The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 08, 1915, Image 9

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"AMERICAN" Her* it a KirscLLtum “©del tliat emkodie* all tk* point* of Gabion _ witbo ut goia j to P extTemcs —back slightly U"!“rxif{^ trace< l; fronts cut away and rounded at Jslm bottom ; natural sboul \ ders; soft rolling lapel*. aav mt Tke sovereign American clotkes-kuyer is no longer content witk tke rigkt clotkes for tke wrong price— or witk tke ri gbt price for tke wrong clotkes. He is finding m K lrsckkaum Clotkes kotk right results and rigkt prices— prices that tke very kackkone of tke country s citizenry like to pay—s 15, S2O, $25 and up. A. B. Kurschkaum Cos. Philadelphia - New York Etheridge, Smith & Cos. JACKSON, GEORGIA LEGAL ADVERTISE MENTS FOR LEAVE TO SELL LAND Georgia —Butts County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned lias applied to the Or dinary of said county tor leave to sell land belonging to the estate of E. P. Watkins for the payment of debts and distribution. Said appli cation will be heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordinary for said county to be held on the fiiet Monday in November, 1916. This 4th day of October, 1916. W. A. Watkins, Admr. upon the estate of E. P. Watkins. FOR YEAR’S SUPPORT Georgia, Butts County. Mrs. Mary L. Maddox having made application for twelve months support out of the estate ot ( . b. Maddox, deceased, and appraisers duly appointed to set apart the same having filed their return, all per-ons concerned are hereby rPC l ul , t , O show cause before the court of ordi nary of said coanty on the first Mon day in November, 1915, why sail application should not be granted. This October 4, 1916. J. H. Ham, Ordinary. NOTICE OF SALE Georgia—Butts County. Bv authority of an order of the r'nnYt of Ordinary of Butts county, ol the o' ,°.id Court. H. D Terr. 11 y iterator of the estate of K. J • < eiteti, late of said county, deceased, au thorizing him to do so. will sell at public outcry to the before the court bouse door of tou i’ouii r v, fovington, Ga., within the legal hourß of sale on tiie first Tuesday in November, the following described tract or parcel of land, sit uated, lying and being in Newton county, and described as follows: Bounded on the north by F. J. Laz enby, east by C. E. Hardeman.south by L. P. Dukeß. west by L P. Dukes and known as the R. J. Terrell home place in Newton county, Georgia. Possession of premise* will be given on the Ist dy of January, 1916. Terms of said sai-one fourth cash and the balance January Ist 1916, without interest Said lad will be sold before the courthouse door of Newton countv, (’ovington. Ga. This the 4th day of Oct . 1915 H. D. Terrell, Administrator of the estate R. J. Terrell, deceased. F. A. Quillian, Attorney. SHERIFFS SALES Georgia, Butts County: Will be sold on the fir*f Tueda in November, nex>. at public outcry at the court house door in said county. within the legal hours of sale, to the high est bidder for cash, the following described property to-wit. One lot of land lying and being in the 616th district G. M . Butts county Geo gia, containing two hundred two ar.d one half acres, bounded as follows: North by lands of W. A. Wilson, east by lands of L. M Crawford, now Mrs Floy Thornton, J N. Knowles and O H Knowles.south by lends of J. N Knowles and W. B. Thompson now Mrs. J. H. Lewis and Carrie Allen and west by lands of W. H. Maddox and Mrs. Annie Webb. Also, all that tract or parcel of land lying and being in the 61fi n district, O. M., Butts countv, Geor gia. containing sixty acres, bounded as follows: North by lands of T. B. Maddox, east by lands, of J. N. Knowles, south by lands of J. N. Knowles and west by landsof W. A. Wilson and Mrs, E. J McKibbeu. Also, one city lot lying and being in the 61‘2rh district, (i. M., and in the eity of Jackson. Butts county, Georgia, and bounded as follows: North by Mack Goodwin, east by Emblic load to McDonough, south by ands of Mrs. Hattie Lane and west by lands ot Mary Willis, containing one and one-eighth acres. Said property levied on as the prop erty of Mrs. Floy Maddox Thornton to satisfy an execution issued from the Superior Court of said county in favor of Mrs. Hattie McKibbeu Lane against said Mrs. Floy Maddox Thornton; said oropertv bning in possession of Mrs Floy Maddox Thornton. This 4th day of October, 1915. L. M. Crawford. Sheriff. NOTICE OF SALE Georgia, Butts County. By virtue of the last will and testa ment of Mrs. Adella Moss, probated in solemn form on August 2, 1915, the un dersigned will offer for sale before the courthouse door in the City of Jack son, on the first Tuesdayin November, the real estate belonging to Mrs. Adella Moss at the time of her death. Said sale will be made in accordance with the terms of said will. The property offered is described as follows: Fifty acres of land, more or less, lying and being in the 615 district G. M. Butts county, and bounded as follows: North by lands of J. M. Bankston, east by lands J. C. Tolleson, south by lands of R. A. Woodward, west by lands of H. G. Asbury. Terms will be announced on date of sale. W. J. Bankston, Executor of Mrs. Adella Moss. