The Jackson progress-argus. (Jackson, Ga.) 1915-current, November 19, 1915, Image 10

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HIS TREATMENT IS REMARKABLE SAYS CAPTAIN PATTY Ex-Passenger Agent for Northern Pacific Discus ses Former Trouble Nearly everybody in Knoxville, especially railroad people, know Captain F. S. Patty, for 12 years district passenger agent for the Northern Pacific railroad, with local offices in Chattanooga and general offices in St. Paul. Minn. On account of generally failing health Captain Patty was forced to discontinue active work and for the past few years has been making his home in Knoxville, where he numbers his friends by his acquaintances. He is a kind, genial gentleman and beloved by all who know him. The follow ing interesting statement was made by him in person to the Tanlac representative: “I am 69 years old and always enjoyed good health up to about six vears ago, wften I suffered a nervous breakdown and mv gen eral health gradually failed me. “My principal trouble was indi gestion and catarrh, but my whole system seemed to be out of shape. My condition finally got so bad I couldn’t sleep at night and always after eating I would suffer so from indigestion and heartburn that I felt just like theN* was a coal of fire in my stomach. My hearing and vision were also affected. I consulted several doctors here in Knoxville and other cities and they helped me considerably and I finally got so I could go around, but some how I just couldn’t feel right and could not sleep at night, which made me awfully nervous, and nothing I would eat seemed to agree with me. “I began reading about this Tanlac when you first came here but did not decide to try the med icine until I talked with a friend of mine who had actually used it. He said it was the best thing he had ever taken, and that was sufficient proof for me. “I have just finished the first bottle and came here this morn ing not only to buy the second bottle but to tell you just what it has done for me. I began en joying my meals from the first few doses. My nervousness is gone and I can sleep like a child and always wake up ready for breakfast and feeling refreshed. lam very fond of onions, but was almost afraid to eat them, because they always disagreed with me so; I could taste them for hours afterward. I ate one for dinner the other day and it agreed with me perfectly and I felt no bad after effects whatso ever. I tell you I am beginning to feel like a different man and am always going to keep this Tanlac on hand. It has done me more good than anything else in the medicine line I have ever ta ken. I certainly do recommend it to my friends. It is really remnrkable.” Tanlac is sold in Jackson exclu sively by Slaton Drug Cos. (adv) Death of Infant The infant of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Pope, living near Mt. Vernon church died Friday morning of last week, of diptheria. Short funeral services were held at thf* grave Saturday morning at 11 o’clock. Dr. Robert Van Deventer officiating. BUTTS COUNTY MAN SECRETARY Headquarters of Farmers’ Union to Butts J. H. MILLS ELECTED Convention in Douglas Week Re-Elected J. J. Brown President — Good Reports Heard Mr. J. H. Mills, of Jenkins burg, was elected secretary and treasurer of the Georgia division of the Farmers’ Union, at the meeting in Douglas last week. He succeeded Fred Rickertson, of Douglas. The election of Mr. Mills likely means that the state headquarters will be removedd from Douglas to Jenkinsburg, as the home office usually follows the residence of the secretary. State president J. J. Brown wds re-elected for another year. A number of important business matters were transacted during the convention. Delegates from 120 counties were present. Na tional president C. S. Barrett was among the prominent visitors in attendance upon the convention. PLOW HANDLES HAS A GOOD YEAR WITH POTAIOES We are done sowing wheat and oats, havepicked peasand gather ed corn and in a few days will be through picking cotton. And then we will begin to