern Plant to Be Put in at Early Date READY FOR FALL GINNING Faith in Continued Growth of Community Shown by Kimbell & Kinard, Promoters of New Plant The Co-Operative Gin, Coal & Ice Company have shown their confidence in better business con ditions by arranging to install in Jackson one of the latest Lum mus Automatic Air Blast ginning outfits. They announce that they will be ready for the first bale of cotton and ask that the farmers give them a chance to show what high class ginning they can do. The ginning machinery they have bought is of the latest type. It is, in fact, said to be a wonder ful piece of mechanism, produ cing better sample, cleaner seed, better looking bales, and will in every way mean money to the cotton farmer who has his ginning done on same. This machinery was purchased after careful investigation and was bought on account of its rep utation for high class work. They guarantee satisfaction in every particular and will also be pre pared to purchase seed at the highest market prices, and in ev ery way to serve the farmer to their mutual interests. This company states they will have their ginnery ready for in spection at an early date, and cordially invite anybody interes ted to call and look it over. It is certainly well worth one’s time to see this machinery operate. Hog Cholera Serum Reduced in Price Announcement is made by the College of Agriculture, Athens, that the price of hog cholera se rum has been reduced to 1 cent per cubic centimeter, effective July 1. This is the fourth cut in price and is made possible by im proved facilities and increased output. The serum may be ob tained from the State Veterinar ian. Atlanta, and those ordering it should specify college serum. JACKSON, GEORGIA, JULY 9, 1915 CAMP MEETING AUGUST 4 TO 15 To Celebrate Silver Anni versary This Year NOTED LEADERS SECURED Large Attendance Expedt ed at Approaching Ses sion—Charlie D. Tillman Will Again Lead Singing The dates of the annual camp meeting at Indian Springs are August 5 to 15, and plans are now well under way for the open ing of the session. The sib er anniversary of the founding of the Indian Springs Holiness camp meeting will be observed this year. It was twen ty-five years ago when the first session was held. The program for this occasion will be most in teresting, containing historical data, illustrations, songs and oth er features. The leaders for this year in clude Rev. H. G. Morrison, D. D., Rev. J. L. Brasher and Rev. Ar thur Moore. Music will be fur nished by Charlie D. Tillman, as sisted by a large choir. The grounds are being placed in excellent shape and several new cottages have been erected since last season. The roads are in excellent condition and many motorists will attend this year. Attractive round trip fares are announced by the railroads and the largest attendance in the his tory of the camp meeting is ex pected. Officers of the associa tion are Rev. G. W. Matthews, Fitzgerald, president, and J. M. Glenn, Macon, secretary. NEGRO BOY STEALS SECONO BICYCLE IN YEAR ♦ His fondness for appropriating bicycles belonging to other peo ple has again involved Jack Wad ley, a negro boy, in the toils of the law. He was arrested early Saturday morning in Monroe county, following an all night chase, after having stolen a bi cycle from Woods-Carmichael Friday night. The wheel was taken from a delivery bov for the drug store, in darktown. The theft was at once reported to the police and Chief Pope and Bailiff Lavender started in pursuit of the boy, who headed for his home in Monroe county. He was captured about daylight, near the home of Mr. T. P. Bell. The bicycle, howev er, was thrown in a pond and has not been recovered. This is the same boy, it will be recalled, who stole a bicycle from Edwin Bryant several months and he only recently com pleted a chaingang sentence for that offense. Nearly Grown Cotton 801 l Mr. S. H. Mays brought to this office Tuesday a practically grown cotton boll. It was from the farm of Ed Henderson, of Worthville, and w r as pulled in June. NINE MONTHS SCHOOL TERM IN BUTTS COUNTY At the monthly meeting of the Butts County Board of Education Tuesday two months were added to the school term, making nine months in all. A seven months term was provided for at the last meeting and the board Tuesday voted to make the term nine months. This will affect only a few