The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 08, 1915, Image 6

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The Busy Comer Specials For Saturday and Monday Home Ground Meal The kind you get when you go to mill In peck bags 30c In 1-2 bus bags 55c In 1 bus bags sl.lO If you want some sure enough good corn bread try some of this. T omatoes Standard Quality 3 cans for 20c Oysters Standard 5 oz 3 cans for 20c Lard Absolutely pure hog, dipped from tierce 12 l-2c In 10 lb buckets $1.20 We also have a good hog lard in 10 lb bkts for sl.lO Hams Dairy Brand, we guarantee these hams to please or we will take them back. Per lb 1614 c Salmon Just received some new Sal mon, 1915 pack Chums 10c or 3 for 25c Pinks 15c or 2 for 25c Sweet Potatoes Genuine Yellow Yams, per peck 25c Sugar Standard granulated in 25 lb bags per bag $1,50 Wesson Oil pint can for 20c Coffee If you haven't tried some of that SCHOTTENS try it, per lb 25c If you are not already on our list of PLEASED CUSTOM ers, get there quick and we will save you money. We appreciate your business. PHONE 186 or 93 Carmichael- Mallet Company : Butts County News : ACIDS IN STOMACH SOUR THE FOOD AND CAUSE INDIGESTION “Pape’s Diapepsin” fixes sour, gassy, upset stom achs in five minutes If what you just ate is sour ing on your stomach or lies like a lump of lead, refusing to digest, or you belch gas and eructate sour, undigested food, or have a feeling of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea, bad taste in mouth and stomach headaehe, you can surely get relief in five minutes. Ask your pharmacist to show you the formula, plainly printed on these fifty-cent cases of Pape‘s Diapepsin, then you will under stand why dyspeptic troubles of all kinds must go; and why it re lieves sour, out-of-order stomachs or indigestion in five minutes. “Pape’s Diapepsin” is harmless; tastes like candv, though each dose will digest and prepare for assimilation into the blood all the food you eat; besides, it makes you go to the table with a heal thy appetite; but what will please you most, is that you will feel that your stomach and intes tines are clean and fresh, and you will not need to resort to lax atives or liver pills for biliousness or constipation. This city will have many “Pape’s Diapepsin” cranks, as some people will call them, but you will be enthusiastic about this splendid stomach prepara tion, too, if you ever take it for indigestion, gases, heartburn, sourness, dyspepsia, or any stom ach misery, Get some now, this minute, and rid yourself of that stomach misery and indigestion in five minutes. UNION RIDGE Mrs. A. A. Goodrum spent Sat urday afternoon with her sister, Mrs. W. E. Speir. Miss Wvlene Nolen spent Sat urday night with Misses Alma Newton-Carmichael Hdw. Cos. Hardware, Paints and Oils MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT You will sace 56 cts. per gaL THIS IS HOW Buy 4 gils. L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Painty jg&Jm at .I0 per gal • l t&J ISfeCfrSdy And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mix withltt estimated cost of • • You then mike 7 gafc. of pure paint for ,SIO.BO -—fm, only $ 1.54 per gaL Anybody can rrtx the OIL with the PAINT. tq a tew nriMttt U r™ bu /, 7 , ready-for-use .pairtlll* CANS, you pay $2.10 a gaL or $14.70. Thr L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT is PURE WHITE LEAD, 7JVC snd LINSEED OIL, die best-known paint msterisk foe JOO yeses. q a gal. on! of any L.&M. PAINT you buy and If nof the best dint made, return the ’'•’inf and get ALL your money.bacl£ CORK Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ogletree spent Sunday with the former’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Ogletree, near Indian Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith spent Sunday with relatives in Flovilla. Mrs. Lizzie Cole and Mrs. Mil ton Back ley and little daughter, of Monroe, were week-end guests of the family of Mr. WhitTorbet. Mrs. Johnie Torbet and Mrs. Frank Ogletree went to Jackson Monday. Mr. Aldine Torbet attended court in Macon last week. and Irene Lavender. Miss Flore McCord spent the week-end with friends at Rocky Hill. Mrs. H. P. Dodson happened to the misfortune of getting one of her hands badly burned last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long of Sandy were visitors to Union Ridge Monday. Mrs. Emma Moore and daugh ter, Miss Irene, spent Sunday with the family of Mr. T. E. Fears. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Edwards spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith. Misses Alma and Irene Laven der spent Sunday with Miss Wy lene Nolen. Rev. A. A. Goodrum filled his regular appointment at Union Ridge Sundav morning. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Mayfield visited Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dod son Sunday. There were several visitors to the convict camp Sunday. Mr. J. W. Norsworthy was a visitor to Griffin last week. How an Engineer Keeps Well Railroad engineers are more ex posed to catching cold than other workers. E. G. Dnnaphant of Mon ette, Mo . has mu a Frisco emjine 25 years and all the niedicin- lie has taken is Foley’s Honey and Tr He writes: I always keep it in my house and reccomend it to all who have a bad cough or cold.”