The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, September 24, 1915, Image 1

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BUTTS COUNTY FAIR OCTOBER 19-22 THE JACKSON PROGRESS-ARGUS Vol 43— No. ft*""!’ Office BOYS READY TO HARVEST CORN Other Details oi Fair to Be Poshed OPENS MONTHFROM NOW Field Agent Busy Looking After Important Work- Fair Boosters Will Have Another Meeting Odt. 2 As the date of the Butts Coun ty Fair draws nearer everybody is busy boosting, pulling and working for the biggest event of the year from a local viewpoint. Mr. J. S. Lewis, who has the field operations in charge, is helping the Corn Club boys har vest and measure their corn. Out of more than a hundred and fif teen who enrolled in the spring, it is thought a large percentage of that number will stick to the end. A prize will be awarded at the state fair for the county with the largest number of corn club boys in line, and Butts will try for this prize. It is of interest to the corn club boys and the canning club girls to learn fit Butts county has been assigned a good place at the state fair for the display of their products. Prof. Ross M. Gridley, of the State Agricultural College, Ath ens, will act as judge of the live stock department. He acted in that capacity very acceptably at the fair here last year. The fact that Loring Brown is to judge the poultry show has al ready been noted. The fair association will have its next meeting Saturday, Octo ber 2. Only one or two more meetings will be held and it is of the utmost importance that the various committees turn out and help to round up the details of the fair before the opening. Those who are going to have floats in the parade the first day should report that fact to the advertising committee so they may be assigned positions. The ueorgia Harvest Festival to be held in Atlanta November 15-20, will give $2,000 in cash prizes to the counties having the best floats. Butts county should get in the swim and trv for some of this prize money. L'iERS LICENSE NOW n SALE BY GAME WARDEN Game warden J. G. Maddox now has on sale hunt rs license for the approaching season. The names of all persons securing li cense will be published, Mr. Maddox states, so that that it can be seen just who is entitled to hunt. The price of county license is $1.00; state license $3.00; non resident license $15.00. SUPERIOR COURT OVER LAST THURSDAY NICHT Judge Searcy adjourned court Thursday night, after a four day session. The last case tried was that of W. W. Wilson against the City of Jackson. The plaintiff was awarded a verdict of $l6O. The suit was for some seven hundred odd dollars and was brought for alleged damage to the plaintiff’s property near the waterworks station. Two civil and three criminal cases were disposed of during the week. None of the damage suits against the Central Georgia Power Company were reached. The second suit against the Tow aliga Falls Bower Company, that of Mrs. Mamie Foster, was not completed owing to the illness of Capt. Grantland’s brother. AT RIPE AGE MRS. CURRY DIES Was A Highly Esteemed Woman SICK ONLY SHORT TIME The End Came Friday Af ternoon —Funeral And Interment at Historic Old Bethel Church Saturday Mrs. W. D. Curry, one of the most highly respected women in the county, passed away at her home in this city Friday after noon of last week. She was sick only a few days and news of her death came as a shock not only to her family but to a large cir cle of friends. Mrs. Curry was a Miss Barnes before her marriage. She had attained the ripe age of 76 years. Possessing many excellent quali ties of character, she endeared herself to ail her acquaintances. Asa wife she was true and de voted, as a mother tender and sacrificing, and there are many who will mourn her passing. The funeral was held at Old Bethel church Saturday afternoon at 3 o’clock. Rev. Olin King of the Methodist church conducted the services. Attesting the es teem in which the deceased was held a large number of friends and relatives gathered to pay a final tribute. Mrs. Currv is survived by her husband. Mr. W. D. Curry, for mer sheriff of Butts county and chairman of the board of Tax Assessors; one son, Mr. J. H. Curry; fiye daughters. Mrs. J. C. Redman, Mrs. C. W. Bryan, Mrs. J. D. Burford and Mrs. Ed Gray and Mrs. J. J. McKibben. JACKSON, GEORGIA, SEPTEMBER 24, 1915 BUTTS COUNTY TO GET IN PICTURE There Will Be Several Local Views TO PUSH POWER CITY Film on Georgia Will Be Shown All Over This And Other States in The Next Few Months Jackson and Butts connty will be represented in the moving picture film showing the resour ces of Georgia. Mr. Charles J. Haden, presi dent of the Georgia chamber of commerce, and Mr. W. H. Heahy, of the Scenic Film Company, visited Jackson Tuesday in the interest of the movement. The city and county and perhaps in terested property owners, will bear the expense of having the films made. A committee will decide on the views to be taken. It is probable that views of In dian Springs and the power plant will be included in the film. It is the idea of the local committee to boost Jackson, the Power City, strong and try to attract new en terprises. The cost of the film is from $12.50 to $25 a view or 50c a foot. Those who have kept advised of the movement know that the Georgia chamber of commerce is having a film made showing the resources of Georgia, the manu factories, agriculture, live