The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, October 22, 1915, Image 6

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YOU CAN'T TINO ANY :u DANDRUFF, AND HAIR STOPS COMING OUT Save your hair! Make it thick, wavy, glossy and beautiful at once Try as you will, after an appli cation of Danderine you cannot find a single trace of dandrrff or falling hair and your scalp will not itch, but what will please you most, will be after a tew week’s use. when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yes—but really new hair—grow ing all over the scalp. A little Danderine immediately doubles the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, just moisten a cloth with Danderine and care fully draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time The effect is immediate and am azing—your hair will be light wa vy and fluffy, and have the ap pearanceof abundance, an incom parable lustre, softness and lux uriance, the beauty and shim mer of true hair health. Get a 25 cent bottle of Knowl ton’s Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter, and prove that your hair is as pretty and soft as any —that it has been neg lected or injured by careless treatment. A 25-cent bottle will double the beauty of your hair. Some people think certain citi zens are about as bad as the boll weevil. But wont it be awful to have both? FINEST l AT LOWEST PRICES We do not i harste one penny more than the price we advertise. ONE f>RICE B££g E Best Gold Crowns . Bridge Work . . O yl I* y Fi Jp./ 1 * Painless Method. Skillful Operators of years’ experience. VV will pay yoar rail road far to Atlanta if your Work amountt to as much at $lO. One Price Dental Office, 106' . Whitebill Si Cor. Mitchell, Adapts, G. Boils and Pimples Dangerous S. S. S. Your Remedy Standard For Fifty Yew Modem science has proven that boils and carbuncles, pimples and un sightly akin blotches, are the danger signals of diseased blood. Scaly skin and Itching of Eceema, Scrofula, rashes —all skin diseases are aggravated by bad blood —It's the infected blood that's dangerous. Doa’t wait for the bolls. If you have pimples and blotches, take instant action. Phnples tell you that your blood la filled with Impurities. You must wash out your Mood, strengthen and stimulate It to healthy actio* with Nature's own blood tonic, S. S. S. It Is the standard blood purifier of tbs world. Don’t use any drags) don't use ointments and salve*. S. S. S. reaches the blood, drive* out the Impurities. It make* healthy pewtptemtion—the poison Is literally sweated out through the skin. Boils, blotches. Be®**** and the Screfula In dications disappear. It does what satires and lotions can never do—ft goes to the very not of the trouble by reaching the blood. Tour skin become* clear and you soon feel the vigw of the ret tarn of perfbst S. S. S. Is purely vegetable Yen can get * at any druggist's, but yoa mwrt take S. S S. Let us tell yos about Wood diseases. Write for book of facta, '“What the Mirror Telia." K yonns is a lbag teaadtag asm, write ter tapes* advice to 8. &. S. Cos,, JMfwnte, Ok. A SURE ENOUGH BARGAIN (►<’ 9 V' .. *• *'.*■ * W * 90 Acres, 1 1- 1 miles from Jaokson. at 3 bargain. Terms. ! / L , v;; \ 1 485 acres out ii west Butt* vV II se I for 5 16 00 an acre. Two small farms in Henry county, judt over the line Butts, one 70 acres and 50 acres will sell at a bargain Houses to Sell and Rent in Jacksdn. v . Ijdoney tojldm on first-class real estate. J. B.OUTHRIE REALTY COMPANY. Real Estate and Renting Agents. Harkness Building, Jackeon, Georgia. SOME BENEFITS OF SMITH-LEVER FUNDS Andrew M. Soule, President Georgia State College Of Agriculture In that section of south Georgia where the boll weevil has so unex pectedly appeared, there Is much work to be done to lead cotton farmers into raising other crops and to Instruct them In the best method* of cotton production under those conditions. It is therefore, very gratifying to the farmers and business men of that sec tion to find that just such service is provided through the Smith-Lever funds. With these funds experts can be employed to go among the farmers and render the very practical help that is needed. The roreaighted farm er knows by this time what he may expect from the boll weevil. This type of farmer is, therefore, ready to be advised. The backward and unpro gressive farmer will not believe that the boll weevil will harm him until the harm is done, but eventually he will be very willing to receive advice a* to what he must do. Smith-Lever funds have been instru mental in saving hundreds of thou sands of dollars’ worth of hogs during the past year, through the demonstra tion agents inducing the farmers to u-e ctiolera serum and by the agents themseives applying it. Tire agents, of course, are supported in part by Smith Lever funds. All that the county demonstration agents have done to advance farming in Georgia, all that they have saved the farmer not only with cholera