The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, July 16, 1915, Image 2

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    Jackson Progress-Argus
Published Every Friday.
J. DOYLE JONES, Editor and Pub.
Subscription $1 a Year
Telephone No. 166.
Communications ar** welcomed. Cor
respondents will please confine them
selves to 300 words, as communications
over that length cannot be handled.
Write on one side of the paper only,
sign your name, not for publication,
but as an evidence of good faith.
Official Organ Butts County
And the City of Jackson.
Sure, Jackson wants that Car
negie library.
What are you doing to push the
county fair along?
For Uncle Sam life seems to be
just one crisis after another.
We’d like to find the guy that
put the jay in Jaybird Springs.
Wonder if Oliver Bloodworth
has gone to press around the cap
itol yet?
What has become of the old
fashioned girl who used to help
pick the geese?
Eastman is giving the press
party a good time —and indiges
tion —this week.
Incidentally, the legislature is
creating a few city courts and
killing a few other c. c.
Now that the editors have gone
the people of Eastman will have
to raise a brand new chicken crop.
One good feature of the press
trip to the coast was that it gave
an opportunity for an annual foot
We are in favor of the general
assembly going after the fire in
surance trust with pitchforks and
grappling hooks.
The legislature ought to pass
some sort of regulation that will
curb the auto speed fiends on the
public highways of the state.
It’s a long ways to Tipperary
but if Joe Brown runs against
Tom Hardwick for United States
senator we’ve got our ticket fixed.
A nine months term for the
schools of Butts county sounds
good. The best school system in
the state is what Butts must aim
The consensus of opinion over
the state is that if the 4 ‘best peo
ple” are with Jack Slaton, the
‘‘best people” are dern scarce in
If Kentucky is famous for its
fast horses and beautiful women
—is that right—how about Geor
gia being famous for its many
The Monroe Advertiser
and the Butts County Pro
gress have recently been ad
ded to our exchange list.
Each is an excellent newspa
per. —Cuthbert Leader.
Thank you. Some good paper
you’re issuing, too.
We doff our hat to Editor Doyle
Jones, of Jackson. He is now
sole press censor of that most
excellent and thriving city.—
Monticello News.
The Georgia lawmakers seem
to be fond of oratory, having
heard from Hoke Smith, Dr.
Soule and Tom Hardwick in suc
cession. Less speaking and more
business would suit the folks
back home just as well.
Editor Jones, of Jackson,
having secured the newspa
per field exclusively in his
home town, we shall expect
to see a much better paper
over there. Mr. Jones is a
live newspaper man and de
deserves great credit for the
success which he is achiev
ing.—Griffin News and Sun.
Thanks. We’ll tighten up our
belt and try to give the people of
Butts county a paper nearly as
good as The News and Sun.
The Dodge County Herald, East
man’s new paper, has suspended
publication. The Herald was a
good local paper and made a brave
fight to gain a foothold, but East
man already had one good paper
in The Times-Journal, and there
was no room for another, so one
had to go. It takes a mighty
good town these days to furnish
sufficient patronage to keep one
paper alive, much less two.—
Hawkinsville Dispatch and News.
J. Doyle, Jones of the Jackson
Progress, has adquired control of
the Argus, C. L. Carter Having
retired from the newspaper bus
iness after an experience of on
ly a few months. Mr. Carter ad
mits that he is not a newspaper
man and that there is not suffi
cient business in Jackson to
maintain two papers, all of
which is very true. While
the Argus was the oldest publi
cation, it is the case of the sur
vival of the fittest. —Griffin News.
C. L. Carter, of Jackson, who
has been recently running the
Jackson Argus, has surrender
ed his lease and henceforth
both the Argus and the Butts
County Progress will be run by
Editor Doyle Jones, of Jackson.
Mr. Jones is one of the best news
paper editors in Georgia and has
made the Progress one of the
most eagerly read and highly re
spected papers in the Empire
State. We congratulate Brother
Jones and wish for him the suc
cess which he so richly deserves.
—Monroe Advertiser.
. Advice Is:
Hiu c out of sorts from cons ti
ll, f v.? say that if
Heagg. (£tdeA£ie&.
do not relieve you, see a physician,
because no other home remedy will,
gold only by us, 10 cents.
Slaton Drug Cos.
4 bars Rub No More Soap
3 boxes “ 44 44 Powder
1 loaf of Uncle Sam Bread
all for 25c
Paul Nolen & Company.
Does the label on your paper
read •®“1916? If not, pay up.
' How’s This?
We offer #ne Hundred Dollars to
ward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh
F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.