stock, good roads, churches, schools, etc. This film will be shown not only in Georgia, but in many of the states of the country, and will be a tremendous and far reaching advertisement for the Empire State of the South. The picture was shown for the first time in Atlanta last Thnrs day night and people from all parts of the state were present. The production evoked the hearty and enthusiastic praise of a rep resentative audience, presided over bv Governor Harris. Mr. F. S. Etheridge and Mr. Hugh Mallet represented Butts county at the initial production of the “Know Thy State” picture and these gentlemen were greatly impressed at the scope of the work. The fair association is particu larly anxious to have some views of the floats and parade the first day of the Butts County Fair, October 19. Arrangements will be made to have these views in corporated in the film of Jackson and Butts county. OUR COUNTY FAIR; A WORD OR TWO Do you really want a good fair? lam certain you do. There’s but one way to have it —let every one contribute something, however small. A word to the Corn Club boys: Don’t drop out, if you have not. Stay in if you make only 25 bush els of corn. Here goes for a good fair. J. S. Lewis. PROF. G. E. RICE IS NEW FARM AGENT Prof. G. E. Rice has been nam ed as Farm Demonstrator for the remainder of this year to succeed Mr. H. L. Worsham, who was forced to give up the work on ac count of ill health. Mr. Rice will probably arrive in the city this week and take up the work. He is said to be a first-class man in every respect and the people of the county will give him hearty co-operation in his work. Mr. Rice was sent to Butts county in response to the request of the county authorities for an experienced man to carry on the demonstration work. The ser vices of a capable man are need ed just now when the boys and girls of the clubs are in an impor tant stage of their work and the details of the county fair to be looked after. CARNIVAL WAS A POPULAR HIT Advertisements Unique in Every Detail NEAT SUM WAS REALIZED Prize Winners in Various Classes Are Announced —Entertainment Proved A Popular Drawing Card The Merchants Carnival staged at the auditorii/m Friday even ing, under the direction of the Parent-Teacher Association, was one of the most popular hits ever seen in Jackson. A crowded house witnessed the production and a handsome sum was reali zed. Out of the ordinary, the per formanceattracted attention from the start, and a total of forty seven entries were secured. Al most every line of business in the city was represented. The ad vertisements were unique and were arranged with good taste and compelling attractiveness. Six groups were represented and the prizes of two dollars to each class were awarded as fol lows: Class 1, Newton-Carmichael Hardware Company, “Real life.” Class 2. Jackson Coca Cola Bot tling Company, “Bottled fun.” Class 3, Svlvan Grove Dairy, “Where are you going my pretty maid?” Class 4. Carmichael Buggy Company, “We should worry.” Class 5, Star Store, “Ready for school.” Class 6, First National Bank, “Gone.” Several musical numbers added to the pleasure and success of the evening. The receipts at the door were about $55 and this added to the sale of advertising space brought the total up to approximately $lO5. Jackson Argus Established 1873 ( „ ... . . , . „ Butts County Progress Established 1882 i Consolidated July 9,1915 OLD FASHIONED HYMNS ARE SUNG Pleasant Grove Church Is Host to Meet J. M. MCMICHAEL PRES. High Falls Singing Con vention Has Enjoyable Two Days Session —Jas- per Gets Next Meeting Officers for the current year elected at the annual session of the High Falls Singing conven tion, meeting with Pleasant Grove church Friday and Satur day, include: J. Matt McMichael, president. R. G. Chafin, Jasper county, vice president. L. L. Tison, secretary. The two days session was well attended and the interest dis played shows there lingers a love for the old fashioned songs sung in the old fashioned way. Din ner was served each day and in this respect the good people of the Pleasant Grove community showed that they know how to tempt and satisfy the appetite. A program committee of five members was appointed as fol lows: W. W. Wilson, I. P. Ros ser, Fleet Lovett, R. H. Smith, R. G. Chafin, Will Bledsoe. Some of the leaders, who were assigned fifteen minutes each, included: Ed Lavender. T. E. Williams. Brown Combs, Rev. Mr. Niblett, W. W. Wilson and others. The High Falls Singing con vention comprises four counties. Butts, Jasper, Henry and New ton. The next meeting goes to Jasper county. DR. GAERTNER HERE IN INTEREST OGLETHORPE UNI. Dr. H. J. Gaertner, field agent of Oglethorpe University, the new Presbyterian school in At lanta. has been here this week in the interest of that institution. The .Jackson Presbyterian church has pledged SI,OOO to the new institution. It is likely that even more than that amount will be raised by the people of the community for the cause of ed ucation. The people of the entire South have done a splendid part by the new university. Stockbridge, Monticello and other towns in this section have given gener ously and Jackson Presbyterians will not fail to respond liberally. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m. Also the regular Sacri mental service. Preaching at 7:45. Come to a home-like church. Sunday School at 10 a. m. A great lesson. I. H. MTller, Minister.