The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, September 03, 1915, Image 6

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Apples and Bananas The Store Of Quality Toka Grapes TURNIPS AND CABBAGE Grades Teas and Coffees Heinz 57 Varieties Irish Potatoes Best Full Cream Cheese Refrigerator Service : SOCIAL NEWS : D. A. R. Meeting The first fall meetingofthe Wil liam Mclntosh chapter, Daugh ters of the American Revolution, will be held. Tuesday afternoon, September 7th, at 3:30 o’clock at the home of the regent, Mrs. James P. Etheridge. A full at tendance is desired. For Misses Collier Miss Frances Barnes enter tained at an enjoyable Bridge party, Monday evening forJMiss es May and Vivian Collier, of St. Louis. An ice course followed the interesting games, which were played on the porches. The players included Misses Col lier, Miss Exie Ham, Miss Ina McMichael, Messrs. Tom and J. K. Sitton, Adams, Willie Thaxton and John Jackson. Barbecue Dinner Mr. J. L. Bailev and Mr. J. T. Doby entertained a large number of their friends and relatives at a barbecue at the home of Mr. Do by, near Jackson, on last Thurs day. The meats were prepared in the “J. W. Benson” style* which means perfection, and the accessories were looked after by the ladies of the families and neighbors. The delicious dinner was served on the tables in the shady grove near the home. Each guest voted the day a suc cess and wished many happy re turns. Mothers Club Meeting Mrs. A. W. Lane and Mrs. L. L. O’Kelley were joint hostesses to the members of the Young Mothers club at the home of Mrs. Lane, Thursday afternoon. Up on arrival the guests were served Cresco Cakes and Crackers PHONE 1 134 4 J. B. Thomas Prompt Service Quality Counts punch by Misses Mary Lane, Hel en Carmichael and Ruth Adams, of Macon. A short and interes ting program was arranged, the first number being a vocal solo by Mrs. W. L. Etheridge. This was followed by a short talk by Dr. R. “The Habit and the Habitat.” The last number was a musical reading by Mrs. O’Kelley, with original accompaniment bv Mrs. Lane. In the dining room where ices and cake were served, the decorations were cunning “Sunbonnet Ba bies.” A large number of visi tors were present besides the regular club members. Mrs. W. E. Watkins will be the next hos tess to the club. Party For Little Folks Little Miss Mary Julia Sas nett was hostess to a large num ber of her friends, Tuesday af ternoon, in celebration of her sixth birthday. Mrs. Sasnett arranged many interesting games for the voung people and the porches and lawn were merry with their laughter. The lovely little hostess was the recipient of many pretty presents from her guests. Cream and cake was served late in the afternoon. About fifty guests were entertained. Did the Old Man Good Geo. W. Clough, of Prentis, Miss., is sevent.v-seven years old and had trou ble with his kidneys for many years. He writes that Foley Kidney Pills did him much good. He used many reni idies, but this is the only one that ever helped him. No mau, young or old, can afford to neglect symptoms of kid ney trouble, The Owl Pharmacy, adv Dove Brand Hams 16c Paul Nolen & Company. A Full Line Of Fresh Eatables SWEET POTATOES Fresh Goods Arriving PERSONAL Miss Eloise Slaton returned to : Atlanta Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. W. Cole has accepted a 1 position with Etheridge, Smith 1 & Cos. Miss Myrtle Harris leaves Sat urday for Tifton, where she will teach. Mr. J. W. Norsworthy, Jr., of Smarrs, is visiting relatives here this week. Miss Maggie Gean Foster and Mrs. J. T. Moore were recent vis itors to Atlanta. Miss Ruth Jinks, of McDon ough, was the guest last week of Mrs. J. S. Davis. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Steele, of High Falls, spent Sunday in the city with relatives. Miss Ouida Carreker, of Zeb ulon, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Carreker. Mr. L. B. Thompson is with the Jackson Mercantile Cos., in the grocery department. Mrs. J. E. Brown, of Green wood, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Carrie Dupree Smith. Misses Opai Shepherd and Reba Johnson will be with Mrs. J. T. Fletcher during the next school term. Miss Marguerite Fletcher came down from Atlanta for a week end visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fletcher. Mrs. Carrie Dupree Smith was called to Atlanta Monday night to attend the funeral of her cous in, Mrs. W. P. James. Messrs. J. A. Joyner and J. A. Kimbell returned the first of the week from a visit to Tampa and other points in Florida. Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Dempsey have returned to Emory College, where Dr. Dempsev holds the chair of Theology in that institu tion. Mr. T. J. McAlister returned last week from a trip to the eas tern and northern markets in the interest of Jackson Mercantile Company. Mr. R. N. Etheridge returned Saturday from New York, where he purchased a splendid assort ment of dry goods for the Eth eridge-Smith Cos. Miss Emma Lou Nolen left Sat urday for Wayside, where she will teach. Miss Clara Nolen will remain at home with her parents for the fall months. Messrs. J. H. Carmichael and A. F. Whitney return this week from a trip to New York and Baltimore in the interest of Car michael-Mallet Company. Miss Ida Garret arrived a few days ago from Baltimore and will have charge of the millin ery department of the Now York Store for the fall and winter sea son. Miss Ruth Sanderson, of At lanta, who has recently been do ing Red Cross work on the Isle of Man, near England, is expect ed to visit Miss Marv Kinard, in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Pope had as their guests last week Mrs. Ed Fears and family. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sanders and daugh ter of Madison, Mrs. Levert Pope Weems and family, of Carters ville. Col. and Mrs. Nalley, of Forsyth. Miss Frances Pope of Lyons. Mrs. Weems and chil dren and Mrs. Nalley will remain for several days. PHONE 8 The Easy Number LET US HAVE YOUR ORDERS. Just received new crop Syrup in qt. bottles. Try some New barrel Cuba Molasses. It’s good. Fresh Breakfast Bacon. * Tip-Top and Butternut Bread six days in the week. Get your Turnip Seed now. All orders appreciated, large or small. KEEP US HUSTLING. WE LIKE IT. J. C. KINARD 6 CO. FONE ATE School Supplies 1 School bells are ringing—play days are at an end. Bright faced boys and girls are running forth to again take up their studies and enjoy the beneficent blessings of our American system of education. But are they ready? Have they everything in readiness to the first day right? Equipment at school means as much to the scholar as tools to the mechanic. WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF Tablets, Pencils, Pen Staffs, Composition Books, Inks, Pen Points, Color Cray ons, Pencil Boxes. Try Our 10x12 Pencil Tablet the best 5c tablet we carry. REMEMBER We don’t charge School Books Sold for Cash only WOODS CARMICHAEL 319 PHONES 62 Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Pope will have as their week-end guests Dr. J. N. Weems. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Matthews, Mr. and Mrs. Renfroe, of Cartersville,. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Jamerson, of At lanta. / Miss Lucia Singley, who has been at home for the past two months, left Tuesday for an ex tended visit with her sisters in Atlanta and South Carolina be fore returning to Florida for the winter. Dr. Fletcher Walton, presiding elder of the Griffin district, filled the phlpit at the Jackson Meth odist church, Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Olin King accompanied him on his return trip to Griffin, Sun day afternoon. Mr. A. J. Biles, formerly as sistant cashier of the Jackson National Bank, is now cashier of the Jackson Banking Compa ny, succeeding Mr. T. B. McMi chael, resigned. Mr. L. H. Jor dan is now assistant cashier at the Jackson Banking company and Warren Furlow assistant cashier at the Jaeksor* National. Bank. Tablets Will Relieve Your Indigestion Slaton Drug Cos. GET OUR PRICES before buying Lumber, Laths, Shingles* Sash, Doors, and Blinds or Mill work Will make you Interesting Figures Crisp County Lumber Cos. Cordele, Georgia We have a large amount of money to loan on Real estate, city and farm. COBB, JESSUP & CO., 404 Cherry street, Macon, Ga. 9-3-4 t