The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 16, 1915, Image 1

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Vol. 43—No. 29
Several Good Speakers
on Program
Picnic Dinner Will Be En
joyed on Grounds—Ral
ly For The County Club
Boys And Girls
The Field Meeting and rally
of the members of the Boys Corn
'club and Girls Canning club at
Indian Springs on Monday, the
19, is arousing considerable in
terest and a large crowd will no
doubt be present.
The program, which has pre
viously been published, includes
addresses by several of the pro
fessors at the State College of
Agriculture, and others. Dr.
Sheely of the Southern Railway
will talk on live stock, while Mr.
S. M. Cown, in charge of dem
onstration work in this district,
will be present. Profs. Carter,
Woodruff and Bigford of the
Aricultural College will deliver
addresses on timely subjects.
County Agent Worsham has
been working hard to make the
occasion a success. He especial
ly urges the Corn, Pig and Can
ning club members to attend.
Dinner will be served in picnic
style at the casino at the noon
hour, and those who attend are
reminded to take full baskets.
The meeting coming at a leis
v ure season for most farmers will
doubtless attract a large crowd.
Under the leadership of Scout
Master Dr. Robert VanDeventer
the Jackson Boy Scouts are at
South River Bridge for a week’s
encampment. The party left
Jackson Monday morning and
will return the last of the week.
The time will be spent in boat
ing, fishing and swimming and a
royal good time is anticipated by
the party.
Those in the party are:
Dr. Robert VanDeventer
Robin Wood
Julian Thurston
Julian Turner
Leonard McClure
Edward Bryant
Hampton Daughtry
J. R. Carmichael
Edward Carmichael
Robert Edwards
J. L. Bailey
Louis Lane
William Crum
James Thomas
Gus Jelks, of Hawkinsville
Summer School Being
Taught at Worthville
Miss Mary Land is teaching a
summer school at Worthvilie.
She began the school, which will
continue for several wftjp. Mon
day of last week.
Ordinary’s Office
Atlanta, Ga., July 15—The un
official announcement that ex-
Governor Joseph M. Brown is to
make the race for United States
senator against Thomas W.
Hardwick when that statesman’s
term expires in 1919, has occa
sioned more than usual interest.
It is rather a long time ahead to
announce, but Mr. Brown’s
friends say he has made up his
mind and is willing for every
body to know he is in the ring.
Hugh M. Dorsey, solicitor gen
eral of Fulton county is “doped”
out as the gubernatorial running
mate of Mr. Brown. His famous
conduct of the Leo Frank case
has given him state-wide fame
and it is considered practically
certain that he will enter the
Been Elected to Impor
tant Position
Eledted Principal of The
Draketown Baptist Insti
tute Considering Ac
ceptance of Offer
On last Wednesday the board
of education of Draketown Bap
tist Institute met at Temple, Ga.,
and elected Prof. C. L. Carter,
of this city, president for next
Draketown Institute is one of
the five Mountain Schools in
North Georgia supported by the
Baptist Mission Boards. The
school has a handsome brick build
ing, costing around SIO,OOO, and
is located in one of the best agri
cultural sections of North Geor
gia. It is supported by five as
This is a responsible and impor
tant position and Prof. Carter is
to be congratulated on being elec
ted over several other worthy ap
plicants. Prof. Carter is a grad
uate of Jackson High School,
Holbrook Normal College and
Mercer University. He has six
year’s experience in teaching and
his friends here expect him to
make a success in his new work.
He and his family will move
immediately if he decides to ac
cept the position.
/ flj
Grand Jury Recommended
Salary ol S3OO
Question of Keen Interest
to Citizens of County-
Many Counties Abolish
ing Office of Treasurer
Pursuant to the recommenda
tions of the February grand jury,
the office of county treasurer in
Butts county may be abolished or
the compensation of that official
fixed, during the present session
of the general assembly. The
grand jury, it will be recalled,
recommended that the treasurer
be paid a salary of S3OO per year,
instead of receiving a commission,
as at present, and the represen
tative was urged to have such a
bill passed.
It is not known :i Mr. Towles
will have thi3 bill introduced.
Senator Fletcher stated that he
believed the recommendations of
the grand jury ought to be fol
lowed, but that he thought Rep
sentative Towles should intro
duce the bill and have it passed,
inasmuch as the grand jury rec
ommended that this legislation
be looked after by the represen
tative. -
There is a good deal of interest
in this matter and a large num
ber of people favor either abol
ishing the office* or fixing the
treasurer’s compensation at a
nominal sum. A good many
counties are doing away with
the office of treasurer, while
others are cutting down the re
muneration of that official, El
bert county having fixed the
the compensation of her county
treasurer at S6O per year.
