The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, August 27, 1915, Image 4

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The Busy Corner Specials Fop Saturday and Monday Irish Potatoes The biggest and best we have handled this soason For Peck 20c Cabbage per lb lc Cheese Full cream genuine Wisconsin Bacon Kingans, kept fresh on ice all the time Hams Daisy Brand for lb 16 Vz c Dairy Brand for lb 16c We will guarantee these hams to please you. Try one Lard White Way Compound for 10 lb bucket 85c Lard Absolutely pure hog lard dipped from tierce For 12!4c lb Coffee A good one in bulk For lb 12 V 2 c Brooms We have a good stock for you to select from, all “bran new” clean goods. Look over the prices listed below and see our window. Winner 20c No. 6 42c Little Lady 48c Little Nugget 53c Hotel 58c Hearth, small 15c LEMONS Fancy Imported for dozen 10c Coffee If you want the best coffee money can buy, give us your next order for Schot tens in bulk * For lb 25c We appreciate your business. PHONE 186 or 93 Carmichael- Mallet Company : Butts County News : JENKINSBURG Miss Annice Barnes, of Floyil la, visited here a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Colvin and Miss Ethel Colvin, ofJJackson, spent Tuesday with Mrs. F. S. Gilmore. Mrs. W. T. Thurston is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Homer Man ning, in Griffin. Miss Carrilu Harper had as her guests Sunday Messrs. Edgar McMichael, Avon Gaston and ; Miss Anniried Harper, of Jack son. Miss SallieNutt, of Griffin, vis ited Miss Sallie Ruth Thurston last week. Miss Florence Morrison, of Jackson, is spending a few days with Mrs. 0. S. Duke. Misses Jewell Glass and Beedie Thurston and Mr. Howard Jolly spent the week-end with relatives at Liberty Hill. Miss Irene Bankston visited her cousin, Miss Bessie Sowell, in McDonough last week. Several from here attended Shingle Roof camp meeting Sun day. Miss Sarah Minter has return ed to her home in Macon after a pleasant visit to relatives here. Mrs. Ethel Carmichael now has rooms with Mrs. Mollie Moss. Dr. J. W. Haroer and Mrs. J. W. Childs made a business trip to Monticello Wednesday. To Drive Out Malaria And Build Up The System Take the Old Standard GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC. You know what you are taking, as the formula is printed on every label, showing it is Quinine and Iron in a tasteless form. The Quinine drives out malaria, the Iron builds up the system. 50 cents Turnip seed. Woods-Carmichael. Dove Brand Hams 16 l Ac Paul Nolen & Company. FLO VILLA NEWS A pretty event of Tuesday was the afternoon reception at which Miss Nellie Scott Millen enter tained at her home on Heard street, in compliment to Mrs. Fred Thurman, a recent bride. A wealth of garden flowers ar ranged in graceful array on man tles and cabinets adorned the rooms and hall where punch was served by Misses Lurine Torbet, Beatrice Maddux and Mildred Al len. Assisting in serving were Mrs. T. S. Millen, Mrs. J. S. Curr.ming. Mrs. Duval of Jack sonville, Fla., and Miss Agnes Bryant, sister of the bride. Miss Millen received wearing a pink voile afternoon toilet and Mrs. Thurman was gowned in a graceful model of white lace and taffeta. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ingram j left Monday for a trip through! Tennessee and North Carolina, i During their absence Master Charles, Jr., is with his aunt, Postponing Old Age Overworked, weak or diseased kid neys make one feel old before middle ape. Rheumatism, aches and pains, too free perspiration of strong odor and other symptoms are warning that the kidneys need help. Foley Kidney Pills make the kidneys strong and ac tive. The Owl Pharmacy, adv “I Don’t Feel Good” That is what a lot of people tell us. Usually their bowels only need cleansing. Tte'xaßfcQtdefcEiett, will do the trick and make you feel fine. We know this positively. Take one tonight. Sold only by us, 10 cents. Slaton Drug Cos. Miss Lucy Ingram at Jesup. Mrs. J. T. Gibson and Mrs W. J. Partridge left Thursday for a short trip to Florida. They will visit Tampa, St. Petersburg, St. Augustine and Jacksonville be fore returning. Mr. J. E. Cummings, of Savan nah, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Carnes, of Abbeville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Cummings Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Walker and little son, Dozier, have returned to their home at Roberta after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Dozier. Mr. Jack Goodrum has return ed to his home in Sylvester after spending two weeks with his sis ter, Mrs. C. D. Ingram. Mrs. W. J. Partridge was the guest of Miss Lucy Goodman at her home in Jackson Monday. Mrs. Allie Vickere has return ed home after a visit to her sis ter, Mrs. J. E. McClelland, at her home in Juliette. Mrs. Ingram and Mrs. Bennett, of Jesup, are occupying the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ingram during their absence. Mr. W. W. Preston attended the county school board meeting held at Jackson Tuesday. The fall term of the Flovilla High School will open cn the first Monday in September with an able corps of teachers. Mr. W. C. Patton, of Jefferson City, Tenn,, principal. Miss Lelia Ray first assistant and Miss Jimmie Paulen second. Miss Emma Alice Johnson, of Columbus, will have charge of the music department. She comes highlv recommended and is quite a talented musician teaching piano, violin and voice. