The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, August 06, 1915, Image 5

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NEWS S3* OF INTEREST IN THE — SOCIAL REALM ?McKibben-Hurt The following cards have been sreceived in the city: Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McKibben announce the marriage of their daughter, Carrie Jim, to Mr. Levi -Henry Hurt, Monday afternoon, July twenty-sixth, nineteen hun dred fifteen. House Party Guests Miss Lucile Ham was the charming hostess last week at a house party at her country home, ‘ 'Seven Oaks. ” On Monday af ternoon the house was unusually : attractive with its adornment of summer flowers. A tennis con test was a feature of the after noon. A number of motor trips and straw rides were given in honor of the guests, who includ ed Misses Gladys and Sarah Pat rick, Bess Compton and Ruby Burford, of Jackson, and Sarah Minter, of Macon. . Miss Carmichael Hostess In compliment to a number of : attractive visitors and to her rook club. Miss Helen Carmichael gave a lovely porch party Wednesday . afternoon. When the games were over, an ice course was - served at the small tables on the deep porches. The visitors pres ent were Miss Ruth Benedict, of Cordele. Miss Mary Lu Britt, of Tifton, Mrs. L. P. Lester, of Macon, Miss Mary Sims Eakes, of Rome, and Miss Mary Buttrill Matthews, of Atlanta. Mrs. Newton Entertains Young Mothers Club 1 The attractive bungalow of Mrs. R. P. Newton was the scene of a happy gathering, Thursday afternoon, when she entertained the members of the Mothers Club. During the summer months, there has been no regu lar programs but informal social meetings take their place, each hostess providing some novel way of entertaining. At this affair, rook was played and was thoroughly enjoyed. Punch was .served and following the games, tea and sandwiches were served from the small tables on the porches. Pleasure and Protection t “One of the best reasons why I would not be B without telephone service,” writes a Georgia far mer, “is the pleasure it gives my wife and the knowledge that while I am away, she has the pro tection that the telephone gives.” g On the farm the telephone dispels loneliness 'fW and is the means of bringing help in any emer- jfe gency that may arise. If you haven’t a telephone on your farm see the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or write for four free booklet and learn how little this service costs. - FARMERS’ LINE DEPARTMENT SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE /jjk\ AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Ut S. Pryor St., Atlanta, Ga. For Misses Benedict And Browning On Wednesday, Mrs. W. Bry ant Thompson entertained at a lovely bridge luncheon for her sister, Miss Minnie Browning, and her guest, Miss Ruth Bene dict, of Cordele. The drawing room where the players were seated was exquisitely decorated in pink roses, while quantities of daisies were used effectively in the dining room. After the games a dainty course luncheon was served. Rook Club The members of the Rook Club had a delightful meeting Wed nesday afternoon with Miss Mary Lane at her home on Third street. An interesting series of games were enjoyed with close scores as the result. Thisclubhas continued itsmeet ings during the summer months and they have lost none of their interest or attendance on account of the weather. All of the mem bers were present to enjoy Miss Lane’s charming hospitality and were served to cream and cake when the games were finished. In Compliment to Visitors A pretty affair of the week was the tea, at which Miss’lna McMi chael entertained, Wednesday af ternoon, for herattractive guests, Misses Hazel Winn, of Cochran, Winnie Hall, of Macon, and Lau rie Shannon, of Jeffersonvilie. In the reception hall and parlors, where the receiving party stood, vases and bowls of marigolds and pink roses were used in decora tions. The only lights were from the waxen tapers, which shed a soft glow over the pretty scene. Refreshing punch was served the guests by Misses Mildred Jol ly and Eileen Scarbrough. As sisting in receiving and in serv ing the dainty ice course were Misses Exie Ham, Frances Barnes and Esta Garr. A large number of maids and matrons called to partake of Miss McMichael’s cor dial hospitality and to meet her trio of popular guests. Miss Harris Hostess In compliment to her guest, Mrs. L. W. Houser, of Elko, Miss Nina Harris entertained at rook on Wednesday afternoon. The tables for the games were PERSONAL •Mrs. L. D. Singley was a vis itor to the city Tuesday. Mrs. Fannie Mae Maddox is recovering from a recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Thornton