An examination for teachers of
the county will be held in Jack
son Friday and Saturday, July
30 and 31. The test this year
will embrace a number of sub
jects and two days will be re
quired for applicants to complete
the questions.
Superintendent Mallet will be
assisted in conducting the exam
nation by Capt. F. L. Walthall.
Atlanta, Ga., July 15—The
Georgia legislature ended its
third week today, and from the
general tenor of corridor chat it
is evident that the session will
not be marked by any “freak”
legislation. The members ap
pear to be frowning upon all at
tempts to put over an erratic
bill and to be of the opinion that
the state has plenty of general
laws if they are enforced.
But few measures of general
nature have been passed and the
flood of new bills have been
mostly of a local nature. It
promises to be the most conser
vative session in years and the
most devoid of oratory, though
largely composed of new mem
bers, who usually are anxious to
attain fame by their eloquence.
Annual Convention Met
Quill Pushers Going On
Outing to St. Simons
And Brunswick—Good
Papers Are Read
Eastman, Ga., July 12.—The
twenty-ninth annual convention
of the Georgia Weekly Press As
sociation was called to order to
night in the court house by the
president, P. T. McCutchen. A
large attendance is present, some
two hundred editors and their
wives being registered for what
promises to be one of the most
important sessions held in years.
The convention was welcomed
to the city by representatives of
the city government, commercial
club, chamber of commerce, U.
D. C. and C. M. Methvin, editor
of the Eastman Times-Journal.
Responses were made by Rev. L.
P. Winter, of Newnan, and W.
D. Upshaw of the Golden Age.
A vocal solo by Miss Ruth Oppen
heim and a reading bv Miss Mary
Edwards were features of Mon
day evening’s program.
Tuesday morning there will be
papers by Royal Daniel, of Quit
man, J. Kelley Simmons, of Mc-
Rae, W. T. Anderson, of Macon,
Dr. A. M. Soule and others.
At noon Tuesday the press par
ty will be taken in automobiles
to Mcßae and Helena where they
will be guests at a fish fry.
Tuesday evening there will be
a reception at the home of Mrs.
T. H. Edwards.
The concluding business session
will be held Wednesday morning
when officers will be elected and
the next meeting place selected,
after which the editors and their
families will go to St. Simons and
Brunswick for an outing.
Jackson Argus Established 1873 f i.i v o
Butts County Progress Established 1882 S Consolidated July 9,1915
Matter Now Being Dis
cussed Here
Matter Has Been Taken
up With Carnegie Foun
dation —Council to Con
sider Enterprise
The matter of establishing a
Carnegie library in Jackson is
now being discussed with a con
siderable degree of interest and
from expressions so far received
a large number of the people of
the community favor the move
The question was taken up with
the Carnegie Foundation recently
by Mr. Hugh Mallet, Superinten
dent of Schools of Butts county.
A library will be built and equip
ped by the Carnegie Foundation,
on condition that the city or an
organization furnish a site and
pay ten per cent of the cost of
the building, annually, for main
tenance. For instance, if the li
brary cost SIO,OOO, the communi
ty would be required to pay an
nually SI,OOO for sustenance.
Some members of Council, be
fore whom the proposition will be
laid at an early date, are said to
favor the plan. Mr. Mallet is
keenly interested in the library, as
he is in all progressive steps hav
ing the educational advancement
of the county in view. Other
prominent citizens endorse the
It is thought there will be no
difficulty in securing a desirable
site for the proposed institution.
There is no denying the advan
tage that a public library would
be to the entire community.
A full discussion of the matter
is requested through these col
umns and anybody having a lot
that they wish to donate for a
site has an opportunity to serve
the community well.
In a fierce pistol duel with Po
liceman Dan Brooks at Flovilla
Thursday night of last week, a
negro giving his name as Am
brose Jackson was shot down and
is now in the county jail serious
ly wounded.
The negro, together with two
other blacks, was put off of the
train by the conductor and turn
ed over to the policeman to be
locked up. When Policeman
Brooks started to take Jackson
in custody the negro drew his
pistol and fired six shots at the
officer. Fortunately none of the
shots found their mark.
The black started to run after
emptying his pistol. Policeman
Brooks then fired upon the flee
ing negro, halting his dash with
a bullet through the abdomen.
In the excitement the other
two negroes escaped.
Mr. Brooks declares there is
no fun in having a volley of lead
whizzing all around one’s head.