The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 09, 1915, Image 8

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For Your Baby, The Signature of is the only guarantee that you have the Genuine ICASTORIAI prepared by him for over 30 years. YOU’LL give YOUR baby the BEST O Your Physician Knows Fletcher’s Castoric. Sold only in one size bottle, never in or otherwise; to protect the babies. The Centaur Company, FLO VILLA NEWS Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Irby and children, and Mr. Geo. Smith of Atlanta, Miss Lucy Goodman, of Jackson and Mrs. W. J. Partridge of Flovilla were the guests of Notwithstanding the denials of the numerous imitators of Coca-Cola there is the u ncontro vertable THERE IS BUT ONE C'nna Crda IS IMITATED IN COLOR And in an effort to get in our “class,” similar containers and packages are adopted. knows Coca-Cola n&vSe For Its Purity, Its Merit, and its Ever Present Delicious and RefresltinQ Flavor. I Nothing is ever imitated except the best of any commodity, and imitations compliment the original when they imitate. The home of Coca-Cola is Georgia, and it is at home everywhere. It is at home in your town, in every store in your county. It has been with you about thirty years. It needs no introduction. It is advertised over the world. We supply it. All you have to do is pull the cap, make the change, and the Profit is yours. No ar gument. No talk. Its ju& Ge&K “Will you have it when they call? ne fbcalEZZ **** Jackson Company A [■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■hhhbhhbhhhhhhhhbhhhbhbbhhhhhhhi Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Terrell Sun day. Miss Estelle Thornton, of Jack son, was the guest of Miss Mar garet L. Giles Sunday. Rev. J. T. Pendley is spending the week with relatives at CONVICTS GUESTS OF WARDEN AT FOURTH JULY BARBECUE The Butts county convicts, guards and wardens were guests at an elegant Fourth of July bar becue served Saturday by Mr. J. T. McClure, the popular and effi cient warden. The barbecue was given at the camp at Indian Springs. An abundance of choice meats were prepared in a most appetizing manner and other del icacies added to the menu made the occasion an enjoyable one. The inmates of the camp thor oughly enjoyed this thoughtful hospitality of Warden McClure. Mrs. McClure assisted in serving the dinner. A few guests from Jackson were invited to share in the pleasures of the occasion. A TEXAS WONDER. The Texas Wonder cures kidney and bladder troubles, dissolves gravel, cures diabetes, weak and lame backs, rheumatism, and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder m ootn men and women. Regulates bladder troubles in children. If not sold by your druggist will be sent by mail on receipt of SI.OO One small bottle is two months’ treat ment, and seldom ever fails to perfect a cure. Send for testimonials from this and other states. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2926 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sold by druggists. JOHN R. MILLER Is here at his same old trix. Will be glad to have your watch es, clocks and things in that line to repair, always at reasonable prices. Guarantee to please you. Next door to Woods-Carmichael Cos. 7-2-2 t Rome. Mr. Wm. G. Preston opened his school at Union Ridge Mon day. Mr. W. A. Thompson, Mr. Howell and Mr. Dave H. Smith of Atlanta, and Miss Laura Smith of Flovilla were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Thompson Sunday. Mr. Chas. Thornton of Jackson was the guest of his daughter, Mrs. A. C. Millen, Sunday. Mr. W. A. Dozier was the guest of friends in Macon for the week-end. Miss Mattie Duffy of Jackson visited home folks Sunday. Misses Lois and Mildred Allen Lurline Torbet, Annie Kate Lynch, Annice Barnes, Falma Funderburk returned home Mon day after a visit to a most delightful house party of two weeks at Indian Springs, chap eroned by Mrs. L. G. Smith. Mr. W. A. Dozier, Misses Su sie O’neal and Annie Reed Mad dux motored over to Griffin Wed nesday. Mrs. S. L. A. Clouts and daughter, Esta of Lakeland, Fla., are the guests of Mrs. J. T. Ed wards this week. Are You Feeling Fit? Do you envy the man or woman of untiring energy, strong body and