harvest the potato crop. And, by the way, I will have 500 bushels of potatoes to put on market. I planted three acres this year in potatoes. How will that do as a start on diversification? We just decided to throw this out as a feeler, and now we invite the chamber of commerce, and the commercial world generally to help me find a market for them. I expect to take a week off and dig and hill them and when I get them hilled if any one wants a bushel or any number of bushel* just write or phone me. My phone number is 2613. My price is one dollar per Dushel. It makes no difference how high the price goes $1 a bushel is all I want, and if I can realize SSOO out of my potato crop I wont be as far from Tipparary as some people might suppose. We are just simply pleased to see how the farmers are planting small grain and if we will all plant a big crop of corn next spring, next May when- we ride out to church we can look across the hills far away and see the grain fields waving in the spring time gale like billows and then we can all sing these words: “When springtime comes a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.” Plow Handles. MUSTANG For Sprains, Lameness, Sores, Cuts, Rheumatism Penetrates and Heals . Stops Pain At Once For Man and Beast 25c. 50c. sl. At All Dealers. LINIMENT FINANCIAL STATEMENT OF J. A. McMICHAEL, Treasurer Of the City of Jackson for the Quarter Ending October 3 ' School Fund RECEIPTS Hal from last quarter $ 62 89 Aug 6 Water & Light Fund.. 200 00 Oct 25 W H Wilson, advalorem tax 178 66 $441 55 Voucher DISBURSEMENTS Aug 4 30 Sou Railway Cos $ 76 00 31 J H Bankston 10 00 6 32 Henry McMichael 1 50 9 33 Sou Railway Cos 72 20 12 34 Henry McMichael 1 50 35 Frank Cheney 1 00 20 36 I* C Saunders 29 50 27 37 .1 L Lyons 78 Kept 1 : 58 Dempsey Hardware Co__ 8 45 16 39 Jackson Nat Bank, f’ght and dray 42 45 25 40- P C Saunders 4 68 Oct 27 43 J L Wagner & Son 26 50 28 45 Proctor Coal Co._ 76 00 30 46 Will Hainil 1 25 $351 81 Bal 89 74 $441 55 Water and Light Fund RECEIPTS Bal from last quarter!..s 874 53 Aug 19 W H Wilson C. T. C. water and light collections 750 00 Sept 15 W H Wilson U T C water and light collections 800 00 25 Kimbell & Ivinard , 21 60 Oct 15 W H Wilson 800 00 X $3246 13 Voucher DISBURSEMENTS Aug 1 117 Payroll employees $ 50 00 2 118 Butts Lumber Cos 3 74 119 Thurston & Harper... 1 50 4 120 Freight 3 20 5 121 Westingh’se Lamp Cos 5 58 6 122 School Fund 200 00 7 123 Payroll labor 10 87 11 124 Express 53 125 General Fire Extin Cos. 34 99 14 126 Payroll employees 95 00 127 Payroll labor 8 70 17 128 Central Ga Power Cos. 416 66 21 129 Payroll labor 3 75 23 130 Freight . 33 131 Sou Bell Telephone Cos 5 70 28 132 Payroll labor. 8 10 Sept 2 133 Payroll employees 50 00 4 134 Payroll labor 8 95 11 135 Payroll labor 7 50 15 136 Payroll employees 95 00 137 Central Ga Power Cos.. 416 66 18 138 Payroll labor 8 00 21 139 Macon Railway C 0... 161 50 22 140 Sou Bell Tel Cos •_ 6 06 141 Dempsey Hdw r e C 0... 3 30 23 142 P’burg Plate Glass Cos. 67 50 25 143 Payroll labor 8 00 27 144 Westingh’se Elec Cos.. 141 03 145 Western Electric Cos.. 30 54 Nov 1 146 Payroll employees 50 00 2 147 Thurston & Harper... 1 00 148 Dempsey Hdw Cos 2 98 149 Payroll labor. 10 75 150 O B Knowles 4 50 3 151 Butts Lumber Cos 8 47 4 152 Newton Car Hdw Cos.. 10 03 7 153 Gulf Refining Cos 10 29 8 154 Carter Electric Cos 60 71 9 155 Payroll labor 9 95 11 166 General Fire Extin Cos 2 43 13 157 Sou Railway Cos 1 27 15 158 Payroll employees 95 00 169 Central Ga Power Cos. 520 53 160 Payroll labor 10 55 161 Freight and express... 