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. King and chiidren spent the week-end with Mrs. King’s parents in Hen- ry county. Mrs. Luther Edwards and lit tie daughter, Eugenia, are the guests of Mrs. J. T. Edwards this week. Miss Lula Lawson who has been at Indian Springs for some time is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Lawson this week. Mr. B. H. Harding and little son, Herman, left Tuesday for Birmingham where they will be the guests of relatives for two weeks. Don’t forget to have that watch or clock or both started going. I can do it and make them go to your satisfaction. Jno. R. Miller. "ures Old Seres. Other f.err.edies Won’t Curs. f r.e ■worst cases, no matter of how long st aniliug aic erred hy the wctslei. I, c'd reliable l) r Portei s /.miser-tic Healing Oil. It relieve, c ’.jn and Reals at thi same t : rr“. 25c. 50c. Sl.'ia 3 cakes soap, 1 box Co rylopsis Powder 25c. Woods-Carmichael. For Sale Set of fifth and eight grade books. Mrs. Lula M. Duke. 8-27-lt WOOD LAWN Mrs. E. C. Moncrief spent Wednesday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. T. W. Nolen. A large crowd from here at tended Sunday school at Union Ridge Sunday. Among them were Misses Mat ie Nelson, Lucy Hay and Lucy Vickers, Messrs. Morton Vickers and D. B. Ply male. Mr. and Mrs. Kemie Smith an nounce the birth of a son. Misses Evamae and Allie Vick ers are the guests of their sister, Mrs. W. C. Norsworthy, at the dam this week. Mr. Mack Duffey spent spent Sunday with Mr. Van Hay. Mrs. E. O. Ross and children have returned to their home in Atlanta after a very pleasant visit with her parents here. She was accompanied home by her sister, Miss Eunice Nelson, who is to enter school there soon. Mrs. Sam Smith, of Cork, spent last Wednesday with her mother, Mrs. Edmond Hay. Miss Pearl Griffith spent Sun day night with Miss Mattie Nel son. , Mrs. W. A. Waldrop and daughter spent Wednesday after noon with Mrs. A. J. Hay and family. Miss Virginia Vandas has re turned to her home in Atlanta after a very pleasant visit with Miss Pearl Griffeth at Flovilla. Invigorating to the Pale and Sickly The Old Standard general strengthening: tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria.enriches the blood.andbuilds upthe sys tem. A true tonic. For adults and children. 50c 10 cakes soap 25c. Woods-Carmichael For Sale At reasonable prices, several nice articles of h-<u>-hold furni ture, including range, refrigera tor, sideboard, parlor and bed room suits. Ring 68. j Are You a Woman ? Cardui The Woman’s Tonic I FOR SALE AT ALL DRUGGISTS Round SI.OO Trip ATLANTA On Sundays Until September 12,. 1915 Southern railway MISS LUCY JIM WEBB HOS TESS TO COLLEGE FRIENDS On Saturday afternoon, Aug. 14, Miss Lucy Jim Webb was the gracious hostess to a party of college friends and teachers of Meridian College, who were at tending the Indian Springs camp meeting, at her attractive coun try home. A delightful barbecue dinner was served the guests. The popular hostess dispensed a cordial hospitality on this hap py occasion. The invited guests were Pres. J. W. Beeson, Meridian, Miss.; Prof. Guy Hicks, Porterdale, Miss Daisy Gray, Locust Grove, Miss Catherine Florence,. Miss.; Miss Florrie Harwell, Cov ington; Miss Julia Black, Mon trose; Mrs. D. D. Durham, Pop larsville, Miss.; Misses Marjorie Hinson, Hazlehurst, Elsie Bur roughs. Atlanta, Laura Hucka bee, Macon, Norma and Frankie Durham, Poplarsville, Miss.; Ray Thomas, Seand, Korea, Sammie Stubbs, Cairo, Carlene Hicks, Porterdale, Ward McWilliams, Stock bridge, J. Ray Watson, Greenwood, S. C., Terrell Ray, Macon, D. W. Bridges, Athens, Verner Budd, Valdosta, Candler Harwell. Covington, Wiley Mi lam, Stockbridge, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. G*. B. Shingler, Donalsonville, Ga.. STARK. Miss Bertha Paris, of Atlanta, was the guest of Miss Mabel Kilgo last week. Mr. Hulen Moore, of Atlan ta, was the guest of Mr. Walstine O’Neal last week. Miss Maude Duke spent the week-end with Mrs. John Robert McMichael. Miss Gladys O’Neal spent Sat urday night with Miss Gussie Singley. Missn Lillian Duke entertained the young people with a singing Friday night. Mr. Paul Cawthon and Miss Mattie Lou Green attended Sun day school here Sunday afternoon Miss Mabel Kilgo is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Mr. Fond Cawthon visited rel atives here last week. Mr. Raymond Biles entertain ed the young people Saturday night with a contest, which all enjoyed. Miss Ruby Mayfield, of Atlan ta, visited relatives here last week. Plies Cured in 6 to 14 Days Your druggist will refund money if PAZO : OINTJnJNT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. The first application gives Rase and-Rest. 50c.