of the schools, however. The tax rate for school purpos es was discussed but no action was taken on this matter. The rate will be agreed on later and the County Commissioner reques ted to make that levy. There was a full attendance of the members present at Tuesday’s session. FIRST FARMERS HAS MEETING New Directors Chosen at Meeting Tuesday SAME OFFICERS ELECTED Satisfactory Year’s Busi ness Reported by Bank Which Is Now Entering Upon Its Fourth Year The annual meeting of the stockholders of the First Farmers Bank was held here Tuesday morning, when the business of the past year was reviewed. A satisfactory showing was made, it was declared. A few changes were made in the directors, the following com posing the board: Messrs. G. F. Etheridge, J. C. Jones, T. P. Bell, J. S. Carter, S. H. Mays. L. O. Benton, J. B. Carmichael, C. B. Biles, G. P. Saunders, C. R. Carter. When the directors met they re-elected the same officers, who include: L. O. Benton, president; G. P. Saunders and J. C. Jones, vice presidents; J. B. Carmichael, cashier; W. H. Wilson, assistant cashier. The earnings of the past year were passed to the surplus fund. The First Farmers Bank is now entering upon its fourth year, having been established in July 1912. The stock of the bank is well distributed among the peo ple of the county, and with a strong board of directors and offi cers this bank will no doubt con tinue to grow and prosper. GLORIOUS FOURTH SAFE, SANE, RAINY IN JACKSON The Fourth of July was obser ved in Jackson. Monday, in a quiet, safe and sane manner. The banks were closed and the post office kept Sunday hours. It was a holiday for the rural car riers also. The stores remained open as usual. On account of a downpour of rain, which started early in the morning and continued through out the day, very few people were in town. Jackson Argus Established 1873' ini v vaic Butts County Progress Established 1882 S Consolidated July 9, 1915 JACKSON ARGUS SOLD TUESDAY Will Be Consolidated With The Progress ARGUS WAS AN OLD PAPER Plant Sold by Administra tor at Public Sale—No Change in Policy of The New Publication A newspaper deal that will be of interest throughout the state was the purchase at public sales Tuesday of The Jackson Argu3 by J. D. Jones, editor of The Progress. The property was sold by Mr. H. Y. McCord, adminis trator of the estate of Mrs. Lula McCord Shaver. After being published contin uously for forty-three years, The Argus has ceased its existence, being merged with The Butts County Progress, under the style of The Jackson Progress-Argus. The Argus was one of the oldest papers in this section, and was formerly a splendid paper. It was established by the late Capt. W. F. Smith at the Camp Ground and was later moved to Jackson. The paper had a number of edi tors. Since the death of Mrs. Shaver The Argus was in turr conducted by E. W. Carroll, M. Shaver and C. L, Carter. Mr. Carter surrendered leld lease early in June, since wfrnd time the paper was issued The Progress until the plant coier be legally sold. The property was sold on the first bid at a fig ure satisfactory to the new owner. Though the paper was bought at a reasonable price, this advantage is offset to a considerable degree by the large subscription contracts that must be carried out. A large number of the mer chants and business men of the community have favored a con solidation of the two papers for some time. With better equip ment and an increased circula tion one paper in Jackson can serve the county quite as well as two, in the opinion of those who have expressed themselves on the matter. The Progress-Argus has a cir culation that covers the county thoroughly and is enabled to serve advertisers more economi cally than two papers could pos sibly do. There will be no change in the policy of the new publication. As in the past, so in the future the best efforts, energy and cap ital of the editor will be devoted to the interests of Butts county and her citizens. Chicken With Four Legs Exhibited This Week A freak that aroused consider able interest was a baby chick with four feet exhibited here this week bv Capt. F. L. Walthall. The sets of legs, which were close together, were perfectly formed. This quadraped biddy shuffled off the mortal coil soon after being hatched, and had it grown to ma ture fowlhood would have been an even greater curiosity.