—Tlie Owl Pharmacy, adv. TO CORN CLUB BOYS Corn Club Boys: Take courage. You are doing well. We know the seasons have been unfavorable but this was not your fault. “Act well your part, there all the honor lies.” The average with 14 boys has been 50 bushels. J. S. Lewis. W ORTH VILLE. Mr. and Mrs. Alex King and children, of Eudora, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. White. Mrs. Jene Martin and little son. Asa, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stodghill. Misses Laura and Lillie Mae Duke spent the week-end with relatives at Old Bethel. Misses Jewel Mae Aiken, Lucy Jane Stodghill, and Lilibel Smith spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun Stodg. An Old Kentucky Home Had Grown so Weak She could scarcely walk. She also took Peruna and is flesh ier and looking well. The above splendid woman is MraJEl.ttie Hamilton, of eGn Sbe recommends Peruna to aU housewives. Address The Peruna uo., o* Ohio, for a free copy of the “Ills of Life. BOYS AND GlßLS—don’t forget your day at MAJESTIC Exhibit. Get a free souvenir and special prize. Read our ad in this paper. Newton-Carmich ael Hdw. Cos. hill and children of Jackson, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. OcieStodghill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers and Mrs. Anne Benson, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Benson. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Washing ton visited relatives at Stark Monday. There will be a singing at Worthville Baptist church, the 3rd Sunday afternoon, Oct. 17. Everybody inyited. PEOPLE WHO KNOW are go ing to buy a MAJESTIC RANGE during our DEMONSTRATION week. You would too if you KNEW. Read our big ad in this paper, Newton-Carmichael Hdw. Cos. WOOD LAWN Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Nelson had as their guests Sundav Mr. and Mrs. Moore and children of Jackson, and Mr. John Preston. Mrs. Edmond Hay spent Sun day with Mr. Dink White and family. Mrs. Walter Norsworthy and children, of the dam, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. W. R. Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Nelson and children were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smith at Cork. Misses Pearl Griffith and Lucy Hav spent the week-end with Pimples and Skin Eruptions Danger Signs of Bad Blood It May Mean Eczema, Scrofula—The First Sign of Inherited Blood Disease Pimples, scaly Itching skin, rashes, burning sensations ami Scrofula denote with unfailing certainty a debilitated, weakened and impure state of the blood. The trouble may have been in your blood from birth, but no matter how you were infected, you must treat it through the blood. It is a blood disease. You must use S. S. S., the standard blood tonic for 50 years, If you expect certain relief. For purifying the system, nothing is equal to it. The action of S. S. S. is to cleanse the blood. It soaks through the system direct to the seat of the trouble—acting as an antidote to neutralise the blood poisons. It revitalizes the red blood corpuscles, increases the flow so that the blood can properly perform its physical work. The dull sluggish feeling leaves you—the complexion clears up. Even long standing cases re spond promptly. But you must take S. S. S. Drugs and substitutes won’t do. Get S. S. S. from your druggist. If yoors is a special case and yon need expert advice, write te S. S. S. G*, Atlanta, Qa. Miss Lucy Vickers. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Edwards of Iron Springs visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Martha Nelson had as her guest Saturday night and Sun day Miss Flore McCord, of Cov ington, who is teaching at Union Ridge. She ' was accompanied home by Miss Martha Nelson and brother, Stewart. The singing given by Mrs. W. R. Vickers Saturday night was enjoyed by all who attended. Mrs. W. T. Nelson and daugh ter, Miss Martha, spent Monday afternoon with the family of Mrs. Dink white. Robert Lavender of Union Ridge visited Oscar Hay Satur day night. Mr. John Hay spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Walter Nel son. Willie Moss spent Monday with Maurice Fears at Smith’s Mill.. Pre&cher Was Laid Up Rev. c. M. Knighton. Havanna, Fla., ivri'fvr “For three Month* I nuffuml intense pain in Mis kidney* ami back w ich *t lime* laid me up entirely. I used 1 % bottle* of Foley Kidney pill- and ail Mi* pain 0 sp peared. I feel • if' 20 years had been added to m.v life,” Relieves riieumH!ism. backache. ■ muscles snfT j 'lilts- The Owl Plian-in*<n , h<lv DON’T ask us to give you th& $8 GO worth of ware with a MA JESTIC RANGE after our De monstration week, as this special offer appliea to demonstration week ONLY, Oct. 11. Newton- Carmichael-Hdw. Cos. Comfort and economy make happy homes. You get both by using Cole’s Hot Blast Heaters.