The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 15, 1915, Image 3

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COME TO THE Griffin b Spalding County FAIR OCTOBER 25-30 Racing Every Day A Great Big Midway ( , . Come and see the Bird Men Fly and Drop Bombs While in the Sky DON’T FORGET THE DATES Odt. 25,26,27, 28, 29, 30 Six days of Entertainment, Instruction and Fun for Every Member of the Family Reduced Rates on all Railroads COME-A WELCOME AWAITS YOU Admission 25c Cut This Out — It Is Worth Money Cut out this advertisement, enclose S cents to Foley & Cos., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name 4jand address clearly. You will re ceive in return a trial package con taining: (1) Foley’s Honey and Tar Com pound, the standard family remedy for coughs, colds, croup, whooping cough, tightness and soreness in chest, grippe and bronchial coughs. (2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over worked and disordered kidneys and Madder ailments, pain in sides and back due to Kidney Trouble, sore muscles, stiff joints, backache and rheumatism. (3) Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wlioleso ’e and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Especially comforting to stout persons, and a purgative needed l v everybody with sluggish bowels and torpid liver. You can try these three family remedies for only sc. THE OWL PHARMACY The second annual session of the County Fair will be bigger and better. Newton-Carmichael Hdw. Cos. Hardware, Paints and Oils MAKE YOUR OWN PAINT You wifi save 56 cts. per gal. THIS IS HOW s ßuy 4 gals. L. & M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint,, ' f And 3 gals. Linseed Oil to mixLwUKfU^ at estimated cost of • • >2.40 You then make 7 gals, of pure paint for' \slo.Bo Vi J/t It’s only $ 1.54 per gal. Anybody can mix the OIL with the PAINTi v ~ ‘ Whereas, if you buy 7 gals, of ready-for-useTpwnJiin, Made In a lew minutes CAN§ you $2 , 0 a gaJ . or $14.70. The L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PAINT is PURE WHITE LEAD. ZINC ini LINSEED OIL, the best-known paint materials foe 100 year*. a „ a |. 0 u of any L.SM. PAINT you buy and if nof Ihe best oainl made, reli-rn t” an- n.t ALL your money back. FARMER SAYS ADVERTISE OR QUIT YOUR GROWLIN6 Dear Editor: Recently there appeared an article in your paper in which you lambasted the mail order business for all you were worth. The space occupied bv said article would have been worth about ten dollars for ad vertising purposes. In Senoia there are about 25 business houses and in looking through your paper we find that only five of them carry an advertisement in their home paper soliciting trade. It is true that the mail or der business is growing larger every day, due principally to ad vertising. Will the merchants of Senoia continue to let the editor fight for their business line as it were and they let the people WOMAN ALL RUN DOWN Hade Strong and Well By Vinol Waynesboro, Pa.—“ I was all run down after a hard spell of bronchitis so it was hard for me to keep about. I had pains in my chest and took cold easily. A friend asked me to try Vinol. I did and it built me up so I am strong and well and I am able to do my housework which I had not done for three months before taking Vinol."—Mrs. Y. R. Hor bough, Waynesboro, Pa. Vinol creates an appetite, aids diges tion, makes pure blood and creates strength. Your money back if it fails. Woods-Carmichael Book & Drug Company, Jackson. Ga. know what they have for sale? Hundreds of dollars leave Senoia and vicinity every week for dry goods simply because people five miles from Senoia don’t know whether or not the merchants have what they want. Mr. Mer chant, we are in noway connec ted with the Enterprise-Gazette nor are we in any way interested in any business in Senoia, other than a desire to see Senoia pros per and grow to be one of the best towns in Georgia, but its up to you to sav whether the bus iness of your town and county will be done through the mail or der houses or at home. Advertise and get your share of the busi ness, refuse and watch the mail carriers haul merchandise to the patrons by the wagon load. Until this is done* Mr. Editor, you had just as well quit your lambasting and induce your bus iness men to join youdn a slogan, “Boost Senoia or Bust!” —A Farmer, in Senoia Enterprise-Ga zette. Tlm QmMm That Dms Not Affoct Tho Hood Became of it* tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE it better than ordinary Quinine and doea not cauae nervouaneaa nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look for the aignature of E. W. GROVE. 25c "CASCARETS” FOR A COLO, BAD BREATH SICA HEADACHE Best for liver and bowels, for biliousness, sour stomach and constipation Get a 10-cent box now. Furred Tongue, Bad Colds, In digestion, Sallow Skin and Mis erable Headaches come from a clogged bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with un digested food, which ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That’s the first step to untold misery—indigestion, foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horrible and nauseating. A Cascaret to night will give you constipated bowels a thorough cleansing and straighten you out bv morning. They work while you sleep—a 10- cent box from your druggust will keep you feeling good for months Millions of men and women take a Cascaret now and then to keep their stomach, liver and bowels regulated, and never know a mis erable moment. Don’t forget the children—their little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. REGISTERED CATTLE TO COMPETE FOR CASH PRIZE Registerd dairy cattle of all breeds will compete for prizes at the Butts County Fair, the asso ciation having provided a special prize for registered dairy cows. This prize is $5.00, and it is likely there will be several entries as Butts county has a number of pure bred dairy cows of the va rious breeds. When the premium list was made up no prize was offered for registered cattle. However, it was decided best to offer this prize, as a number of cattle men expressed a wish to enter only registered animals. Announcement of this prize is sure to witness some lively com petition. The live stock show this year will be bettter than ever and more entries are being prom ised each day. Leverett’s Barber Shop # Wants your business. We work well experienced men, and to that end our aim is to please everybody. Special attention given to childrens hair cut. Give me a trial. J. A. LEVERETT, Proprietor Jenkins’ Old Stand Jackson, Georgia *, tttttttt HAM & CARTER CO. Agents JACKSON, GEORGIA Good Shows For Fair Week Some good shows have been secured for the Butts County Fair. These consist of a shoot ing gallery, confetti and novel ties. Other contracts are out and the committee hopes to have sev eral other acceptances. The committee on attractions has worked under a severe han dicap. In the first place there are no fair grounds where ad mission could be charged and con sequently no large shows could be signed. Then too several oth er fairs will observe the same dates as Jackson. A further fact is that not many big shows have come South yet. This committee has worked faithfully to get some clean, first class attractions for the fair and visitors are assured that the con cessions signed will measure up to a high standard. How an Engineer Keeps Well Railroad engineers are more ex posed to catching cold than other workers. K. G. Dunaphant of Mon ette, Mo., has rnu a Frisco engine 26 years and all the mediciu-) he has taken is Foley’s Honey and Tar He writes: I always keep it in my house and reccomend it to all who have a bad cough or cold.”—The Owl Pharmacy. ad v. Go To HURT & THAXTON’S Barber Stiop For Service. Jackson, Ga. GET OUR PRICES before buying Laths, Shingles, Sash, Doors, and Blinds or Mill work Will make vou Interesting Figures Crisp County Lumber Cos. Cordele, Georgia