se rum, but by spraying for the destruc tion of insect and fungous pests and cattle tick eradication; all that they have saved in regard to the use of fertilisers; the better crops they have demonstrated can be made by improv ed methods of cultivation; the improv ed and labor saving machinery tftey have been instrumental in introducing; the pure-bred animals they have brought into the state; the cere&l crops they have led the farmers to cultivate, the legumes, the fruits, the truck -all the millions of dollars they have saved or created is only a very small - iota of what the state pays for it tferdtigh the. s'inith-Lever funds. In addition there are the boys’ corn clubs, the girls’ canning clubs, the pig clubs, poultry clubs, four-crop clubs, the domestic science work. Besides there are the field experts that travel from the College doing work In demonstrating in cereals, fer tilisers and methods of cultivation on various soil types; experts also in beef production, dairying and hog cholera control. For every dollar that the state puts up for projects of the Smith-Lever funds, it- gets another dollar from the United States treasury, in amounts that increase gradualy till the full limit is reached. None of the money can be used for teaching pur poses. It must be spent out among the farmers. It is, therefore, the farmers’ money. CALOMEL SALIVATES AND MAKES YOU SICK Adts like dynamite on a Sluggish liver and you lose a day’s work There’s no reason why a per son should take sickening, sali vating calomel when 50 cents buys a large bottle of Dodson’s Liver Tone—a perfect substitute for calomel. It is a pleasant, vegetable li quid which will start your liver just as surely as calomel, but it doesn’t make you sick and can not salivate. Children and grown folks can take Dodson’s Liver Tone, be cause it is perfectly harmless. Calomel is a dangerous drug. It is mercury and attacks your bones. Take a dose of nasty cal omel today and you will feel weak, sick and nauseated tomor row. Don’t lose a day’s work. Take a spoonful of Dodson’s Liv er Tone instead and you will wake up feeling great. No more bil iousness. constipation, sluggish ness, headache, coated tongue or sour stomach. Your druggist says if you don’t find Dodson’s Liver Tone acts better than hor rible calomel your money is wait ing for you. ad. None fresher. Joyner’s, About a year ago—you will re ,<■* * , i 'j-K.: member—there was a lot said about establishing markets for grain, hay, live stock, etc., and farmers were told to diversify. So they did. But where are the markets? About the only thing a man can sell to advantage around here is cotton and a lot of cotton markets are a disgrace to the communities. BRONCHIAL GOLD Yields To Delicious Vinol Philadelphia, Pa.—" Last Fall I was troubled with a very severe bronchial cold, headaches, backache, and sick to my stomach. I was so bad I became alarmed and tried several medicines, also a doctor, but did not get any relief. A friend asked me to try Vinol and it brought the relief which I craved, so now I am enjoying perfect health.” — Jack C. Singleton. We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic without oil, for chronic coughs, colda and bronchitis. Woods-Carmichael Book & Drug Company, Jackson. Ga The boll weevil may be a myth but bet some people will change their minds when the pest hits this section. Eatmor Bread. Machine Wrapped. Joyner’s. Best. Go To HURT & THAXTON’S Barber Shop For Firdt-Ciass Service. Jackson, Ga. Cut This Outf it Is Worth Money ■ . . ; ;V ;> . • '**&■ Cut out this aavtMfteßSent, i onclpf 5 ft uU to Toley * Cos.. 2 m Sfcemoid Avc-, Chicago, 111* Writing your uair. • find adawe clearly. Y&uwm- fr ceirc in return a trial packageco-n taitir.g: y - tor coughs, colds, croup, whoop*tg cough, tightness and *soreness ’ta chest, gTippe' and bronchial coughs;.'-. C) Foley Kidney Tills, for oviifr ■worked and disordered kidneys •$ Vilyider ailments, pain in aides a>s# vaok dun- Kidney TroobU., aoi* &hscTV*7‘ca* rtovumufism/' tittuc> fir Cathartic Tablets, a wholeso -e and thoroughly cleansing cathartic. Especially comforting to stou- persons, and a purgative needed 1 v everybody with sluggish bowels end torpid liver. You can try these three family remedies for only sc. THE OWL PHARMACY gggggggg HAM & CARTER CO. Agents JACKSON, GEORGIA Good Profits From A Ga. Stock Farm President Andrew M. Soul*. Georgia State College of Agriculture The Georgia State College of Ajpb culture is operating a livestock faftfi at Athens, Georgia, the total receipt# from which during fiscal year ending June 80, 1915, amounted to $10,1T3,fi6. This is slightly less than the receipts for 1914, when they amounted to $lO,- 355.46, a decrease due entirely to the low price received for the cotton and cotton seed produced on the farm. The farm consists of 240 acres under cultivation, 163 head of livestock com prised of beef oattle, horses and mules, dairy cattle and hogs and necessary farm