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE Georgia, Butts County. By virtve of an order from the Court or Ordinary granted at the October term 1915, will be sold to the highest and best bidder, the first Tuesday in November, 1915, the following descri bed property, lying and being in the 618th district G. M. Butts county, Ga., as per plat made by the county sur veyor, J. M. Collins, three hundred and ten acres of land divided as follows: Lot No. 1 containing fifty acres, boundad on the north by J. M. Ball, east by lot No. 4 as per plat, south by lot No. 2 as per plat, west by Mis Puss Patterson. Lot No. 2 containing fifty acres and bounded on the north by iot No. 1 as per plat, east by lot No. S, south by Mrs. L. 8. Woodward, west by Miss Puss Patterson. Lot No. 3 containing fifty-five acres of land, bounded north by lot No. 4 of said plgt, east by No. 5, south by H. O. Ball, west by No. 2 of said plat* Lot No. 4 containing fifty-five acres, bounded north by G. R. Ridgeway, east by lot No. 6 of said plat, south by lot No. 3, west by lot No. 1 Lot No. 5 containing one hundred acres of land, bounded north by G. R. Ridgeway, east by W. W. Wright, south by H. O. Ball, west by lots Nos. 3 and 4 as per plat. At the same time and place one house and lot in the City of Jackson and sit uated as follows: Beginning at the junction of Broad street and College Avenne, running east along the north side of College Avenueone hnnclred and three feet, thence north one hundred and twenty feet, thence west one hun dred and three feet, thence south one hundred and twenty feet to the begin ning point. Said house and lot for merly known as the Julia Andrews place. Also one vacant lot in the City of Jackson fronting College Ave. one hundred feet, more or less, to the line of W. J. Wood, thence north on a par allel line one hundred and twenty feet, more or less, to Mrs. Annie Webb’s lot, thence west one hundred feet, more or less, to the original lot formerly known as the Julia Andrews lot, thence south one hundrd and twenty feet, more or less, to College Avenue. The plat of surveyor will be exhibited on day of sale of this property. Terms will be announced on day ol sale. T. L. Spencer, J. W. Fletcher, Admrs. APPLICATION FOR CHARTER Georgia—Butts County. To the Superior Court of said County: J. B. Carmichael, V. W. Cole and T. B. McMichael respectfully represents to the Court the following facts: 1. That they desire for themselves, their associates, successors and assigns to be incorporated under the name and style of Jackson Chero-Cola Bottling Company. 2. That the capital stock of said cor poration shall be three thousand ($3,- 000.00) dollars, to be divided into thirty shares of the par value of one hundred ($100.00) dollars each. 3. That all of said capital stock has been paid in. 4. That the principal office and place of business of said company shall be in the City of Jackson, said state and county, but they ask the privilege of establishing branch offices at such other places as they may desire. 5. The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain for the stockholders. 6. The principal and particular bus iness they desire to carry on and con duct is as follows: To manufacture, compound, mix and bottle all kinds of non-alcoholic beverages, such as soda water, chero-cola and other soft drinks, for the purpose of selling at wholesale or retail; to conduct and carry on a milling business, grinding or milling com meal, corn products, flour and any and all other kinds of grain, for retail or wholesale purposes; to grind and mix grain and other foodstuffs to be used in feeding stock, cattle and poul try and to do other and kindred things necessary for the successful carrying on and conducting of said lines of bus , iness. 7. They desire the right to sue and i be sued, to plead and be impleaded, to ; have and use u common seal, to make all necessary by-laws and regulations, and to do all other things that may be necessary for tlie successful carrying on of said business, including the right to buy, hold and sell real estate and personal property suitable to the pur poses of the corporation, and to execute notes and bonds as evidence of indebt edness incurred, or which may be in curred, in the conduct of the affairs of the corporation and to secure the same by mortgage, security deed, or other form of lien, under existing laws. 8. They desire the right and privi lege of increasing the capital stock of said corporation whenever it is desired by a majority of the stockholders to any amount they deem wise up to thir ty thousand dollars. 