and children have returned from St. Simons. Mr. J. D. Rambo. of Bluffton, is the guest of Col. and Mrs. W. E. Watkins. Miss Olive Rambo has returned from an extended visit to relatives in South Georgia. Miss Ruth Adams has retuaned to Macon after a visit to Miss Helen Carmichael. Mr. and Mrs. M. 0. McCord and young son, of Marshallville, are guests of Mrs. C. R. Gresham. Mrs. John W. Moore, of Atlan ta, was the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. R. E. Stanfield. Miss Emily Banks, of Atlanta visited her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Mer ideth and other relatives here this week. Misses Eva Knowles and Ger trude Jinks are at home from Athens where they haye been studying. Mrs. J. S. Murph and little daughter, of Marshallville, arriv ed Tuesday to visit Mrs. W. E. Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Miller re turned Monday from a ten days trip to the mountains of North Carolina. Duke Merideth was down from Atlanta spending the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Merideth. Misses Vera and Jessie Jones of Jackson are the guests of Misses Julia and Nannie Wade.—Coch ran Journal. Mrs. J. L. Edwards and baby have joined Mr. Edwards in Ar lington, where they will make their home in the future. Mr. H. L. Bvron returned Sat urday to Bushnell, Fla., a|fer a pleasant visit with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. Lee Byron. Miss Kathleen Joyner, after two weeks pleasantly spent with relatives in College Park and Riverdale, returned home Tues day. Quite a number of Jackson peo ple moved this week to the camp ground, where they will be throughout the ten days meet ings. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Newton, W. P. Newton and Miss Mary Newton came through in their car from Jackson to visit the for mer’s son, Jim Newton.—Coch ran Journal. arranged on the porches, upon which were arranged quantities of yellow dahlias and nasturtiums. Miss Mattisu Ham won first prize, a Quaker collar and the guest of honor was presented a hand-painted picture. Mrs. R. P. Newton and Mrs. R. T. Car michael assisted Miss Harris. Punch, tea and sandwiches were served. The players included: Mes dames L. W. Houser, R. P. New ton, R. T. Carmichael. L. P. Mc- Kibben, W. E. Watkins, J. S. Murph, of Marshallville. O. L. Chesnutt, W. H. Mallet, G. E. Mallet, Misses Mary Newton, Minnie Browning, Mattisu Ham, Rosa Newton, Marylu Britt, of Tifton. There Is No Question bat that indigestion and the cfetrewied feeling which always goes with it can be promptly relieved by taking a before and after each meal. 25c a box. Slaton Drug Cos. FOR SALE Two of the best farm and draft horses in Butts coun ty. Also one upright pia no. Apply S. G. Marsh, Wigwam Hotel, Indian Springs, Ga. 7-23-3 t Come to see us or phone us for ANYTHING Sold in an Up-to-Date Drug Store Our Stock is Fresh Courteous Treatment Prompt Deliveries Woods- Carmichael Corner Drug Store 62 Phones 319 Kingans B Bacon 28c. Paul Nolen & Cos. Peas For Sale At $1.50 per bushel as long as they last. Kimbell & Kinard at Railroad Warehouse. Plan Your Vacation For The Land of The Sky The one place you will motft enjoy a vacation for re& or recreation 0 Hendersonville, W aynesville, Hot Springs, Try on, Brevard, Saluda, Flat Rock Are a few of the noted resorts Many Excellent Hotels and Homelike Boarding Houses Very Low Round Trip Summer Fares Through Sleeping Car Service From Many Important Points For information and beautiful booklet address J. S. BLOOD WORTH, T. P. A., Macon, Georgia SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South For Sale or Rent My home on West Third street; seven rooms, all modern conve niences. Apply to W. H. Mad dox, Jackson, Ga. 7-30-4 t Look Read IT WILL PAY YOU Paul Nolen 6 Company Jackson, Ga. We have the goods for you. New No. 1 Irish Potatoes 20c per peck LEMONS All you want 10c per dozen Kingans Breakfast Bacon Fresh and fine 28c ] (All you want) Stone Cakes f Six kinds, 10c each We get them fresh from the Oven. We are the only Authorized agent tor Jackin, Gi., so buy from us and get them fresh, not second handed. 101 b Bucket Cotton Bloom Lard, the be& 85c per bucket UNCLE SAM BREAD is going some, get in line TRY A LOAF 10 lb Bucket Absolutely Pure Hog Lard $1.20 No better lard made Pure Apple Cider Vinegar 10c per quart Do Mot Let our building inter fere with your orders we will fill them the same So phone us or come in person, we are here Morris Sc Co’s Canned Cooked Brains Per 1C„ Can Idt Try a package of White Rose Tea Let us have your orders and have them delivered at your home MOW PHONES 24 and 60 WE DELIVER MOW Paul Nolenfi Cos Jackson, Ga