equipment. The farm is not very fertile Eight years ago it was a run down north Georgia farm, with gullies, and had a low state of fertility. It has been gradually enriched by proper farm methods until it. is now consid erably above the average in fertility— an enrichment largely due to livestock. It is estimated by conservative judges of farm values that the land has been increased in value by improvement of soil fertility alone as much as $25 per acre. The gross receipts mentioned above, as $10,335.46, paid all expenses and left a net profit of more than $6,000. The dairy side of the enterprise made a handsome profit, the gross income from the herd during the year 1914-15 -was $6,552.60, more than half of which was a net profit. MILK FLOW LOST WHEN PASTURE FAILS CAN NOT BE RESTORED W. H. Howeil, Field Agent in Dairying, Georgia State College Of Agriculture The failing of the pasture m the fall will cause the dairyman and farmer serious loss if he does not fortify against it with supplemental feed. The cow that is allowed to fall off in milk flow because of a lack of feed will not come hack to her original flow’. Some of the grasses lose’some of their feed value toward the end of their sea son, and while appearing to be suffi ciently abundant, fact, fall far short of providing the cew what she needs. If there is any late green corn or other late growing plant available, cut some of it and feed to the cow, adding a petrad of cotton seed meal for each five pdtind* of milk. When grfeea feed fails, *f eo6re, sttege is the best substkutfe, Ita't) t* Ihe &bseace of that, plenty of good roughage and the proper amount hi eonedhtrsites should become assailable a* soon as there is evidence tea taking of the pasture. Row to be efficient X.'ihii u saps the vitality like kid ii.y tiendne . stiff jointr, sore muscles, • ulv\ - ip rtl” feeling, rheumatism • n.i ill*. To b** efficient, yon mut lie healthy. Kb ley Kidney Pill.. -ir> oifliiken tlu* kidneys. help rlif in t. to do their work of flltning on" from ’lie system the waste mat r<*r tto*r causes Hie trouble. The .Owl Pharmacy.adv ■- i — u, —„ * N Putts county never does-things by halves. This applies also to county fairs. I.f * if*• *ii t-r Sa. * • *v* Serv-ustfrUfidS,. elc trades —Rolled Oats—Cocoanut, other items— in —134. Jfhe success of the dairy herd is not pUhnomenal, in the sense that it is sb tWUsual that only a few can hope to ae- COmplish it. The herd of Jersey and Holstein cattie has been gradetejy bliirt up. In 1OT? there were 18 oowe The gross return per cow was the© $86.40. The herd now numbers 3(1 cows with a gross income per cow co' $193.01. The increase Is due to breeding and feeding. Pure bred sires have bee® economically bought as calves, and by the use of the pore bred sires the qual ity of the herd .has been increased, al though has been a gradual intro duction of pure bred females whose descendants vHn gradualy displace all other animals and make a herd of purlbreds only. The transformation from a mongrel herd to a pure bred is. being accomplished at the least ex pense. The promts from the herd would permit even a quicker ooover sion of the herd to a pure bred basis if all of the money had been turned in that direction. Some of the pure bred calves are being sold to farmers for the sake of building up dairy herds in various parts of the state. No trouble is experienced m raising on the farm all that is required for feeding the livestock. Of course there are silos, and hay, oats, ootton seed meal, etc. SEPTIC TANK FOR THE FARM HOUSE Prcf. L. C. Hart, Department of Frrm. Mechanics, Ga. St. Col. Of Agr. The Department of Farm Mechanics of the College of Agriculture has fin ished a design for a septi* tank to be built of terracotta pipe, and arrange ments have been made with nwomfac turers of this cftass of goods to sf>- ply an outfit complete. The only in formation needed is the •'timber of peo ple in the family and the class ef soil the drainage beds are to be placed k>. No more sanitary way has been dis covered for the disposal of dreunag* and sewage than by the use of fib* septic tank. The cost for a faiwtty of from 4 t 6 should be abotft S3O to $35 f*r cfee material needed! There is sobbing complicated in tbe instalfefcioa and the work can all he done by tee pur chaser. The College at Agrtoutounq, tfarougb ite Department te r 'ti& Mtebattc*, will send blue palate to any ®ne ap plying for tbe**, tftKr#fbg nwtfcods of, installation. A good time to plan for a big ger and better Butts county fair f0r1916. Preacher Was Laid Up Rev. V. Mi Knighton; H&vanha, Fla., writes: ‘For three Months I suffered intense pain in the kidneys ami back whieh a* times lfcfd nib up entirely.- J peed l% botr.].es of Foley Kidney pifl ami all the pain disap peared. I*l feel HS if 20 yeaVs had been added to my life.”'RtfieVes rheumatism. backache, sore muscles stirf jot ii t—. The Owl Pharmacy, adv EibttyV Mfnce Meat some class to it—so fresh. . Joyners—l34-.