The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 12, 1915, Image 8

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KEEP LIVER ACTIVE 10 BOWELS CLEAN WITH "GASCARETS” Best when bilious, sick, headachy, constipated, or for bad breath or sour stomach Be cheerful! Clean up insides tc-nis lit and feel fine. TakeCa>- Crirets to liven your liver and clean the bowels and stop head ache-;. a bad cold, biliousness, of fensive breath, coated tongue sal low ness. sour stomach and gas ses. To night Lakecascarets and enjoy • | n* nices\ gentlest liver and 1) >w.-l r causing y >u ever ex perienced Wake up feeling grand —Even bod'-’s doing if. Oascar eis best laxative for children al so. Cake baking time—get the goods to put in it at Joyner’s. Phone 134. t DRINK Chero-Cola ©Hfiolegome 0 X Always served V , ... j\ in the original \. C f% bottle with the label on it % gs2k§s99s^ FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Program for Sunday. Nov. 14 11 a. m. The pastor will preach. Subject: “Wisdom from Heav en”. 7:30 p. m. “A sermon to Wo men—A Woman who saved a Kingdom.” The Bible School at 9:30 a. m. 3 p. m. The Young Peoples Union. The Ga. Baptist Convention This bod/ will meet in Fitzger ald next Tuesday—The Pastor and other members of the church will attend. This week the women arc in session in Savannah Ga. See the notice of the sale of the old church building. It is a big opportunity for someone to get a lot of uood material cheap. ! We are Going to Make Next Week a Great Event in The Shoe Department Besides showing a great line of Good Shoes to our customers at Low Prices, we are going to have on display the Large Shoe that many of >ou saw on display at the State Fair at Macon. Thous ands of people from all over the state guessed at the size of this mammoth shoe and a Butts county lady guessed nearer the size of it than any other lady in the state and we are to give her the pair of shoes the J. K. Orr Shoe Company has in This lucky lady is Mrs. Mary A. Bohanan. We will ■. have the large shoe on display here next week, beginning Mon day, Nov. 15, and we will allow any and all to guess at the size of this shoe and to the man or woman guessing nearest to the size we will give A $4.00 pair of Shoes Free It costs nothing to guess. Come try for a Free Pair of Shoes. j|jgp ■ v■* ft, -• jKf II' A CONSERVATIVE STYLE For the conservative man, made of Vici kid on a NJjy \ good sensible last. We carry them in E and EE Jgfaf ..... ~ " f widths and in three grades J. $3.50, $4.00 and $5.50 C * DON’T FAIL To come to our “Shoe Week” Buy a few pairs of shoes and guess at the size of the largest shoe in the state. You may get A. JPAJf?. FREE WORTHVILLE. Mr. and Mrs Marion Duke and children, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Duke. Mesdames G. W. White and W A. Aiken spent Saturday at snap ping Shoals. Prof. H. P. Thomas spent the week-end at home. Messrs. Kenney Wilson, \\ alter Duke, Robert White and J. H. | Pope spent Saturday in Jackson. Mr. W. M. Chambers, Master Notice the many points of su periority in this greatwork shoe AT $3.00 This is one of the styles like k fV/ the cut open ( \ \®?( shoe. The best value on \ . \ the market FOR $3.00 For the IRS YOUNG MAN Who cares to dress well and at the same time want comfort $3.50 to $6.00 ETHERIDGE, SMITH 6 CO. Jackson, Georgia Harold Chambers, Misses Bessie and Kathleen Chambers and Cleo Washington attended the fair in Macon. Misses Jewel Mae Aiken and Lilibel Smith spent the week-end at home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith spent the week-end with rela tives in Henry. Mrs. Hubbard Standard spent the week-end with relatives in Conyers. Mr. M. A. Benson spent Satur dav in Jackson. Messrs. Arthur McClure, Sam Cook, Misses Lessie Stodghill and La Rue Pope motored to For syth Sunday. Mesdames J. J. Hammond and W. A. Aiken spent Monday in Jackson. Mr. Kenney Wilson spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Reete ' Wilson. Blue Stone at Woods- Carmichael.