hap py disposition? All these depend upon good health, and good health is impos sible when the kidneys are diseased. Foley Kidney Pills help the kidneys cast out poisons that cause backache, rheumatisms, and other symptoms of dangerous kidney and bladder troubles. The Owl Pharmacy. This is no ordinary sale, but it is an extraordinary sale. The Fair Store, Jackson, Ga. Cures Old Sores. Other Remedies Won’t Cure. The worst cases, txo matter of how lons standing are by the woniett'l, old reliable Dr Porter’s antiseptic Healing Oil. It reliever Pain and Heals at the same time. 25c* 50c. sl.o* FORCED OUT OF BUSINESS <T 1 o AAA A A Stock Of The Consolidated pIO,UUU.UU Mercantile Cos., of Atlanta Bought At CA P ON THE Jvt DOLLAR TO BE SOLD AT Lowest Prices IN FIFTEEN DAYS Commencing Friday, July 9th Continuing for 15 days The Fair Store Jackson, Georgia Aid the Kidneys Do Not Endanger Life When a Jackson Citizen Shows You The Way To Avoid It Why will people continue to suffer the agonies of kidney complaint, back ache, urinary disorders, lameness, headaches, languor, why allow them selves to become chronic invalids, when a tested remedy is offered them. Doan’s Kidney Pills have been used in kidney trouble over 50 years, have been tested in thousands of cases. If you have any, even one, of the symptoms of kidney diseases, act now. Dropsey or Bright’s disease may set in and make neglect dangerous. Read this Jackson testimony. I. H. Miller, Pastor of Presbyterian church, Mulberry st., Jackson, says: “I was almost down with my back and suffered severely, especially in the morning. I had other symptons of kidney trouble. I used Doan’s Kidney Pills and they relieved the pains in my back and the other symptoms of kid ney trouble went away. I usually keep Doan’s Kidney Pills onf hand and when my kidneys annoy me, they nev erfail to give relief.” Price 50c at all dealers. Don’t sim- Ely ask for a kidney remedy—get loan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Miller had. Foster-Milburn Cos. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. adv Our entire stock of mens Straw Hats are going at prices which will appeal to the economical buy er. Ham & Carter Cos. NOTICE Guersney bull, formerly owned by W. M. Keaton, of Indian Springs, entitled to registration, ready for service at my farm near Flovilla. Fee, male calves $1.50; female calves $2.50. G. L. Higgins, 7-9-4 t Flovilla, Ga., rt 2. Does the label on your paper read fler‘l9l6? If not, pay up. Week-end and Sunday Fares To Many ATTRACTIVE RESORTS Week-end Sunday Brunswick $7.25 $3.35 St. Simons 7.25 Cumberland Island 7.25 Atlantic Beach 9.00 Pablo Beach 9.00 Coressponding fares to other resorts. Ask your agent or address J. S. BLOOD WORTH, T. P. A., Macon, Ga. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Statement of the Condition of The Farmers Bank Located at Jenkinsburg, Ga., at the close of business June 23, 1915 RESOURCES Demand loans $ 1,051 00 Time loans 31,931 30 Overdrafts, unsecured 177 55 Banking House. 1,500 00 Furniture and fixtures 1,469 44 Other Real Estate Due from banks and bankers in this state 1,549 38 Due from banks and bankers in other states 4,348 75 Currency $ 411 00 Silver, nickels, etc., 261 16 Cash items 149 52 821 68 Advances on cotton Total $ 42,849 10 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in. $ 15,000 00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses, interest and taxes paid 1,838 89 Due to banks and bankers in this state Due unpaid dividends 16 00 Individual deposits subject to check 6,917 82 Time certificates 6,555 79 Cashier’s checks 20 60 Bills payable including time certificates representing borrowed money 12,500 00 Total. $ 42,849 10 State of Georgia, County of Butts: Before me came H. C. Childs, Cash ier of the Farmers Bank who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as shown by the books of file in said bank. H. C. Childs, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 3rd day of June 1915. W. J. Bankston, N. P. Butts Cos., Ga. Our Advice Is: When you feel out of sorts from consti pation, let us say that if do not relieve you, see a physician, because no other home remedy will. Sold only by us, 10 cents. Slaton Drug Cos.