5 39 162 Payroll labor 3 50 TRY “CASCARETS” FOR LIVER ANO ROWELS F SICK BILIOUS Tonight! Clean your bow els and stop headache, colds, sour stomach Get a 10-cent box now. Turn the rascals out—the head ache, biliousness, indigestion, the sick, sour stomach and bad colds turn them out to-night and keep them out with Cascarets. | Millions of men and women | take aCascaret now and then and never know the misery caused by a lazy liver, clogged bowels, or an upset stomach. Don’t put in another day of dis tress. Let Cascarets cleanse vour stomach ;remove the sour, fermen ting food; take the excess bile from your liver and carry out all the constipated waste matter and poison in the bowels. Then you will feel great. A Cascaret to-night straightens you out by morning. They work while you sleep. A 10-cent box from any drug store means a clear head, sweet stomach and clean, healthy liver and bowel action for months. Children love Cascarets because they never gripe, or sicken. DOCTORS FIND PELLAGRA CURE (Continued from page 1) under observation from February 4th to April 9th, two and a half months, on which date the one sided diet was begun. Although the occurrence of nervous symptoms and gastroin testinal disturbances was noted early, it was not until September 12th, or about five months after the beginning of the restricted diet, that the skin symptoms so characteristic of pellagra began to develop. No cases of pellagra developed in camp excepting among those men who were on the restricted diet* The experi menters have therefore drawn the conclusion that pellagra has been caused in at least six of the eleven volunteers as a result of the one-sided diet on which they subsisted. The Quinine Tint Does Not Affect The Head Because of it? tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE is better than ordinary Quinine and does not cause nervousness nor ringing in head. Remember the full name and look lor the signature oi E. W. GROVE. 25c. 28 163 Freight 29 164 Crane Cos 21 18 29 165 Payroll labor 15 00 $2696 51 Bal 549 62 3246 13 General Fund RECEIPTS Bal from last quarter $ 93 87 Aug 19 W H Wilson business tax.. 43 00 Sewer bond fund 250 00 30 DM Thornton fine 500 Sept 15 W H Wilson CTC busi tax 68 50 Oct 1 W H Wilson CTC street tax 63 00 W H Wilson CT C busi tax 65 00 5 W D Pope fines 50 00 11 Lum Cheney 300 25 - W H Wilson adv tax 85 13 $726 50 Voucher DISBURSEMENTS Aug 2 160 D M Thornton $6O 00 161 Thurston & Harper 415 4 162 Ham & Carter Cos 190 163 Carmichael Mallet Cos. 14 75 7 164 F M Hodges 200 165 John Jackson 760 14 166 W D Pope 60 00 167 Will Hamil 100 168 F M Hodges 17 50 169 John Jackson 750 16 170 B T Knowles 14 00 17 171 J A McMichael 45 00 19 172 W D Pope 60 00 21 173 John Jackson 710 23 174 Sou Bell Tel Cos 408 26 175 F M Hodges.. 15 00 27 176 B T Knowles 400 28 177 John Jackson 700 Sept 1 178 W D Pope 60 00 179 R Gunter 500 180 Owl Pharmacy. 130 4 181 John Jackson.. 700 6 182 OB Knowles 800 11 183 John Jackson 700 18 184 F M Hodges 15 00 185 Will Hamil 200 186 John Jackson 700 21 187 J W Finley 975 22 188 Sou Bel Tel Cos 300 189 Dempsey Hdw Cos 345 25 190 John Jackson 700 Oct 1 191 C H Harrison 50 00 2 192 John Jackson 890 4 193 J A Kimbell 75 5 194 W D Pope ... 60 00 9 195 John Jackson 700 16 196 John Jackson 700 197 J A McMichael 45 00 23 198 John Jackson 795 199 Dave Slaughter 450 25 200 F M Hodges 15 0O 27 201 George Brooks 450 30 202 John Jackson 700 203 Dave Slaughter.. 150 $687 18 • Bal.. 39 32 $726 50 Interest and Sinking Fund Bal from last quarter $139 96 Oct 25 W H Wilson.... 161 02 $3OO 98 Sewer Bond Fund Bal from last quarter $B7l 65 Voucher DISBURSEMENTS Aug 7 4 Billie Flemister .$ 100 19 5 General fund 250 00 $251 00 Bal 620 55 $B7l 65 71 new Coat Suits by ex press, late factory close out purchase. This is the sale and event you have been waiting for. Don’t miss this. $7.75, $8.50, $9.75 and $12,501 Worth more than double. Etheridge, Smith & Cos. CURED BOY OF CROUP Nothing frightens a mother more than the loud hoarse cough of croup. Labored breathing, strangling, cho king and gasping for breath demand instant action. Mrs. T. Neureuer, Eau Claire, Wis., says: “Foleys Honey and Tar cured my boy of eroup after other remedies failed.” Reccommen ded for coughs and colds.—The OwL Pharmacy, adv PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The minister, Rev. I. H. Miller, will preach at II a. m. Subject: “Jonah and the Whale,” and their successors in office. At 7p. m. Connecting links of Sunday school lesson. Come. Blue Stone at Woods- Carmichael.