We. the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his firm.
Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Testimonials
sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists.
Take HivU’s Family Pills for constitution.
Cut This Out —
It Is Worth Money
Cut out this advertisement, enclose
5 cents to Foley & Cos., 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive in return a trial package con
(1) Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound, the standard family remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough, tightness and soreness in
Chest, grippe and bronchial coughs.
(2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over
worked and disordered kidneys and
bladder ailments, pain in sides and
tack due to Kidney Trouble, sore
muscles, stiff joints, backache and
(3) Foley Cathartic Tablets, a
whclcso ’e and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. Especially comforting to
stout persons, and a purgative needed
by everybody with sluggish bowels
and torpid liver. You can try these
three family remedies for only sc.
The boycott is one of the most
pernicious systems of retaliation
in this country. Some big ad
vertisers in Macon are trying to
make The Telegraph sweat be
cause that paper had the man
hood and courage to tell the truth
about the Frank case. The peo
ple with hold up the hands of
The Telegraph in its fight for the
freedom of the press.
The Macon Telegraph’s circu
lation is growing enormously in
Butts county, and no doubt, over
the entire state. That paper shall
not suffer for speaking the truth.
If it becomes necessary The Tel
egraph can sell stock to ten thou
sand Georgians, the home-grown
Anglo-Saxon kind.
Watch the boy cotters get boy
They Write Every Day
Every day Foley & Cos. receive letters
from grateful men and women, telling
how Foley Kidney Pills cured them of
backache, sore muscles, stiff joints and
other kidnev-nd bladder troubles. Is
very quick to relieve lumbago and
rheumatism due to kidney trouble. No
other remedy has a longer record of
cures. The Owl Pharmacy.
Is the water in your well pure?
If you had typhoid last year it
will pay you to have your doctor
send it to the state board of health
to be examined.
Have your well inclosed if you
possibly can. Remember that
most of the typhoid-bearing wa
ter comes from springs and open
If you are not sure of the water
boil it. It is a great trouble but
it is easier than caring for a ty
phoid patient.
The unpalatable taste of boiled
water is due to the fact that the
boiling drives the air out of the
water. Unless you have some
perfectly clean wide-mouthed fly
proof vessel to let the water stand
in, pour it from a pitcher to an
other that it may regain its air.
—The Progressive Farmer.
Whenever Yon Need a General Tonic
Take Grove’s
The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless
chill Tonic is equally valuable as a
General Tonic because it contains the
well known tonic properties of QUININE
and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives
oat Malaria, Enriches the Blood and
Builds up the Whole System. SO cents.
That Butts county is holding
annual fairs is known all over
Georgia. This mail brings me a
letter from Demonstration Agent
H. G. Wiley, Toccoa, Ga., who is
endeavoring to hold Stephens
county’s initial fair.
He evidently has some whose
narrow vision can’t see any good
in a county fair, for he has re
Seeds Fop
S prin g
Buy your seeds of all kinds from the old
reliable seed of Jackson—Slaton Drug
Cos. This &ore has been in the seed business
longer than any other seed &ore in the coun
ty. We have always given our customers
satisfaction by selling them only the
seeds the American markets afford.
Our Seeds Are Fresh
And not brought over from last season.
You are therefore insured a thorough stand
and a prolific production when you plant
our seeds. Don’t take any chances on cheap
and unreliable seeds.
The Store
In auto repairing requires thorough
find out what is the matter. We
and we right it as quickly andthor-
quested me to summarize the ben
efits our county has received from
fairs in the past, so that he may
have some data by which his ar
guments may be made more
forceful to this anti-fair minority.
We consider it the greatest
move any county can make. We
cannot always see the immediate
gains from such institutions,
but it’s the future that tells the
tale. The centralization of all
the best agricultural products,
both plants and animals, togeth
er with a display of everything
which man’s genius can innovate
creates a spirit of friendly ri
valry which will ultimately re
sult in the county's or communi
ty's leadership.
Wont you be loyal to old Butts
and contribute and exhibit some
H. L. Worsham
Best thing for constipation, sour
stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow
els. Stops a sick headache almost at
once. Gives a most thorough and sat
isfactory flushing—no pain, no nausea.
Keeps your System cleansed, sweet and
wholesome. Ask for Citrolax. The
Owl Pharmacy.
/A. thirst is a Y
/ great blessing 1
/if you can get I
/ Chero-Cola. Drink I
I it from the bottle— I
I through a straw. I
I Always uniform. /
Perfectly delicious. /
V rChero'Colal
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