9. They desire the right and author ity for said incorporation to windup its affairs, liquidate and discontinue its business at any time it may determine to do so by a vote of two-thirds of its stock outstanding at the time. 10. They desire the right of renewal, as is provided by law, and that they have all such other rights, powers, privileges and immunities ns are inci dent to like incorporations or permissi ble under the laws of Georgia. Wherefore, petitioners pray to be in corporated under the name and style aforesaid, with the powers, privileges and immunities herein set forth, and as now, or may hereafter, he allowed a corporation of similar character un der the laws of Georgia. W. E. Watkins, Petitioner’s Attorney. Georgia—Butts County. I, S. J. Foster, Clerk Superior Court of said county, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of application for charter of J. B. Carmichael, V. W. Cole and T. B. McMichael as appears of file in this office. Witness my hand and official seal of said court, this 4th day of Oct., 1915. H. J. Foster, Clerk Supr Court, Bulls Cos. Georgia. TAX LEVY FOR YEAR 1915 Office of County Commissioner Butts County, September 6,1915. It is order ed that there be levied and there is hereby levied upon the real and j>ersonal property located in thecounly ofßutls, for the year 1915 an advalorem tax ag gregating 17 millson the dollar or $1.70 on the hundred for county purposes, said tax being levied for and appor tioned to the following county purpos es, to-wit: 1. Public road fund 4.00 mills 2. Public building and bridge fund 6.35 “ 3. Pauper fund 1.25 “ 4. Jail fund .60 “ 5. Superior court fund .40 “ 6. Litigation fund .40 “ 7. Jury fund .36 “ 8. Coroners fund .05 “ 9. All other lawful charges fund .60 “ 10. For past due indebtedness in compliance with or der of judge of superior court 3.00 “ Total .17.00 “ J. O. GASTON, Commissioner of Roads and Revenues Butts County, Georgia. JOSEPH JOLLY, Clerk. SCHOOL TAX LEVY Jackson, Ga., Aug. 24, 1915. To J. O. Gaston, Commissioner of Roads and Revenues, Butts County Georgia. I hereby certify that the rate of tax ation for the support and maintenance of the public schools outside of the city of Jackson was this day fixed by the County Board of Education at three and one half mills on the dollar for the year nineteen hundred and fifteen and you are hereby authorized to levy such special tax on all of the proper ty in the county of Butls, outside of the city of Jackson, for the support and maintenance of the public schools in the rural districts of the county for the year nineteen hundred and fifteen, at the same time and manner as is now provided for by law for levying and collecting taxes for county purposes. By order of the Board of Education of Butts County. HUGH MALLET, Bupt. Butts County (Schools. Approved. J. O. GASTON, Cos. Com. jl^ /A thirst is a \ / great blessing | Jif you can get 1 / Chero-Cola. Drink I it from the bottle— I I through a straw. 1 I Always uniform. 1 I Perfectly delicious./ 1 £)R/HfC V rChero'Cola] \ |ffl Tax Colledlor’s Notice This is to notify the public that my books will be open for collec ting the state and county taxes for the year 1915, on Oct. Ist, 1915, at the court house in the Ordinary’s office. This Sept. 28, 1915. J. P. Maddox, Tax Col. Does the word REPUTATION mean anything to you? Slop and think and figure sid >ou will know why the MAJESTIC RANGE HAS THE REPUTA TION of being not only the BEST but the LEAST EXPENSIVE. Let the MAN PROM i’HE FAC TORY show you. See our big ad. in this paper. New lon Car michael Hdw. Cos. Whenever You Need a General Tonic Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove’s Tasteless chill Tonic is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains the well known tonic properties of QUININE and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Bloiod and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. I For Scratched I I Tables I Other Furniture and Interior Woodwork Pe-jto-XaC VONDEbs^V I Restore* the original beauty no matte* I how badly scratched or •otled-H'* * I wood atain and varniah combined in one | Comes in it Natural Wood colors, Whi'e, I Gold and Silver Enamel. All Sitee. m Mad* and guaranteed by PEASLEE-GAULBERT CO. | INCORPORATE# Louisville, Ky. I Dempsey Hdw Cos. Jackson, Ga.